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A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,~iVirginia, was held
at the Office Building ef said County on the 17th day of June, 1953.
Present: Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. H. Bain, H. Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith, J. W~
Williams and W. W. Wood.
Absent: None.
Officers present: Qounty Executive aM O6mmO~weal~h~ A'ttoraey.
The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr~ E. H. Bain.
Minutes of the meetings of April 21, 1953 ,and and May 20, 1953 W~re read and approved.
At the request of Mr. W. W. Shields, Resident Highway Engineer, the~ollowing resolution
was offered by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr.~ Wood, and mnanimously carried:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Co~ty,
Virginia, that the following abandonments and additions which have been caused by
the relocation and construction of Route 20, Project 2802'04, be and they are
hereby approved:
Secondary Abandonments:
Section 1 - Not changed as ef this date.
Section 2' - Route 727, 0.158 miles.
Section 3 - Route 708, 0.185 miles.
Section 4 - Route 720, O.113 miles.
Section 5 - Route 712, 0.059 miles.
Secondary Additions:
Section 6 - Route 717, 0.014 miles.
Section 7 - Route 708, 0.023 mi~s.
Section 8 - Route 720, 0.235 miles.
Section 9 - Route 712, 0.0~52 miles.
Mr. George W. Harris appeared and requested the construction of a new ra,~ad connecting 01d
Scottsville Road and old Lynchburg Road. This matter was discussed and Mr. Williams and Mr. Shields ad-
vised that they wo~ld view this read with ~.~e'"~esidents ~aking the request.
Nr. Andrew Cushman, and Mr~'~William Battle, Attorney, appeared and presentton petition re-
questing the acceptance of reads in Knollweod Subdivision into the seu$~ry~.system. Upon motion,
made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Smith, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREA~, the property owners in the Knellwood Subdivision duly filed their
~petition .that the read'in Albemarle Coun~y~_.~irgin~a,~b~ing at Enollwood entrance
leading off of West' Barracks Read, including the read known as West Park Drive and
that portion of S~mmit Road lying withing Section One of Knellwoed Subdivision~ a
distance of 2300 feet, be included in the State Highway Secondary System, and that
the said read is serving approximately eighteen homes; and
WHEREAS, the existing subdivision was partially developed with six occupied
residences-prier to J~ly l, 1949 and it is the considered opinion ef this Board that
there are extenuating circumstances and conditions which warrant the granting ef
reasonable modifications to the present regulations governing acceptance of such
streets into the Secondary System;
NOW, T~EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that the State Highway Department ~e and it is hereby requested to
take into the Secondary System the 2300 feet of read described above.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Virginia Department of Highways be and is
hereby guaranteed a. 40 ft. unobstructed right of way along the above described road.
BE IT FURTHER ~RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be sent to the State
Communication was received from the Virginia Department of Highways advising that the additions
and abandonments approved by this Boar~ on Nay 20, 1953, in connection with construction and relocation
on Route 649 had been approved by the Virginia Highway Commission.
Communication was received from the Virginia Department ef Highways advising that the additions
to the Secondary System as revues%ed by this Board on March 18, 1953 and May 20, 1953, were approved by
Several resmdents of th~ vicinity of the Crozet Dump, and Mr. the Crozet Lions Club,
appeared and discussed the oondit ~on of the dump and requested that it be closed. The following sugges-
tions were received from the Cow ~y Planning Commission in connection with its study of this matter:
(a) Employ someone to r~main at the dump to supervise its proper use.
(b) Impose a penalty on those people who failed to obey established dumping rules.
(¢) Land fill technique is not being efficiently utilized now. Have a survey made
by an engineer and .~ollow his recommendations.
(d) Secure more frequent use of a bulldozer to prepare and cover the dump areas.
(e) Consider land purchase instead of renting areas by the County with thought of
ultimate disposal e f improved land at a profit which would help offset operating
This matter was discussed at length,/motion was offered by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Ha~zis, ordering
that the Crozet Dump be abandoned and that in the future, commnnities demanding dumps shall obtain loca-
tions and receive the same help from 'th~' County as has been given the Orozet Dump, that a sign be put
at the entrance of the Crezet Dump advising that said dump will b~ closed as of July 1, 1953, and that
Mr. Weast be advised of the closing of this dump. This motion received all ayes except for Mr. Bain,
who voted "No".
The following is an excerpt taken from a report received from the Albemarle County P~anuing
"As you know, Albemarle County is being given the opportunity to launch the Virginia
Anti-Litter-Bug Campaign. The Plamuing Commission has met with Mr. W. B. Speck and
members of the Anti-Litter-Bug Council. We feel Albemarle County should not pass up
this opportunity to be a first in such a worthwhile venture which has, not only State
but Nationwide potentials. While starting a movement of this kind is not the duty
of this Commission, we would like to present the idea to all interested groups in
Albemarle County if you granted your approval."
Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Williams, it was ordered that the request of the
Planning Commission be granted and Mr. Pence was requested to contact Mri W. B. Speck to determine how
far he wished the County to gO in this matter.
The following were appointed as a Committee to work with Dr. Sturkie on rabies developments
and to discuss with the city Council what they are planning to do about this matter: Mr. E. H. Bain,
Nr. E~ward L. Smith, Mr. J. W. Williams, and Mr. M. M. Pence, ex-officio member.
Mr. ~. N. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Department of
Finance for the month of May, 1953, one-third of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made
and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved~
Mr. Mo M. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses ef the Sheriff's
Office for the month of May, 1953, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, ~uly madeli
and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and apprOved.
Mr. N. M. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses ef the Commonwealth
Attorney's Office for the month of May, 1953, one-half of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion,
duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail for the month of May,
1953, along with summary Statement of Prisoner Days, was presented. Upon motion, duly made and seconded~
this Statement was examined, verified and approve~.
Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, for the month of May, 1953, in the amount
of $3.00 was presented and upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Wood, was approved for
Reports of the Department of Public Welfare for the month of May, 1953, were presented in
accordance with Section 371 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1950.
Claim of the University of Virginia in the amount of $512.30 for hospitalization of indigent
patients was presented and upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded byMr. Bain, was approved for
Report of the County Executive for the month of May, 1953, was presented, approved and ordered
Report of the District Home Board for the two month~ period en~ingApril 30, 19~3, was
presented, accepted and ordered filed.
Report~-~was received from the Department of Welfare and Itstitutions on imspectien of the COun~
Jail and was ordered filed.
The following report was received from the Crozet Water Committee:
"We recommend ~n extension ef the 6 inch water main on Hilltop Avenue, Crozet Sani-
taryDistrict, 600 feet east of the present end of line. A fire plug to be installed
at a location on this e~tension 1000 feet from existing fire plug.
This extension te be paid by contract with Blue Ridge Motor Company on the basis of
10 per cent ef installation cost per year. This cost to include cost of the fire plug
(Signed) Jack Apperson, Chairman
T. O. Perkins
V. S. Tomlin
Dabney W. Sandridge
Edward D. Daughtrey"
Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. H~rris, this matter was tabled until further investi-
gation is made.
The report on the audit of the accounts of the~District Home for the calendar year 1952 was
presented, and upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Smith, was ordered accepted and filed.
Mr. Pence reported that the total cost of correcting drainage from the Jail and Sh~p over the
Wertz property on Fourth Street was $499.93.
Commuuication was received from the Electoral Board recommending that the precincts in the
0cunty be reduced in number from twenty-four to fourteen and recommending that the voting places in
each precinct as far as possible be in school buildings or buildings ownedoor controlled by the County.
This matter was discussed and was ordered referred to the Committee headed by Mr. C. M. Garnett, Jr.
for study and recommendation to this Board.
Communication was received from the Charlottesville-Albemarle Public Library advising that Dr
We!don Cooper of the Bureau of P~blicAdministration, University of Virginia, has agreed to undertake
a survey of the activities of the library for the purpose of arriving at a formula for the equitable
apportioning of operating costs among the city and two counties served by the library.
Communication was received from the Weights and Measures Section of the Department of Agri-
culture enclosing contract for the testing of weAghing and measuring devices in Albemarle County. Upon
motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Williams, the Chairman was authorized to execute this con-
tract on behalf ef the Board.
Upon recommendation received from ~George Gilm~z, Attorney, motion was passed asooffered
by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Bain, ordering that the County purchase two tracts ef land in the
EivannaL}District of 3 acres and 2 acres recorded in the name of William Allen (Colored), the cost to
include onlY the amount of delinquent taxes and the cost of recordation.
Mr. Baim advised the Board that Mr. Stuart Hamm, Jr. ~ad contacted him te see if the Board
would object to the Lion's Emblem being placed on the benches on the Court House Lawn. Upon motion,
made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Wood, this request was granted.
Mr. Eorberg of the State Department of Taxation appeared before the Board regarding the Countl
general reassessment. He advised that property could be reappraised or that a review co~d be taken
of the last appraisals made. This-- matter was discussed at length and upon motion, made by Er. Bain and
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. Aubrey H. Burnett for fifteen t~rkeys
killed by dogs. Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Harris, Mr. Barnett was allowed
$1.80 for each of these turkeys, a total of $27.00.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. J. T. Via for four lambs killed by dogs.
Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Harria, Mr. Via was allowed $12.00 for each of these
lambs, a total of $48.00.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mrs. Louise A. Williams for two hens killed
by dogs. Upon motion, made by $~. Wood and seconded by Mr. Harris, Mrs. Williams was allowed $L~25 for
each of these hens, a total of $2.50.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mrs. Earle Lipscomb for one rabbi~ killed by
dogs. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Bain, Mrs. Lipscomb was allowed $8.00 for this
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. R. H. Middleton for one calf killed by
dogs. UpOn motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Smith, Mr. Middleton was allowed $75.00 for
this calf.
Mr. Williams presented to the Board quotations from Charlottesville Motors for fire truck cab
and chassis and from American-LaFrance for fire apparatus to be mounted thereon. Upon motion, made by
Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Williams, Mr. Pence was instructed to place orders for this equipment and
it was ordered that firemen to operate same be employed thirty days prior te the delivery of said equip~i
Mr. Bain stated that he f~t that consideration should be given to compensation for services
rendered by Mr. M. M. Pence during the month of June. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr.
Bain, it was ordered that Mr. Pence be paid one-half month's salary for the month of June.
Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Smith, it was ordered that Sheriff W. S.
CooR be reimbursed for expenses of Deputy Sheriff Cobbs in attending the F.B.I. School in the amount
of $36.00.
Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Williams, it was ordere~ that Mr. Pence be
granted use ef the County car at his discretion.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that the Shop Committee, consisting of
Mr. Williams, Mr. Wood and Mr. Harris, investigate the use of the old repair shop.
Claims against the County amounting to $243,569.81 were presented, examined, and allowed and
certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds:
General Fund
School Fund
Dog Tax Fund
Crozet Fire District Fund
Crozet Sanitary District Fu~ud
Joint Health Fund
School Construction Bond Fund
Albemarle Central High School Construction Fund
Shop and Stores Construction Fund
McIntire Trust Fund
School Fund Revenue Ledger
Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Account
Commonwealth of Virginia Dog Tax Credit Account
Upon motio~ the meeting adjourned.
$ 27,863.16.
1 ,'35~. 51