HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-06-25SPECIAL234
June 25, 1953
Pursuant to the following waiver, the members of the Board of County Supervisors ef Albemarle
County, Virginia, met in special session jointly with the City Council in the City Hall at 2:00 P.M.
with the following members present: Messrs. C. P~rcell M¢Cue, E. H. Bain, H. Ashby Harris, Edward.L.
Smith and W. W. Wood. Absent: Mr. J. W. Williams.
We, the undersigned, members ef the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, hereby waive notice, and special service thereof, of a meeting to be held
at 2:00 P.M. on the twenty-fifth day of June, 1953, in the City Hall, Charlottesville ,
i~.Virginia, for the purpose of considering and acting upon a Grant Agreement to obtain
Federal Aid in the development of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport, and we do
hereby consent to the transaction of any and all ubsiness and the taking of such
action a~ said meeting upon the matter hereinabove mentioned as may be lawful, inet-
dent and necessary thereto.
A H~-~ Hat. tis _ a
dward ~. 'gm~h~ '
r' _--- J.W. '~illiams '
W. W. Woo~
Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and Eeconded by Mir. Bain, the following resolution was unani-
mous!y adopted:
WHEREAS, Mr. Joseph W. Mort, Jr., District Airport Engineer, Civil
Aeronautics Administration, presented to the Board a Grant Agreement relating to
the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport, designated as Project 9-44-016-301, which
' ' a
has been exeomted by the Acting Regional Admmnmstr t~r;~.~ Civil Aeronautics A~minis-
tration, and its contents were explained and fully discussed by the Board;
On motion by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Bain, it was unanimously
(1) That the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
taking joint action with the City Council of Charlottesville, shall entez into
a Grant Agreement for the purpose of obtaining Federal Aid in the development of
the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport and that such agreement shall be as set
forth hereinbelow;
(2) That the Chairman is hereby authori zed and directed to execute said
Grant Agreemmnt on behalf of the County of Albemarle in sextu~elet and the Clerk of
the Board is hereby authorized and directed to affix and attest the official se~l
of the County of Albemarle;
(3) That the Grant Agreement referred to herein above shall be as follows:
(See Page 235)
~art Z- 0f~er
herei, n referred %o as %he ,Administrator,)~ -
~e Administ'~atora Pr'oj
"Airport"), together with plans for such proj?ect,-
Project Application, as; approved,
herein and made a pa~,t hereof; and
WHEREAS, the Administrator has' ~poroved a-Drcject for. development of
Airport (herein .called t'he "Project") consisting o~ the 'folloWing des6rib,
airport development:
t~d ac'. ~.s~ ti~ cle~n ~d ~li~ ~- 'ra~ ~ '
a~ z'ee-~ '~a3d. bu~l~ng area:~ pave ~n~ '~6~8 'by l~ feet, ta~wav~
~.i~i~y r~ay marker lights$ t~fimg~ ~d relocate hi~wa~
of hi¢~y '~ be ~iocated hetween End SePticn
.End Section 'R743~ -8ta$i~n 2~5.~
a~: shown ,:)n tztle uheet of pl~s for-:~ad relocattene app~ved by
and in consideration of (&)
representations ar, d. assura~c'e
its aoceptan'ce of this Offer, as nereina, fter
to accrue to the United States and the p ~e
Project and the operation and maintenance omf,the Airport, as herein provided
Upon motion, the meeting adjo~ed.
a reasonia~t~, time
The SPo,nSor,:Shall'
(a) ~egin accomp:lishmle, n~ of
:,.a~%e~ acceP~:ance.of th.~ and~
(b) O~rry out ~nd ~comple~e the Project .in ~C~ordance" With~ the 'terms
~-.of ~hiS;Offer:,' an~the..~ederat:~A~irport Act and
promulgated ther,under b~ the Adminis%rato~.in effec~
(o)" carry cbt and.comp[etethe Pro,:eot' in acco:
a~n~ speo "~
~ im~y.be revi~ ~t '
~ h' . approval of theAdminiStra-
~or o~. his duty authori~ed~epresentatiVes~~ - ~ ' '
,The Sponsor. shall Operate,a~d m~intain.:%he Airport
the Project Application inO0ppOrs~t'ed h~rein.
~]i~ted ~ fu~ish'ei~!
~Any' 'misrePresentation
conc&-~ing the Project or the Sponsor,s.authority or abilit~ ~%o-carry
out the obligations ~sumed bY ~the Sponsor in accepting this-Offer
shall %erminate the obligation of the United States, and it is.unde~tood
~d ~greed bY the Sponsor in ,accepting this 0ffeP-that if
fact has been misrepresented or omitted by the SPonsor, the Adminis-
trator on behalf of %he United States may recover all
The Administrator ~ese.rves the.right to ~end or withd~w this~Offe~
at any time.prior' io.i~s acceptan6e by the Spohsor.
This Offershmll
£~:k~t~· . on or '~o~..~ J~ 30, i~'%3
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
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Up°n motion, the meeting adjo~ed.
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P.~tT II m' m
Executed ~i~ "
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
o,~on~or h~ b~en..dU.~ au~rl~ed ~d ~,at ~'~e ex~c{2tion th~:rscf 'is: ~ afl
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Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.