HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-06-09SPECIAL J~ne ~-9, 1953 Purs;~t to the ~following waiver, the members cf the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, met i~ special session on this date in the County Office Building at 3:00 P.M. with th, following members present: Messrs. C. P~rcell McCue, E. H, ~Bain, Edward L. Smith and ~. W. Wood. Absent: Messrs. J. W. Williams and H. Ashby Harris. We, the uudersigned, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Oeunty, Virginia, hereby waive notice, and special service thereof, efa meeting te be held at 3:00 P.M. on the ~imth day of June, 1953, in the County Office Building, Charlottes- ville, Virginia, for the purpose consider~g and acting upon matters pertaining to the Office of County Executive and Director of Finance and the turn-over audit thereof, and we do hereby consent to the transaction of any and all business and the taking of such action at said meeting .upon the matter hereinabcve mentioned as may be lawful, incident, and necessary thereto. E. H. Bain Z' H. Ashy H~rris E~war~ L. Smith ~ I.I. Williams W. W. W~ Others present were: Messrs. Musselman, Drysdale and Masten, auditors, Mr. N. M,' Pence and Mr. D, A. Robinson, and Mr. Downing L. Smith, Commenwea!th's Attorney. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. E. H. Bain. The following letter was received, rea~, and ordered sprea~ in the minutes: "Mrs. Ju~e T.. Moon Jene 8, 1953 Clerk of the Board of County Supervisors of the County of Albemarle Charlottesville, Virginia My dear Mrs. Moon: Reference is ~de to your certification of a resolution which was adopted by the Board ef County Supervisors at an adjourned meeting held on May 29, 1953, Below I quote the text of the resolution: 'BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that Mr. C. H.~Morrissett, State Tax Commis- sioner, be and is hereby requested to approve the appointment of Mr. Maupin Pence as Director of Finance of Albemarle County, ef- fective Ju~e 1, 1953, or as soon thereafter as he qualifies.' Mr. M. Maupin Pence having been duly appointed County Executive and Director of Finance, for the County of Albemarle, effective J-~e 1, 1953, or as soon thereafter as he qualifies, and the said appointment having been certified to me for action there- on, as required by paragraph (j) of Section 15-288 of the Code of Virginia, I hereby certify that I have this day approved this appointment, insofar as it applies to the position er office of Director of Finance for the County of'Albemarle. Very truly yours, (Signed) C. H, Morrissett State TaX:commissioner." Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Smith, the following reselutionwas unani- mouslyadopted: WN~REAS, there were prepared and Submitted to the Board of County Super- visors of the County of Albemarle at its meeting held this 9th day of June, i953, new Escrow Agreements all date~ J~ne 9, 1953, between M. M. Pence, Director of Finance of the County of Albemarle, the Board of County Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, The Peoples National Bank of Charlottesville, The National Bamk and · ~ d~v ~ ~In{~n~tll~_ ~~. and Citizens Bank and Trust Company. Charlottesville, as Depositories, and First and Merchants National Bank of Richmond, State-Planters Bank and T~st Company, and The Peoples National Bank of Charlottes- ville, as Escrow Agents, respectively; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that these Agreements be and they hereby are approved as to both form and substance, and the Chairman ef this Board is autho- rized and directed to execute in quadruplicate the aforesaid Agreements en behalf of th~s Board; and the C!erk~.~of this Board is directed to attest the said signature; and BE IT FURTHER RE$O~VED that this Board does hereby authorize the cancellation of ~the previously outstanding Agreements of ~these same parties with D. A. Robinson, former Director of Finance of the County of Albemarle, and the release of the securities held thereunder, for pmrposes of deposit under these new Agreements, simultaneously with the execution of the new Agreements, ~and that the ~said D. A. Robinson shall indi- cate his consent to and approval of the cancellation of the presently outstanding Agree- ments and the release of the securities held thereunder by affixing his signature to this resolution; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this resolution be submitted to all parties to these Agreements. I consent to and approve of the actions taken by the foregoing resolution. D. A. RobitusSin Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. ~eed, the following resolution w~s uma~i- mously adopted: WHEREAS Daniel A. Robinson heretofore tendered his resignation-as County Executive and Director of Finance of Albemarle County to the Board of County Super- visors of said County, to take effect at the close of business eh Nay 31, 1953, and M. M. Pence was duly appointed and has F~alified as such County Executive and Director of Finance for said County, assuming the duties ef office on June 9, 1953; BE IT RESOLVED, THEREFORE, that The Peoples National Bamk of Charlottes- ville (including its Crozet Branch), The National Bank and Truest Company at Char- lottesville, Virginia, and Citizens Bank and Trust Company, Charlottesville, present depositories of State and County Funds, be and they are hereby directed to change the accounts and deposits in their respective institutions from "County of Albemarle, by D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance" te~ounty of Albemarle, by M. M. Pence, Director of Finance"~ BE IT FURTHER RESOEVED that National Bank and Trust company at Charlottes= viile, Virginia, be and it is hereby authorized to honor' outstanding checks drawn by D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, prior to June 1, 1953, in the amounts as follows: Payroll Account: Date of Check 12 53 53 53 Check Number 11526 1759 8182 8289 888 9O0 906 939 944 1021 1073 1127 8302 8303 83O4 83O5 83O6 8307 Payee: C. Purcell McCue Burnette G. Henderson Arta Early Carol Phipps Buchanan E~.an Ellictt Trent Janie C. Caldwell Emmarene Davidson Winona C. Morris Mary Eliza Norford Sarah Georgia Walton Gladys L. Pewell Clarence E. Bell, Jr. Downing E. Smith Margaret N. Morris James R. Butler Edward F. Button Jeanne M. Fournier M. Ruth Burruss Huff Amount 25.00 223~24 18.62 31.03 375.22 261.5o 261.60 22 5. oo 239.40 191.59 6.28 18.75 332.26 45.05 4o.oo 99.80 140,42 103.98 Date of Check 5/21/53 5/25/53 5/25/53 5/25/53 5/25/53 5/25/53 5/25/53 5/25/53 5/25/53 5/25/53 5/25/53 5/25/53 5/25/53 5t ~6/53 5t ~6/53 5/~6/53 5t ~6/53 5t 26 I53 5/~6 ~53 51 26 ~53 5/~6 ~53 5t ~6/53 5/~6 I53 5/~6 51 ~6 ~53 5/~6 5t ~5 ~3 ~5 I53 ~53 53 53 5! 5/3¢ 153 5! 3o I53 5! 30 ;53 5j 30 5/30 ~53 5t 30/53 Check 8308 8309 8310 8311 8312 8313 8314 8315 8316 8317 8318 8319 8320 8321 8322 8323 8324 8325 8326 8327 8328 8329 8330 8331 8332 8333 8334 8335 8336 8337 8338 8339 834O 8341 8342 8343 834~ 8345 8346 8347 8348 8349 8350 8351 8352 8353 8354 8355 8356 8357 8359 83~8 8360 8361 8362 8363 8364 8365 8366 8367 8368 8369 8370 8371 8372 8373 8374 1159 1160 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 Virginia A. Roller T, O. Scott Edward H. Bain Everett L. Belew M. G. Elliott H. Ashby Harris J. Grayson Johnson C. Purcell MeCue William R. NaPier Henry T. Nichols E~ward Lander Smith james Mason Smith Linton Smith Willie M. Smith Julian D. Thomas~ John W. Williams Warner Warren Wood Addison Gilmore Woods R. F. Black Robert ~. Black Virginia H. Cassidy ~amuel Smith Clark Ira C. Fray M. 0zella Hicks Alice V. Hughes Mary Alice Lynch Pansy Marks NcClanahan William McCo~b June Thomas MOon Edwin Hubert Moore Daniel AlphonSo Robinson Robert Collins Sou~s Walter Sherrard Cook James Walter CobbS Earl Hansford Davis Phillip M. Elliott Frederick Lee Frazier Lewis Benjamin Johnson Randolph C. Marshall Joseph Fulton Thomas Thomas M. Whitten Martha Bailey Mam~ · G. Bell Jacqueline Parnell Mary Lee Gibson Alice Graef Martha Hall Virginia ~. Marks Nancy 0. Bishop Harris Helen H. Humbert William Loga~ Maupin Eva W. Maupim June Dillard Grace Anderson Carol Phipps Buchanan Homer cheavacci M~rtin L. Davis Winifred F. Lar~ Anita Eotti Hope E. MeFarland Marilla W. Martin Margaret D. Maynard John Hammond. Moore Fanny C. Rawles Samuel D. Stmrkie Dorothy Thompson Marguerite ROgers West Paul H. Cale Leslie H. ~Zlton Marion PrestOn Walters John William Boggs Joseph Griffin Bmmtin Harold Merrett Burdette Charles McLean Gibbs, Jr. Agnes M. Bib~ Edythe Pugh Cook Mary E. Robinson Isaac Devereaux Faulconer Daisy JaCkson-Banks Harriette Hearns Brown Bermice G. Fergusen Lydia A. M~rray Ethel Payne Nicholas John Ray Breeden Henry W. Burruss Thomas Herbert Gtllis Gezrge Elwood Hall Thomas WheelOck Hurlburt Benjamin Franklin Hurt Lynn Forrest Moore Eran ElliOtt Trent Donald A1an Brunton, Jr. R. M. Strafford Dorothy Browning Adams Mabel Florence Agams Amc .un~ $ 79.60 163.46 2?.35 189.90 21.25 27.35 85.0O 27.35 85.00 134,89 27.35 24.62 170.87 135.37 49.00 27.35 27.35 162.52 72.6~ 126.82 158.73 378.?O 67.11 128.85 29.44 126.18 117.75 90.43 212.23 232.09 626.30 295.23 323.21 218.O5 229.15 234.27 229.07 185.41 264.31 156.12 229.15 146.97 149.15 160.25 128.85 189.05 163.48 261.93 148.67 182.45 206.95 386.95 38.02 12.00 39.72 223.45 206.95 173.76 52.50 212.66 140.42 171.82 191.65 251.09 630.57 117.75 203.62 492.85 346.40 133.90 277.94 201.75 245.14 240.4~ 244,89 168.30 239.4O 269.2o 172.34 291.52 250.50 253 · 50 263.71 356.~0 35~.40 322.20 27~.70 283.30 317.95 369.97 375.22 187.25 239.42 278. O0 246.6~ Date of .Cheek 5/30/53 5/3o/53 5/3o/53 5/3o/53 5/3o/53 5/30Z53 5/3o/53 5/3o/53 5/3c/53 5/3c/53 ~/~/~ ~/3~/~ 5/3c/53 5/3c/53 5/3c/53 ~/~/~ ~/~/~ ~/~/~ ~/~/~ ~/~/~ ~/~/~ ~/~c/~ ~/~/~ ~/~o/~ ~/~of~ ~/~o~ ~/~o/~ ~/~o/~ ~/~o/~ ~/~o/~ ~/~o/~ 5/3o/53 ~f~o/~ ~/~o/~ -~/~o/~ ~/~o/~ ~/~o/~ ~/~o/~ ~/~o/~ ~/~o/~ ~/~o/~ 5/30/53 5/3o 5/30 ~53 ~/~o 5/30/53 ~/~o/~ ~/~c ~/~/~ ~/~c/~ 5/3C/53 5/3O/53 ~/~o/~ 5/3o/53 ~/~o/~ ~f~o/~ 5/30/53 ~/~o/~ ~/~o/~ 5/3o ~/3o 5/30 ~53 5/30/53 5/~0/53 ~/~o/~ ~/~o/~ 5/~o/~3 ~/~o/~ ~/~o/~ ~/~o/~ ~f~o/~ ~/~o~ ~/~o/~ Cheek Number_ 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194' 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 t263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 Louise H, Amiss Cora Hmghes Andersen Susie B, Bailey Mary Allen Boggs Lomise T, Burton Mary Ellen W, Ohambamiss Jsaie S, Caldwell Francis S. Carpenter Jean M, Carpenter Namie Jane Carter Mildred W, Culbertson Gladys M, Daniel Emmerene Davidson Jane Miller Doherty Isabelle Kent Dunn Sarah T, Dunn Anna L, Early Elaine Scott Fain Nmma Elizabeth Farrar Geraldine Briggs Fray Lueil!e Early Fray Addie MeN, ~entry Olive R. Giannimi Frances P, Gibson Ann C, Gildea Eottie Louise Goodwin Nancy C. Hammer Lydia Anne Holsinger R~.beeea C. Hurt Alice M, Johnson Frances Catherine Johnston Bertha G, Jones Sarah Hardin Jones Helen McD, Kelley Katherine L, Kirttey- · Margaret Kyle Kirtley Dora G, La~ord Caryetta S. Langhorne Gladys M. L~ake Lydia W. Mahanes Dorothy P. Martin Alene P. ~xey Pauline P. Mayo Marion Johnson Mocho~ Dolly Davis Moore Winona C. Morris Woodsie E. Morse Mary Edwina Moss Lucille P. Mullins Viola W, McComb Mary Eliza Norford Corrine D. Norvelle Virginia R. Parrott Annie W. Phillips Katherine P..Phillips Sarah Watkins Point Elizabeth Gaines Pollock Virginia Hughes Rogers Jacqueline Burton Sadler Gene F. Shirley Goldie B. Stargell Kitty B. Sutherland Virginia B. Tapseott Frances D. Tindall Jean T. Toms Ora P. Toms Hanna M. Via Lucy Virginia Via Nolle B. Via Martha Lee K. Voshell June Berry Walker Anna D. Watson Esther Bo Wayland Marjorie H. Webber Nancy Ellen Wiley Lura C. Williams Mettle W. Williams ~rah J. Wyant Nancy F. Young Charles Russell Baylor Lyria Virginia Brown Martha P. Brown Evelyn J. Carter Gussie Catlett Clark Mary Tare Davis 0la Lucile Wilson Gardner Brunette G. Henderson Edna W. Irving Margaret W. Kimbo Isabel Marion Luck Mabel W. Miler Cora' Anna Pankey Robenetta A. Poindexter $ 239,40 239,40 239,40 239,40 228,30 164.5o 261.5o 261, 50 246.60 239,40 198,35 239,40 261,60 261,60 264.60 2~0.50 176.15 2 50.5O 253,50 239.40 239.40 239.40 261.60 164.50 239.4O 2 ~1.55 253.50 239.40 264.60 179.40 239.40 253.50 183.45 25o.5o 239.40 239.40 183.45 228.55 266.9O 253.5O 187.25 25O.5O 172,35 25O.5O 239.40 25O.5O 86.77 212.60 253 · 239.40 228.30 258.35 228.30 2 53.5O 184.32 54.96 25O.5O 172.35 2 53.5O 264.60 253.50 250.5O 155.:40 64.3O 239.40 2.53.5O 239.4O 250.5O 153.40 !83.45 25O. 50 168.30 220,45 239.4O 194.55 164.50 231.80 175.60 264.6O 172.35 191.59 245.9O 227.05 242.65 234.8O 250.50 239.40 264.60 239.4O 250.5O 170.40 223.95 Date of 53 53 5/30/53 5/3o/53 5/30/53 5/3o/53 5/3o/53 5/3o/53 5/3£/53 5/3c/53 5/3C t53 5/3¢ 5/3C 53 5/3 5/30 5/3o 53 5/3o 5/3o Cheek Number 1282 1283 ~84 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1322 1323 1324 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 Asalie Minor Preston Flossie F. Pric~2 Ruth W. Quarles Margaret Adelaide Shaw Inez R. Smith Martha Turner Elizabeth Luch Winston George H. Barr, Jr. Alden Greswold Bigelow Joseph McClung Brownlee Carter Lambert Coghill Harry Wesley Kent James Alexander Leitch, Jr. ~obert ~aidment ~heodore Mosbos Sidney Robert Pace Joseph Lacy Trice Daisy B. Adams Virginia Beard Bessie P. Birckhead Lueille Carter Bowen ~ry Irene Dean Rachel H. Estes Ellen Wallace Houston Nannie Garland Howard Josephine H. Magnifico Jean S. Montgomery Nancy Ruth Ramsey Alma S'. Smith Edna B. Smith Elizabeth Sutherland Lady B. Walton ~arah Georgia Walton Dorothy H. Wheeler Thomas H. Allison Robert W. Chambliss James W. Estes Mary G. Bear Margaret W. Burruss Maxine W. Cornett Jannette S. Hunt Maria A. Hurt Martha Jeraldine Morris Ernestine J. Patterso~ Ruby E. Ramsey Katheryne Leigh Tindall Winnie David Nilliamson Albert H. Shuster, Jr. Zadie D. Martin Jane R. Matthews Marguerite B. Washington Virginia L. Murray2 John L. Morris, Jr. James Stephen Roye J. R. Wingfield, Jr. Nella V. Diok&n~on Ava A!line Forrest Florence JaCkson Fray Jean Land Dingley Miriam Ashby Frances V. B~iley Daisy W. Bib, s Ruth Blackmore Leah M. Brill Bernice T. Cri.~zer Constance Elliott Robert H. Harmon Jacqueline Koplen Lucille B. Eeitch Nellie L. Mmckenzie Inett Mahan Frances Morris Mary Philpot Evangeline G. Shepherd Virginia E. Smith Gwendolyn .~aylor Agnes B. Ballard Ruby Young Karen Louise Nuttycombe Hugh N. Clark Calvin Anderson George Amstin Harold W. Barbo~r John R. Blake Japeth Brown Ernest P. Cain Harrison Cowan Frank H. Craig J~lius Craig David J. Crickenberger Joseph A. Crickenberger Herbert A. Eppard James W. Goggins Edith P. Heath Amount 239~40 2 53.50 253.5O 302.50 257.00 209.60 239.40 193~90 272.70 201.75 150,14 193.90 321.55 176.15 216,10 201.75 220.70 253.50 264.60 201.75 239.40 172.35 253.50 253.50 220,70 2 53.5O 2o5.oo 253.50 239.40 231.55 269.20 237.31 191.59 168.3O 314.47 219.77 277 .O5 187.25 201.75 163.66 182.80 198.50 217,45 176.15 223.70 209,60 201.60 213.98 299.00 280.85 299.00 283.3o 255,98 246,79 249,82 223,70 195.19 212.26 128.85 147.75 28.2O ~1.36 17.66 12.47 5.89 24.62 36,.46 31.40 6.28 56.52 12.56 1~.64 43.66 29.44 81.64 25.12 14.72 21.49 97.45 192,36 88.65 108.35 88.65 108.35 88.65 59.10 88.65 125.64 102.74 81.75 88~65 98.5O 81.75 70.65 Date of Check 5/3c/53 5/3c/53 5/3£/53 5/~c/53 5/3¢/53 5/3¢/53 5/3c/53 5/3C/53 5/3C/~3 5/3C/53 5/3c/53 ~/~c/~ ~/~o/~ ~/~o/s~ ~/~o/~ ~/~0/~ ~/~o/s~ 153 5/.3o/53 5/3o/5~ 5/30/53 11 Cheek Number 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1996 1397 1398 1399 14oo 1401 1402 1403 14o4 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 141o 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1420 1421 1422 1423 1425 1426 ~7 1429 143o 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 6981 7345 77o8 Mary C. Jarman Edward S. Johnson Willie V. Jones Charles E. Kennedy John Kennedy Thomas A. Kirby Elmer Lam ~sear Lee Lewis O. T. Martin Noyse Monroe Allen Odetl Morris Amos E. Morris Louise C. Nuttycombe George M. Peats Hazel R. Price C. J. Pugh Ellis H. Roberts Printes Rogers Phyllis R. Scott Paul M. Scribner Arehie G. Tomlin Wilson Toms Thomas E. Washington B. F. Wells George Winston William Marcus Wyant Clarence E. Bell, Jr, Richard R. Brown Franklin Ferneyhough Junius Gardner Verley Gibson .Charles Haney Julian D. Layne -Walter Claremce Morris Benjamin F. Paige H6~er Ray Patterson Willie Pollard Marshall Price Peggy R~alls Earl Smith Roland Sprouse Freddie Dee Sherrill Clarence Walker Ralph Nilkerson Leroy Y. Brown Floyd Cash Julian Jackson Arehie Thomas Sr. J. O. Bailey Charles Burton W. B. Faulconer Charles E. Gibson Clint Hutchinson Emma Mae Mitchell Rufus Rush Lewis Sandridge Chris Albert Sprouse C~p G. Wood Wa~erly L. Adeock Rudolph Forsber~ Betty Maude Jones Ernest H. Puckett Lois P. Farrish Charles Russell Baylor Gussie Cat!ett Clark Marilla W. Martin AmoUnt $ ";7o'. 65' 88.65 70.65 88.65 88.65 103 88.65 88.65 88265 89.20 81.75 108.35 ?0.65 81.75 81.75 88.65 93.57 98.5O 70.65 88.65 89.20 88.65 88.65 88.65 81.75 81.75 22.50 22.50 22.50 8.75 22.50. 22.50 22.50 22.50 13.'75 22.50 22.5O 22.50 5,00 22.50 22.50 10.00 22.50 11.25 163 299.72 215.84 216.70 137.90 147.75' 97.45 139.95 147.75 59.10' t47.~5 147~75 39.4O 132.97 270.87 178;80 145.67 268.52 157.45 259.60 239.40 $64,659.05 Re_~al, ar_ Acco~_~t: 4/30/53 5102 4/30/53 5103 5/29/53 5293 5/29/53 5294 5/29/53 5295 5/29/53 529~ 5/29/53 529'7 5~2~/5~ ~ Treas.. of Va.-Con.Fd.F.I.CjA. National Bank and Trust Co. Treas. of Va.-Cond~.F.I.C.A. Jesse W. Dillon, Treas. of Va. World Insurance Company The Peoples National Bank 2~.29 917.70 62,145.72 9,335.1~1 185.54 903.03 1,199.72 72.49 ,,, 7~.ooo.o~ $149;959.6o St?to Aocotmt: None , None Joint Health Department Account: None None _ Joint. Health Department Special Ac. count: 9 ~ ~ - 25 ~Jnknown ~ 242 Narris Dental Co., Inc. 5/13/53 243 Julia Randolph 8.00 $ 13.13 228 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that The Peoples National Bank of Charlottesville be and it is hereby authorized to honor outstanding checks &fawn by D. A. Robinson, DireCtor of Finance, prior to June 1, 1953:~ in the amoun%s.as follows: Date' of 3/21/51 51161~, 9/2o151 11/23/51 11123I~ 1/16/52 ll ~19/~2 1/~1Z53 l~ z/53 4/~5/53 ~1~1/53 41~115~ 5/~0/53 5/~0/53 ~0/s~ 5~ 2o/~3 5/20/53 5/~0/53 ~/~0/~ Oheck Number Pa_~: Amo~unt 92 Lydia A. Murray $ 4.00 300 Ruby E. Ramsey 1.85 375 Bottled Gas Corp. of Va. 59.55 1113 Dr. R. Brown 5.00 1566 W.D. Maupin 5.00 1714 Crozet .Hardware .45 2096 Va. Assoc. of Assessing Officers 6.00 4058 Burroughs Adding Machine 19.20 4533 Va. Dept. of Highways 2.00 4543 Amanda -.Jane Weymouth 50. O0 4989 George T. Huff, Treas. 15.00 5082 Harold Halleck 10.00 5092 John Pace 10.00 5117 Mrs. A. B. Dawson -' 6.25 5121 The American Pub!ie Health Assoc., Inc. 1.08 5123 City of .Ch'vi!!e, Director or Finance 51.42 5127 Jarman ' s inc. 12.15 5132 postmaster, Charlottesville 15.O3 5133 Powers and Anderson, Inc. 151.85 5135 Richmond Paper Co. 8..11 5136 State Health Dept., Biologics Dept. 2.15 5138 Va.-Tel. & Tel. Co. 33.14 5139 Weinberg's Monticello Drug Co. 5.95 5146 Agnes M. Bibb 12.76 5155 Charles G. Cart 9.00 5164 Hugh N. Clark 85.20 5179 John M. Hamlet 5.00 5181 George T. Huff, Treas. 15.00 5186 Fannie Ford Johnson 15.00 5190 Dr. Jane Luke 5.00 5201 Lynn F. Moore 12.50 5208 The National Education Assoc. 9.2~ 5210 Ethel P ~ Nicholas 21.20 5213 Piedmont Sanitorium 89100 5214 Pitney-Powes, Inc. 19.8~ 5215 Prentice-Hall, Inc. 5219 ~ality Products gab., Inc. 21.75 5224 J.S. Roye 49.20 5248 Mrs. Thomas W. Wolfe 166.66 5249 W.W. Wood, Sec.-Treas. 2.40 - 5260 The City News Store 89.09 5269 Campbell Holt 39.10 5272 State Health Dept. 4.30 5289 Jesse W. Dillon, Treas.of Va. 5,050.00 5290 Esso Standard Oil Co. 26.51 5291 George .E. Hall ~7.50 5292 Pure Oil Co. 2,961.02 5299 D.A.Robinson, Director of Finance 580.84 5300 Citizens Bank and Trust Co. 1,O16.50 5301 J~sse ~W. Dillon, Treas. of Va. 3A9.94 $!1,182.29 Checks outstanding more than two years to be returned to General F~md 8~m~plus per res&lution of the Board of Supervisors of 6/9/53. , 128.~ $11,310.71 Crozet Branch of Peoples National Bank of Charlottesville, Va.: Account Amount Crozet Water Works Account None BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Gitizens Bank and T~st Company, Charlottes- ville, be and it is hereby authorized to honor outstanding checks drawn by D. A. Xobinson, Director of Finance, prior to J~ue 1, 1953, in the amounts as follows: Boar~d Qf Pub~ic Wel~fare Acco_~_~t: 8/l/51 8/:]./52 1,,/~/52 12 ~/52 3/ /53 4/ ~/53 5/ /~53 5/1/53 5/31/53 5/31/53 5/31/53 5/3175~ 573~_/53 5/31/53 5/31/53 11203 Mitilda Terrell ~.O0 3623 LucindaWoody 17.00 4683 James R. Davis~~ 20.00 4872 Mrs. Ella Glass 22.00 5891 Mrs. Elizabeth S. Frey 78.00 6412 Mrs. Emmett Maupin 25.00 6449 Marie Awkard 12.00 645~ Lavenia Washington 10.00 6736 ~rs. Moses Coleman 125.00 6737 Mrs. H. E. Marsh 25.00 6738 Mamie C~rry 25.0~ 6739 Mrs. Emmett Maupin 25.00 6740 Mrs. George Shif!ett 125.00 6741 Mrs. Mary Wood Shiflett 176.00 6742 Mrs. George Hall 50.00 Date of _Qheek 573i/53 ~/~1 ~ 5/31/53 (Improper Endors) Cheek 743 6745 6746 6747 6748 6?49 675O 6751 6752 6753 6754 6755 6756 6757 6758 6?59 6521 R~volvimE Fund Account: n/26/51 n/30/51 12/6/51 12/8/51 4/4/52 5L10/52 5/16/52 615152 9/1.8152 11/11~2 11/~152 11/ 12/ 12/ /52 2/~/~ ~/~/~ ~/6/~ ~/2~/~ ~/2/~ ~/~/~ ~/] ~/~ ~/ ~/~ ~/ ~/~ ~/ ~/~ ~/ ~/~ ~/ ~/~ ~/~ ~/2~/~ ~/2~/~ ~/2~/~ ~/2~/~ ~/~I~ ~/~I~ ~/~I~ ~I~I~ 12233 12278 12286 12289 12292 12320 12321 12392 12484 12506 12507 12533 12562 12568 12581 12611 12624 12629 12638 12721 12789 12827 -12839 1284O 12891 1 74 ?5 76 ?8 88 89 92 93 13018 13O22 13073 13091 13094 13184 13198 13199 13226 13230 13233 13274 13285 13295 13299 13302 13320 13329 13330 13331 13333 13347 13338 13341 13342 13343 13344 13345 13346 13347 13348 13349 13350 13351 13352 13353 13354 Mrs. Purvis Wood Mrs. Tom Cart Fannie Lincoln Mrs. David Thomas Mrs. H. H. H~rtt Mrs. Willie Thomas Mrs. George. Garrison Mrs. Jessie Shiflett Mrs. Charles Herring Mrs. Louie O, Ward Carrie Henderson Mrs. Linda Henderson Miller School Board Elizabeth Woodfolks Mrs. George D. Crickenberger Mrs. C. E. Crenshaw Ossie Fleming District Home Board James H. Hay Clarence Thompson Madison Mason William Mason Rosa Loft Noses Madaline Jones Jessie Flowers Frank Loft Thomas J. Banton Virgie Pritehett Mary W. ~Twyman Rol!in M. Stanton, Jr. Kitty Hopkins Margaret Ann Wade Laura Speed Elliott Joseph E. MeAllister Hudson J. and Thelma Carter Coleman Norfor~ Edward D. Dyer, Jr. '- George T. Jr. and Ruby Omohundre Einwood Morris Catherine Redd Carroll David R. Wright Rose B. Noses James A. Price Robert K. Bennett A. B. Dorton William P. Bass Shirley B. Fullerton E. O. McCue, Jr., Adm. Alfre~ T. Mann Cecil B. Broekenbrough James Collins Adrana Thompson James A. Kerr Roy E. Dorrier Frances W. Knight Cordelia Miller Margaret Coles Tracey C. R. Jones Thomas J. Banton Lagania F. Miohie Jeff Chess Edward H. Sundbeek Junieus Anderson Alberta Wallace Preston Wheeler Nary W. Twyman Joseph C. Cary Frank E. Wood Bessie B. Walker Charles S. Gibson Rede Lott Moses R. So Carter Jesse W. Dillon, Treas. Jesse W. Dillon, Treas. Henry Chiles C~mpbell Holt Cosby Patterson William Carter T. A. Price William H. Spencer Robert B Hogue J. G. Pugh Lindsey Pitts R. S. Allegree J. R. Wingfield, Mabel Alwood Bernadine Day James DeW. Wilde III James H. Blackwe!l Amou~t $ 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 25,00 75.00 50.0O 25.00 25.00 75.00 43.50 15.00 25.00 25. OO 25.00 $1,823.50 .33 3.16 .26 .26 1.58 .11 .58 .25 .31 .36 .19 .42 .20 .22 1.40 .15 24.85 .35 ?.43 .60 t.00 .29 .18 .58 .65 .35 10.60 .18 1.30 3.10 .29 .55 .18 .25 °29 .18 ~2'7.07~ ?.24 .19 t.15 .20 .24 .48 1.15 .43 3.87 .29 .19 .17 .26 .91 .45 .58 .19 87.62. 5.00 1.91 27.50 22. O0 18.80 24.50 22.00 23.~$0 22.50 22. O0 24. O0 16.50 15.90 17;60 12.00 12.60 Date of Check 5! 28/53 5/~8/53 5/~8/53 5! 28/53 Check Numbe_ r. ~: Amount 1335'5 R.N. Giannini $ 3.80 13356 Livie S. Tapscott 5.50 13357 H.B. Bragg 3.60 13358 S. 8~ ~Loekheart 5.10 13359 A.H. Boliek 5.00 !~360 Wa!ter~ A. Young 5.30 13361 Wiley P. Beal 22.00 13362 William T. Washimgton 3.?0 13363 Ma~a E. Andes 9.20 13364 Thomas W. S. Craven 4.30 13365 Lloyd W. Char!is 7J20 13366 Theresa M. Garth 22.00 13367 Richard A. Taylor i00.00 Cheeks outstanding more than two years to be returned to Gert&rat Fund Smrpl~s per resolution of the Beard of Supervisors 6/9/53 $ 714.96 DrawinE Account: None None And a copy of this resolution shall constitute notice to the respective banks that the checks listed herein are the ehly cheeks to be paid from County funds bearing the signature of D. A. R~binson~ Director of Finance. Mr.-Musselman Called the Beard's attention to the fact that there are a number of eld checks which are outstanding and suggested that those outstanding over two years be ehaE:~ged off. Upon motion, ma~byMr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Wood, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the following cheeks be Charged off and returned to General Fund Surplms: Date of Cheek 6 lO/18/ 6 12/18/46 12 1/:9/4'7 2/,1//,,7 31:4147 3/:4/47 e/:5/47 2/8/4 4/~6/48 zo/22/48 ~/~9/50 6/26/50 v/26/ o 8/29/ o 12A1/~ Gheck N~mber 10013 10054 10114 10227 1O228 10277 10287 1'0340 10343 10435 10545 10612 1O614 10676 10729 1O776 10777 1O795 1O811 1O965 11O46 11O77 11205 11206 11263 11321 11352 11426 11/.¢,1 11507 11531 11629 11686 11700 11776 11780 11825 11835 11846 11875 11912 11981 12042 12070 12071 12072 12073 12082 O, W~ Dennis Rosa Price Nelson and Nattie Johnson Nora Clark Holeman Curtis Thacker C, H. Coleman Mrs. E. V. Cobbs Herbert Taylor Zaidee Creel Williams Major BOwles Chtherine T~ompson C. E. Darwell Helen Cobbs2 John W. Wheeler C; B. Loving N. B. Goings J. M. Tapseot% Dalor J. Bcnnin Jehu C. Cottrell Re-F. Loving Nannie Wright Mildred Robinson S~ E. Carroll Co~E. Crowder Watson E. Orndoff Estelle Duff Catherine Thompson Nellie Meadows Mrs. John McBelden G~ C. Spencer Carrington Martin Joseph R. Coghill J. M. Tapscott Lena Cary A.M. Sargeant Nathaniel Saylor Raymond E. Shiflett John D. ~ahan Eva RandolphExee. Martin Crawford Frank Lett Mrs. Johu McBolden Mrs. Esther J. Reaves E. R. Smith David Wilson Albert Nicholas Kate C. GraVy Alice Jones Total .30 °22 .15 °25 o31 .10 .28 · 50 1.04 .66 .22 .10 .69 .10 4.10 .60 .40 .20 4. OO .24 .18 2.77 .12 1.30 .75 .23 .31 .89 .59 2.22 . .73 .14 .20 !. 59 .09 .25 1.30 .85 .95 .40 .26 .18 R__e. _.~_ .ar C~eckin~ Aeco~unt,~ ~e~op!~es' National .~an~__= Date ef Check. Check Number_ Payee: Amoun~ 7/21/48 30854 Dr. B. ~. Berner $ 5.00 11/17/48 3~8Q4 ~. B. Kent 2.00 11/17/48 31907 J.W. Garth, III 5.00 1/24/49 32167 Nancy Ellen Londeree 50.00 5/25/49 32923 H.H. Tapscott 8.25 7/20/49 33232 P.S. Pey~on 28.60 8/17/~.9 33367 J.B. Thompson 11.00 11/16/49 34017 E.F. Tomtin 3.00 2/25/50 3482 5 Harry Langhorne 10. O0 6/21/50 35408 The Country Store, Inc. 2.0~ 11'/15/~0 36650 C.E. Brown 3.57 Total $ 128.42 Upon motion, made by gr. Smith and seconded by Mr. Wood, the following Resolution was unani- mously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Beard cf County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that payment'be stepped on Payroll Check No. 11526, dated December 31, 1946, made payable to C. Purcell McOue, and that duplicate check be issued to replace this check. ~ Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Wo~d, the foltowing~Resolution was unani- mously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Joint Health Board be and is hereby recommended to charge off check number 25 drawn on the Joint Health Fund Special Account on September 9, 1942. Communication was r~ceived from D1 A. Robinson submitting his. resignation as a member of the Joint Health Board and the District Home Board, and copy of a communication addressed to the Welfare Boa~d from Mr. RobinSon was received submitting his resignation as secretary of the Welfare Board. Upon tactic !~, made by Mr. Weed and seconded by Mr. Bain, Mr. Robinson's resignation as a member of the Joint Health Board and District Home Board was accepted. Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. M. M. Pence was appointed to serve on the ~eint Health Board and the District Home Board. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Smith, Mr. M. M. Pence was authorized to re-open the Department ef Finance at 8:00 A.M. on June ~0, 1953. Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Wood, the following Resolution was unani- mously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Beard of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Joint Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport-Committee be and is hereby recommended to establish a single individual as its fiscal agent. Mr. Pence expressed to the Board his appreciation to the Board for its consideration in ap- pointing him as County Executive and Director of Finance. Upon motion, the. meeting adjourned.