HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-03-18A regular meeting .of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building O~ said.County on the~18th day.of-March, 1953.1 Present: Messrs.. C. Purcell McCue, E. H. Bain, H. Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith, J. W. Nilliams, and W. W. Wood Officers present; County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. E. H. Bain. Minutes of the meeting of February 18, 1953, were read and approved. Mr. John Faris and a group from the Ruritan Club appeared before the Board and commended'the Board on its capital outlay program in the schools and also requested that the present l~vies for the School Fund and the School Capital OUtlay Fund be continued. Mr. J. R. Wingfield endorsed this request. Mrs. Bertha-Shap!eighGrosham appeared regarding the iow scale of teacher's salaries in Vir- ginia and compared them specifically with hired farm labor for which, she stated the training was com- parably none. She.urged higher teacher pay and improved schools. Communication was received from theRed. Hill P.T.A.. approving the action of the County School Board in asking a $~.05 levy for school operation and capital outlay and requesting the Board of County Supervisors to support the action of the School Board so that the school Budget and the school !evyfor improvement and operation be maintained. The following Viewers' Report was presented and upon motion, made byMr. Williams and seconded My Mr. Wood, was accepted in accordance with Section. 2039 of the Virginia Code: We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on January 21, 1953 to view the following describe~ Section of road and make report to your Board wish to advise~ that on March 11, 1953 we did view the following section of 'read. and make report on same: Beginning at,the end of.maintenance on Route.'610 at Eastham section and:continuing for a distance of .8 of a mile we find this section of road with heavy gra~es and slick under raihyconditions due to the red e!ay soil.. After studying this request we were unanimous in the opinion that with the maintenance of 1.8miles by the State Highway Department to serve these people and due tothe fact.that,the'two homes located wouth- east of the end of present state maintenance have improved their road up to inter- section with the State maintenance we'decidedit would be unfair at this time, with the funds available, te grant an extension ef one mile as requested, We feel that these petitioners could improve.their road to the end of the State maintenance; there- fore, we do not recommend that this section of road be placed in the secondary Highway System. (Signed) A. T. Durrer Hugh Clark C', C. Wade The following Viewers'.Report was presented and upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and ~seconded by Mr. Wood., was'accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code: -We, the.undersigned, being Viewers appeintedbyyourBoard'at itsre~Ular meeting en January 21, 1953 to view the following described section of road and make report to your Beard wish to advise that on March 11, 19.53, we did view the following, section of road and make report on same: Beginning at Route 631 just south of SCL of the City of Charlottesville and continu- ing in a westerly direction over Cleveland Avenue in subdivision known as Cleveland Heights, a distance of approximately one mile. This road was not passable for but approximately one-half of its length, the balance had no development on same as far as we~cou!d see.~_ We £ind this to Be a subdivision undeveloped.asto this road and an extremely costly construction project to develop. Therefore, we ~annot recommend same to be placed in thesecondary system~ (Signed) Hugh Clark A, T. Durrer C. C. Wade Mr. Williams advised the petitioners of the foregoing request thathe would, meet with them en this road and investi~e further. The, fol!ewi~gViewers' Report was presented~and upon motion, made by-Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Wood, was accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia~ Code: We, the u~d~rsigned, being Viewers appointed by.your Board at its regular meeting on January 21, 1953 to view the following described section of road and make rep~t to your Board hereby wish to advise that on MarCh 11, 1953we did view the follow- ing section of road and make report on same: continuing for .3 of a mile in a SoUt.H~iy direction to Wilden Baptist Church. We found this section of road to be passable but with the very heavy grade and ~under wet conditions would be very slick. After a study of the situation and talking with residents of this area we feel that there is not sufficient pub- lic service to be rendered by the petition for~addition. A small amount of sand or local gravel could be placed on this steep part ef the hill by the local people to take care of their present need. We cannot recommend that this section be granted due to the above reasons. (Signed) Hugh Clark g~ T. Durrer C. C. Wade The following Viewers' Report was presented and upon motion, made by Mr. Williams~and second~ by. Mr. Wood, was accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Cede: We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on January 21, 1953 to view the following-described' section of road and make report to your Board hereby wish to advise that on March 11, 1953, we did view the TollOWing section of road and make report on same.' Beginning at the end of State maintenance at G~eene Street and extending the southeast for a distance of apD~oximately 350 feet to dead end. We find that the above described Rougemont Avenue is a part efa subdivision. This street, in our judgement, should be graded and stabilized by the sub- divider or property owners and placed iD the same condition as Palatine AEenue before it is considered a part of-~this subdivision and to~be. considered in line to apply to the extenuating condition clause in the secondary~read law. (Signed) Hugh Clark A. T. Duffer C. C. Wade Petition was received requesting hard surfac~ on Route No. 660 from the Watts Morris proper- ty to the Jim White Filling Station. Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Weed, it was ordered that this petition be referred to the State Highway Department for investigation and further study. Petition was received requesting that Read elf of U.3-, Route 29: designated', as Ne. ?02,~2 be widened. Mr. Shields advised that-this road would be impreva~, as t~e Highway~Department could wi~en i~i Communication was received from Mr. E. F. ~Wiebeldt, Jr. urging that~ improvements, be made to Route 805 at Covesville~. It was noted that report of viewers to i~clude %he. extorts'ion of~ this Route in the SeCondary SyStem was approved at the last regular Board meeting~ Mr. Stewart' ef Croze~ and a delegation appeared amd requested-that Routes 680~and 682 be im- proved. Mr. Shi~tds advised that as much' of these Roads as possible had been improved' and. that there was ~o more money available at the present time for further improvements. Claim was received from the Virginia Department ef Highways in the amount of $20.38 for work done by the Highway Department in connection with the Crezet Dump. Upon motion, made ~y Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Smith, it was ordered that this bill be held in the files and ~ot paid~ It was the ex- pressed feeling of the. Board 'that the' Highway Department should assist in the maintenance of the Count~ dumps. Mr, Shields' stated that the Highway Department has ne adopted policy with .regard ~to public dumps. Upon motion, made ~y Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Williams, the following resolution was unani- mous!y adoPted.: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County SuPerviSors of albemarle County, Virginia, that inasmuch ~as this County has established two~ c~eUnty dumps '~just~ off of primary reads and inasmuch as these d~mps are' ne% ~onty used by the citizens, of this County but are also available for use by the Highway Department, that~ this B~ard does hereby reguest that the Highway Department assume responsibility for the maintenance of these dumps and that this assumption of responsibility be made re%~active. A request was received for a public dump %o serve the e'i%izens of the COunty~In the Howards- Wille vicihi%y. Mr. Ro~inson requested that Mr. H. Ashby Harris contact these people 'to determine if they have any suggested Iocation for such a dump. Mr. Harris also presented a letter from Mrs. Mildred B.. Covington relative to this matter and asked that ~Mr,. Robinson reply t~ same. ~icatien was received from the. Virg~uia Dep~rtment of HighWays enclosing S'econdary Road 184 The matter of a General Registrar for the County was ,again taken Under consideration. Mr. Bai~, offered a motion that the Board adopt a reso!ution or ordinance providing for a general registrar and requesting the Electoral Board to keep as many el the present registrars as they think advisable and:available. No.~-secom~was~eceived to Mr. Bat~'s motion. Mr. Williams then offered a motion to adopt, the~. Spec~A~t ~h~&h~p~vides ,for a general registrar and maintains all-the precinct registrars and included in his motion that the Eleetzral Board be requested to appoint a County employee as the general registrar. This motion was seconded by Mr. Harris and carries the following veto: Ayes - Messri Bain, Norris, Williams and Wood. Col. HemryB. Gee&lee adviSed the Board that the adoption of the Special Act would meam a greater expense to theOounty ~nd would not lessen the confusion.of registering. Mr. Bain moved-fer..reconsidera~ion of the matter and~thefollOWing vote was then recorde~ on Mr. Will!am~ motion: M=~ ;NOCue- No; Mr. Bai~ - No; Mr. Harris - Aye; Mr. Smith - No; Mr. Williams - Aye; and Mr. Wood - Aye. The matter, of e ailing in Mr. W. F. L~ng, the Board's tie-breaker, was discussed. Mr. Williams suggested that a straw vote be taken~during the governitoria~ election and that the Board be bound by the outcome of such Straw veto. Mrs. E. O, MeCue adVised the Board that she'had some facts that she wished te present~ to the Board but that she.would'also like to have the OpportUnity to present the same facts te Mr.. Long in the event he were called im te break the tie. The Board adjourned for approximately 1/~ hour to discuss this matter and upon reeonvening, m~%ion~w~made by Mr. Bain, second~ by~:Mr. Smith, andunanimously adopted continuing this matter mmtil 8:00 P.M, enNarch. 2?~ 1953, in the Court House, prior to which public meeting the Board would meet as a committee with members of the Elec- toral Board amd precinct registrars at 7:00 P,M. in the Board Room to discuss.this matter. Mrs. Demos T. Craw, President of the League of Women Voters of Albemarle presented the follow- ing letter and asked that it be made a matter of record: "The~ Board of S~ervisors Albemarle County Virginia Gentlemen: After six years of study and work. toward simplification of registration, The League of Women Voters of Albemarle, by motion, urges "The County Boa~d of Supervisors to provide, during Nareh 1953, for a General Registrar for Albemarle Co,mntylunder House Bill Number 33" as passed~'in the Virginia General Assembly in 1952. Ne believe~this would facilitate the registration of new voters and provide invaluable central filed. We make this request with confidence that this Board, having adequately consulted count~ opinion., is the only proPerty anthorized body to adopt the pro, posed resJlUtio~. We further hope that it will urge' the Electoral Board to take full advantage of the flexibility of H0use.Bill Number 33 te insure the most ef- ~fieient, feasible and practical use of assistantregistrars as theymay be shown to be'needed. _ . Respectfully, (Signed) VictoriaW. Craw President" Mr. Ross Newsome, Colored State Agent of the Extension $erviee, appeared before the Board and introduced Mr. Jamew R. Butler whom he recommended to replace Mr. C. G. ~reer, retiring Negro Farm Agent for Albemarle County, and further requested that the Board eontimue its appropriation of $1,020.00 for $~is position. The Board discussed this posi%ion with Mr. Butler and Mr. Robinson stated to Mr. Butler that the County was interested in a person who would remain with the County for a reasonable length of time. After a discussion of. this. matter, Mr.~ Robinson. recommended the. employment of Mr.~Butler and in fairness to Mr. Greet who has been with the county for approximately thirty years, recommended that the Ge~mtypartieipate incr. Butler's salary only to the extent of $60~.00. Uponmot!en, made by Mr. Bain and seoondedbyMr. Williams, the following resolution was ~nanimoms!y adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors ef Albemarle County, Virginia, that this Board herebyaccepts the recommendation of Mr. D. A, RobinSon,~ County Executive, to employ ~tr, James R, Butler as Negro Farm Agent for Albemarle County, effective April 1, 19~31, and further that the County appropriate toward the annual salary of Mr. Butler, this appropriation to be effective for the Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director' of Finance.~ ~Submitted a stat'ement of Expenses of the Department of Finance for the month-el February,' 19~3, one-third of which to be born~ bY the state. Upon motion, dulY made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified an~approved.~- Mr~ D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, Snbmitted a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's 0frisco for the rmonth of February, 1953, two-thirds of whi'ch to be borne t~y the State. Upo~ mo%ien~ duly~made and seconded~' this Statement was examined, verified, ~and approved. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director' of Finance, submitted a Statement cf ExpenSes of the Commonweal%h Attorney's Office for the month ef Febru~ry,'~1953, ~one-half ef which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, Verified~ and approved~ Statement ef Expenses incurred in th® maintenance of the CountY Jail for the month ef February~i t953, along 'with Summary Statement of prisoner days, was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded thi~ Statement was examined, verified and approved. Clain ef Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright in the amount of $11.00 for services as Jail Physician~ during 'FebrUary, 1953, was presented, and upon mo%ion, made by Mr4 Williams~ and seconded by Mr, WoOd, was approved for payment~. Reports of the Department of Public Welfare for the month~ef February, 1953, were presented in~ accordance with Section JO71 ~f~ the 1950 Acts ef ~he General Assembly. Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $2,816,0Oof~whieh one-half is due by the.'County~fo~ care of indigent patients, was presented and ~upon motion, ~made by Mr. Williams ~and seconded by Mr. Smith, was approved forspayment.- Report ef the C~unty Exeeutiv® for the month ef February, 1953',-~ was presented, approved and ordered filed. Notice was received stating that the Virginia Advisory Legislative Council ~emmittee charged with studying the present taxing authority of counties, their needs for~ additional tax so~rces and the desirability of further general or special grants ~f~'%axing Drawer to counties, would h~ld a~public hearing' in the Senate~Chamber, Oapitol, Richmond. on March 23, 1953, ~beginning~ at 10:30 A.' M. Mr. N. L. Via appeared regarding an allowance made at the last regular-meetingof~the Board for sheep and ewes killed by dogs~ and stated that he did not feel~' that a fair allowance was made. This mat- ter was taken nnder advisement due to~ the fac% that Mr. Napier, Game Warden, was out~ of town and could not appear before the Board. An additional claim against~ the DOg Tax Fund was'receive~ from Nr. Via for erie ewe killed mby d~gs. U~)on motion, made'by Mrna'Weed and~ seconded by Mr'. Bain, Nr.~.Via was allowed $14.00 for this ewe. Claim against %he Dog Tax Fund~was received from Mr. W.~ F. Via for one ewe killed by ~ogs. Upon'motien,~ made by Mr.. Harris and~.seconded ~by Mr~ Williams, Mr~ Via, was aIlowed~$15~O0 for. this~ewe. Olaim against the'~ Dog Tax Fund was~redeived from Mrs. J. C. Phillips for one hen killed by dogs Upon motion, made by Mr. ~.Harris and 'seconded by Mr. ~Baim, Mrs. Phillips was allowed $2.00 for this hen. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was'received from 'Mr. John Batten for ~ine~ducks killed by dogs. Upon motion, made by Mr, Smith and seconded by Mr. Weed, Mr. Batten wac allowed a total~ 0f~ $14.40 for these ducks. ~ ~ ~ ~ Claim against the Dog ~Tax'Fund was received from Mr. Ed Lane'~Sutherland for.~One lamb killed by dogs. Upon motion, made by Nr, Bain and seconded by Mr, Wood, M~ Sutherland,~ was allewed $15.00 for this lamb. Mr~ RObins°n' recommended ~hat two ~eales be purchased for the Game Wardens to be used for weighing !tvestock~ and fo~ls killed by dogs wherever possible. Upon motion', made by Mr. WilliamS~ and~ seconded bY Mrs. Weed, the purchase of two. pair scales for the Game'War~.ens was approved. Communication was received from the Virginia Gas Distribution Corporation regarding petition by that corporation for permission to amend rules and regulations, en the use. of natural gas for spae® heating in new construction.' and advising that a public hearing had been set~ for Mareh.~12~, 1953. No. action was ~aken en this Commumication was received from Dr. S. ~. Sturkie, health Director, enclosing for the Board' s information, a list of activities of the public health nursing~supervisor, Mrs. Rawles. % Communications were received from the State Chamber ef Commerce and were ordered-filed. Mr. Edward L. Smith, Chairman ef the committee appointed to investigate the two five-acre tracts of land in the Ivy District en which offer of $100.00 was ~eceived from Mr. Samuel S. Clark at the last regular meeting, reported that he and Mr. Bain had view this land and found it to be inaccess- ible amd of little value and~ recommended that the offer be accepted. Mr. Downing Smith, Commonwealth's Attorney, advised the:~Board that no sales should.be made tea County employee and after a discussiom of this matter by the Board, the offer was ~ot accepted. ~r. Williams, Chairman ef the committee appointed to meet with Mr. Rober~Walker ef Station W.C.H.V. ena proposed program entitled "The Coumty B~ard Reports", reported that such program would be limited to thirty minutes every two weeks and sugges.ted that other ~departments of the County participate in the program w~ich he s~ggested begin around April 1, 1953..Upon motion, made ~by Mr. Williams and seconded hy Mr. Bain, the recommendations ef the .committee were adopted. Dr. Tunstall, Mr. Heely and Mrs. ~atli~ appeared regarding the Beard's reduction in the amount requested by the Charlottesville-Albemarle Library .Board for the budget for the fiscal year 1953v54. They advised the Board that the County has net been paying its Proportionate share of' the li~ary's ex- penses in the past and that the amount requested was based ~n~ th~ percentage of circulation in the County. After considerable discussion of this matter, motion~ was made by Mr. Williams and secomded by Mr. Weed, to take this matter under advisement in order~ that it may be given full consideration and the Chairman was requested to appoint a committee to study this matter. Mr. McCue appointed the following committee: Mr. E. H. Bain, Mr. Edward L. Smith and Mr. W. W.~ Wood with the following as ex-officio members: Mrs. Hannah Catlin, Mrs. T. Eo Bruce and~ Mr~ D. A. Robinson. Comm~ni~atio~ was received from Mr. I. T.' QUinn, Executive Director of .the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries, advising that Mr. M. G. Elliott, in the company of his Supervisors, Mr. Clemmer L. Miller, had visited his ~ffice for a conference and as a result it w~s decided that the two game wardens exchange territories in the County and City effective FebrUary 1, 1953. Mr. R~bimson reported that after the last regular meeting he and Mr. McCue met with Mr. Charl~ Barbara, Jr. regarding ~is communication to the Board relative to suggested improvements to the County Planning Commission. Mr, Robinson advised that they had concluded that the Board should meet with the Planning Commission and it was decited that this meeting be held at ~:00 P.M. on April ~, $, or 9, 1953. Mr. E. H. Bain advised the Board that ~n yesterday he, Mr. Williams and Mr. Smith called ~n Mr. D. A. Robinson and requested his resignation. Mr'. Robinson was asked if h~ had anything he wanted to say to the Board about ~his matter and he stated that this was a matter for the Board at this point.. The following resolution was then offered by Mr, Williams and seconded by Mr. ~Bain: Due %o the fact that some of the~ members ef the Board ef Supervisors, sene of the County's key employees and m~uy of our leading citizens have lest confidence, in our present County Executive,~ Mr. D. A. Robinson, thereby creating many and constant controversial issues, therefore, I move in the form of a motion that Mr. D. A. Robinson be requested to resign on ~r~:before the 30th of June, 1953, for the geed of Albemarle County. Mr. Williams requested a roll-call vote on the foregoing resolution. Mr. Wood stated that this same thimg, had been thrashed out by the Board last fall and that he felt the Board was not ~reati~g Mr. Robinson fairly in waiting until after he had collected the ~aXes and prepared the budget for the coming fiscal year and then asking that he resign, ne commended Mr. Robinson for the work he has done for the County and stated that. the records woUld show what a fine Job he had done. After some discussion, the following roll-call veto was taken: Mr. C. Purcell McCue - No~Vot~ ~ ~.. ~. R,~n - Avw: Mr. H. Ashby Harris - Ne~ Mr. Edward L. Smith - Aye; Mr, J. W. Williams - Aye; ~n view of the fact that three of the Board members had voted for Mr. Williams' resolution indi~at2~gtt~t Mr. Robinson's usefulness was at an end, then for the good of the County and in fairness to Mr. Robinson, and only under these circumstances, he cast'his vote in ~avor of the resolution. Mr. Harry Michaels, Attorney', appeared as counSel for Mr. Robinson and requested a written statement from the Board for Mr. Robinson showing reasons for the foregoing action and requested a public hearing. April 15, 1953, at 7:30 P.M. was set as the date and hour for the'hearing requested. ~rs. Domes T. Craw requested that the Board reconsider its public hearing on a General Regis~tr~ and have only the meeting with the Electoral Board and precinct registrars. She was advised that the Board would have to have a. public meeting to act on this matter. Upon motionS, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by-Mr. Wood, it was ordered that during the public meeting only twenty minutes should be allowe~ the public on each side of this question and only ten minutes be allowed each side for rebuttle. It was ii further ordersd that the Electoral Board notify the r~gistrars of the foregoing mentioned meeting a~d that the Commonwealth's Attorney notify Mr. Long. The assessment of turkeys was discussed and the B~ard decided that turkeys umder five-pounds be assessed from fift~een cents to fifty cents depending on breed and age, per head. Upon motion, made ~yMr. Williams a~d seconded by Mr, Harris, the following resolution was unanimously adopte~: WHEREAS., the property owners fronting on Palatine Avenue duly filed petition £ requesting that the r~ad in Albemarle County, Virginia, beginning at the corner of Greene Street and Palatine Avenue mear the Charlottesville CorPOrate Limits amd ending at the intersection of Palatine Avenue and Old Quarry Road, a distance of 709 feet, be included in the State Highway Secondary .System, that Viewers were appointed on January 21, 1953 by this B~ard to view said road; that a view was taken on February 10, 1953 and a report submitted to this Board at its regular meeting on February 18, 1953; that the Viewers reported that said road was a sub-division an~would have to be considered as same and that the said road is serving approximately twenty-five homes; and WHEREAS, this existing subdivision .was partially developed with numerous occupied residents prior to Ju~y 1, 1949 and it is the considered opinion of this Board that there are extenuating circumstances and conditions which warrant the grant- ing of reasonable modifications to the present regulations governing acceptance of such streets into the Secondary System; NO~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the State Highway Department be and it is hereby req~.ested te take into the Secondary System the 700 feet of road above described. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy Of this Resolution be sent to the State Highway Com~ission. Upon motion, made by Mr. ~illiams and seconded byMr. Harris, the following resolution was unen~ mously adopted: WHEREAS the property owners in the Buckingham Subdivision duly filed their petition requesting that the road in Albemarle County, Virginia. heginnir~ at inter- section with Route 29, 1/2 mile SW of city limits of Charlottesville and the Bucking- ham Subdivision entrance, thence following the existing road through this subdivision circling and ending at same entrance, a distance of .7 of a mile, be included in the State Highway Secondary System; that Viewers were appointed on January 21, 1953 by this Board to view said Road; that a view was taken on February 10, 1953. and a re- port made to this Board at its regular meeting on February 18. 1953; that Viewers reported that this road is a part of a subdivision and could not recommend that it ~e placed'in the Secondary System until it is developed in accordance with requirements _SS WHEREAS, the existi-ng subdivision w~s partiall~ developed .prior to July 1, 1949 and it is the considered opinion of this Board that there are extenu- ating circumstances and conditions which warrant the granting of reasona~Ie modi- fications to the present regulations governing acceptance of such streets into-the Secondary System; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of 'Albemarle County, Virginia, that the State Highway Department be and is hereby requested to take into the Secondary System the .7 of a mile of road above de- scribed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED theft, a copy of this Resolution be sent to the State Highway Commission. Mr. D. A, Rohimson. County Executive, reported on the matter of the District Home and again recommended that in considering the matter of enlarging the facilities of the District Home the matter of dissolution and reorganization as aprivate home should be considered at the same ti~e in order that assistance from the Federal Government and State government could be received under the Old Age Assistam welfare plan. Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain~and seconded by Mr. Wood, itwas ordered that Mr. Robinson's recommendation be accepterd. Claims against the County amounting to $133,552.13 were presented, examined, and allowed, and certified to the DirectOr of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds: Gear. al Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet Fire District Fund Crozet Sanitary Distr~¢t ~und Joint Health Fund Albemarle Central High School Construction Fund Shop and Stores Construction Fund ~cIntire Trust Fund Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Account Total $ 16,476.36 80,174. O0 . 554~82 219.38 - 3,742.80- 18,762.33 10,531.89 602.48- 2.428.63- $133.552.13 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned to reconvene at 8:00 P.M. on March 24. 1953. Chairman