HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-04-21RESOLVED: That in the event said offer hereby authorized is not accepted and the attempt to purchase shall be ineffectual, the Commonwealth's Attorney of Albemarle County be and he is hereby directed to proceed with the City Attorney of Charlottes- ville to prepare and file the necessary legal proceedings te acquire by eminent domain the fee simple title to said 5.28 acre tract of land; And be it further RESOEVED: That this resolution supersede the aforesaid resolution of March 17, 1954. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Chairman A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 2!st day of April, 1954. Present: Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. H. Bain, H. Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith, John W. Williams and W. W. Wood. Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. E. H. Bain. Minutes of the meetings of March 17, 1954 and April 6, 1954were read and approved. The following Viewers' Report was presented, and upon motion of Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Harris, was accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code: "Ne, the undersigned Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on March 17, 1954, wish to report that on March 31, 1954 we did inspect the following section of road and wish to report Beginning at Route 743 between Hydraulic and new airport and extending to the north- west following private road between the Miss Liltian Smith and Thomas Grinnell pro- perties to creek near the Murray property line, a distance of approximately 0.75 of a mile; We find that the present road is in unusually good condition, fairly well stabilized and drained. We further find that this requested for road would serve the s~m~mer home of Mr. W. I. Mann, Jr. and the John Morris Farm now owned by James B. Murray. We do not feel that there is sufficient public service to be rendered in order to Justify placing this section in the secondary road system. If and when there is fur- ther development in this ~rea to be served we feel that it ~ould be referred ~o Viewers at a later date, therefore, we recommend that this request be ~eniedo" (Signed) C. C. Wade J. G. White A. T. Durrer The following Viewers' Report was presented, and upon motion of Mr. Woo~, seconded by Mr. Harris, waz accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code: "We, the undersigned Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on Mar~h 17, 1954 at the request of your Mr. John W. Williams, wish te report that on March 3!, 1954 we did inspect the following section of road and wish to report that; ~eginuing on secondary Route 653 in front of Col. Frakes' home and extending through woodland and by some six cabins owned and rented by Mr. R. L. Jackson of Madison, Virginia, a distance of approximately 0.5 of a mile. We find that th~ present road is very crooked andhas many chuck holes but we feel that this section of road is entirely for the profit of the owner of the cabins and we can- not see any public service to be rendered. We recommend that the request be denied." (Signed) C. C. Wade J. G. White A. T. Durrer The following Viewers' Report was presented, and upon motion of Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Harris, was accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Oo~e: "We, the undersigned Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on.March 17, 1954, wish to report that on March 31, 1954 we did inspect the following section of road and wish-to report that: Beginning at Route 250 just east of The Hearth and extending in a northern direction along old, narrow land, a distance of approximately .5 of a mile, we do not feel that the construction of a secondary road ~n this location is practical. There is not suf- ficient traffic to justify this expenditure. We feel that if the citizens in this area could secure proper location by the dance hall and use the present road from the dance hall to Route 250, they would have a location which would ser~-e more people. We would feel that they should then ask the Board for an addition. We cannot recommend that the petition be granted on the location as suggested." (Signed) C. C. Wade J. G. White A. T. Duffer The following Viewers' Report was presented, and upon motion, made by ~r. Wood and seconde6 by Mr. Harris, was accepted in accordance with section 2039 of the Virginia Code: "We, the undersigned Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on March 17, 1954, wish to report that on March 31, 1954 we did inspect the following section o~ road and wish to report that: Beginning on Monticello Road at the ECL of Charlottesville and continuing to the north and aroung circle, returning to Monticello road, a distance of approximately 0.3 of a mile; We find that this section of road serves as inlet and outlet for the old Bo!ser property with several new additions at the rear of same. The surface of the road is in very good condition, fairly well stabilized° We cannot recommend that this section be placed in the secondary read system as we see it to be ~ractically a private entrance, serving some three or.four families." (Signed) C. C. Wade J. G. White A. T. Durrer The following Viewers' Report was presented, and upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Harris, was accepted in accordance with section 2039 of the Virginia Code: "We, the undersigned Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on ~arch l~, 1954, at the request of Supervisors John W. Williams, restudied our report on Cleveland Heights as submitted on February 9, 1954 in which we. stated that this was a subdivision. We are now advised that, although this area was laid off and sold in lots, with a 40 ft. street projected, this subdivision has, we understand, not been recorded, there- fore, if and when your Board can clear the right of way of a least 30 feet in width to serve these some seven or eight homes, ending at the last present home, being a turntable for the road at thiE point, we recommend that this section, a distance of approximately 0.4 efa mile beginning at Route 631 and extending to the last present home en the left, be placed in the secondary system." (Signed) C. C. Wade J. G. White A. T. Duffer Mr. M. M. Pence, County Executive, advised the Board that the above mentioned sub-division has been re- corded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, setting forth~a r~ght of way of 50 feet. Accor- -dingly, on motion of Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr~ Harris, it was Resolved that a 50 feet unobstruct~ right of way be and is hereby guaranteed the State Highway Department along the 0~ of a mile referred to above. Request was received for inclusion in the Secondary System of Monroe Park Development. Upon motion, made by Mr. Harris and seconded by l~[r. Wood, this nmtter was earried over pending thnq~her inves- tigation by Mr. Samuel S. Clark. Petition was received from residents on Rougemont Avenue requesting inclusion of same in the Secondary System. Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Harrisi., it was ordered that this petition be held for viewers to be viewed next year along with ether requests. Commuuication was received from the Virginia Department of Highways advising of Secondary and Primary Allocations. This matter was deferred until the next regular meeting of the Board. Dr. $. ~. Sturk~e, Health Director, appeared before the Board and requested an appropriation ~or the purchase of streptomison for tuberculosis patients or for authority te charge the purchase of streptomison to the hospitalization of T. B. patients. He advised the Board that the use of this drug reduced the time which a patient has to spend in the sanatorium due to the fact that it can be used in th~ Mr. M. M. Pence, Director ef Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses cf' the Department of Finance for the month ef March, 195~, of which one-third is to be borne by the State. Upon motion, made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved. Mr. M. M. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted, a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's Office for the month of March, 195~, ef which two-thirds is to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved. Mr. Mo M. Pence, Director of Finance, s~bmitted a~ Statement of Expenses of the Commonwealth Attorney's Office for the month of March, 195~, of which one-half$~ to be berne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approve~. Statement of expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail, along with Summary State- ment ef Prisoner Days, was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was exsmined, verified and approved. Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, in the amount of $28.00 was presented, and upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Smith, was approved for ~yment. Report of the County Executive for the month of March, 195~, was presented, approved, and ordered filed. Reports of the Department of Public Welfare for the month of March, 195&, were presented in cordance with Section 371 of the 1950 Acts of the General Assembly. Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $3,936.00, of which one-half is to by paid by the County, was presented and upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Harris, was approved for payment. Contract was received from the University cf Virginia Hospital for the care 'cf indigent patient~- under th~ State-Local Hospitalization Plan, and upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Wood, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the BOard of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the agreement for care under the State-Local Hospitalization Plan De executed by Mr. C. Purcell MeCue, Chairman, en behalf e£ the Beard of County Super- visors for the period April l, 1954 to September 30, 1954 at the rate of $16.00 per patient day. At lO:O0 A.M. the Chairman asked for presentation of the proposed budget and pmblic hearing on same. The following resolution was received from the School Board: "RESOLVED, that the Albemarle County School Board respectfully requests the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors to amend the School Budget as recently adopted and adver- tised to increase Approoriatio~n for teachers's salaries $2,300.00 and Revenue Estimates State Funds, General Appropriation $2,300.00. This action is necessary in order to make the School Budget conform to State legislation enacted by the General Assembly last month after the School Budget was adopted. The expenditure increases requested are as follows: Code Amoun.t of Increase 17.1-----133.12 - Head Teachers - Elementary - White - Female ~ lO0.O0 17.1-!33.14 - Head Teachers - Elementary- Negro - Female 50.00 17.1-~34.42 - Teachers -Elementary- White -Female 1,950.00 17.1-.Z3A.~4 - Teachers - Elementary - Negro - Female 200 0~0 Total $ 2,300.00 This increases the maximum salary of normal professional teachers to $3,150.00 per year rather than $3,100.00 as budgeted. The State is appropriating this additional revenue," Mr. Paul H. Cale and several members of the School Board appeared and discussed with the Board. and the public the ~chool Budget. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Harris, the request of the School Beard to amend its budget was approved unanimously. Following the public hearing on the proposed budget for the year beginning July l, 1954 and end] June 30, 1955, the budget was adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes - Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. H. Bain, H. Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith, John W. Williams and W. W. Weed. Noes: None. 29? DESCRIPTION :i F_~ ,. Se~r~e~ & Item GENERAL F .UN~..: TAXES: Current (19~) $21,000,000 @ 455 DelinqUent: 1953 1952 and Prier INTEREST LA}~D REDEMPTi 0NS LICENSES FEES: Transfer Clerk Commonwealthl' s Attom~ey Sheriff COUNTY FINES CARE OF PRISONERS - OTHER LOCALITIES STATE SUPPLE ~ENTS: Dept. of Finance Expenses (1/3) Commonwealth Attorney's Expenses (1/2) Sheriff's Office Expenses (2/3) ALBEM~AR~E COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTI~ATES . FOR E 0ING YEAR ENDING JUNE 30. 1955 .~ Year Ended Year Ended - J - Increase Over Decrease Under Final June 30, 1953 June 30, 1954 Tentative Year Ending Year Ending ~stimate (Act~.ual) (Estimated) Estimate J~-~ne ~_~ J~me 30. 1954~rd 80,661.21 71,500.00 70,000. O0 -0 - 1,500. O0 11,342.11 12,500.00 12,000.00 -0- 500~00 4,201.72 4,000.00 3,000.00 -0- 1,000.00 875.96 600.00 600. O0 -0- -0- 3,024.44 1,500.00 1,500.00 -0- -0- 5,762.50 2,500.00 2,500.00 -0- -0- Capitation Taxes Returned Care ef Prisoners Public Assistance Grants A.B.C. Profits Distribution Rolling Stec~ Tax Social Security RENTAL OF COUNTY PROPERTY SALE OF PROPERTY REFUND ON V. ?.A. CHECKS ~EI~3URSEMEN~S FOR DISTRICT HOME CARE OTHER REFUNDS GAS TAX RERII ~ PRIMARY FEES RECOVERIES ANTICIPATED TOTAL GENERA FUND ~URPLUS BRGHT. FOWD.TO THIS YR. 629.10 700.00 650.00 -0- 50.00 17,044.83 17,000.00 18,000.00 1,000.00 -0- 296.47 200.00 200.00 -0- -0- 1,451.88 1,250.00 1,200.00 -0- 50.00 8,574.35 ~,000.O0 5,000.00 -0- -0- 2,702.13 3,000.00 2,500.00 -0- 500.00 ~0,000.0 12,444.91 13,000. O0 14,000. O0 1,000. O0 -0- 2,138.34 2,510.00 2,660.00 150.00 -0- 19,249.62 22,000. O0 23,000. O0 1,000. O0 -0- 3,056.00 3,150.00 3,100.00 ~0- 50.00 3,507.74 3,500.00 3,500.00 -0- -0- 102,755.55 142,846.00 136,030.00 -0- 6,~16.00 89,285.07 90,000.00 87,000.00 -0- 3,000.00 1,119.22 600.00 550.00 -0~ 50.00 468.86 250. O0 400 · O0 150 · 00 -0' 400 · 9,162.50 8,500.O0 8,500.00 -0- ~0' 860.00 --0- 780.00 780.00 -0- 1,133.87 !, 500.00 1,100. O0 -0- 400.00 450.00 600.00 450.00 -0- 150.00 ~ 450.£ 1,691.68 813.3 5 1,300. O0 486.65 -0- ~ ,300. ~ 763.86 1,000.00 800.00 -0- 200.00 800. 21.60 --0- -O- -O- -0- 297;00 -0- 250.00 2~O~,.00 -0- 1250.( -0- 83,995.33 -0- -0- 83,995.33 384,972.42 494,0141~.68 400,570.00 4,816.65 DOG TAX F~I~D!: Sale ef Dog ~ags TOT~ ~OG TA$ FUND JOINT HEALTH 800.1 Stat 800.2 Univ 900.1 Coun 900.2 City 1000 ~Not llO0 Inst TOTAL JOINT 10~237.7~ 10 000.00 10,237'.75 10,000.00 t0,000.00 DEPAR~TMENT ~_F~: ~rsity ef Virginia ~y of J~lbemarle of Charlottesville )therwise Classified muc~ive Visiting Nurses Assoc. {EALTH DEPARTMENT FUND 17,022.70 19,939.98 20,325,00 3,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 11,551.82 15,727.54 16,061.00 9,593.74 13,036.03 13,338.60 218.70 -0- 1,506.33 1,924.32 2,035.40 42,893.29 52,627.87 53,760.00 -O- -0- -0- -0- 385.02 -0- 333.46 -0~ 302.57 -0- 111.08 -0- 1,132.13 -0- 25ooo.( li~,338.~ CROZET SAN!T~RY DISTRICT FUND: 10 Water Ren~s 20 Water Conhections 30 Fire Hyd[i 40 Sale of.Mi 50 Cut Off C 60 Net Other 1954 Taxes TOTAL CROZET CENTRAL FIRE ~nt Rentals ~teriats ~rge ~ise Classified SANITARY DISTRICT FUND DISTRICT FUND: Taxes'-6T~,2~o,o00. @ 105 General Fund1 TOT~LCEN~ FIR~ DIST~ICTFUND SCHOOL FUND . COUNTY FUNDS TAXES Currez STATE FUNDS: General Appr~)Priation Supervision Vocational E. iucation Superintende~t's Salary Transportation Principals' ~alaries Hospital & S~natorium Salaries Veterans Training Agriculture Farm Machinel y Repair Cannery Cafeteria Sick Leave f~r Teachers Special Educ. ~tion (1954) 21,000.00 @ 2.53 12,625.98 16,000.00 16,000.00 225.00 250.00 100.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 -0- 100.00 -0- 2.00 10.00 10.00 39.37 -0- -0~ -o- 8,5 .00 9,5oo.oo 13,792.35 25,760.00 -0- 1,000.00 26,510.00 1,000.00 -C- !SO joe lOC.C0 -o- -0- ',!9,500.~ -o- -0- -0- -0- 1,200.00 -0- 1,200.00 6,200.00 6,200.00 1,200.00 . -0- 7,400.00 6,200.00 -0- -0- 453,334.48 212,670.00 6,999.98 21,978.61 1,950.00 59,327.88 1,999.98 8,415.36 15,534.66 440.00 3,297.97 1,254.00 . O- 489,300.00 531,~00.00 42,000.00 215,000.00 7,000.00 31,700. O0 1,950.00 61,750.00 2,233.31 9,240.00 7,960.00 300.00 600.OO 5,000.O0 1,800.00 75.00 -0- 238,000. O0 23,000. O0 -0- 7,000.00 - 0- -0 - 35,000.00 3,300.00 iO. 1,950.00 -0- -0- 61,750.00 -0- -0- 1,333. O0 -0- 900.31 9,600.00 360. O0 -0- 2,470. O0 -0- 5,490.60 150. O0 - O- 150. O0 600.00 -0- -0- 5,000.00 -0- -0- 1,800.00 -0- -0- 75. O0 -0- -0- 315,000.~ ~,950., 298 DESCRIPTI__I~ON: Fund. ~ SCHOOL Salary Foster Contri'~ OTHER Dawson Tuitioz Tuitioz Sale o~ Sale o~ Rents, Gasoli~ Donati, Sale oJ ~ntici TOTAL SPECIA Taxes MCINTI Natior~ P~ople~ Litera~ TOTAL TOTAL urce~ Item U~D (Continued) .... gqualizationFund ~hi!dren ations-Clerk to Dir. ~NDS: Fund - Other Divisions - Private Sources Supplies Real Estate & Other Property ~ebates & Miscellaneous Tax Refund ~s - Libraries T&xtbooks ~ted Surplus ~HOOL FUND of Instr. $CHO6L 0APITAL OUTLAY FURU) ~urrent 1954) 21,000,000 @ 524 TRUST FUND L Bank and Trust Co. National Bank ¥ Fund ef Virginia ~INTIRE TRUST FUND ~FENUE - ALL FUNDS lA BOA~ 100 Co~ 200 Ad~ 201 Au~ 212 In 213 Ins 220 Trs 299 Cot 319 Sta TOTAL B !AA MIS 105 Rec 199 Rca 199.1 T 218 Tel 206 Due 214 Ren 219.1 C ES ONTINUED_I Year Ended Year Ended June 30, 1953 June 30, 1954 Tentative Sal. 43,191.80 53~000.00 53,000.00 -0- -0- 1,750.00 900. O0 -o- -o- . ..YY-Jm E IN, 195 In,reade:Over.. :3 Decrease Unde: Year Ending Year Ending June 30. 19..~4 June 30, 976.66 975.00 975.00 4,081.81 3,400,00 3,500.00 1,061.50 1,000.00 2,500.00 233.32 300.00 300.00 6,286.00 .5,000.00 5,000.00 7~4.95 738.74 1,297.00 3,866.75 4,500.00 4,500.00 540.61 500.00 -O- 8,462.64 12,000.00 12,O00.00 -0- !1~000.00 -0- 857,548.96 -0- -0- 1,750.00 -0- -0- -0- 926,322.65 980,850.00 165,750.00 151,200.00 109,200.00 ,233i 57 i ,07.5. O0 ,227.87 ! ,000. O0 375. O0 375. O0 ,836.1+4 2,450. OO .... , , · ' ;;;;~, - -O- -0- 100.00 -0- 1,500. O0 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 558.26 -0- -0- 500.00 72,568.26 18,040.91 -0- 42,000. O0 1,2150.00 175,00 1,150.00 150.00 375.00 -0- 2,775.00 325.00 1,'480,008.78 1,'663,575.20 1,591,065.00 EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES. ~ END~D_JUNELO 1-'_. Year Ending June.30, 1954 Proposed ApDropriation .E~xpend~i~ure ~ppropriation Expenditure -0- D OF CO. SUPERVISORS ). of Members ~tising Lt!ng by Publ Accts. Prem.-Surety Bonds Prem.-Work. Comp.-Burg. ~ling Expenses ;ractural Services ii°nery, Print6d Forms ;. OF CO. SUPERVISRS 86,042.04 158,552.24 YEAR~ING JUNE 30. 1955 Increase Over Decrease Unde~ Year Ending Year Ending June 30~ 19,,54 June 30~1954 2,000.00 2,000.52 2,000.00 2,000100 -0- -0- 100.00 186.60 200.00 200.00 -0 1.1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 200.00 178.82 25.00 25.00 -0- -0- 500.00 198.55 500.00 500.00 -0- -0- -0- 40.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- 75.00 -0- 75.00 75.00 -0- -0- 4,375.00 ~4,104.49 4,300.00 4,300.00 -0- -0- :ELLANEOUS SERVICES ~rding Fees Viewers x Refunds ~-Justice Sup. Ct.Appeals ~-League Va. Counties of Rest Room mtrib.-Chamber of Comm. 10.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 -0- -0- 50.00 57.10 50.00 50.00 -0- -0- 300.00 -0- 300.00 300.00 ~0~.' -0- 50.00 137.28 150.00 175.00 25.00 -0- 300.00 265.50 300.00 300.00 -0- -0- iI80.O0 180.00 180.00 180.00 -0- -0- 575.00 475.00 575.00 575.00 -0- -0- 219.3 219.4 4o0.3 399.1 999-Una 298 Soc 299 Cou 699 Con 2OTAL - Ch'ville,-Alb. Library4,600.00 - Miller School ~tomobiie Maintenance .vilian Defense )propriated Reserve .al Security Tax ~ty Dumps ;rib.-Jt.Airport Comm. iSCELLANEOUS SERVICES 12,500.00 -- O-- 2~750.00 92,983.38 3,500.00 -O- 4,581.62 .?,816.56 7,817.00 .44 -0- 12,500.00 !2,500..00 -0- -0- 12,500.00 2,404.90 1,000.00 1,000.00 -0- -0- 2,913.70 3,500.00 4,000.00 500.00 -0- 465.35 500.00 .600.00 100.00 -0- lO OOO.OO ,,, 80, oo.po _ -o- 80,000.00 34,000.45 106,881.56 15,007.00 625.44 92,500.00 10,000. O0 127,798.38 lB COUN~TY EXECUTIVE'S OFFICE 102 Com~. of Co. Executive 206Due~ and Subscriptions ~12 Ins~Premv-Surety Bonds 215 Rep 2t8 Tel 220 Tra 319 Sta Off ~OTAL C LO DEP~ LO2 Com LO5 Rec LO9 Corn ,c.s rune T. ~a. H. imry A1 )zella ~an~y M ~irs-Maintenance Equip. ~phone & Postage ~eling Expensem ;ionery, Printed Forms .ce Equipment I. EXEC. OFFICE 2,400.00 2,478.00 '2,400.00 '1,900.00 -0- 500.00 20.00 20.90 70.00 50.00 -0- 20.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 30.00 -0- 30.00 30.00 -0- -0- 200.00 257.49 250.00 300.00 50.00 --0- 200.00 119~17 200.00 200.00 -0- -0- 50.00 9.55 50.00 50.00 -0- -O- %00.0_ 0 . -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 3,000.00 2,885.11 ~3,000.00 2,530.00 50.00 ~T~ENT OF FINANCE )ensation of Director ~rding of Delinquents ~. Of Assistants: )uts 5080.00 Moon 3300.00 :assidy 2700.00 .ce Lynch 2160.00 ~cks 2160.00 ~Clanahan 2160.00 520.00 6,600.00 6,822.00 '6,600.00 5~300.00 -0- -0- 83.40 100.00 100.00 -0- -0- Final Estimate 53,000.00 1,750.00 975.00 3,500.00 2,500.00 300.00 5,000.00 1,297.00 4,500. O0 12,000.00 983,1 50. O0 109,200.00 1,250.00 1,150.00 375.00 2,775.00 l, 593,365.00 All.owed 2,000.00 200.00 1,500. O0 25.00 500.00 --O-- 75.00 4,300.00 10.00 50.00 300.00 175.00 300.00 180.00 575.00 7,817.00 1,000.00 4,000.00 6O0.00 15,007.00 1,900.00 5O.OO -0- 30.00 300.00 200.00 50.00 2,530.00 5,3o0.00 !00.00 DESCRIPTION: Fund Fun~ct_~p~ & Item Appropriation 200Advertis~g 200.00 204 Book Binding 50.00 206 Dues andI Subscriptions 50.00 212 InsoPre~.-Surety Bonds -0- 215 Repairs, Maint.-Equip. 400.00 218 Telepho~ & Postage 1,6~0.00 220 Travelin~Expenses 1,200.00 319 Stationery, Prtd. Forms 2,500.00 399 Miscell~ ~eous 10.00 405 Office quipment 550.00 TOTAL DEPT. 3FFINANCE 36,340.00 399 EXPEND T E ESTnm S, YEAR E~)ED JU~E 30, 19_~ ~ Year Ending Increase Over Decrease Under J~ne 30, 1954 Proposed Year Ending Year Ending Allowed Expenditure Appropriation Expenditure' June 30, 1954 ~ June ~0~ 195& By Board. 15.00 200.00 200.00 -0- -0- 200.00' 27. O0 50 · O0 50. O0 -0- -0~ 50.00 90. O0 50. O0 50. O0 -0- -0- 50. O0 537.28 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0~ 347.86 500. O0 500. O0 -0~ -0- .500.00 1,478.96 2,000.00 2,100.00 100.O0 -0- 2~!100.00 1,038.77 ! ,200.00 1,200.00 -0- -0- 1 ~1200. O0 3,032.48 3,000.00 3,000.00 -0- -0' 3 ,i000.00~ . !0.00 27.00 10.00 10.00 -0- -0- 390.83 1 ~ 000. O0 500. OO -0- 500. O0 ,1500.O0~ 34,804.98 39,010.00 39,550.00 2,340.00 1,800.00 39,550.00 iD CODL. OF DELINQ. LAND TAXES 102 Comp. of' Attorney 1,000. O0 300. O0 2,400. O0 25.00 125.00 100.O0 25.OO 5O.OO 1E BD. OF E~UAL. (ASSESSORS) 100 Compensation of Members ~ 10~ Comp. oflAssessors & Clerk- 200 Advertis~ 218 Telephon~ & Postage 220 Travelin~ Expenses 319 Stationery,. Prntd. Forms 206 Dues & S~bscriptions TOT SD. OFI (ASSESSORS) YEAR ENDING JUNE 3O, 1955 '":3 .Z4.52 1,000.00 1, O00lO0 -0- -0- 20.00 300.00 1,700.00 1,400.00 -0- 2,400.00 7,460.00 10,150.00 '2,690.00 -0- -0- 25.00 25.00 -0- -O- -0- 125.00 300.00 175.00 -0- -0- 700.00 840.00 140.00 -0~ -0- 225.00 300.00 75.00 -0- 30.87 50.00 50.00 -0- -0- 3,025.00 2,450.87 8,885.00 13,365.00 4,480.00 -0- 1 10 000.00 700.00 150.00 25.OO 3OO.OO ':840.00 :300.00 .5o,oo 13 !365.00 1F TAX MAP t 102 Comp. ofI Engineers 220 Travelin~ Expenses 319 0ffiee E~lTuil~ent Stationery, Prntd. Forms 4O5 TOTAL TAX MAr 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,460.00 2,550.00 90.00 100. O0 -0- i00. O0 25.00 2 50. O0 168. O0 250. O0 150. O0 - 0- 150.00 -0- 150.00 150.00 -0- 2,900.00 2,568.00 2,960.00 2,875.00 90.00 75.OO 100.00 -- 0~ 175.00 2 1G 102 200 206 218 220 Travelin 319 Statione: 399 Miscell~ TOTAL CO. PEANNING OO~ISS!ON Comp. ofl Engineers Advertis Dues and! Subscriptions Telephon &'Postage Expenses y, Prtd. Forms :teous ~G COMMISSION ?300.00 -0- 300. O0 100.00 -0- 200~ O0 150. OO -0- 150.00 25. O0 -0- 125. O0 32.00 -0- 32.00 32.00 -0- -0- 150. O0 2.00 150.00 2 5.00 -0- 125. O0 50.00 -0- 50.00 50.00 -0- -0- 75. O0 -0- 75.00 25.00 -0- 50. OO ~0- 55.00 -O- 150. O0 150.00 -0- 757. O0 57.00 757.00 40?.00 150.00 500. O0 4A' RECORDING OF DOCL~ENTS 10t Compensation of Clerk 109 Compensation of Assistants 201 A~diting 204 Book Bin~ing 212 Ins. Pre~. - Surety Bonds 215 Repairs, ~aint.- Equip. 5,750.00 5,749.92 5,750.00 6,000.00 250.00 -0- 7,380.00 7,451.00 7,880.00 8,600.00 720.00 -0- 150.00 119.28 150. O0 150.00 -O- -0- 300. O0 21. O0 300. O0 600. O0 300. O0 -0- 4. O0 25. O0 -0- -0- 2;5 ~00 37 · 50 19.71 37.50 60. O0 22.50 -0- 218 Telephon 250 Excess F 317 Record B 317.1 Re-Iud 319 Statione 405 Office E TOTAL RECORD ~ & Postage 300. O0 277.70 3 50. OO 3 50. O0 ~es Paid State Treas. l,500.OO 901.56 1,500.00 1,500.00 )oks 1,000.OO 845.81 1,000.00 1,000.00 ~x Books 100. O0 -0- 100. O0 -O- fy, Prntd. Forms 300.00 270.30 300.00 300.00 quipment 50. O0 -0- 200. O0 200. O0 £NG OF DOCUMENTS -0- 16,867.50 15,660.28 17,592.50 18,~JO0 1,292.50 2~1550,00 i~i 2~ · ' ~.00 50.00 ~ 50. O0 i875.00 5A CIRCUIT 102 103 109 121 122 215 218 4O3 TOTAL CIRCUI C3URT Compensation of Judge !,800.00 Compensation of Relief Atty.. 100. O0 Compensa ~ion of Stenographer 720. O0 Jurors & Witnesses 1,200.O0 Jury Corn mission 90. O0 Repairs ~ Maint. - Equip. 13.50 Telephon~ & Postage 75.00 Office luipment -O- COURT 5B TRIAL JUS 215 Repairs, 218 Telephon 317 Record B 319 Statione 403 Furnitur 405 Office E TOTAL TRIAE 50 COMMONWE~ 102 Comp. o 109 Comp. of 218 Telephon TOTAL CO~i. ~ICE COURT Maint. - Equip. ~ & Postage )oks ~y, Prntd. Forms ~ & Fixtures ~uipment ~STICE COURT ~THATTY.'S OFFICE Comm. Atty. Stenographer & Postage 1,844.50 1,844.50 1,850.00 60.00 150.00 -0- 450.00 540.00 540.00 1,248.40 1,200.00 1,200.00 45.00 90.00 90.00 -0- 13.50 15.00 -0- -0- -0- 5.50 ~0- --0- 1.50 LO0.O0 25,oo 32.00 25.00 5O.OO ' 25.00 50. o_0 -0- -o- . o.oo 3,838.00 3,745.00 3,998.50 3,647.90 50 · O0 57. O0 :i 6 lO00. O0 ;1 oo.oo h5o.oo 150.00 3~ 13.50 43.05 13.50 25. oo 11.50 150. OO 150.49 150. O0 150.00 -o- 2 5. O0 80.93 2 5. O0 2 5. O0 -0- 150. oo 155.61 200. oo 200. O0 -o- -o- 53 .O8 -0- -o- -o- -0- 35.60 -0- -0- -0- -0- 338.50 518.76 388.50 400.00 !1.50 -0- ~TTY. OFFICE 4,000.00 4,099.95 6OO°OO $O0.O0 2O.OO 26.70 4,620.00 4,726.65 4,400.00 4,400.00 6O0.00 900.00 2O.0O 20.OO 5,020.00 5,320.00 -0- 300.00 300.00 -0- ;9oo.o_o !20.uO 511320.00 -0- -o- 1¢5o,oo 150.00 :i -o- -0- ;~ 0 ,I54 .00 -o- 1, oo.oo -0- 90.O0 -0- '! 15. 100.00 12 5. O0 18 3OO ~TION: Fund, Funo~io~ &ii,em _____~r__iation 6A POLtCIN~NVESTIGATION I: 102 Comp. of Sheriff 4,000.00 4,249.98 106 Com~p. of Deputies 20,880.00 22,819.92 lll Co~oners Fees 1,300.00 550.00 199 A~est ~Narrants lO.O0 -0- 201~ A~it -0- 55.71 212 In~. Prem.-Surety Bonds -0- 5.00 215 Re~air-Maintain Equip. -0- 8.22 218 Telephone & Postage 200.00 249.65 220 Tr~ veling Expenses 50.00 79.34 220.1 ileage 50.00 -0- 224 Ma." ntain Radio Equip. 775.00 605.22 319 St~ tionery, Prntd.Forms 100.00 118.88 325 Un~ forms =0- 24.25 399 Mit cellaneous 15.00 2.30 400 Auto Purchase -0- -O- 400#5 ate Maintenance 500.00 612.55 400~6 ate Maintenance 500.00 1.,477.65 400~7 ate Maintenance 500.00 694.51 400~8 ate Maintenance 500.00 1,185.28 400~9 ate Maintenance 500. O0 834.16 400#1£ .~uto Maintenance 500.00 774.45 405_ 0f~ ice Equipment 25.00 -0- EXPENDITURE E~CONTINUED~ YEAR ENDED JUNE 30. 195,3 Year Ending June 30, 1954 Proposed Exp~endit ~nr~t ion~ enditure YEAR ENDING JUNE_ ~0. 1955 Increase Over Decrease Und~ Year Ending Year Ending June 30 1~~ 4,500.00 22,413.25 1,000.00 10.00 15.00 250.00 100.00 5O.OO 775.oo 150.00 1,277.1o 10.00 4,218~23 8o0. o0 800.00 8o0.0o 800.00 800.00 800.00 50.00 5,000.00 5500~00 -0- 24,980.00 2,566.75 -0- 800. O0 -0- 2-00.00 10. O0 -0- -O- -0- -0- -0- 65.00 65.00 -0- 15 · O0 -0 - - ~ - 250.00 -0- -0- 100.00 -0- -0- 25.00 -0- 25.00 775.00 -0- -0- 150.00 -0- -0- 200. O0 -0- 1,077.10 10. O0 -0- -0- 5,100. O0 881.77 -0- 800.00 -0- - 0- 800. O0 -0- -0- 800. O0 -0- -0- 800.00 -0- -0- 800.00 -0- -0- 800.00 -0- -0- 25.00 -0- 25..00 Allowed 5,000.00 24,980.00 800.00 10.00 65.00 15.00 250.00 100.00 25.OO 775.00 150.00 200.00 10.00 5,100. O0 8OO. 00 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 25.00 499 Po.' TOTAL 6c CON] 102 Co~ 106 Co~ 111 Do( 215 Re~ 218 Tel 301 Bed 306 Ci~ 310 Fo8 311 ~ 316 319 St~ 399 Mis ~ce Equipment 25. O0 - 0- )DICING & INVESTIGATION 30,430.00 34,347.07 ENEMENT & CARE OF PRISONERS p. of Jailer 2,400.00 2,550.00 ~. of Cook 600.00 600.00 tors $00.00 164.72 air-MaintainEquip. 250.00 -O- ephone & PostaSe 100.00 137.45 ding 200.00 73.40 ~ning Materials & Supp. 250.00 149.04 d Supplies 2,500.00 2,323.14 1 800.00 ~645.13 ical Supplies 50.00 41.54 ~ionery, Prntd. Forms 10.00 1.56 ~ellaneous 50.00 11.29 TOTAL 7 FIRE 109'2 B 116 CeE 208 Fez 215 Ma~ 299 App &S TOTAE ~ 8b ADM] 100 Co~ 102 COrn Grs Re~ ~NFINEMENT,CARE~PRISONERS 7,610.00 PREVENTION & EXTINCTION ~dio Dispatchers (1/9) ?. of Chief Warden ~st Fire Ext. Service ~tain Radio Equip. ~op. to Ch'ville, Crozet ~ottsvl. Fire Deptso ~RE PREV. & EXTINCTION ~STRATION ~. of Board Members ~. of Superintendent i. of Assistants: 3240.00 3240.00 Ha~l 3120.00 D~nell 2940.00 Be~ 2940.00 2 oo.oo Co~k 1980.00 Extra Help. !~0.00 lll Medical Examinations 206 Du~ and Subscriptions 212Ins Prem.- Surety Bonds 215 Re~ ir-Maintain Equip. 218 Telephone ~ Postage 220 Tr~eling'Expenses 220.1 ~leage of Board Members 298 Social Security Tax 319 Sts ~ionery, Prntd. Forms 399.Miscellaneous 400 Au~ Purchase 400~1 ~ato Maintenance 400#2 ~ a%o Maintenance 400#4 ~ ~to Maintenance 4050f~ce Equipment TOTAL2~BLIC WELFARE ADMIN. 8C PUBI 320 Tom 703 Gen 703.1 C. 704 O!8 7O5 Aid 7O6 Aid 70~ Re~ 7O8 Aid 6,697.27 100.00 39,718.58 2,700.00 600.00 3OO.OO 150.00 150.O0 3oo.oo 3OO.OO 3,000.00 800.00 50.00 10.00 50.00 8,410.00 50.00 -0- 5O.OO 42,3.55.00 4,013.52 1,377.10 440.00 -0- 442.25 588.00 588.00 588.00 1,542.00 967.18 1,557.75 130.00 100.76 t12.00 3,000.00 60o,00 300,00 100.00 150.00 300.00 300.00 3,000.00 800.00 50.00 10.00 25.00 300.00 --0" --0" --0- -0- 50.00 L0- 25.00 8.635.00 3OO.OO 75.00 520.00 77.75 588.00 -0- 1,575.00 17.25 112.00 -0- 50.00 42,355.00 3,000.00 600.00 300.00 !00.00 150.00 300.00 300.00 3,000. O0 800.00 50.00 10.00 25.00 8,635.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 3,600.00 ~,200.00 5,100.00 4,055.94 5,100.00 6,395.001 1,295.00 520.00 588.00 1,575.00 112.00 300.00 300.00 4,000.00 3,999.96 16,545.00 13,276.37 -0- -0- 15.00 16.00 5.00 -o- 350.00 208.21 450.00 ~18.22 2oo.oo 94.79 100.00 6~.95 -o- 189.59 4 50. OO 443.59 50. o 0 1.31 1,330~62 1,330.62 400,o0 359.17 400. O0 359.73 500.00 71._~95 25,095.62 21,131.46 300.00 4,400.00 493.17 9,511.85 3,213.70 40,188.00 5,456.50 31,588. oo 13,558.95 [C ASSIST.-FED.,STATE,LOCAL gbooks for Indigents 500.00 ~ral Relief 15,000.00 ~n. Relief-Local-Dist. Home 3,000.00 Age AssiStance 56,000.00 to the Blind 5,800.00 to Dependent Children 53,000.00 ftar Fo~ter Care 18,O00.00 18,360.00 120.00 15.00 5.00 35O.OO 5OO.OO 200.OO !00.00 200.00 45O.OO 50.00 2,000.00 400.00 4OO.00 100.OO 27,950.00 500.00 15,000.00 3,000.00 51,E40.00 6,120.00 '49,680o00 18,000.00 ll~I~QO_ t4.400.00 Perm. & Tot. Disabled7~ 11.000.OO -0- -0- -o' 300.00 -0- -0- 4,400.00 -0- -O- 1,350.00 -0- --0-- 269~00 -~- 4o0.oo ., -9-_ __ 2,019.00 19,710.00 120.00 15.00 5.00 35O.OO 5OO.OO 200.00 100.00 469.00 450.00 50.00 1,300.00 4oo. oo 40o. o0 4oo.00 100.00 ~9,269.oo -o- TO0.00 tO- -0- 7OO. 00 600.00 100.00 -0- 15,000.00 -0- -0- 2,500.00 -0- 500.00 48,900.00 -0- 2,940.00 6,120.00 -O- -O- 43,200.00 -0- 6,480.00 18,000.00 -0- -0- 15.120.00 720.00 -O- 3,600.00 6,395.00 300.00 4,400.00 19,710.00 120 ~ O0 15.00 5.OO 350.00 500,00 200.00 100:00 469.OO 45O.OO 5O.OO 1,300.00 400.00 400.00 4oo.oo 100.00 29,269.00 600.00 15,000,00 2,500.00 48,900.00 6,1.20. OO 43,200.00 18,000.00 DESCRIPTION: ~mnd, Functi. 8E INSTITUTI. 701 Univ. of 701.1 Hosp. TOTAL INSTI~ )~ & Item )NAD CARE Va. Hospital ~. B. Patients ~iONALCARE _Appropriation 10,000. O0 2_~000.00 12,000.00 8F OTHER WE~AREAID 399 V.P.A. R~coveries Remitted 705 Confederate Widows'Pensions TOTAL OT~R,~I~LE AID oo' s io 124 Comp. of Members Expe~d~ture 7,491.95 2,034.50 9~526195 Year Ending June 30, 1954 ADDro_priation Proposed Expenditure Increase Over Decrease Under Year Ending Year Ending AllO~ed Jum~ 30. 195Z~,Juma~ard -0- -0- 10 ,Doe. oo -o- -o- , , 2,~0o.00 -0- -o- 12,~00.00 10,000.00 2,400.00 12,400.00 10,000.00 2,400.00 12,400 · O0 -0- 258.19 -0- -0- 350.00 300.00 300.00 -250.00 350.00 250.OO -0- -0- -0- 50. O0 558.19 3OO. 00 250.00 -0- 50.00 300.00 400.00 400.00 -0- _5o.oq 250.00 1!4oo.o0 TOTAL PUBLICI WELFARE 9 PUBLIC HEARTH 111.1 Dentis'~s - White 111.2 Dentis 138 Registra: 299 Apprep. t TOTAL PUBLIC HEALTH 11 AGRIC. & .~OME ECONOMICS 109 Comp. of Stenographer 114 Farm Dem ~nstrators: T. 0. Sc ~tt 2956.00 Edward B ~tton 1500.00 Vacant 1500. O0 James B~ ~ler 780.0_~0 ll8 Home ·Dem mstrators: Mrs. Rut B~g Huff 1620.00 Vacant 1.2~ 215 Repair-M ~intain EqUip. 218 Telephon~.. & Postage 299 Calf Con'~est.k Prizes 299.1 Contribution to C~. Fair 199,995.62 147,237.27 199,590.00 191,759. O0 2,000.00 ~s - Negro 500.00 Vital Statistics 125.O0 Jr. Health Dept. 14,876.30 939.85 2,000.00 1,000.00 616.71 500.00 1,200.00 59.00 100.00 t00.00 11,551.82 15,727.54 16,061.00 17,501.30 13,167.38 18,327.54 18,361.00 1,980.00 1,980.00 2,100.00 2,280.00 6,476.00 4,870.92 .6,556.00 6,736.00 2,839.00 -0- 1,000.00 700. O0 -0-- -0- -0- 333.46 -0- 1,033.46 i 00 10,670.00 I ~i200.00 i oo.oo !6jiO61.0q 18~ 180.00 2 -0- 180.00 -0- 2,820.00 2,820.00 2,820.00 2,820.00 ~0- -0- 15.00 -0- 20.00 20.00 -0- -0- 350.00 212.98 400.00 400.00 -0- -0- 150.00 100.00 150.00 150.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- 1,O00.00 -0- -0- 1,000.00 2 6i736.00 820.00 20.00 !400.00 ii15o.oo 319 Statione:~'y, Prntd. Forms 25.00 405 Office E~uipment ~ .50.00 _ TOTAL AGRIC.i & HOME ECONOMICS 11,866.00 -0- 25.00 -0- -0- 25.00 -0~ 150.00 25.00 -0- 125.00 9,983.90 13,221.00 12,431.00 3~.00 1,150.00 13~-%ECTIONS 112 Election 214 Rent 222 Preparin 319 Statione 399 Miscella 405 Office E TOTAL ELECTI Officials 3,600.00 4,045.34 200.00 201.36 ~ Voting List 30.00 6.50 ~y, Prntd. Forms 200.00 308.02 ~eous 15.00 -O- ~uipment ~ , -0- -O- PNS 4,045.00 4,561.22 14NAINTENkN~E BLDGS'. & GROUNDS 19 Capital O~lay 119 Comp. Janitor & Helper: Nichols~ @ 170.00 Gofney f @ 145.00 207 Electricl Current 210 Insuranc~ Prom. - Fire 215 Repair-M~intain - Equip. 223 Water Service 306 Cleanin~Materials & Supp. 311 Fuel 399 Misce!ta~eous 403 Furniture & Fixtures 600 Purchaseiof Land 299 Contract~ral Services TOTAL BUILDI.~GS & GROD~DS 15 GENERAL S~ORES GENERAL F~ GRAND TOTAL 1_2 .DOG T~X ~ 109 2 Radio 116 Comp. of 224 Mainten~ 299 Dog Pouz 298 Social ~I7 Record ~ 319 Station~ 501 Fowl Cls 502 Livesto¢ 503 Rabies 504 15% Due )ispatchers (2/9) Game Wardens ace - Radio Equip. ecurity ooks and Tags fy, Prntd. Forms tms k Claims reatment State 3,600. O0 3,600.00 -0- 200.00 200.00 -0- 30.00 30.00 -0- 200. O0 200. O0 -0- 15.00 15.00 -0- 2,50Q. O0 -0- -0- 6,545.00 4,045.00 -0- 200.00 -O- 200.00 200.00 - O- 3,480. O0 3,736.73 1,500. O0 1,537.94 500, 00 373.58 1,000.00 1,289.20 275. O0 220.76 !,000. O0 6~2.10 900.00 ~87.41 50.00 ~'~ -0- 250.00 133.45 -0- 5.86 -0- 36.00_ 9,155.00 8,473.03 3,720.00 3,780.00 60.00 1,700.00 1,700.00 -0- 500.00 500.00 -0- 1,O00.O0 1,000.00 -0- 300.00 300.00 -0- !,000.00 800.00 -0- 750.00 750.00 -0- 50.00 50.O0 -0- 250.00 250.00 -0~ -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -O- 9,470.00 9,330.00 60.00 -0- 223.24 -0- -0- -0- 490,722.80 334,515.33 494,014.68 400,570.00 19,297.42 2,040.00 260.00 SO0. O0 300.OO 25.00 6OO.OO 3,870.00 25.OO 1 oo -o- 884.50 1,976.25 22,040.00 201.52 225.50 685.5O 800.00 61.20 -0- 241.40 250.00 - O- 25.00 553.35 500. O0 2,271.00 3,750.00 4.30 25.00 1 68 t O0 25.00 12 ~431~. 00 -0- 3 li600.O0 -o- i2oo,oo -0- 130.00 - 0- ! 200. O0 -o- ii 15,oo 2.500.0Q. : -0- 2,500.00 4 ~45'~00 -0- -0- -0- 1 -0- 1 ,( 200.00 -0- -0- 200.00 9 ii200 -0- 112,742.10 400 1,040.00 155.50 -0- 2,040.00 -0- -0- 225.00 -0- .50 800.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 2 50.00 -0- - 0- 20.00 -0- 5.00 500.00 ,-0- -0- 3,600. O0 - O- 150 · O0 25. O0 -0- -0- O0 i o4o.oc 2~040.00 '~225.00 ~800. 3 302 DESCRIPTION: Fund .~u~.ction & Item. 21 JO. INT '~d~TH FUND. YEA~ENDED~0~.~ , Appropri~~nditure Year Ending June 30, 1954 ._ADDropriation Proposed Expenditure EAR E D NG JUNE inc~ease Over Decrease Under Year Ending Year Ending June 30, 19~4 J~m~ee 0_~,~_ Allowed 102 Co~p. of Health Director 9,000.00 lO2.1 ~ed.Asst.- Part Time 520.00 102,2 $!omp.-PuboHealth Nttrs.Sup.3,500.O0 109 Co~p. - Assistants 4,548.00 127 Corp.-Public Health Nurses 15,100,00 146 Corp.-Sanitarians 9,000.00 215 Repairs 85.85 202 Auditors 180o00 206 Du~s & Subscriptions 70.00 214 Re~t 600.00 218'Telephone & Postage 625.00 220.02 ~ravel, Director 542.00 220.03 2ravel, Nursing Sup. 300.00 220.1 ravel, Public Health Nurses 2710.O0 220.6 ~avel, Sanitarians 2,211.00 220.8 ~anspor~ation-PatientS 292.50 298 So ial Security Tax -O- ical 316 Me~ Supplies 90.00 319 St~tionery, Prntd. Forms 600.00 327 Bi, logicals 25.00 399 Cm tingent & Miscellaneous 416.00 405 Office Equipment ~ 383.1_~ TOTAL 0INT HEALTH DEPT. FD. 50,798.50 CRUZET SATUTLRY ~iS.~. vC? ~-D: z!.l ~D...] ..... o.~ ..... ~ ~.~.. 199 Professional Services -0- 319 Stationery, Prntd. Forms 100.O0 4O50f~ 200 Ad~ 218 Te~ TOTAL 9,000.00 670.00 2,916.70 4,261.71 ll, 880.56 8,839.50 56.16 180.00 70.20 550.0o 666.49 ,4462. O0 145.90 1,615.48 2,124. O1 339.54 270.27 533.58 8.65 298.28 169_..0 5 45,05~.08 41.2 102 Con 123 207 Ei~ 214 Re~ 215.1 215.2 215.3 492.58 ~4.oo ice Equipment 60.00 49.38 ertising -0- 46.40 ephone & Postage 5Q.O0 t0~7.30 ~MINISTRATION 210.00 709.66 299 Ou~ 304 Ch~ 311 Fu~ 312 Ga: 323 Ma' 400.!5 TOTAL INTENANCE & OPERATION p, of Superintendent 3,200.00 orers 200.00 ctric Current 100.O0 tal of PipeLine 10.O0 epair-Replace Meters lO0.O0 epair-Replace Mains lO0.OO ~pair-Replace Plant,Pump House 150.00 lO0.00 50.00 100.O0 .... 17. o ~INTENANCE & OPERATION 4,327.50 2,400.00 18.00 65.8o 10.oo 2o.93 side Contracts ~icals 1 , 0il and Grease ~rials ~ruck Expense 9,000.00 780.O0 3,600.04 5,675.00 1~,670.00 9,270.00 85.85 180. O0 25~,'00 600.00 625.00 520.00 300. O0 2,600. O0 2,190. O0 292.50 556.48 165.00 625.oo 25.00 466.00 .377.OO 52,627.87 9,500. O0 500. OO -0- 780.OO -0- -0- 3,720~00 119.96 -0- 5,760100 85. O0 -0- 15,140.00 470.00 -0- 9,390. O0 120. OO -0- 57. O0 -0- 28.85 180.00 -0- -0- 32. O0 7. O0 - 0- 600. O0 -0- - 0- -660.00 35.00 -0- 500. O0 -0- 20 ~00 450.00 150;00 -0- 2,325.00 -0- 275.00 2,145.00 -0- 45.00 240.00 -0- 52.50 760.00 203.52 -0- 165.00 -0- -0- 600.00 -0- 25.00 25.00 -0- -0- 466.00 -0- -0- ~ 265.00 -0- ll2.00 53.,760.00 1,690.48 558.35 9,500. O0 780.00 3,720.00 5,760.00 !5,140.00 9, ~90. O0 57.00 180.00 32.00 600.00 660 .oo 5OO.OO 45o.oo 2,325.00 2,145.00 240.00 760.00 165.00 600.00 25.00 466.00 265.00 53,760.00 -0- 100.00 ~5o.oo 100.00 250.00 -0- -0- -0- 150.00 !.~50. O0 - 0- 25.00 -0- 25.O0 50.00 50.'00 -O- lO0.OO -0- -0- 325.00 100.00 25.00 136.00 16.90 45.00 135.00 110.84 .... 207.70__ 3,166o17 3,300.00 3OO.OO 150.O0 10.00 100.00 2,700.00 200.00 200.00 10.00 75.O0 -0- 600.00 -0- 100.00 5O.OO -0- -0- -0- -0- 25.00 lO0.O0 100.00 150.00 150.00 100.O0 lO0.O0 3OO.OO 5OO.OO -0- 200.00 50.O0 5o.oo -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 200.00 -O- 20O.OO -0- -~- -0- - O- 100.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 .... 200.00 4,960.00 4,585.00 450.00 825.00 -0- 15O. O0 25.00 5O.OO 100. O0 325.00 2,700.00 200.00 200.00 10.00 75.00 100.00 150.00 100.00 5OO.OO 200.00 50.00 100~00 2oo. 4,'585.00 41.3 ?ITAL OUTLAYS-DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 105 Re~ ~rding Fees 10.00 123 L~ ~r 200.00 226 Sp, cia! Engineering Service 100.00 299 ~n~ideiSon~r~e~$..~ 200~00 ~0~Fis~?Hydra~t~ ...... 1~0.00 40~ EA~m~-~M~te~$&~eter Boxes 400.00 410 Wa~er Mains, Valves, Conn. 300.00 399 T~ porary Water Supply -0- TOTAL 41.4 D! 8O0 R~ 80~ In~ 802 Te~ 805 In~ TOTAL TOTAL 109 Co~ 298 So( 399 Mi~ 400 Pm 601 Ne~ 304 Ch~ 215 Ma~ 312 Ga~ 325 Un~ 802 Re~ TOTAL -0- 10. O0 -0- -0- 10. O0 -0- 215.00 100.00 -0- 115.00 6,105.89 100. OO 1,400.00 1,300.00 -0- 59, ~3~.. 85 200. O0~ 200~ OO -0- -O- L4,-O~ 300.00 300. O0 ~ -, ,~0- -0- -0- 400.00 250.00 -0- 150.00 211.43 -1,500. O0 t, 787.50 287.50 -0~ -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- AP. OUTLAYS~DISTR.SYS. 1,360.00 65,652.17 .2,725.00 4,037,50 1,587.50 275.00 BT SERVICE emption of Bonds 5,000.00 5,000.00 erest en Bonds 2,362.80 2,362.50 porary Loans -0- -O- erest on Temp. $oans -0- -0- EBT SERVICE ~,362.50 ~,362.50 5,000. O0 5,000. O0 -0- -0- 2,275. O0 2~ ,187.50 -©- 87.50 7,000.00 ?,000.OO -0- -0- 3~0.O0 3.375.oo -o- 1LS.OO 17,825.00 17,562.50 -0- 262.50 RO.SAN.DIST.FUND 13,260.00 76,890.50 25,760.00 26,510.00 2,137.50 1,387.50 EAL FIBJ3 DIB~ICT FUND: p. of Fireman iai Security cellaneous chase, Truck & Equip. Buildings micals ntain Bldg. & Equip. , Oil and Grease £orms ayment of Temporary Loan ~N. FIRE DIST. FUND -0- -0- 6,500.00 --O- 1,200.O0 12,000.00 1,500.00 -O- --0~ ~0- -O- -0- 21,200. O0 5,600. O0 -0- 900%00 112. O0 112.00 -0- 38. O0 -0- 1,162.50 -0- -0- 12,000.00 -0- -0- 1,500.00 100. O0 100.00 -0- 300.00 300.00 -0- 500. O0 500. O0 -0- 250.00 25o.0o -o- ___~o.oo 3oo.oo -o- 7,400.00 1~,762.00 15,562 ~.00 -0- 100.00 1,400.00 200~09 300.00 250.00 1,787.50 -0- 4,037.50 5,000.00 2,187.50 7,000.00 17,562.50 26,5~0.00 5,600.00 112.00 38.00 100.00 3OO.OO 500.00 250.00 ?,400.00 EXF£NDIT~E_ ESTINATES (CONTINUED..) 3O3 DESCRIP_ _ TIO__N:~ Fund. Func~ti~on & Item Year Ending June 30, 1954 Proposed --A_Dp_r_9~Expendit~at~o~_~enditure SCHOOL FU__ ND:~ 17.ADMINISTRATION - SCHOOL BOARD 100 Comp. of Members 1,440.00 1)070.00 1,440.00 77900.00 6,999.96 7,500.00 5,200.00 5,199;96 5,200.00 -0- 695'00 -0- 4,680.00 4,631.75 5,220.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 25.00 5.77 25.00 75.00 85.97 75.00 50.00 30..71 50.00 700.00 613.87 700.00 225.00 134.70 225.00 400.00 302.20 400.00 400.00 179.60 400.00 200.00 171.72 200.00 900.00 750.36 900.00 200.0~ 0 . , -0- 200.00 21,531.00 20,907.57 22,571.00 102 Comp. of Supt. 102.1 Comp. of Asst. Supt. 103 Attorneys 109 Comp.-C!erical Personnel 206 Dues & Subscriptions 209 E~press-grght.-Drayage 212 Ins.Prem.-Surety Bonds 215 Repairs to Equipment 218 Telephone & Postage 220 Tray.Exp.-Board Members 220.1 Trav.~xp.-Supt. 220.2 Tray. EXp.-Asst.Supt. 229 Other Em'~enses 319 Office S~pplies 405 Office ~uipment ENDING .... Increase Over Decrease Under Year Ending Year Ending Allowed Jun__e_30~~_~l~ Sy Boar~ 1,440.00 -0- -0- 7,500.00 -0- -0- 5,200.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 5,370.00 150.00 60.00 24.00 -0- 25.00 -0- -0~ 90.00 15.00 -0- 50.00 -0- -0- 800.00 -100.00 -0- 225.OO -0- -0- 400.00 -0- -0- 40o. O0 -0- - 0- 200.00 -0- -0- 900.00 -0- -0- 200_00 ._ -0- -0- 22,860.00 289.00 -0- TOTAL ADMIN. ~SCHOOL BOARD 17.1 INSTRUCHON 133.11 Head ~each.-E-W-M 8,785.00 11,590.39 36,700.00 133.12 Head ~each.-E-W-F 11,142.50 8,275.00 6,100.00 133.13 Head ~each.-E-N-M 3,342.50 3,364.22 3,500.00 133.14 Head ~each.-E-N-F 15,213.75 15,152.61 15,950.00 133.21 Prin.-Sec.-W-M -0- -0- 5,820.00 133.31 Prin.-Elem.-W-N 29,200.00 34,300.00 4,920.00 134.41 Teac~.-Elem.-W.-M 5,600.00 4,785.00 5,600.00 134.42 Teacb.-Elem.-W~F 228,600.00 230,471.24 223,400.00 134.43 Teach.-Elem.-N-N 3,200.00 ~,183.16 3,300.00 134.44 Teach.-Elem.-N-F 58,900.00 57,041.57 59,300.00 134.51 Teach.-Sec.-W-M 20,400.00 25,949.44 33,900.00 13452 Teach.-See.-W-F 52,200.00 48,928.95 61,600.00 134.61 Teach.-Voc.-W-M 15,280.00 15,149.92 20,000.00 134.62 Teach.-Voc.-W-F 28,611.00 25,725.11 29,880,00 134.75 Sub. T~ach.-E!em. 3,500.00 2,293.25 3,500.00 134.76 Sub. T~ach.-Sec. 1,500.00 2,310.73 1,500.00 135.1 Superw~sors-W-M 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,200.00 135.2 Superw[sors-WgF 10,600.00 10,900.00 11,200.00 36,050~00 -0- 650.00 6,300.00 200.00 -0- 3,600.00 100.00 16,450.O0 500.00 5,940.00 120.00 -0- 5,040.00 120.00 -O- -0- -0- 5,600.00 240,400.00 17,000.00 -0- 3,400.00 10Oo00 -0- 59,800. O0 500.00 -0- 50,770.00 16,870.00 -0- 64,350.00 2,750.00 -0- 26,540.00 6,540.00 -0- 19,690.00 -0- 10,190.00 3,500.00 -0- -0- 1,500.00 -0- -0- 3,300.00 100.00 -0- 11,500.00 300,00 -0- 1,~40.00 7,~00.00 5, ~00.00 5,370.00 ~60.00 125.00 190.00 1150.oo oo.oo 225.00 400.00 400.00 ~00.00 ~00.00 ' ~00.00 22,I 60.00 36,( 50.00 6~ 00.00 3,~ 00.00 16,.! OO.O0 5/,!40.00 5,( 40.00 242,~50.,00 3 ,.~00.00 60,~00.00 5o, 7o.oo 64,350.00 26,~40.00 o.oo 3, O0.00 1, ;00.00 3,. 00.00 11, i ,00. O0 135.4 Snperv[sors-N-F TOTAL INSTRU~TION-DAY:~SCHOOL 502,674.75 17.2 E~ENINGiPT.-TII~I,SUM~[I~ SCHOOL 109 Vet.Traipsing-Clerical 900.00 134 Vet. Traihing-Salaries !0,800.00 136.5 Evenin~-Voc.-Farm Mach. 300.00 136.6 Pt-Tim,-Academic-Home Bd. 250.00 136.7 Pt-Tim~-Voc.-Cannery 900.00 136.8 Spec.&1dult~San.& Hos._p~900,OO TOTAL EVENIN~,PT-~IME,ETC. 22,050.00 17.3 OTHER I~STRUCTIONAL COSTS 109 Comp. of Clerk to Prin. 1,560.00 220 Trav. Exp~-Sup.Voc.Pers. 3,000.00 220.1 Vet.Training Travel . 1,200.00 221 Tuition ~o Other Divismons3,000.O0 305 Gen.Suppi.-Maps,Globes etc.2,500.O0 313 Laboratory Supplies 314 LibrarieS, Books etc. 315 Mmnual T~aining Supplies 322 Voc. Traihing Supplies 322.1 Farm M~chinery Supp~ 322.2 Vet. T~aining Supp. 399 Other In~tr. Costs TOTAL OTHER 17.4 CO-ORDI 129 CompFlso 220 Trav,Exp 316 Medical TOTAL C0-ORD INSTR. COSTS 3~0 3.600~OO 506,020.59 533,070. O0 562, l~D. 00 45,500. O0 449.2O 500.00 12,079.86 6,860.00 90.00 300.00 430.63 25o.o0 660.o8 900.00 $~22~~40.00 21,932.21 18,050.00 1,315.50 3,720.00 2,487.15 3,300.00 1,406.65 t,000.00 3,306.90 3,000.00 2,658.03 5,000.00 700.00 369.98 1,000.00 1,650.00 1,786.70 2,500.00 -0- -0- 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,694.13 2,500.00 100.00 -0- 100.00 1,000.00 367.32 500.00 _~.00 -0- 300.00 16,510.00 15,392.36 24,420.00 -o_:____4= 16,4~0.00 56~, oO.OQ ~.oo ~ATEACTIViTIES my Attendance .-Attend. Officer 3upplies INATE ACTIVITIES 100.00 -0- 400.00 1,770.00 -0- 5,090.00 300.00 -0- -0- 450.00 -200.00 -0- 900;00 -o- -o- -o- 13,t20.00 560.00 5,490.00 ~00.00 ill,' 5,010.00 1,290.00 -0- 3,300.00 -0- -0- 500.00 -0- 500.00 3,500.00 500.00 -0- 5,000.00 -0- -0- 600.00 -0- 400.00 2,500.00 -0- -0- 1,500.00 -O- -0- 2,500.00 -O- -0- 100.00 -0- -0- 100.00 -0- 400.00 .300.00 _. -0- -0- 24~910.00 1',~90.00 1,300.00 5, 5,~ 2, 1, 2, 24,c 2,025.00 600. O0 2,025.00 2,115. O0 2,205.00 656.15 720. O0 500, O0 -0- 250.00 ..~.00 2,681.15 3,085. O0 2,955.00 2,625.00 17.5 AUXiLIArY AGENCIES-TRANSPORTATION OF PUPILS 136 Comp. o~ Bus Drivers 40,955.00 4!,825.00 142 Comp. o~ Garage Employ. 11,340.00 11,363.J2 211 Liabili1~ Ins.(Buses) 2,000,OO ~,047.04 218 Postage ~ Telephone 150.00 125.85 219 Transp. by Contract 500.00 63.00 299 Other T~ansp. Costs -0- -0- 207 Lights ~nd Power -0- -0- 223 Water I -O- -O- 300 Repairs~ Tires,Tubes,Pts.20,O00.OO 19,475.77 3!2,Gasoline,Oil,Grease 16,000.00 19,248.79 400 Replacement of Buses 6%00.00 . 6,383.12 TOTAL TRANS.I OF PUPILS 97,345.00 100,531.89 90.00 --0~ 90.00 -0- 220.00 220.00 45,800.00 13,320.00 2,500.00 150.00 500.00 1,500.00 450. oo 200.00 23,0 O0. O0 20,000. O0 6,400 · O0 113,820.00 49,150.00 13,680.00 2,500.00 15O · O0 200. O0 45o.oo 200. O0 25,000.00 20,000.00 16,000.00 127,330.00 3,350.00 36O.O0 --0-- --0-- 2,000.00 9,6oo.,oo ! 5,310.00 -0- 300.00 1,500.00 1,800.00 70.00 00.00 50.00 00.00 10.00 00.00 00.00 00. O0 ~00.00 ,00.00 ;00.00 O0.00 ;00.00 00, O0 00.00 op.oq 10.00 35.00 00.00 55.00 49,~50.00 13,~80.00 2,~00.00 150.00 ~00.00 --0~. - ~50. O0 ~O0.OO 25, I00.00 20,, '00.00 1~ t00.00 127,$30.00 3O4 EXPENDtTUP~ ESTIMATES (CONTINUED)j DESCRIPTION: ~und.F 17.51 298 Co 299 Di 310 Ca 327 Te TOTAL 17.6 0 119 Co 207 Li 218 Te 223 Wa 306 Ja 311Fu TOTAL _YEAR E~DED JUNE ~0~0~19~ Year Ending June 30, 1954 A~ppriat~on E~pend~ure AppropriatiR~' Proposed Expenditure YEAR F~NDING JUNE ~ Increase Over Decrease Unde~ Year Ending Year Ending J~e__~O_m 19~%_ June 30. 19~_~. -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- mction & Item )THER AUXILIARY AGENCIES ~munity Act. ,Commencement 150.00 102.90 150.00 !50.00 ~tribution of Textbooks lO0.O0 112.25 150.00 150.00 ~eterias 2,000.00 3,297.97 5,000.00 5,000.00 ~books for Resale 12 000,00 _ ~8_ ~_62.6.4 ~0~0 .12 000.00~ )THER AUX. AGENCIES 14,250.00 11,975.76 17,300.00 17,300.00 13,~70.00 13,999.00 20.785.00 23,275.00 3,000.00 3,183.58 5,000.00 5,000.00 450.00 449.09 600.00 700.00 700.00 520.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 4,500.00 3,948.39 5,500.00 5,500.00 8.5oo o ._4Z_, . _ 12. po o _ oo 30,920.00 30,531.68 45,385.00 47,975.00 PERATION OF SCHOOL PLANT up. of Janitors ~ht and Power Lephone & Postage bet Service aitor' s Supplies el ~PER. OF SCHOOL PLANT 2,490.00 -0- -0- -0- 100.00 -0- -0- -O- -0- -0- -0- -0- 17.61~N$~ENANCE SCHOOL P~NT , 0 199 Co~p. Maint. Employees 7~:500.0 215 Re~.Bldgs.-Upkeep Grounds 7,000.00 2t 5.1R~p.Repl o-Fttrn. &Equip. 2,000. O0 300 Tr~ck Maintenance-Parts 150.00 312 Ga ~,Oil,Grease-Truck 325.00 32~ We .is 450.00 MAINTE lANCE SCHOOL PLANT TOTAL 17,425.O0 17.7 FIXED CHARGE~ 210 Fi 'e Insurance 213 Wo ~mens Comp. Ins. 214 Re~t 299 So:ia! Security TOTAL ~IXED CHARGES 17.8 400il 403 Eq 205 Ar 322 Ba 600.2 · ITAL OUTLAY Iew School Bases ~ipment for Bldgs. :hitect's Fees ~d Instruments :mprovement to Sites 1APITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 17.9 D~BT SERVICE 800 Pa~ent of Bonds 801 Pa ment Lit. Fd. Loans 803 In ~. on Bonds 804 In~. on Lit. Fd. Loans TOTAL ~EBT SERVICE 17.19~IOPERATING COSTS - JACKS0~ P. BURLEY H. S. ~,532.40 7,8OO.00 7,980.00 5,863.52 6,000.00 8,000.00 2,279.24 2,000.00 2,000.00 108.46 150.O0 150.00 214.29 32~.00 325.00 2,500. O0 750.00 175. O0 9,27 ~5.00 12,700. O0 9,600.00 4,500.00 ~-0~ 1 000 00. 15,100.00 - 25,000.00 6,$25.OO 31,625.O0 2,~90.00 -0- 180.00 -0- 2,000.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 16,217.33 16,275.00 18,455.00 2,180.00 -0- 2,073.59 4,000.00 4,000.00 -O- -0- 832.32 850.00 900.00 50.00 -0- 198.75 175.00 t75.00 -0- -0- !,190.~6~ 1,400.00 1,.800.00~ ~.00 _ -0- 4,295.29 6,425.00 6,875.00 450.00 -0- 55,767.40 SCHOOL 61 SP~ 60la ~ 18 MC~ ~TIRE TRUST FUND: Albemarle High School Broad~ Wood School Crozet~School GreenWOod School McInt%~e School Meriwe Red H~ Scotts TOTAL FUND-GRAND TOTALS 840,523.15 ,. S. CHOOL ,C~P!TAL OUT~AY FUND ' ~'w Buildings 165,750.00 ~her Lewis School .1 Sch2ol ~ille ~igh School ~CINTIRE TRUST FUND 9,574.68 9,600.00 -0- -0- 9,600.00 4,499.54 4,500.00 4,500.00 -0- -0- -0- I0,000.00 -0- -0- 10,000.00 -0- !,000.00 -0- -0- 1,000.00 623.8~_ ~ 1 000.0~ 1 000~00 ~ ~ -©- __-0- 14,698.11 ~6,100.00 5,500.00 -0- 20,600.00 312.50 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- 25,000.00 25,000.00 -0- 6,62 5. O0 6,312.50 6,000. O0 -O- 312.50 -o_ r_ _ 7.ooo.qo l OO0.OO .~ .7,qoo.oo. -o- 31,625.00 38,312.50 70,000.00 32,000. O0 46,014.85 61,509.15 61,.440.00 -0- 69.15 46,231.65 ?OTALS-EXP.ESTiMATES (ALL FUNDS) 350.00 350.O0 350.00 3 50. O0 350.00 35O.OO 822,823.79 92~,322.65 980,850.00 100~759.00 175,152.98 151,200.00 109,200.00 -0- 42,000. O0 -0- t,050. O0 1,200.O0 150.00 -O- 513.82 -0- -0- -0- -0- 538.37 -9- -0- -0- -0- 497.53 -0- -0- -0- -0- 955 · 78 350. O0 375 · O0 2 5. O0 -0- 496.92 -0- -0- -0- -0- 497.92 -0- -0-. -0- -0- !.050.00,, 1.200.00_~___~__~_.~00 -0- 2 ~ 450 · O0 2,775. O0 32 fi. O0 -0- t o_._oo 2,450. O0 3,943.27 198,134.60 1,573,504.45 1,465,411.96 1,683,575.20 1,591,065.00 105,624.40 Following the adoption of the Budget, on motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Harris, and unanimously carried by recorded vote, the Board proceeded to lay the County levies for the year 1954 an~ ordered that the Director of Finance of the County of Albemarle assess an~ collect on all taxable real estate and all taxable tangible personal property, including machinery and tools not assessed as real estate at the general reassessment of lands in 1948~ used or employed in a manufacturing or mining busi- ness, not taxable by the S~te on Capital; including public service corporation property (except the rolling stock of railraods, based upon the assessment fixed by the State Corporation Commission and A~llowed .~E Board 150.00 150. O0 5,000.00 12,000~00 17,300.O0 23,275.~0 5,000.00 700.00 1,000.00 5,500.00 ._ 12 5oo.oq 47,975.00 7,980.00 8,000.00 2,000.00 150.00 325.OO 18,455.OO 4,000.00 900.00 175.00 ,, 1 800.Oq 6,875.00 -0- 4,500.00 1,000.00 5,500.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 6,000.O0 70,000.00 61,440 · 00 980,850.00 109,200. O0 1,200.00 37%OO ! .200o~0 2,775.00 l, 593,365.O0 certified by it to ~he Board of County Supervisors both as to location and valuation; including farm machinery, farm tools, and farm livestock having been made a separate classification of property from other tangible personal property by action of the Board of County Supervisors as provided by Section 55-8~1 of' the 1952 Code of Virginia as amended. For General County Purposes, Forty-Five Cents ($0.~5) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said property. For Operation of School Purposes, Two Dollars and Fifty-Three Cents ($2.53) on every One Hnndred Dollars worth of said property. For Special School Capital Outaly Fund, Fifty-Two Cents ($0.52) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said property. For Cromer Sanitary District Purposes (applying only to the Crozet Sanitary District), an<J!ad- ditional One Dollar ($1.00) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said property. For the Central Fire District Fund Purposes (applying only to the Central Fire District) an additional Ten Cents (SO.lC) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said property. Upon motion, made by ~r. Smith and seconded by N_r. Williams, the Director of Finance was directed to credit the School Operating Fund, the School Capital Outlay Fund, the Croae% Sanitary Dis- t~ict Fund, and the Central Fire District Fund, with their respective original gross levies as shown by the assessment books of the office of the Director of Finance as the tax revenues become available and was directed to charge all delinquent taxes to the General Fund. Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Williams, the Director of Finance was instruS~ ted to again classify separately farm machinery, farm toolS~ and farm livestock from other tangible per- sonal property. Notices were received from the Virginia Telephone & Telegraph Company and from the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of application to the State Corporation Commission for increase in rates. No action was taken in this matter. Communication was received from Mr. R~. E. Turner submitting his resignation as a member of the 'Mr. McCue, motion was School Board because of ill health. 0~L~eqne~tof/made by Mr. Williams and seconded by l~r. Bain, Mr. Turner's resignation was accepted with regret and it was ordered that a letter be written to Nr. Turner quest of Er. McCue, motion was thanking him for his long and valuable service to Albemarle County. Else. ~n P~e~ made by Mr. Nilliams and seconded by ~r. Bain, Mr. ~. Y. Sutherland, Jr., was appointed to succeed ~r. Turner on the School Board. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from ~r. J. Stewart Barney for 118 turkeys killed by dogs, along with a letter to the Board regarding this loss. Upon motion, made by Nr. Williams an~ seconded by Mr o Harris, action on this claim was deferred and a complete investigation was ordered by the Sheriff's Office and Commonwealth's Attorney. Claim against the Dog Ta~ Fund was received from Mr. J. T. Via for one ewe killed by dogs. Upon motion, made by Rr. Harris and seconded by Mr. Bain, Mr. Via was allowed $15.00 for this ewe. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was also received from Mr. Jo T. Via for two lambs killed by dogs. Upon motion, made by Nr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Harris, Nr. Via was allowed $5.00 for each of these lambs. Claim against' the Dog Tax Fund was received from~ Mrs. N. E. Smith for one hen killed by dogs. Upon motion, made by Mr. Harris and seconded by Mr. Wood, Mrs. Smith was allowed $1.50 for this hen. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was-received from Mrs. C. N. Phillips for one calf killed by dogs. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Harris, Mrs. Phillips was allowed $10o00 for this calf. dogs. ewe. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. R. L. Heath, Jr. for one ewe killed by ? Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by ~Ir. Harris. Mr. Heath was allowed $18.00 for thi~ Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Nr. Thomas Shores for twelve chickens killed each by dogs. Upon motion, made by Nr. Harris and seconded by mr. Bain, Nr. Shores was allowed $1o25/for ten hens, $0.75 for one rooster and $0.50 for one bantom hen. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Nfs. C. C. Haney for two hens and two rabbits killed by dogs. Upon motion, made by Nr. Harris and seconded by Ur. Bain, Nrs. Haneywas allowed $2.00 for the one hen which the Game Warden viewed and $1.50 for the one rabbit which the Warden viewed. Communication was received from the Isaak Walton League requesting an appropriation in the amount of $500.00 to help pay the surveying cost in connection with the site selected for a lake in Flu- vanna County near the Albemarle County line, advising that the City of Charlottesville had appropriated a like amount conditional upon an appropriation from the County. Nr. N. H. Hoover, President of the League, and Nr.C~oilNaupin and Nr. Ben Jarman a~so appeared before the Board in support of this request. After discussion of this matter, the following resolution, offered by~ro Williams and seconded by Bain, was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $500.00 be and is hereby appropriated toward surveying of site in Fluvanna County for lake, conditional upon appropriation by the City of Charlottes- ville and Fluvanna County and u~on approval of the Commonwealth's Attorney. Communication was received from the P~anning Commission advising that said Commission had dis- cussed the possibility of having an industrial survey made of Albemarle County and recommended that the Board have such a survey made. Upon motion, made by Nr. Wood and seconded by Nr. Bain, the Chairman was requested to appoint a committee to work with the committee appointed By the Planning Commission in this matter. The Chairman appointed Nr. Sam Clark, Nr. E. H. Bain, and Mr. Pence, ex,officio member. Communication was received from the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries advising that Nr. Norman P. Gillum had been appointed as Agent of said Commission for the sale of hunting, fishing and trapping licenses, permits and stamp~. No action was taken on this matter. Report was received from the Department of Welfare and Ins{itution on inspection of the County Jail and was ordered filed, upon motion of Nr. Williams and seconded by Er. Smith. Report was received from the Auditor of Public AccOunts on audit of the Clerk's Office for the calendar year 1953 and on motion of Nr. Bain, seconded by~r. Smith, was accepted and ordered filed. Communicationwas received from the Peoples National Bank expressing appreciation of the reso- lution adopted by this Board regarding beautification of the Route 250 By-pass and stating that if the Board has no objection, the Bank proposes using its resolution as a part of its advertising in the future. Upon motion, made by~r. Williams and seconded by Nr. Smith, the request of the Bank was approv, fl. Communication was received from F. C. Kimbo and ordered Filed. The matter of adopting an ordinance with regard to license tax on auto speedways was discussed and Mr. Pence was instructed to contact Louisa, Greene and Augusta Counties in an effort to determine what policy those counties are following in this matter and report back to the Board. ~r. Pence advised that the Trial Justice and Clerk of the Circuit Court had approached him regarding burglary insurance on the safes in their offices. Upon motion, made by Nr. Nilliams, seconded by Nr. Wood and unanimously carried, Nr. Pence was instructed to obtain $1200.00 coverage on each safe. An offer of $200.00 was received from Mr. N. S. Crawford for ll acres of land purchased by the County at a tax sale, this property being known as the Sarah Burgess land in the Scottsville Distric{. ' t th~s land and re-crt their recom Mr. Harris and Mr. Clark were appointed as a committee to inveS~iga e ' ~ ' mendations to th~ Board. Nr. Henry Chiles appeared before the Board regarding the matter of weight limits on unmarked roads, in the County. He stated that one case in particular with which he was familiar was brought to Court and the driver of an overloaded truck was convicted although the driver was unaware that he was overloaded due to the fact that the roads were not marked as to weight limits. He appealed to the Board for hel~ in obtaining proper road markings with regard to this matter. After a discussion of this 307 the Commonwealth's Attorney and the Resident Highway Engineer to prepare a resolution to be forwarded to General J. Ac Anderson of the State Highway Department regarding this matter. Williams advised th& Board that the $500.00 per annum increase approved for Mr. N. N~ Pence at the last regular meeting of the Board had been refused by Mr. Pence. Mr. Pence advised the Board that he appreciated very much the Board's offer but that he would rather not accept same until he him- self felt that his accomplishments were such that he ~as more deserving of a raise. The Board expressed~ its appreciation to Mr. Pence for his feelings in this matter. Claims against the County amouuting to $135,141.57were presented, examined and allowed and certified to the Director of Finance for p~yment, and charged against the following funds: General Fund Schoo~ Fund Dog Tax_Fund Crozet Sanitary District Fund McIntire Trust Fund Joint Health Fund Central Fire District Fund School Construction BOnd F~mud Albemarle Central High School Construction Fund Commonwealth of Va. Current Credit Account Commonwealth of Va. Dog Tax Credit Account Total $ 29,316.26~ 78,296.99- 1,169.88~ 201.85 575.33 4,491.25 18.75- 6,294.78 7,266.38 6,110.63~ 1.57 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Chairman May 10, 1954 Pursuant to the following waiver, the members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, met in special session on this date at 3:00 P~.M. in the City Hall, jointly with member of the City Council, with the following members present: Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. H. Bain, H. Ashby H~rris, Edward L. Smith, John No Williams, and W. ~. Wood. Officers present: Downing L. Smith, Commonwealth's Attorney, and R. C. Sours, Asst. Directo~ of Finance. We, the undersigned, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, hereby waive notice, and special service thereof, of a meeting to be held on the tenth day of Nay, 1954, at 3:00 P.M. in the City Hall, Charlottesville, Vir- ginia, for the purpose of considering matters pertaining to the Joint Charlottesville- Albemarle Airport, and we do hereby consent to the transaction of any and all business and the taking of such action at said meeting upon the matter hereinabove mentioned as may be lawful, incident, and necessary thereto.