HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-12-17 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held
at the Office Building of said County on the 17th day of December, 1952.
Present: Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. H. Bain, H. Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith, J. W. Willial
and W. W. Wood.
Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. E. H. Bain.
Ninutes of the meeting of November 19, 1952 were read and approved and minutes of the meeting
of November 3 we~e again read, discussed and were approved.
Newspaper notice regarding Henrico County was presented and the County Executive stated the
substance contained might well apply to Albemarle County.
Nr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, Submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Department
of Finance for the month of November, 1952, one-third of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion,
duly made and seconded, this S~atement was examined, verified and approved.
Nr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's
Office for the month of November, 1952, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion,
duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of EXPenses of the Commonwealth
Attorney's Office for the month of November, 1952, one-half of which to be borne by the State. Upon
motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved.
Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail f~r the month of
November, 1952, along with a Summary Statement of Prisoner Days, was submitted. Upon motion, duly made
and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved.
Claim of Dr. Richsrd T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, for the month of November in the amount
of $15.00 was presented, and upon motion, made by Nr. Wood and seconded by Nr. Nain, was approved for
Reports of the Department of Public Welfare were presented in accordance with Section ~071
of the 1950 Ac~s of the General Assembly.
Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital for care of indigent patients from Albemarle
County was presented in the amount of $612J0, one,half of which is due by the County. Upon motion,
made byNr. Williams and seconded by Nr. Wood, this claim was approved for payment.
Upon motion, made by Nr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Wood, the following resolution was
unanimously adopted:
BE iT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that~175,000.O~ be and is hereby transferred from the Special School
Capital Outlay Fund to the Central High School Gonstruction FU~do
Cosmunications were received from the State Compensation Board confirming requests for salari~
expenses for the calendar year 1953 for the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office and the Commonw
wealth~s Attorney's Office.
Statement was received from the State Health Department for dental services rendered in the
County schools during the ~iscal year July l, 1951 to June 30, 1952 in the amounts of $939.85 and
$616.71 for white and colored children~ respectively. Upon motion, made by Nr. Bain and seconded by ~r.
Wood, this claim was approved fo~ payment.
Nr. J. W. Williams proposed for passage an ordinance governing parking of motor vehicles on
the grounds and other areas of the University of Virginia. Nr. Williams Perkins, Attorney, appeared
and spoke on behalf of the University of Virginia and in favor of said ordinance. The Clerk re~d to the
Board the notice published in the Daily Progress in accordance with the law, advising of the Board's
intent to pass such an ordinance, and also read a resolution received from the Board of Visitors and
a commuuication from the Rector of the University of Virginia, all of which were ordered filed. Upon
Mr. J. W.- Williams and ~r. W. W. Wood. Noes - None.
BE IT ORDAIi~ED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that on the
17th day of December, 1952, as follows:
It shall be unlawful for any motor vehicle or any other vehicle operated by any person on the
roads, streets, alleys, grounds and other areas within the boundaries of the University of Virginia to:
(1) Park or stop in any driveway so as to block the use of said driveway by others;
(2) Park or stop within 15 feet of any fire hydrant within said area;
(3) Park or stop closer to a corner than is indicated to be lawful by signs or
marks upon the road or curb;
(&) Park or stop within any bus zone as indicated by signs or marks upon road or
(52 Park or stop a vehicle with its left side to a curb except upon on~-way
streets and roads;
(6) Park or stop a vehicle within a marked cross walk;
(7) Park or stop with vehicle more than 12" from curb~
(8) Park or stop on angle to curb where parallel parking is indicated;
(9) Park or stop abreast of another~ vehicle parallel with the curb, "Do~ole
(10) Park or stop within any ~oading zone as indicated by signs or marks upon
road or curb;
(ll) Park or stop within any zone indicated by sign or marks upon road or curb
as a no parking sone;
(12) Park a motor vehicle unattended with its motor running;
(l~) Park or stop a vehicle for a period longer than is indicated as per-
missive by signs or marks upon the road or 'curb, '~Overtime Parking";
(l&) Park or stop on or upon any sidewalk;
(15) Park or stop in any fire lane marked or indicated as such;
(16) Park or stop upon grass unless such parking is indicated by sign as
(17) Park or stop within any zone or area d~signated by sign or signs as re-
served for restricted parking in violation~of the restrictions set forth
on such sign or signs.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be liable to a fine not
exceeding twenty dollars.
In addition to any fine that may be levied for violation of any provision of this ordinance,
any officer charged with the enforcement of this ordinance ~inding a vehicle standing upon a highway,
road or land in violation of the foregoing ~rovisions, is hereby empowered to move or cause such vehicle
to be moved at the cost of the owner thereof.
The President of the University of Virginia is hereby muthorized and directed to cause such
signs to be erected and such markings to be made upon the roads, curbs, sidewalks and grounds within
the boundaries or grounds of the University of Virginia as he may deem necessary and proper to carry out
the provisions of the foregoing ordinance.
This Ordinance shall be effective on and after January 5, 1953.
~irs. Wilbur A o Nelson and several other citizens appeared and presented a petition to the Board
recommending the restriction of billboards in Albemarle County, said petition being sponsored by the
an ordinance to restrict billboards, a referendum would have to be held.
Col. Henry B. Goodloe appeared regarding a tract of land containing 155 acres in the vicinity
of Miller School in the Samuel Miller Magisterial District which has been abandoned over a period of
years and has not been carried on the land books. He referred the Board to Section 41-8~ and ~1-88 of
the Code 0£ Virginia relative to the procedure which can be follow~.d~ by the Board in order to get this
land back on the land books. Mr. Downing L. Smith was requested to study the statute regarding this
matter and report back to the board at the next meeting upon motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Food.
Col. Goodloe also appeared and advised the Board that he had circulated questionairres in the
County regarding the possibility of a central registrar and the reduction of the number of precincts in
the County. He advised that the majority of the persons, questioned were in favor of a central registrar
and a smaller number of precincts. After a lengthy discussion of this matter, motion was made by Mr.
Williams and seconded by Mr. Harris, requesting the Chairman to appoint a committee to work with Col
Goodloe on this matter. Mr. NcCue appointed the following committee: Mr. Robert Harmon, Mr. Wiley
Beale, Mr. W. B. Maupin, Mr. A. G. Fray, Mr. Mercer Garnett, Jr~ Mr. Jack Page, Ool. Goodloe, Mrs.
James F. Cash, and Mr. D. A. Robinson.
Mr. Paul H. Calg, Supt. of Schools~ and Mr. J. T. Henley, Chairman of the School Board, ap-
peared and again requested that the Board of Supervisors recommend to the Highway Department the lowerin
of the road in front of the Central High School for the safety of egress of buses from the School. Mr.
V~. W. Shields, Highway Engineer, advised that the road would have to be lowered six to seven feet for a
distance of approximately four hundred feet and that funds would have to be shifted in the budget to
take care of this, which he estimated would cost $5,000.00. He further stated that the rights-of-way
of the land owners on the other side of this road sho~d be obtained by the School Board. Upon motion,
made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Williams, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle CoUnty,
Virginia~ that the Albemarle County School Board is hereby authorized to cooperate
with the Virginia Department of Highways in the matter of lowering the road in
front of the Albemarle Cozuuty Central High School~ and further, that this Board will
request the State Department of Highways to transfer funds in its 1952-5~ budget to
take care of this project.
Upon motion, made by Mr. E. H. Bain and seconded by Mr. J. W. ~Villiams, the following Reso-
lution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the
following Memorandum of Agreement be and is hereby accepted, subject to the City Council of the City of
Charlottesville being properly advised by the Airport Committee and subject to the CounCil's acceptance
of same:
1. Abandonments and Additions
The Board of Supervisors will request abandonment of all secondary roads that have to be replaced
due to the construction of said Airport and will also request additions of those sections of roads
which will be rebuilt due to the Airport construction. This to go through the regular procedure re-
garding additions and abandonments to the State secondary system.
2. Maintainin~ Traffic
The Board of Supervisors and/or the Airport Committee will assume responsibility for keeping traffi
on the present roads until the proposed ro~ds are constructed and open to traffic or to give said
traffic a detour on an all-weather surface, free of cost to the St~%e Highway Department.
3. R_~h~ of ¥~aZ
Sufficient right of way for construction of proposed roads (50' on main arteries with 30' on 606
~+.~ +.,~ ~ e,~-~ ~.~ ~.need where necessary, free of cost to the State Highway Department.
&. Obliterating Old Road Beds
Where the present road beds are abandoned they will be obliterated, without same is to be used as
parking space and in this case a proper entrance approved by the 8tare Highway Department will be made
to same. Macadam to be removed and banks to be sloped to prevent an unsightly condition. It is felt
that most all of these locations will be within the construction of air field proper and~ thereby will be
taken care of in the grading of the air field. Where outside of construction area, Board or Airport
Committee will assume cost of this work.
5. Construction of Necessary Roads in Kind to Replace Present Roads
Preparing of plans and the construction of all roads needed to replace the present roads will be the
duties of Board of Supervisors and/or joint Airport Committee. Plans to be approved by the State High-
way Department. Contract to be let by Board of Supervisors or joint Airport Committee.
It is further underztood that the Board of Supervisors and/or joint Airport Committee will assume the
total cost of locating and constructing the proposed roads so as to replace them in kind.
6. ~p~v~ment to Road Type~
If the State Highway Department sees the need for improving the present roads in bringing them to a
higher standard by widening of grading and surface, also using heavier Base, this additional cost will
be taken care of by the State Highway Department in the following way:
After plans and estimates of replacing the present roads in kind are completed the Highway Depart-
ment will determine the sections that should be of the higher type and will make plans and estimates
covering same.
The Board of Supervisors or joint Airport Committee will agree to ask for alternate bids, one cover-
ing the replacement in kind, the alternate including the higher type on the sections covered by plans
furnished by the State Highway Department, plus the remaining sections to be constructed in kind. The
difference in these bids would represent in dollar~and cents the portion that the State Highway Depart-
ment should meet to cover improvements and the Highway Department will assume that much of the work in
completing construction of roads.
It is felt, in order to get the most advantageous bid, the Board of Supervisors and/or Airport Com-
mittee in letting contract, should cover the grading and draining of all roads in accordance with the
alternate bid. The State Highway Department with their own forces or by contract will place the re-
quired base and surfacing. If the cost of placing base and surface is more than the difference between
the regular and alternate bids the Board of Supervisors and/or Airport Committee will reimburse the Stat~
Highway this d~fference, if the placing of base and surfacing is less than the difference between
regular and alternate bids, the State Highway Department will reimburse the Board and/or Airport Com-
mittee that amount.
7. Parkin~ Space
Off Stat~ Highway right of way parking spaces to be ~onstructed without cost to the State Highway
Department with connections to State Highway roads to be approved by the State Highway Department.
Communications were received from F~d C. Kimbo.
Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, again submitted the audit report of the County's
accounts and called the Board's attention to an error which he stated would have to be corrected. Actio~
on this report was deferred until the next meeting of the Board.
Mr. Alan Brum~, Daily Progress reporter, requested the Board's permission to r~uu a story on th~
proposed School Budget after the February Board Meeting of the School Board. He stated that he had con-
tacted the School Board regarding this matter and had been given permission subject to permission being
granted by this Board. Mr. E. ~. Smith suggested that this matter be discussed and acted upon at the
January Board meeting.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Cammann C. Duke for three lambs killed by
dogs. Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and Seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. D~ke was allowed a total or $60.00 fo~
the three lambs.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Lucy Maury Fowler for one hog killed by dogs.
Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Harris, Mrs. Fowler was allowed $34.50 for this hog.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. Guy A. Via for one ewe and one lamb
killed by dogs. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Bain, Mr. Via was allowed $25.00 each
for the ewe and lamb.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Percy R. Abell and th~ Home Insurance Company
for one ewe killed by dogs. Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded byMr. Wood, this claim was
allowed in the amount of $20.00.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. E. L. Bradley, Jr. for one ewe killed by
dogs. Upon motion, made by Nr. Harris and seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. Bradley was allowed $25.00 for
this ewe.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mrs. Louise Lamb for three hens, three
pullets and two rabbits killed by dogs. This claim was referred back to the Game Warden for further
investigation on the basis of insufficient evidence presented.
Claim agains the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. Lee Tyree for one pig killed by dogs.
Upoh motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Harris, Mr. Tyree was allowed $13.50 for this pig.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mrs. A. B. Dawson for twenty-six hens and
four turkeys killed by dogs. URon motion,~is claim was referred back to the Game Warden for further
investigation on the basis of insufficient evidence presented.
Mr. Harris approached Mr. N. G. Elliott,~'Game Warden, regarding his lack of appearance in the
County except when he received a definite call. Mr. Elliott stated that he visited different sections
of the county regularly but did not check for written permission from hunters unless the land owner h~d
asked his help. Mr. Robinson also presented a five year comparison of Dog Tax Fund collections and
expenditures. He suggested that the Board adopt a definite policy concerning work of the Game Wardens
and take the matter up with the State Game Commission. Mr. McCue appointed the following committee to
work on this matter: Messrs. W. W. Wood, ~ Ashby Harris and C. Purcell McCue.
The following report was received from Mr. J. W. Williams, Chairman of the Fire Protection
"In preparing the general report on the fire truck that i proposed for Albe-
marle County several months ago, I am attaching copies of letters received from Roanoke
County, Henrico County, and Augusta County with regard to their respective fire de-
partments. I will submit this report to the Board Wednesday.
From the above attached information we are in a much more favorable position
than any of the above mentioned counties in that we will be able to afford as much,
if not more, protection for a good deal less cost using the solution submitted last
In order to refresh your memory i will resubmit the proposal. First, we
should continue the $2400.00 annual appropriation, $1200.00 to the Crozet Volunteer
Fire Department and $1200.00 to the Scottsville Voluuteer Fire Department. In addition
to this, I recommend that the County purchase a fire truck that will carry a capacity
of approximately ~00 gallons of water. The truck is to be equipped with high pressure
pumps that produce a fog effect which according to fire fighting experts is much more
effective, and they say that using this method, 30 gallons of water is as effective
as 200 gallons through regular pres~mre. This is particularly desirable with rural
fires. In addition to the truck and necessary hose, which will cost approximately
~12,000.00, it is suggested that we hire two full-time firemen to be ~der the juris-
diction of the City Fire Department. These two men~s salaries will be app=oximately
$5200.00 annually. This is using a starting salary scale that the City now uses.
From an administrative standpoint, the $5200.00 should be paid directly to the City
and the City will actually pay the firemen as members of their payroll. There will
be other costs such as insurance, gas, tires, uniforms and other incidentals which
should not exceed $800.00.
In addition to the above mentioned items of cost, the City Manager of
Charlottesville has suggested that we build a garage on the rear of the City Fire
Hall to house the fire truck. It is estimated that this garage will cost between
$1200.00 and ~1500.00. To summarize the costs, it would be broken down as follows:
(1) Truck with necessary equipment (Approx.) $12,000.00
(2) Garage 1,500.00
(3) Salaries 5,200.00
(4) Insurance, uniforms, gas, tires & incidentals 800.O~
Total $19,500.00
Of the total $19,500.00, $13,500.O0 will be capital outlay which should be good for
fifteen years. $6.000.00 of the togal will be re-occurring expense plus the $2400.00
I have talked to the City Nanager and several members of the City Council
with regard to the above mentioned fire truck. The City manager feels that the City
Council will be glad to work out an arrangement with the County whereby the County
furnishes the truck and men as proposed, plus building the garage on the rear of the
present fire hall to house the said truck and have a reciprocity agreement where the
City will send its truck which is similar to the proposed truck into the County when
needed along with the County truck, and the City will feel free to requisition the
County truck in large fires when needed.
I ~ope that the Board will see fit to adopt this recommendation subject to
the~approval of the City Council.
Gentlemen, inclosing this report I would like to leave this thought with
you; that since the founding of t~s Country, two primary functions of any governing
body have been to furnish police protection and fire protection. We have the best
police protection that is available but insufficient fire protection.~
(Signed) J. W. Williams,
This report was discussed and Nr. Bain stated that this matter, in h~s opinion, was of sufficient im-
portance to have a public hearing on same. Upon motion, made by Nr. Bain and seconded Nr. Wood, it was
ordered that a public hearing be held on this matter in the Court House at 7:30 P.M~ on Wednesday~
January 7, 1953.
~r. Robinson presented letters of resignation received in the Department of Finance from
Nr. Wa~e g. W~kkheiser effective November 22, 1952 and from Mrs. Marjorie K. Johnson effective
December 27, 1952.
Nr. J. W. Williams reported that he had obtained shelves from Nr. C. E. Noran which could be
used for storing old record books in the attic.
Nr. Robinson presented to the Board a case of a County taxpayer who was penalized for late
filing of State Income tax return which was postmarked on Nay 2, 1952, and in which the taxpayer had
submitted an affidavi~ from the postmaster to the effect that same had been placed in the post office on
Nay l, 1952. He a~so presented a letter fromNr. C. H. Norrissett, State Tax Commissioner, regarding
this case in which Nr. Norrissett ruled that all State returns must be postmarked on or before May 1
of any year to avoid penalty.
Upon motion, made by Nr. Smith and seconded by Nr. Bain, it was order that all County Offices
which the Law will permit be closed December 26, 1952.
Claims against the County amounting to $~1,8~9.~7 were presented, examined, and allowed, and
certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds:
General Fund
School Fund
Dog Tax Fuud
Crozet Fire District Fund
Crozet Sanitary District Fund
Joint Health Fund
SchOol Construction Bond Fund
Albemarle Central High School Construction Fund
Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Account
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
$ 22,991.38