HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-06-03 Am adJourn~d meeting of the Board of'coUnty Supervisors was held at 3:00 P.M. on June 3, 1953,
jointly with the City~oun¢il at the ¢ity~ll with the following members of the Board present: Messrs.
C. Purcell McCue, E. H. Bain, H. Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith, J. W. Williams and W. W. Wood.
Also present: Downing E. Smith, Commonwealth's Attorney.
Mr. Gus Tebell presented the following, which Was ordered spread in the minute's on motion of
Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Weed: '
Estimate based on re-design to 400' width, parallel taxiways eliminated on North
and South, Apron area reduced, runway paved to t00'.
1. Proposal la and Alternate~at 1,000,000 cu. yds..-
Gilbert Engineering Company
2. .Proposal lb - Iow bid Ballinger Paving of $34,385.00.
Bidder has refused. Next bid is C; N. Eawson at
.$42,922.00. Recommend rejection and re-advertise.in
fall. (Bid bond of Ballinger $1,719.25).
Proposal 2 - Low bid by Ba!linger Paving of
$74,719.88. Bidder has refused. Next bid is W. E.
Graham at $78,063.65 or Gilbert Engineering at
$105,066.16 less $30,000.00 whioh will require ne-
gotiation.- (Ballinger bid ~ond $3,735.99).
4. Paving estimate..
5. Lighting.
6. Building:
A~ministration Building - $25,000.00
Moving Hanger - !0.000.00
7. Contingencies. 20,000.00'
8. Engineering. 42,908.00
9. Erand, Master plan, etc. ..107,000.100
TOTAE $825,855.55
After a lengthy discussiOn of the airport by the public, the Board and the Council met
Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Wood, it was ordered that the following
letter from the State Corporation Commission he spread in the minutes:
"Mr. J. E. Bewen,
City Manager
Charlottesville, Virginia
Dear Mr. Bowen:
Pursuamt to our telephone conversation ef this date, i will be glad to
recommend a grant in the amount of $25,000.00 for the calendar year 1953 and an
equal amount in the calendar year 1954 towards the construction of your $900,0~0.00
Airport Project. I understand that all Federal grants are sta!mated for the time
being and that this fact does place a %remendous burden on the sponsors of this
I am hopeful that your lightingpreject may be deferred to some time in
the future and that you may be able to procure a suitable hangar in lieu of the
construction of a new one. Furthermore, by the time you are ready for lights,
there may be federal funds available. As you know, there are no Federal funds for
hangars, but administration buildings are eligible, if and when there are funds.
I am sorry I cannot attend your meeting tomorrow, but I will come to
Charlottesville and probably remain overnight at most any day now.
Yours very truly,
(Signed) Allan C. Perkinson, Director
Division of Aeronautics"
Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Bain, the following resolution was unaAi-
mously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia~ that Mr. C. Purcell McCue, Chairman, beand is hereby authorized to
execute project application in the amount of $366,000.00 for grant agreement to
the Federal Government in connection with the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport.
Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Wood, the following resolution was unani-
meusly adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the Joint Airport Committee be and is hereby authorized to let
the contract for grading and seedling on the condition that the grant agreement
is issued and accepted.
Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Harris, the followimg resolution was
unanimously adopted ~ .
BE IT RESOLVED by the Beard of County SuperVisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that before the County appropriates more than $200,000.00, that the
~Airport Committee refer back to the Board of County Supervisors.
Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Harris, the~following resolution was unani-
mously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
that the Joint Airport Committee be instructed to draw plans and ask for bids on
the pavement at the Joint Airport.
The Board then adjourned to the Board Room in the County Office Building where it met with
Mr. Robert Musselman regarding the turn-over audit of the Department of Finance. At the request of
Mr. Musselman, his firm was given authority to defer the examination of propriety of expenditures duringii
the fiscal year and make this a part of the year-end audit on motion of Mr. Bath, seconded by Mr. Wood.
Mr. ~usselman called the Board's attention to the fact that ~r. J. Gordon Bennett, Auditor of
Public Accounts, had raised an objection to only one s~nature being on some ~f~the County's c~hecks.
He advised that if the Board adopted an appropriate resolution, it could dispense with-the presentation
of cheeks entirely for approval. He stated that he was bringing this to the Board for'consideration.
No action was taken at this time.
Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Wood, it was ordered that Musselman and
Drysdale al~o be employed to make the year-end audit of the County's accounts~.
Mr. Samuel S. Clark appeared and advised the Board that the Highway Department was anxious
to get work on Route 656 under way and asked for authority to make an offer for land required belonging
to ~eorge Marshall, to the Heirs of Henry and Frank Birckhead and to the Heirs of William Gilmore. This
matter was discussed and reference was made to a resolution adopted by this Board on May 20, 1953, and
recorded on page 208, in which this Board agreed that in the event one or more property owners refuse
to execute deed covering land required from theft properties for right of way purposes, the Board
authorized the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Highways, to institute condemnation proceedings
and agreed to pay from funds allocated or to be allocated to Albemarle County all costs in connection
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.