HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-05-29 An adjourned meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was
held at the County Office Building on May 29, 1953, with the following members present: Messrs. 0.
Purcell MoOue, E. H. Hain, It. Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith, J. W. Williams and'W. W. Wood'.
Officers present: Co~n%y Executive and Commonweat, th's Attorney.
Mr. D. A. Robinson, County Executive and Director of Finance, presented to the Board his
resignation to be come effective June 1, 1953. Upon motion, made by Mr. Niltiams and seconded by Mr.
Bain, the following resolution was ~vmanimously. adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of 0ounty $~pervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the .resignation of Mr. D~ A. Robinson as County Executive and
Director of Finance of Albemarle County be and is hereby accepted effective
J~ne 1, 1953; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that since Mr. Robinson has taken such a small
amount ef vacation during his tenure of office, that he be paid through June 30,
1953~ and
BE IT FURIItER RESOLVED that the Department of Finance be closed for
the purpose of a turn-over audit from June 1, 1953 until the completion of said
Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Wood, the following resolution was unani-
mously adopted;
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the Fire District created by this Board and consisting of the
Charlottesville and Ivy Magisterial Districts, be and is hereby named the Central
Fire District.
Report was received from the Sick Leave Committee, and upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and
seconded by Mr. Williams, it was ordered that the policy relating to vacations, holidays, sick leave
and working hours be established for the County, effeotive July 1, 1953:
The hours of work are as follows:
8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday.
(Employes are expected to conform rigidly to the required hours of work.)
40 minutes allowed for l~mch.
January l
April 13
May 30
July 4
September (Labor Day)
November 11
November (T~anksgiving)
December 25
1. Annual Leave: (Vacation) Employees on a full_time basis shall be
allowed annual leave vacations as follows:
Six days after six months employment and one additional day for each
month of service through twelve months for the first five years of service. (In
other words, 12 days per year). After five years of continuous service, lea~e
shall be granted at the rate of fifteen days per year or one and 1/4 days per
month. Annual leave may be accumulated to a total of twenty days. Annual
leaves shall be granted at the times desired by the employee as far as possible
bmt subject to the needs of the services.
2. Sick Leave: Employees on a full time basis shall be permitted
leave bec s~se of sickness at the rate of one and 1/4days for each month of ser-
vice or a to~al accumulated leave of 90 working days.
Absence not to exceed three days at a time may be allowed as sick leave
when neeessary because of illness or death in the immediate family. Absence in
excess of three days shall be deducted from ann~al leave.
3. ~ave Without Pay: Leave without pay maybe granted at the dis-
cretion of the local board for the purpose of annual, sick, educational leave
beyond those allowable with pay. Leave without pay shall be granted with due
regard for the interests of the service.
The matter of a turnover a~it was discusse~,, and upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and
seconded by Mr. Harris, the following resolution was ~nanimo~s!y adopted'.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of 0ounty Supervisors. of Albemarle O?unty,
Virginia, that the firm of Musselman and Drysdale be-emp~loyed, to make the ~turn-
over audit_ in the office of the Director of Finance~ this audit, to begin June !,
Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr.~ ~Wood, the following resolution was
unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, tl~t Mr.. C.. H. Morrissett, State Tax Commissiener, be and is hereby
requested to approve the appointment of Mr. Maupin Pence as Director of. Finance
of Albemarle County, effective june 1, 1953, or as soen .thereafter as he quali-
fies. ~
Upon mo~ion, the meeting a~journed until June 3, 1953 at 3:00 P.M.