HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-11-18263 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Couuty, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 18th day of November, 1953. Present: Messrso C. Purcell McCue, H. Ashby Harris, Edward Lo Smith, John W. Williams, and W. W. Wood. Absent: Mr. E. H. Bain. Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. C. Purcell McCue. Minutes of the meetings of October 21, 1953 and October 26, 1953 were read and approved. Mr. Sam Clark reported that he and Mr. McCue viewed the tract of land in the Samuel Miller District consisting of 38 acres on which the County received an offer of $100.00 at the last meeting from Mrs. Reva B. Marshall. He advised that the land was relatively inaccessable and that while viewing said land, an offer of $110.O0 was received from Virgil Tomlin, which he and Mr. McCue felt was a fair offer. Upon motion, made by Mr. Smith and seconded by Mr~ Wood, Mr. Tomlin's offer was accepted. An offer of $60.00 was received from Mr. R. B. Godwin for five acres of land owned by the County in the Rivanna District. Mr. Clark advised that the Couuty purchased this tra~t in 19~% for $100.00 and it was the expressed feeling of the Board that the above offer was too little. The Chairman appointed Mr. Edward L. Smith and Mr. Pence to investigate this property and report back to the Board at~ its next regular meeting. Co~munication was received from the State Highway Department advising that Kenwood Land in Neadowbrook Heights had been accepted in the Second~ry System effective September l, 1953, as requested by resolution of this Board. Mr. Ndward Gilders~eve, Mr. Leonard and Mr. Campbell Holt appeared and requested straightenin~ grading and hard surface of Route 712 from Keene to Kidd's Store, a distance of ~o6 miles. M~.r. Shields advised that this road had not been programmed although it did carry a sufficient traffic count. He further requested that this request be presented in writing as a matter of record and advised that the project is in line for improvement and will be taken care of as soon as funds are available. Petition in hands of Mr. Shields was read to the Board requesting that Route 602 be hard sur~ faced from Howardsville West to Route 800 to provide link with Route 6 and Route 29, said petition carry. lng approximately ninety signatures. A number of citizens also appeared before the Board urging that this road be hard surfaced. Mr. Shields advised that this would be a very expensive project in order to eliminate the very hazardous curves. He further stated that the Road deserves improvement and that the project would be studied by the Board and the Highway Department and would be taken care of as soon as funds would allow. Mr. E. H. Copenhaver, Attorney, appeared with Mr. and Mrs. R. 'A~ Gentry and presented the follo~ lng letter addressed to Er. Downing L. Smith, Commonwealth's Attorney: "Dear Mr. Smith: This is to state, as I have orally reported to you, that Mr. Gentry is not satisfied with the proposal of the Board of Supervisors as communicated to him in your letter of September 2&th. As your file may show, Mr. Gentry claims that 13 apple trees were destroyed; that l~ such trees should produce an average of at least l0 buEhels of apples per tree per year. Figuring 505 per bushel profit, this would amoun~ fo $65.00 per year or $520.00 in 8 years. He further claims that due to the fact that the construction work rendered the orchard road-way impassable and caused him to lose the 1953 c~op on LO trees, and by the same calculation as above, he claims an additional loss of $200°00. This makes a total loss of $720.00, for which he considers that he is entitled to reimbursement° Unless the board sees fit to reimburse him on the above basis and, as an alternative proposal which is made in an effort to get the matter settled, M~. Gentry says that he would be willing to have the question of damages resulting from the loss of tree~ and apples determined by arbitration. In this event we would propose to the board that they select one person; that Mr. Gentry select another, and that the two shall select a third; that the board and he, meanwhile, agree to abide by the findings of this committee of arbitrators in assessing damages resulting from the destruction of 13 trees and the road-way obstruction which made it impracticable to care for an additional ~0 trees and harvest the fruit therefrom in the current season, and that the arbitrators be instructed to arrive at a l~ap sum figureo I have already indicated to Nr. Pence, as well as to you, that I will e×pect to submit the contents of this letter to the Board of Supervisors on the 18th. Very truly yours, (Signed) E, H. Copenhaver" The Commonwealth~ Attorney advised that arbitration is a reasonably fair way to settle the matter but that he felt that Nr. Bain and the Water Committee should be given ~n opport~tuity.to express their feel- ings in the matter. Upon motion, made by Nr. Williams and seconded by Nr. Wood, it was ordered that Nr. Bain and the Water Committee be contacted regarding this matter before the Board takes aCtion. Col. Henry B. Goodloe, Secretary of the Electoral Board, again appeared to determine if the Board would petition the Court to reduce the number of voting precincts from 24 to 14 in>~he County. He stated that if the Board did not intend to bring the matter before the Count, then he would resort to the other alternative of having twenty qualified voters from each district sign petitions to be presente~ to the Court. Upon motion, made by ~r. Williams and seconded by Nr. Harris, it was ordered that if ther~ is a change to be made, the petitions would have to come from the people° This motion carried unanimous] ~ Mr. Mo No Pence, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Department of Finance for the month of October, 1953, one-~hird of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved. Nr. N. N. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's Of- lice for the month of October, 1953, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved. Nr. N. No Pence, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Commonwealth Attorney's Office for the month of October, 1953, ~ne-half of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved. Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of ~risoners confined in the County Jail was submitted for the month of October, 1953, along with a Summary Statement of Prisoner Days. Upon motion,duly made and seconded, these statements were examined, verified and approved. Nr. Williams advised that the Sheriff had accepted the resignation of Earl H. Davis, Deputy Sheriff and had employed ~r. F. F~ ~arsh to replac~ him, effective January l, 195~ at a salary of $3,000.00 per year. Upon motion, made by mr. Williams and seconded by ~r. Harris, the following resolu- tion was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the State Compensation Board be and is hereby requested to approve th~ employment of Nr. F. F. Narsh as Deputy Sheriff for Albemarle County, to re- place ~ro Earl H. Davis, at a salary of $~,000.00 per year effective January l, 195~, and to participate in its proportionate share of said salary. Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright in the amount of $8.00 was presented, and upon motion, made by ~r. Wood ~nd seconded by Nr. Harris, was approved for payment. N~eport of the County Executive for the month of October, 1953, was presented, approved, and ordered filed. Reports of the Department of Public Welfare were presented in accordance with Section ~71 of the 1950 Acts of the General Assembly. Communication was received from Niss Virginia A. Roller, submitting, her resignation as Assista~ County Home Demonstration Agent effective December l, 1953. Upon motion, made by Nr. Williams and seconded by Nr. Wood, Niss Roller's resignation was accepted with regrets. Niss Lenno×,oDistrict Super- visor of Home Demonstration Agents, appeared before the Board and recommended Niss Nargaret Alphin to replace Niss Roller and requested that the County continue its present appropriation of $1200o00 per annu Upon motion, made by Nr. Wood and seconded by Nr. Harris, it was ordered that Niss Alphin's employment be approved and that the County appropriate 81,000.00 per annum toward her salary. Niss Lennox advised that she would report this ~ction to the Extension Service and advise the Board if they would be able Report was received from the Division of Markets of the Department of Agriculture and Immigra- tion on the test made in Albemarle County of weighing and measuring devices and was ordered filed, Communications were received from Mr. George Gilmer, Ettorney, regarding erroneous real estate assessments. Upon motion, made by Mr. Smith and seconded by Mr. Nood, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: NHERE~S~Mr. George Gilmer, Attorney who has been employed to collect de- linquent land taxes, has recommended that the following parcels of land be deleted from the County's tax rolls due to the fact that in his opinion, the land is erron- eously assessed: Ye~E Nam~ ~a~e District 19%7-1953 John L. Slaughter 0°50 Scottsville (C) 1950~1953 Keene Springs Company 6.7 Scottsville NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe- marle County, Virginia, that these parcels of land be considered as erroneous assess- ments on the basis of Mr. Gilmer's report and no further efforts be made to collect the taxes on same. Mr. Pence approached the Board on the matter of assessing livestock for the coming year and recommended that the same committee be named to work with the Board on this matter as was appointed last year. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Harris, the following were named to meet with the Board and personal property assessors on the afternoon of the regular December Board meet. lng to discuss the assessment of livestock: Messrs. Legh Walker, Joe Henley, George Cart, Harry Lang- horne, Paul Block, George Palmer, Percy Abell and Guy Via. Check in the amount of $127.60 was received from the Local Moose Lodge as a contribution to the Central Fire District. Mr. Pence was requested to write Mr. F. F. Critzer, Governor of the Lodge, acknowledging receipt and expressing appreciation for this contribution. Mr. Pence advised the Board that the fire house to house the County's fire truck would cost considerably more than originally contemplated due to the fact that the City planned to build a larger, heated building to be used by the City also which would cost approximately $5100~.00, of which one-half would be payable by the County. He advised that $1500.00 has been appropriated for this p.urpose though the overall ~ppropriation would cover this project. Mr. Edward Smith stated that he felt the records should indicate the ownership for the County's protection in the eventoof dissolution. After considerable discussion of this matter, the Commonwealth's Attorney and Mr. Pence were requested to contact the City Attorney in an effort to draw up an agreement regarding this matter. Mr. Williams ~dvised the Board that the Sheriff wished to a~opt new uniforms of brown as recommended by the Sheriff's Association for all Sheriffs and Deputies in the State and that the Sherif~ had requested that the County furnish these uniforms. This matter was discussed at length, and upon motion, made by mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Smith, it was ordered that the County furnish new -mni- forms to the Sheriff's Office and that the Sheriff be requested to set definite dates for the wearing of summer and winter uniforms in orderethat all deputies be uniformed alike at all times. Claim against the Dog Tmx Fund was received from Mr. J. S. Barney for thirty turkeys killed by dogs. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Harris, Mr. Barney was allowed a total of 457.75 (35~ per pound) for these turkeys. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Kenneth A. Wood for one goat killed by dogs. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. Wood was allowed 45.00 ~or this goat. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Robert Crile for six turkey toms and thirty- five turkey hens killed by dogs. Upon motion, made by Mr. Harris and seconded by Mr. Williams, Mr. Crile was allowed $~.00 for eac~ of the toms and $4.00 for each of the hens. Claim of Paul Smith was received against the Dog Tax Fund for two ewes killed by dogs. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Harris, Mr. Smith was allowed $12.00 for the larger ewe and S8.OOfor the smaller one. Upon motion, made by Mr. Harris and seconded by Mr. Williams, it was ordered that Mr. C. M. Eddy be paid $19.00 each for two ewes killed by dogs, same being reported to the Board at its last Nr. Donald S. Wallace appeared before the Board and discussed extensively the presentand possible future of the water supply in the Crozet Sanitary District. He stated that he felt that eventually Crozet would have to go to Stockton Creek for its water supply which was recommended by him in a report to the County in 1945 and also by Wiley and Wilson, Consulting Engineers. He recommended that in the event this source of supply is ever use~, that a ten inch line be used and estimated that the cost of piping the water to the town would be approximately $50,000.00 and in addition, the cost piping and ~ of/pumping the water to the present filter plant would cost approximately $50,000.00. He stated that he felt water rates would have to be increased still more to make the improvements needed and that the people would have to be told that it costs a great deal to get the water to the town, much more than in other areas° Nr. Williams suggested that Mr. Wallace explain the situation toga mass gathering at Crozet as he had explained it to the Board. It was decided that the Board meet with the Tater Committee first regarding this matter and advise Nr. Wallace later of a date for the mass meeting. Communication was received fromNr. Ray W. Warrick regarding supplying water from his well to the Crozet Water System. He also enclosed a copy of a letter from the Southern Drilling Company giving an opinion as to the possible capacity of this well. The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge receipt of Mr. Warrick's letter and to advise Mro Warrick that the overall water situation in under consideratio . Claims against the County amounting to $439,135oll were presented, examined and allowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment, and charged against the following _unds: General Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet Fire District Furfi Crozet Sanitary District Fund Joint Health Ftmd Albemarle Central High School Construction Fund McInti~e Trust Fund Shop and Stores Construction Fund Comm. of Va. Current Credit Account Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. $ 67,512.64 88,617.42 807.90 42~74 462.43 4,242.81 25,972.17 110.16 140.O0 $439,138.11 Chairman Note: Foregoing minutes ordered corrected at meeting ef December 16, 1953, te show that the recommenda- tion of Mr. Wallace and Wiley & Wilson was not followed due to the lack of funds in the Crozet Sanitary District Fund.