HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-09-10SPECIALSeptember lO, 1954 Pursuant to the following waiver, the members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, met in special session on this date at 7:30 P.Mo in the County Office Building, with the following members present'~ Nessrso E. H. Bain, H. Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith, John W. Williams, and W. W. Wood. Absent: Mr. C. Purcell McCue. Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. We, the undersigned, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, hereby waive notice and special service thereof, of a meeting to be held on the tenth day of September, 1954, at 7:30 P.M., in the County Office Building, Char- lottesville, Virginia, for the purpose of considering matters pertaining to the Crozet Sanitary District, and we do hereby consent to the transaction of any and all business and the taking of such action at said meeting upon the matters hereinabove mentioned as may be lawful, incident, and necessary thereto. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. E. H. Bain. The County Executive advised that he had rented pipe for the temporary Water line at Crozet through the Piedmont Tractor Company from Waynesboro ~u~ a four-month period but that the pipe was not standing the test. He stated that some of the pipe was being replaced with pipe now available from Mr. J. T. Henley and that several other citizens in the Cotmty would have pipe available for the County to borrow in the near fut~tre. He stated that the emergency line this year would cost more than it did last year, mainly because of the fact that all of the pipe was borrowed last year. Mr. Pence presented to the Board the following estimated available funds and expenditures for the temporary water line: Available Funds; ~ater ~in Extensions One-half Interest on Temporary Loans (½ - $3,375.00) Total $ 1,787.50 . l 6S ?. $~3,475,00 Estimated Expenditures: Pip~ Line: Rental of Pipe Line Water Purchased (3 months) Labor Electric Current Hypochlorinator Rental (3 months) $ 1,158.00 485.00 200.00 i00.00 106.80 $ 2,049.80 $ 1,425.20 Pump E_~pense: Pump Rental ($2300 x 20% 1st month) Pump Rental ($2300 x 20% next 2 months) Installation Electrical Connection Miscellaneous 460.00 460.OO 5OO.OO lOOi00 100.00 ~ 1.620.00 Over-Expenditure $ ! 94.80 Mr. Pence advised the Board that 85% of rental of the pump could be applied to purchase price of same. He further advised that ~r. Ray Warrick had been most cooperative in every respect in the laying of the temporary water line. The Commonwealth's Attorney advised that he.Was OF.~heopinion that'it, was tega!lyunwise in-. the pending suSt view but that he felt the Board had a moral obligation to furnish wa~er to the people of Crozet and On motion of Nr. Bain, seconded by Nr. Smith, and unanimously carried, Nr. Pence was author- ized to proceed with the temporary water line in accordance with plan presented and spread above, limit- ing expenditures for same to Bain advised the Board that Nr. Warrick had requested that he suggest to the Board that the Thurston well be investigated before drilling a well on the water shed. Tr. Pence advised that the water in said well was of limestone contenti~ that Tr. Thurston had been approached regarding this matter and indicated that he may be interested in contracting with the County. The following letter was presented to the Board. Crozet, Virginia September 2, 195~ "Nr. Edward L. Smith Board of County Supervisors Ivy District Ivy,.Virginia Dear ~r. Smith: I believe that the enclosed map and statement from me'are self-exPlanatory, and i am sending both to you with the sincere request that you study same. Upon com- pletion of your study of them it is requested that you sUbmit both map and statement to Nessrs. Harris and Williams, of the Board of County Supervisors. If not asking too much of you, I will appreciate hearing from you as to their .attitude and feeling in the matter, as well as that of your own. I would p~efer submitting the matter to your personally, but I am leaving here early tomorrow morning for Richmond and will not return before Tuesday night. SHOuld you wish to talk to me about this situation I will appreciate information to that effect. Ny phone number is 2536, and I am always at home most every afternoon. I trust this water rate matter continues to go along as it has been doing- at the ~3.50 rate because of the uncorrected and worthless water service gotten at my sister' s. We have had to buy and haul drinking water practically ever since the system operated o With best wishes. Sincerely, (Signed) Russell Bargamin Encls.-Nap and Statement~ Co~~_Statement: Expl&nation of attached map; together with notes and comments in connection therewith. "The attached sketch shows the present and former status of the Crozet water- line serving users along the Jarman Gap sector of the Crozet Sanitary District Water system. Snown in black squares are the properties served by the present system, while those in red squares are just outside of the Sanitary District and not served - close to it, however, and potential users. The green dotted line indiCates the western boundary of the Crozet Sanitary District - within striking distance of the above mentioned potential users. The heavy red line, running westwardly along Jarman~Gap Road from Blue Ridge Avenue to the home of $~rpervisor E. H. Bain, (my former home), represents the two inch (2") line laid by me several years ago when the Crozet Community was supplied with water from the high tower ta~d~ of the Carter Corporation - the cold storage plant. Deed to this line was made to me by the said Carter Corporation, and said deed is of record in the County Clerk's Office. From t~'~s line several home~ were served in addition to my own, now the Bain home - among them being the Quick, Rea and ~agner homes shown on the map. I received no compensation whatever from them by reason of the several connections to my line, such being a civic service by me. It will be noted that since the discarding of this 2" waterline of mine, and its replacement by a 6" line, there are omly a few additional subscribers getting water therefrom. There was never any sound reason for discarding the 2" line - which would have served those now served by the 6" line laid to Supervisor Bain's entrance. This abandonment of my 2" line was made without any notification to me, and is just another bit of evidence of the senseless way in which the bond issue money was spent. However, it should not be overlooked that a fire hydrant was installed at the entrance to the Bain property, with one other between there and the more thickly improved portion of Crozet. ~he red line from the Bain residence, and running westwardly, is a l~-l" line laid by me to supply water to my late b~other's home and ~_y home (now the Bain home), the water coming from a large, bold spring on my brother's, now my sister's place. This spring is walled in by concrete and supplies as much water of the high~st quality as is flowing into the Crozet reservoirs from all sources, and which, at my sister's home is unfit for dri~ing, laundry or dishwashin~ ourooses. Nanv v~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The spring and pipeline referred to are in good location to furnish water to the nearby properties without the District water, and to the rapidly developing resi- dential area immediately adjacent. While my sister's home property, with many available home sites, abuts the Crozet Sanitary District line, not one single dollar of the Sanitary District funds was expended to get the water to her home. All pipelines, Connections etc. were made and paid for by me, and the connection of the existing line to the Sanitary District line at the Bain home was made through the kindness and courtesy of Mr. Bain. The'demand now made by Mr. Pence that my sisteri~ay 49. per month?forwater unfit for use, is not only unfair and unreasonable, but- seems strictly dishonest in light of the Two Hundred and Fifty (~250) Dollars water line of mine, inventoried by Wiley and Wilson as part of the Ligon line when the whole system was purchased and paid for by the Board of Supervisors. My line was sold, but another got the pay for it. Another bit of evidence of how the money was spent~ The injustice to me - a real steal - will be exposed to all Of the people of the county, and drastic effort will be made by me to receive due compensation for such pipeline, i have never brought this matter into the already too objectionable stench in the nostrils of the people of Crozet- and probably the county - and unless it is the purpose of Mr. Pence to continue to accept the $3.50 per month rate, as he agreed to in the presence of several of the Taxpayers Committee here at Crozet'at the meet- ing attended by Mr. Pence, and which has been confirmed by him by the acceptance of monthly remittances in accordance therewith. I shall e~pect this rate ($3.50) agreed upon to be continued. ~. Pence was here at my sister's-hSme Monday, and again tried to drink the water. He was given a bottle of ice tea which was blacker than coffee. He took it away with h~m. He and I discussed all phases of the water situation, but he'has no information as to the reason for the water being as it is here at my sister's and one or two other nearby homes. Another contributing factor which makes it unreasonable andunheard of that $7. per month be paid for the little slimy, greasy, dirty and smelly water used at my sister's on top of the hill and at the end. of the line is because she is paying $102. real property tax on a residence within the Crozet Sanitary District. In my lengthy discuwsion with Mr. Pence, who read and studied this map and statement, it was suggested that I forward this map and statement to Messrs. Smith, Harris and Williams of the Board of County SUPervisors in order that their reaction to the matter be had by me. Therefore, both map and statement are respectfully submitted. I cannot believe that the Board, or anyone connected therewith, wishes~ny further litigation or publicity in the matter. Very truly yours, (Signed) Russell Bargamin" Mr. Pence advised the Board that in connection with the $3.50 water rate mentioned by ~r. Bargamin in his statement, that he had charged off one-h~lf of Mr. B~zgaming~ water billing for three months during the period last year when the w~ter which he was getting water which he claimed was not fit for use and that Mr. Bargamin had been told that this was done/for the three-~onth period. He advised that he had not paid a full water bill since that time. Nr~ Pence was instructed to cuttoff the service to Mr. Bargamin's sister's home if the bill is not paid within a reasonable length of time. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.