HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-09-23 An adjourned meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle ¢ounty,'Virginia, was held
at ~:00 ~.M. on September 23, 1953, in the County Office Building, with the following members present:
Messrs. ¢. Purcell McCue, E. H. Bain, H. Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith and John W. Williams. Absent:
Mr. W. W. Wood.
Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. E. H. Bain.
Members of the Crozet Water Committee and a n~mber of citizens from Crozet also met with the
A~ the request ef Mr. Williams, Mr. M. M. Pence read to those present a financial statement
of the accounts of the Crczet Sanitary District.
Upon the recommendation of Mr. Pence, in concurrence with the Orezet Water Committee, it was
decided that in the case of apartment buildings, a separate ~it~ing sheet shall be used for each apart-
ment so that when an apartment is empty, the owner will not be billed the minimmm charge on that partic~
lar apartment.
The Commonwealth's Attorney reported that he felt that in the event of f~ture emergencies of
water shortage that a resolution similar to the cue new in force would be more quickly put into effect
and more effective than an emergency ordinance.
In connection with Mr. R. A. Gentry's statement to this Boar~ at its A~gust meeting that he
was entitled to a 1~" water line and rights to the dam, Mr. Downing Smith advised that he felt this was
a personal agreement in the former deed to this land rather than an easement to pass with the title to
this land.
The following report was received from the Crezet~Nater Committee in connection with complaint
also received from Mr. Gentry at the August Board meeting:
"Mr. C. Purcell MeCu~, Chairman
Board of County Smpervisors of Albemarle County
Charlottesville, Virginia
Dear Mr. McCue:
The Crezet Water Committee reports that Mr. R. A. Gentry has presented a claim for damages for
loss of the use of thirteen apple trees for ten years and for damage to apple crop this year. The
Committee is of the opinion that Mr. R. A. Gentry has sustained some damage and recommends that Mr. R. A.
Gentry be paid $40.00 per year for the remainder of the period (hi, years) of his right to use the apple
trees. Mr. R. A. Gentry indicated that he would be willing te accept $75.00 per year for his damages
or he would be willing to release his rights to the apple trees reserved on the 46.46 acres sola to the
County for $750.00.
(Signed) A. J. Apperson, Chairman"
Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. S~ith, and unanimously approved, the Common-
wealth'~ttorneywas requested to negotiate with Mr. Gentry on the basis of $40.00 per year as recomme~
by the Water Committee..
Communication from Mr. D. F. Swortzel regarding his water bill was again presented and it was
the feeling of the Board that the change in billing of more than one tap would correct this complaint.
Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Smith, payment of the final bill for constrnc
tion of the filter plant by Culpeper Building and Supply Corporation was approved.
Mr. Pence called the Board's attention to the Highway Conference which wo~d be held October l~
15 and 16, 1953. Mr. Pence was instructed to attend this Conference if possible.
At the request of Mr. Downing L. Smith, CommonWealth's Attorney, and upon motion, made ~yMr.
Bain and seconded by Mr. Williams, Mr. Downing Smith was authorize~ to prepare deed conveying .40 acre to
Specialties, Inc. and to petition court for same and the exchange of 3.24 acres, and Mr. C. Purcell Mc~ue
Chairman, was authorized to sign said deed.
Request was received from the University of Virginia Hospital for the renewal of the present
S. L. H. Agreement for the hospitalization of indigents at the rate ~f $16.00 per day, for the period
October l, 1953 and ending March 31, 1954. Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Williams,
it was ordered that the County enter into the agreement with the University Hospital and the Department
of Welfare and Institutions for the hospitalization of indigent patients from Albemarle County at the
above stated rate and for the above stated period, and Mr. C. Purcell McCue was authorized to sign said
Mr. Pence called the Board's attention to the fact that the Welfare Department was in need of
dictating equipment ~d he was authorized to p~rchasing this equipment for the Welfare Department.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
October 9, 1953
Pursuant to the following waiver, the members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albe~rle
County, Virginia, met in special session on this date in the County Office Building at 8~30 A.M. with th.
following members present: Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith and John W.
Nilliams. Absent: Messrs. E. H. Bain and W. W. Wood.
We, the undersigned, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, hereby waive notice, and special service thereof, of a meeting to be held
at 8:30 A?~J~. on the nint~ day of October, 1953, in the County Office Building, Char-
lottesville, Virginia, for the purpose of considering and acting upon Salary and Ex-
pense requests to the Compensation Board for the calendar year 1954 and W?e~doL~h~r~byY
¢on~ent~J~to~..the transaction of any and all business and the taking of such action at
said meeting upon the matter hereinabeve mentioned as may be lawful, incident and~
necessary thereto.
C. Purcell McC~ ~
E. H; Bain
H~hby Harris
~-' ' Edward L. Smith
/'--/" . John W. -Williams
W. W. Wood
Mr. Pence presented to the Board salary and expense request form for the calendar year 1954
for the Department of Finance in the total amount of $~3,660.00 which included $15.00 per month increase:
effective July l, 1954 for all employees in that department with the exceptions of R. C. Sours for whom
$~0.00 per month increase was requested effective January l, 1954 and a like increase effective July l,
1954 and of S. S. Clark for whom a $10.00 per month increase was requested effective January l, 1954, an[
a like increase effective July l, 1954. Upon marion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Harris,
the following resolution was unanimously adopted for submission to the State Compensation Board along
with the Salary and Expense Request Form:
BE iT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle' County,
VSrginia, that the Salary and Expense Request Form for the calendar year 1954 in
the total amount of $43,660.00, as prepared by M. M. Pence, Director of Finance,
for the Department~:ef Finance, be and is hereby approved.