HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-08-25SPECIAL August 25, 195& Pursuant to the following waiver, the members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, met in special session on this date at 7:30 P.M. in the County Office Building, with the following members present: Messrs. C. Purcell NcCue, E. H. Bain, H. Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith, Jo_hn W. Williams and W. ~W. Wood. We, the undersigned, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, hereby waive notice and sPecial service thereof, of a meeting to be held on the twenty-fifth day of August, 195~, at 7:30 P.M., in.~the County Office Building, Charlottesville, Virginia, for the purpose of considering matters pertaining to the Crozet?Sanitary District, and we do hereby consent to the transaction of any and all business and the taking of such action at said meeting upon the matters hereinabove mentioned as may be lawful, incident, and necessary thereto. C. P~cel~ ~cCue E. H. Bain 339 L. Smith Joh_u W. Williams W. W. Wood The County Executive advised that in accordance with action taken at the last regular meeting, concerning /the drilling of a well at the Crozet filter plant, he had contacted several people in an effort to ob- taintecbmicaladviceinpreParationfortheproject. HestatedthattheSydnorPumpandWellCompany, ~ichmond, Virginia, the Southern Drilling Company, Roanoke, Virginia, and Mr. E. E. Moore, Charlottes- ville, Virginia, were the people contacted regarding boring and equipment necessary to supply the well. Mr. Clark, Assistan~County Executive, informed the Board of his visit to the Crozet water shed with Mr. William NcGill, State Geologist, to study the area with respect to certain aspects relating to ground water. The CoumtyExecutive further advised that it appeared to be the consensus of those contacted tha~ the well should conform to certain specifications in order to obtain the water needed and from the best information available, it appeared that estimates on such a well would 'exceed by a considerable sum the amount alloczted. After consideration of the matter, it was moved by Mr. Harris and seconded by Mr. Wood, that work proceed with the temporary line to Mr. Ray Warrick's well and plans be formulated for drilling the proposed well with work to be set in progress when funds are available. On motion, the meeting adjourned. Chairman