HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-06-16Claims against the County amounting to $!39,086.16 wore presented, examined and allowed and
certified to the Director of Finance for payment, and charged against the following funds:
General Fund
School Fund
Dog Tax Fund
Crozet Sanitary District Fund
Joint Health Department Fund
NcIntire Tr~st Fund
School Construction Bond Fund
Albemarle Central High School Construction Fund
Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Accoont
$ 54,173.72
300. O0
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned°
A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held
at the office building of said County on the 16th day of June, 1954.
Present: Messrso C. Purcell McCue, E. H. Bain, H. Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith, John W~
Williams and Wo Wo Wood.
Officers present: Commonwealth's Attorney and County Executive°
The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. E. H. Bain.
Minutes of the meeting of May 19, 1954, were read and approved.
The matter of proposed telephone rate increases was discussed and on motion of Mr. Bain,
seconded by Mr. Smith, the following resolution was ~a~animously adopted:
WHEREAS, the Virginia Telephone and Telegraph Company has proposed base
rate increases for the Charlottesville and Crozet Exchanges and, in addition to
the base rate increases, they have proposed to increase the station to station toll
charge from Charlottesville to Croz~t from 5¢ to .15¢ and to establish a person to
person rate of 35¢ for the first three (3) minutes° As an alternate proposal for
the toll charge between Charlottesville and Crozet, the telephone Company has pro-
posed that Crozet residents pay the Charlottesville resident's base rate and to in-
crease the base rate for business services by 45¢ per business phone per main station
in Charlottesville and that the following rates apply to Crozet business phones:
Business - One Party
Business - Two Pa~ty
Business - Four Party
Business - Rural
Po B. X. Trim,ks
WHEREAS, ~2i~gs have been held by all 2he interested groups in Crozet,
and the Board of Directors of the Crozet Lions Club, Crozet's only civic organization,
discussed the matter and voted .muanimously to recommend to the Crozet telephone sub-
scribers the increase in base rates in order to provide free dialing between the two
exchanges. In a subsequent meeting the Crozet business men votes 28 to 2 in favor
of an increase in the business base rate in order to provide free dialing between
Crozet and Charlottesville. At a meeting of the resident telephone subscribers at
Crozet, to which all were invited, they agreed by a vote of 23 to 3 to pay the Char-
lottesville resident's base rates in order to have free dialing between the t~e
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Supervisors of
Charlottesville and Crozet~ do hereby endorse the plan, and conctu~ with the state~
ment-prepared by the Charlottesville and Albemarle County Chamber of Commerce.
However, by recommending the proposed plan, the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle
Co~uuty is not endorsing the general increase in the base rates for either community.
BE IT FURTHERRESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be sent
to the State Corporation Commission.
Communication was received from the State Department of Highways enclosing copies of final
allocations of primary funds as approved by the State Highway Commission for the year 1954w55o
Nrc F. Lo Burroughs of the Department of Highways appeared and presented to the Board the
Secondary Budget for the year ending June 30, 1955. Upon motion, made by Nrc Williams and seconded by
Mr. Harris, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Co~uty Supervisors of Albemarle County~
Virginia, that the Secondary Budget for the year ending June 30, 1955, as pre~
sented by Mr. F~ L~ B~roughs of. the Department of Highways, be and is hereby
approved in the following amounts:
Ordinary Maintenance
Maintenance Replacement
Federal Aid ~tched
Mr. M. No Pence, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Department of
Finance for the month of May, 195%, of which one-third is'to be borne by the State~ Upon motion, duly
made and seconded, this Statement was exs~mined, verified and approved.
Mr. M~ M~ Pence, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's
Office for the month of May, 1954, of which two-thirds is to be borne by the State. Upon motiom,' duly
made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved~
Mr. ~o Mo Pence, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Comw~onwealth
Attorney's Office for the month of May, 1954, of which one=half is to be borne by the State~ Upo~
motion~ duly made and seconded, this statement was examined, verified and approved.
Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of th~ CoUnty Jail for Nay, 1954, was sub-
mitted along with a Summary Statement of Prisoner Days. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this
Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, in the mmount of $6.00 was presented,
and upon motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Wood, was approved for payment.
Reports of the Department of Public Welfare for the month of May, 1954, were presented in
accordance with Section 371 of the 1950 Acts of the General Assembly.
Claim of the ~niversity of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $512.00, of which one-half is
to be paid by the County, was presented and upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Bain,
was approved for payment.
In accordance with the following notice published in the Daily Progress on Nay 21~ 1954, and
Nay 28, 1954, public hearing was held on an ordinance proposed which would require vaccination of all
dogs against rabies:
"Notice is hereby given that at the $~nne meeting of the Board of County
Supervisors of Albemarle County to be held in the County Office Building on June
16, 1954, at 9:00 Ao~., it is intended to propose for passage an Ordinance which
would require vaccination against rabies of all dogs in Albemarle County.
By order of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County.
J~ne To Moon, Ct~"
Mr. Downing L~ Smith, Commonwealth, s Attorney, advised that the committee appointed by this Board had
met with a committee from the City and as a result of this meeting, he and the City Attorney had been
requested to draft an ordinance requiring vaccination of all dogs against rabies. Mr. Smith read the
plain~d to the Board and the P~olic his proposed program of dog vaccination for Albemarle County which
is as follows:
An~ua! clinics would be held over the county in which local veterinarians
would give vaccinations.
The following policies would be in effect:
(a) Vaccination would be made comp-~lsor~.
(b) An assistant would be furnished by the Health Department.
(c) A police officer would be on hand at each clinic. (Requested by
(d) A fee of $1.00 would be paid by the dog owner, 50~ of which would
be paid to the Veterinarian and 50¢ to the Director of Finance.
(2) An appropriation of $2600°00 by Albemarle County would be needed to cover
these items:
(a) Vaccine for an estimated 5600 dogs $2410~00
(b) Clerk lO0.00
~c) Supplies 90.00
Total ~
(3) If possible, consideration should be given to a more adequate program for
picking up stra~dogso
A number of citizens of the County questioned Dr. Sturkie regarding vaccination, and expressed con~
siderableop~position to compulsory vaccination~ Co~uication was received from the Greenwood ~itan
Club endorsing Dr. Sturkie~s proposed program and Nr. O. R. Randolph and Er. J~ R. Wingfield also spoke
in behalf of said ~rogram. Nr~ C~ O. Hall stated that he would like to write to Cornell and Pennsyl-
vania Universities to obtain information regarding the vaccine before the Board takes action on this
matter. After .a lengthy discussion, motion was made by Mr. Wood, seconded by Er. Harris, and unani~
mously carried, tabling this matter ~mtil 7:30 P~N~ June 2~, 1954.
Claim against the Dog Tax ~d was again presented for Hudson Collier for one calf killed by
dogs~ Upon motion, made by Mr. Harris and seconded by,r. Bain, Mr. Collier was allowed $35.00 for
this calf.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. Edward G. Gildersleeve for one ewe kille
by dogs. Upon motion~ made by Nrc Harris and seconded by Nr. Wood, Mr. Gilderst~eve was allowed $20.00
for this ewe~
Claim against the Dog Tax F~nd was received from Mr. Eo N. Charlie for one buck sheep killed
by dogs. Upon motion, made by Nr~ Harris and seconded by Mr. Williams~ Nr. Cha~ie was allowed $25.00
for this~hheepo
Claim against the Dog TaxFund was received from Mrs~ Nary E. Lewis for two rabbits killed
by dogs~ Upon motion, made by ~r. Smith and seconded by Mr. Wood, NrSo Lewis was allowed $1.00 for
each of these rabbits.
Claim against the Dog Tax F~ud w~s received from Nr. J~ T. Via for one ewe killed by dogs.
Upon motion~ made by Nr. Harris and seconded by Nro Wood, Nr. Via was allowed $15.00 for this ewe~
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Nrc Guy Via for ~e ewes killed by dogs~
Upon motion, made by Nr. Nilliams and seconded by Nr. Bain, Mr. Via was allowed $16.00 for ~a~h of
these ewes.
Nr. Pence advised the Board that he had been contac%ed by th~ Chamber of Com~.erce in regard
to renting ten parking spaces at the Old Repair Shop lot to the Transcont~ental Gas Line Corpo and for
this reason had deferred the rental of the Repair Shop buildings. After discussion of this matter,
motion was offered by Mr. Bain, seconded by Nr. Williams, and unanimously carried, instructing
Pence to lease said parking spaces at $3.50 per car per month, said lease to contain a clzuse setting
forth the right of the County to terminate said lease in sixty days in the event parking in this lot
would interfere with rental of the buildings.
Upon motion, made by Nr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Harris, Nr~ Pence was authorized to
renew lease with the Soil Conservation Service for the rental of office space in the County Office
Building at the present rental of $55.00 per month.
Mr. Pence advised tH& Board that the term of Mr~ L. C. Huff on the Welfare Board would expire
reappointed to the Board of Public Welfare for a term of three years~
Proposal was received from the Calho~u Chevrolet Company to f~s_~nish the Co~uty's automotive
equipment for the year ending June 30, 1955 and proposalwas received from Charlottesville Motors to
furnish police cars~for the Sheriff's Office for the same period° Nr. Pence recommended that the Board
continue Chevrolets in the Welfare Department and Department of Education and that Ford~ be used in the
Sheriff's Office° Mr. Williams advised that the Sheriff had advised him that he preferred Fords on the
basis of comparison over the past year° Upon motion~ made by Nr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Bain, and
~uanimously carried, Nr~ Pence~s recommendation was accepted.
Nr. Bence advised the Board that Nr. Oscar B~ V~ood had been assessed twice for an automobile
and had consequently pa~d tax on same twice, and requested that the Board authorize and appropriation
transfer of ~1A.35 to cover refund of the duplicate payment. Upon motion~ made by Mrl Harris and seconded
by Nr. Smith, the following resolution was unan~mouszy adoptem.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that ~1~.35 be and is hereby transferred from Unappropriated Reserve
of the General F~u~d to Tax Refunds~
Communication was received from the District Home Board enclosing resolution regarding pay-
ments to the District Home and on request of the said Board, the following resolution was offered by
Smith~ seconded by ~ro Harris, and unanmmousz~ adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the State Welfare Board be and they are hereby requested to permit
the counties and cities participating in the operation of the District Home at
Waynesboro, Virginia, to continue to make a lump sum ~ayment to the Treasurer of
the District Home each month rather than make individual checks payable to each
of the individ~ls in the District Home from each of the counties and cities~
Communication was received from the Governor acknowledging receipt of the Board's resolution
with regard to segr~gation~
Communication was received from Nr. I. T. Quinn, Executive Director of the Commission of Game
and ~n~and FisherieS, advising that the General Assembly amended Section 29-65 of the Code for the
specific purpose of authorizing the Commission to appoint agents in the counties of the State to assist
clerks of the courts in selling hunting, fishing and trapping licenses and permits to make it more con~
venient for applicants to obtain such licenses.
Nr. Pence advised the Board that in executing levies for delinquent personal property, he had
to execute these levies unless the Board adopted a resolution, authorizing the Sheriff to perform this
du~yo On motion of Nr. Harris, seconded by Nr~ Wood, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:~i
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Couuty,
Virginia, Shat pursuant to Section 58r991 of the Virginia Code, the Sheriff of
Elbemarle County be and is"hereby authorized to collect delinquent local levies~
The matter of the proposed Crozet Sanitary District Bond Tssue was discussed and Mr. Pence
presented to the Board copies of his proposed plan for the retirement of debt for the 1947 issue and th~
proposed issue. The Commonwealth's Attorney read to the Board 'letter to and from the Bonding Attorneys
in New York regarding this matter and advised that the Board should adopt a resolution authorizing the
remainder of the issue before June ~0. After discussion, it was ordered that the Board meet~on June 2~
at 7:30 P.No regarding this matter.
On motion of Nr. Williams, seconded by Nr. Harris, the following resolution was ~uanimously
NHEREASi~ il~h~s been brought to the attention of the Board of Co~ty
Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the rege~ar term of service of
~. W. W. Shields as Resident Engineer has expired and due to such fact he is
eligible for transfer to another area, and
Board for his ability, cooperative spirit and faithful execution of the duties of
his office,
NOW, T~REFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that the State Highway Department be and it is hereby
requested to permit Nr. Shields to remain at h&s present post for the remaining
approximate three years he has to serve until retirement.
Claims against the Ceunty amounting t05121,214.81 were presented, examined and allowed and
certified to the Director of Finance for payment, and charged against the following fund's:
General F~nd
School. Fund
Dog TaxFUnd
Crozet SAn~ District Fund
Joint Heaith Fnmd
Melntire Trust Fund
Central Fire District Fund
School Construction Bond Fund
Albemarle Central High School Construction Fund
Shop and St~res Construction Fund
CoSmonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Account
Co~monwealth of Virginia Dog Tax Credit Accouut
$ 27,616.61
Upon motion, the meetimg adjourned until 7:30 P.M. en June 23, 1954.