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An adJomrned meeting of the Board of County S~pervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was
held at the County Office Building on April 21, .1953, at 2:30 P.M. with.the following members present:
Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. H, Bain, H. Ashby Harris,'Edward L. Smith, J. W. Williams and W. W. Wood.
Officers present: commonwealth's Attorney and County Executive.
The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. E. H. Bain.
Members of the Electoral Board met with this Beard regarding the appointment of Mr. Malcolm
M. Christian as General Registrar~ Mr. McC~e advised the Electoral Board that he was surprised at the
appointment of Mr. Ohristian since it had Been his feeling, and he felt sure the feeling of the Boar~,
that the General Registrar would be a County employee. Col. Henry B. Geedloe, ~ecretaryof the Electora~
Board, advised that this appointment had been made after all possibilities of appointing a county em-
ployee had been investigated thoroughly, and that they had found that there were no county employees
who were eligible at this time. He also stated that in setting the system up, a person who ce~ld inter-
pret the election laws was of prime, importance. After a discussion of this matter, the recommendation
of the Electoral Board as presented at the ~ast regular meeting of this Board was accepted on motion of
Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. 'W~, and the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT EESOD~ by the Board of County Supervisors of. Albemarle County,
Virginia, the appointment of Mr. Malcolm M. Christian by the Electoral Board as
General Registrar of Albemarle County be and is hereby approved and his. Compen-
sation as General Registrar is hereby fixed at $50.~0 (fifty dollars) per month.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following assistant registrars be and
are hereby approved: H. W. Leake, George Gibson, Mrs. H. F. Batten, E. S. Napier,
Harry T. Huff, C. V. Giannini, Mrs. John Black, H. M; Sadler, Sam Hughes, Charles
Cart, Mrs. Charlie Douglas, Miss Louise Beale, Mrs. We!ler Head, and Mr. J. F.
Leathers, and their compensation shall be the same as that which is authorized by
General Law.
Mr. N, L. Via and Mr. W. R. Napier, Game Warden, again appeared regarding claim of Mr.'Via
against the Dog Tax Fund. Upon motion, made by Mr. Harris and seconded by Mr. Williams, it was-ordered
that Mr. Via's previous allowance on ewes be increased to $25.00 each and his previous allowance on
lambs be increased to $20.00 each.
The following report was received from the Crozet Water Committee:
We, the Water Committee of the Crozet Sanitary District, Albemarle County,
hereby acknowledge receipt of the special survey proposed by Mr. Gerald Fi McMahon.
For the efficient operation of the Crozet Water System we recommend the
fo!lowing in this report:
Page 11 of Report - Debt Retirement:
we recommend that some plan be devised whereby the outstanding obligations
of the Crozet Sanitary District be satisfied within the space of 20 years if possible.
Page 11 of Report - Revenue Increase:
We recommend increasing the water rates as suggested - metering all ac-
counts - higher rates for service outside the Sanitary District.
We do not feel that any particular advantage is to be gained by billing
quarterly instead of monthly. We do not recommend requiring a deposit for all water
accounts b~t suggest that a strict policy be had as to payment of accounts.
Page 11 of Report - Water Main Extension:
We recommend that this be handled in accord with the outline in the report.
Page 12 of Report - Subdivision Regulations:
We recommend that the policy suggested in the report be put into effect.
Page 12 of Report - Connecting Charge:
We recommend that connection charges be $40.00 instead of the present
charge of $25.00.
We do not recommend increasing the size of the filtration plant which is
under construction, from 250,000 gallons to 500,000 gallons. This due to the ad-
ditional co.ts which would be necessary to increase the capacity. We do not feel
that at this time there is any anticipated need for this increase.
We-recommend that a statement relative to charges for Water, Connecting
Charges and other charges incident 'be made up and-each water c~stomer be furnished
a copy. That there should be sufficient copies made so that they may.be supplied
any customer or potential customer at any time. That a report of the condition,
financial and Otherwise of ~tHe Cr0ze% S~nitary District be made at least each year
and a copy of the report be published. That in the future amy proposed program
which will necessitate any considerable outlay of funds be advertised in ~The
Daily Progress for at least 30 days before any action.
We respectfully submit the foregoing.
Yours Very truly,
(Signed) A. J.~ Apperson, Chairman
T. 0. Perkins
Dabney W. Sandridge
Virgil S. Tomlin
Edward D. Daughtrey."
Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Williams, it was ordered that the offer of
the contractor to double the capacity of the filter plant be declined, The report of the Water Committe
was discussed and upon .motion of Mr. Bain, Seconded by Mr. Williams, it was ordered that the ordinance
covering water regulations be amended in accordance with the foregoing report and special survey and it
was further ordered that notice be given in the Daily Progress of the intent of this Board to amend said
Npon motioh, made by Mr. Bain and seconded hy Mr. Williams, the following resolution was
unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that a temporary loan of $17,000.00 be and is hereby authorized from
the General Frond to the Crozet Sanitary District Fund, said temporary loan to
carry an interest rate of 2½%.
Mr. Williams reported that the Fire Committee had me~ with the 0ity Council and requested that
the Council delay any action regarding fire protection in the County until after this Board's May meet-
ing. He stated that he felt the Planning Commission could help im establishing the lines of a fire dis-
trict. This matter was discussed at length and Mr. Williams ,~stated that the Committee would give a com-
plete report At the May meeting.
Mr. Bain stated that he felt consideration sh~d be given to the appointment of a committee
to find a successor to Mr. D. A. Robinson. ~he Ohairma~mppointed the following to serve on this com-
mittee: Mr. H. Ashby Harris, Mr. Edward L. Smith amd Mr. C. Purcell MeCue. Mr. Bain further stated
that he felt Mr. Robinson should consider taking a vacation before J~une 30th.
Upon motion, t~e meeting adjourned.