HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-02-17 A regular meeting~ of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 17th day of February, 195/.." Present: Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. H. Bain, H. Ashby Harris, John W. Williams and W. N. Wood. Absent: Mr. Edward L. Smith. Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. Minutes of the meetings of January 20, 19hA and February 9, 19hA, were read and apprgved. The following viewers' report was presented and upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Wood, was accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code: We, the undersigned viewers, appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on January 20, 195~ wish to report that on February 9, 195~ we did inspect the follow- ing section of road and wish to report that: B~ginning at the end of maintenance on Route 621 and continuing in a southeasterly direction down heavy grade to wooden bridge, a distance of approximately 0.3 of a mile, me find that the present road is very steep and not in a location where proper drainage can be gotten and where it would justify improving and stabilizing same. Ne recommend that the petitioners would get this section out of the gulley on the bank before State would be requested to take same overe Ne find some three homes beyond ~r. Phillips' residence and feel that if these petitioners would join with Mr. Phillips and put their road in condition where it can be drained and stabilized, it then could be viewed az to being taken into the State Secondary road system. The present petition would only really serve the one home, therefore, we do not recommend that it be placed in the State system. (Signed~ J. G. White C. C. Nade A. T. Durrer The following viewers' report was presented and upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Bain, was accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code: We, the undersigned viewers~ appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on January 20, 195~ wish to report thmt on February 9, 195~, we did inspect the following section of road and wish to report that: Beginning at intersection of Route 6~5 and Route 608 and extending in a northwest direction along an existing 20' land, poorly graded and drained~ to an old road entrance to some mOuntain land, a distance of 0°3 mi. Ne see this to have no public service coming in or going out, but rather a pri~ate entrance for some three families including owner of the mouutain land which has no building on it. ~f there i8 sufficient traffic to justify it, we suggest that peti- tioners secure 30' right of way and rough grade and drain this lane before again requesting your Board to appoint viewers to inspect same. We do not recom~end the granting of their petition to make this a State secondary road. (Signed) J. G. White C. C. Wade A. T. Durrer. The following viewers' report was presented and~upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Bain, was accepted in accordanCe with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code: We, the undersigned Viewers, appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on January 20, 195~ wish to report that on February 9, 19hA we did inspect the following section of road and wish to report that: Beginning atRoute 663 approximately 0.5 miles southeast of Rt. 810 and Rt. 66~ and thence in a'southeast direction through woodland for the distance of approxi- mately 1.O mile to J. R. Shifflett house. ~e find this to be a~private road with no service to the public. There is a woods road leading %o another home but' not in'view of this road. One petitioner expressed a desire to build a couple of houses on this road if it was placed in the State system. We do not recommend the granting of this petition. (SiEned) J. G. 'White C. C. Nade A. T. Durrer The following viewers' report was presented and upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Williams, was accepted inaccordance with section 2039 of the Virginia Code: We, the undersigned viewers, appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on January 20, 1954 wish to report that on February 9, 19hA we did inspect the following ~ection of road and wish to report that: Beginning at the end of maintenance on ~t~ 672 and continuing to the north- west .over old land, with proposed relocation to improve grade, ending near the Ac R. Green house, a distance of approximately 0.3 miles. This is a proposed development of a private summer camp and we feel that the petitioned for road is for personal benefit. We do not reconmend that the proposed road be added to the State Highw_ay System. (SiE~ed) J. G. White C. C. Wade A. T. Durrer The following viewers' report was presented and upon motion, made by Nr. Bki~ and seconded Mr. Wi!llama, was accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code: We, the it~ersigned Viewers, appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on January 20, 195% wish to report that on February 9, 195~ we did inspect the following section o~ road and wish to report that: Beginning at north end of Little High Street - Crozet and extending south to Myrtle Street overlapping a section of Rt. 691, and continuing east to end of Ny-rtle Street, a distance of approximately 0.3 mi. This is a part of a subdivision and would have to be improved in accordance with the standard set up by the Virginia Department of Highways before we can recommend these two streets be placed in the State Highway ~econdary road system. (Signed) J. G. White C. C. Wade A. T. Durrer The following viewers' report was presented and upon motion, made by Nr. Williams and seconde~ by Mr. Wood, was accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code: ~Ve, th~ undersigned Viewers, appointed by yom~ Board at its regular meeting on January 20, 1954~wish to report that on February 9, 195~ we did inspect the following section of road and wish to report that: Beginning at Rt. 692 southeast of intersection of Rt. 696 and continuing over an old abandoned road in a northwest direction for a distance of approxi- mately 0.25 mi. to two houses, one recently built. We feel that this is entirely a private enterprise and do not recommend that the State Highway Department be requested to place this. abandoned road in their road system. (Signed) J. G, White C. C. Wade A. T~ D~rre2 The following viewers' report was presented and upon motion, made by Nr. Williams and seconde~ by Nr. Wood, action thereon was'deferred until Nr. Williams and Nr. Shields review this proposed road: We, the undersigned Viewers, appointed by your Board at its regular meeting of January 20, 1954, wish to report that on February 9, 195& we did inspect the following section of road and wish to report that: Begi~ming at Fifth Street (Route 631) and continuing west over street of sub- division to Cherry Avenue nezr Cleveland Avenue, we find that the Cherry Avenue end of this proposed road is not developed and a portion of same is within the corporate limits of the City. We recognize this is a subdivision and would hay e to be brought up to the standards as set up by the State Highway Department before we could recommend the granting of this petitioni (Signed) J. G. White C. C. Wade A. T. Durrer Petition was received requesting inclusion of Knoll Terrace Subdivision in the Secondary System. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by ~r. Harris, it was ordered that ~r. Williams and Mr. Shields view this road and report back to the Board. Shields advised the Board ~hat the Highway Department might have to resort to condemna- tion in connection with obtaining some of the rights-of-way on Route 665, Federal Aid Project. At his request, the folloWing committee was appointed to contact those land owners who were not willing to give a right-Of-way in an effort to clear this matter: Nessrs. Bain, NcCue, Shields and S. S. Clark. The following letter was received and ordered spread upon the minutes: February 13, 195A Board of County Supervisors Albemarle County Chartottesville~ Virginia Re: Right of Way - Route 656 Gentlemen: Felix's letter of August 12, 1953 on this~subject, we do not have record title to the old right of way and as me have no f~ther need of this right of way for road pprposes, same is being abandoned and will revert to the owner. Yours very truly, (~igned) W. ~. Shields Resident Highway Engineer Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Nr. V~ood, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHERF~AS, a small section of road in the secondary system, located on the J. F. Bell property at intersection of Route #656 and 65% in Albemarle County, has been altered and a new road, which serves the same citizens as the old road has been constructed in lieu thereof and_ approved by the State Highway Commission by letter to the Board of County SUPervisors.of Albemarle County dated February 3, 195~ and, V~AS, Section 3~-76.12 of the Code of Virginia provides for the aban- donment of such alteration in the Secondary Road System, NO,V, THEREFOBE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe- marle County that the said old road located on the J. F, Bell property be and the same is hereby abandoned. Mr. M. ~. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Department of Finance for the month of January, 195%, of which one-third is to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved. Mr. M. M. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's Office for the month of January, 195~, of which two-thirds ~ to be borne by the State. Upon motion, ~duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved. ~ir. M. M. Pence, Director of FLnance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Commonwealth Attorneys Office for the month of January, 195~, of which one-half is to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was ex&mined, verified and approVed. Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail, along with statement of prisoner days, was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, in the amount of $7.00 was presented an8 upon motion, made by~. Bain and seconded by Mr. Mood was approved for payment. Mr. Williams reported that the committee appointed to work with a committee from the City Council regarding an appropriation for colonial ~niformm for the Monticello Guards had met and now wished to recommend to eadh body that the appropriation be made as requested. Upon motions made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Bain, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE ~ RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $3,000.00 be and is hereby transferred from unappropriated reserve of the General Fund to be used for the purchase of colonial uniforms for the Monticello GnamR~. Mr. Pence was requested to write Mr, E. C. Compton and request that the Board be advised of the date o2 the hearing on the bill regarding the matter of classifying household furnishings separatel from othmr tRngible personal property. Reports of the Department of Public ~elfare were presented in Accordance with Section of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1950, and upon motion, made by Br. Bain and seconded by Nr. Wood, were accepted. Report of the County Executive 2or the mont~ of January, 195%, was presented, approved, and ordered filed. The matter of rabies was discussed and it was the feeling of the Board that no action should be taken regarding this matter, ~nless necessary, until after the present session of Legislature. Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $1,299.75, of which one-half is due by the County, was presented and upon motion, made by Er. Bain and seconded by Er. Wood, was approved for payment. ~he Welfare Budget for the year 1954-55 as approved by the Board ~f Public Welfare and The Department of Welfar$ and Institutions was presented and approved in the following amounts and the Chairman was authorized to execute same on behalf of the Board: Federal Funds - $ 84,490.00 ~- State Funds - 51,547,00 Local Funds - Total Budget ~180,022.00 Request was received from Mr. Bourne Wayland to put cattle back on the Farish property in Nay of this ye~r~ advising that the Health Deoartment had requested that the cattle be kept-off until after completion of the filter plant. Upon motion, made by Mr. Hain and seconded by Er. Harris, it was ordered that this matter be referred to the Crozet Water Committee for recommendation. Er. Pence inquired as to payments to Er. Ra~ond Gentry of ~&O.O0 per year as~per agreement and was advis.ed by the Commonwealth's attorney to defer payments ~a~.lthe present. Er. Pence advised the Board that some provisions would have to be made in the event of anothez emergency in Crozet so as to supply a sufficient supply of water during drought periods in the futur~. It was suggested ~hat ~r. Ray Warrick be contacted in an effort to determine whether or not he would be able to again furnish Crozet with water. Upon ~otion, made by Er. Bain and seconded by ~r. Wood, it was ordered that this matter be referred to the Crozet Water Committee for recommendation. Co~uuic~ion was received from ~pping of the State Department of Taxation, recommending Er. Howell Watson for employment as an assis- tant to the Board of Assessors in their 1954 general reassessmentof Albemarle County real estate at a salary of $400.00 per mont~ with an allowance of $60.00 per month as'compensation for the use of ~r. Watson's privately owned automobile. Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Er. W~ood, Er. Forberg's recommendation was accepted. Resolutions were received regarding legislation proposed in connection with a proposed by-pas~ from Ric~ond to Petersburg. No action was taken on this matter. Communication was received from Niss Eva Minix, District Home Demonstration Agent, requesting the County to increase its appropriation for the salary of Mrs. Ruth Burruss Huff, County Home Demon- stration Agent, in the amount of ~380.00. This matter was discussed and it was ordered that action on this matter be tabled until after the finance com~ittee goes over the matter with Er. T. O. Scott. UpSn motion, made by Er. Bain and seconded by Er. Wood, it was ordered that the following resolution which was received from the School Board be spread in the minutes: "BE IT RESOLVED, that the Albemarle Co~u~ty School Board, and its adminis- trative officers, do hereby join in expressing to the Co~uty Board of Supervisors, and to the County E~ecutive their deep appreciation for the friendly courtest, the cooper- ation, and the helpful spirit shown by Er. N. N. Pence and his office personnel. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded by the Clerk to the chairman of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund ~as~.~eceived from dogs. Upon motion, made by Er. Harris and seconded by Er. Wood, Mr. Duke was allowed $15.00 for each of these ewes. Claim against th~ Dog Tax Fund was received from Er. Charles G. Leavell for nine chickens killed by dogs. Upon motion, made by Er. Bain and seconded by Nr. Harris, Er. Leavell was allowed $1.25 for each of these chickens. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. C. H. Pirkey for seventeen chickens pounds totaling ~eventy-nine/and claim was also received for twelve chickens totaling fifty-four pounds killed by dogs. Uoon motion, made by ~r. Harris and seconded by Mr. Bain, ~. Pirkey was allowed ~0.22 per pound for these chickens. Claim aEainst the DoE Tax Fund was received from Er. James B. ~urrav for three ewe~ k~$1~8 dogs. ewe. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. Cam~ann C. Duke for one ewe killed by Upon motion, made by ~r. Wood and seconded by Er. Harris, Mr. D~o_ke was allowed $10.00 for this Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. Dan Webster for ~ive kids and three nannies killed by dogs. Upon motion, made by Nr. Harris and Nr. Wood, Mr. Webster~was allowed ~1.50 for each of the kids and $3.00 for each of the nannies. Mr. Robert Musselman appeared and presented to the Board informal statements and recommenda- tions in connection with the recent audit ~ade by his office and als0~ present bill for services rendered in the amount of $1600.00. Upon motion, made by~r. Bain and seconded by Mr. Wood, this bill WaSm~prow for payment and the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE ITRESOLVED by the Board of county Supervisors of Albemarl~ County, Virginia, that $1450.00 be and is hereby appropriated from Unappropriated Reserve of the General Fund' to be applied toward the cost of auditing. Claims against the County amounting to $127,252.46 were presented, examined and allowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment, and charged ~gainst the following funds: General Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crezet~Sanitary~District Fund Joint Health Department Fund Central Fire District Fund School Construction Bond Fund $ 31,288.13 75,147.83 548.65 2t6.23 4,240.29 2,181.85 488.27 Albemarle Central High School Construction Fund 3,729.55~ Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Acc0~nt ~]_~9~11.66 Total $127,252.46 Upon motion,,~the me~ting adjourned. Chairman