HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-07-31SPECIALJuly 31, 1953
Pursuant to the following waiver, themembers of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virg~uia, met in special session on this date in the County Office Building at 8:30 A.M. with
the following members Present: Messrs. C. Purcell ~cCue, E. H. Bain, H. Ashby Harris, Edward Lo Smith,
and J. W. Williams. Absent: Mr. W. W. Wood.
We, the undersigned, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, hereby waive notice, and special service thereof, of a meeting to be held
at 8:30 A.M. on the thirty-first day of July, 1953, in the County Office Building,
Charlottesville, Virginia, for the purpose of considering and acting upon the Joint
Airport and we do hereby consent to the transaction of any and all business and the
taking of such action at said meeting upon the matter hereinabove mentioned as may be
lawful, incident, and necessary thereto.
Ci ~Pur~e~l M~Cue
E. H. Bain
W. W. Wood
The .following extract Trom the meeting of the Joint Airport Committee held on Thursday, July
30, 1953, was present~d:
"Mr. Johm N. Gilbert, President of Gilbert Engineering Company, appeared
before~t~e JOint Airport Committee to state his reasons for attempting to retract
his Bids for grading and road relocation at the Joint Airport site. He pointed
out that the delay in awarding the contract had caused him great expense and
offered to adjust the amount bid for grading the airport by adding two cents (2¢)
per yard on all excavation Item 152-4.1, explaining that this would result in a
total e~timated increase of approximately $20,000°00, and that if this proposal
should be accepted there would be no retraction of their previous offer to deduct
$30,O00.GO~-from the total cost of road relocation.
After full discussion~of this proposal, the Committee being advised that
it was fair and equitable in view of the circumstances and should be accepted, but
that the adjustment, for accounting purposes, should be made in a d~fferent manner.
On motion byMr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Battle, it was unanimously Resolved that
the Joint Airport Committee enter into a contract with Gilbert Engineering Company
on the basis of its original bid as shown on O. R. Randolph's tabulation except
that: (1) The unit cost of excavation in Proposal 2 (Road Relocation 301o19 -
Excavation) be decreased from sixty-cents (.60) per cubic yard to thirty-two cents
(.32) per cubic ~rd in lieu of the previous reduction of $30,000.00 and (2) that
the unit cost of excavation in Proposal lA, Altermate #2 (Reduced Grading of Air~
port) be increased from o196 per cubic yar~ to ~216 per cubic yar~; and ~that the
entire work under this contract be completed by July l, 1954. All being subject
to CAA approval."
It was pointed out that the net effect of the above action was to increase Item (1)
in. the engineer's estimate, spread in the minutes of the meeting of J~e 3~1953 by $6,000.00 and at
the~Same time reduce Item (3) by $3,000.00, thereby resulting in a net~in~:~ase of $3,000.00, making a
Lit°tal anticipated cost of $828,855.55.
After full discussion, a motion by Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. NcOue, that the action of the
Joint Airport Committee as set forth.in the~Ab&~ report~be~atif~d and co~firmed, was unanimously
adopted~ ~
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.