HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-09-15 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held
at the Office Building of said County on the 15th day of September, 1954o
Present: Messrs. E. H.~ Bain, H. Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith, John W. Williams and W. W. Noo~.
Absent: Mr. C. Purcell McCue.
Officers present: County EXecutive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. E. H. Bain.
Minutes of the meetings of August 18, 1954, August 25, 1954, and September 10, 1954, were
read and approved.
Communication was received from the Department of Highways enclosing sketch showing old and
new location on Route 656 made through the Bell property and requesting resolution of this Board recom-
mending the new location to be placed in the Secondary System and the old location, a distance of 0.11
miles be abandoned for ~oad purposes which would allow same to revert to the original landowners. The
Commonwealth's attorney called the Board's attention to the fact that resolution was adopted by the
Board on February 17, 1954, recorded on Minute Book page No. 284, abandoning this section of road. Mr.
Shields stated that he felt a similar resolution should be adopted showing the mileage referred to aboveil
and including request for inclusion of the new location. On motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Williams,
the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, a small section of road in the Secondary System~,~located on the
~. F. Bell property at intersection of Route #656 and 654 in Albemarle Co~ty, has
been altered and a new road, which serves the same citizens as the old road has been
constructed in lieu thereof and approved by the State Highway Commission by letter to
the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County dated February 3, 1954; and,
V~REAS, Section 33-76.12 of the Code of Virginia provides for the aban-
donment of such alteration in the Secondary Road System,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE iT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe-
marle Co~mty that the said old road located on the J. F. Bell property, a distance
of 0.11 miles, be and. the same is hereby abandoned.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the State Department of Highways be and is
hereby requested to include in the Secondary System, the new road constructed in
lieu thereof, said new location beginning at point east of the old location on
Route 654 and continuing in~'~a northeasterly direction to intersection with old
Route 656, a distance of 0.07 of a mile.
Petition was again presented to the Board requesting abandonment of that section of State
Secondary Route 674 from Route 671 at Moorman's River Bridge sough of Millington and continuing in a
southeast direction for a distance of 1.3 miles to intersection with Route 678. Mr. Pence advised that
Mr. S. S. Clark had obtained signatures from all proDerty'owners who would be affected by the requested
abandonment. On motion of Mr. Bain~ seconded by Mr. Williams, the following resolution was unanimously
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that pursuant to request received from landowners and in accordance with
Section 33-76.8 of the Virginia Code, this Board, at its next regular meeting to
be held on October 20, 1954, at 9:00 A.M., intends to abandon that section of State
Secondary Route 674 from Route 671 at Moorman's River Bridge south of Millington
and continuing in a southeast direction for a distance of 1.3 miles to intersection
with Route 678.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the
of such intent
Department of' Highways, that notice/be posted in front of the Albemarle County Court
House, and that/notice be published in the Daily Progress.
Petition was again presented requesting abandonment of that section of the old Scottsville
Road from Gibson's Creek to Tucker Ws gate. Nr. Shields advised that this section of road was closed
by resolution of the Board and approval by the State Department of Highways when rel~ocations were made
on Route 20. The Clerk was instructed to advise Nr. ~ibson of this action.
Petition was received requesting inclusion in the Secondary System of .1 of a mile beginning
et Route 29 about ~ mile south of Covesville Post Office and ending at Southern Railroad. On motion,
made by Nr. Bain, seconded by Nr. Williams and unanimously carried, it was ordered that this petition
be referred to Viewers at the next regular road meeting and that the Clerk advise the petitioners ac-
Nr. T. O. Scott, County Agent, appeared representing a committee on drought relief and advised
that it was the consensus of the committee that drought conditions in Albemarle County are worse than
they were in 1953 and requested that the Board petition the Governor of Virginia to declare the County
a disaster area, sending dopy of said resolution to the Commission of Agriculture. On motion of Nr.
Bain, seconded by Nr. Wood, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, the duly appointed Albemarle County Drought Committee has re-
ported to this Board that it is the considered opinion of said Committee that
after a study of the current conditions, immediate action is war~anted on thA part
of the Board of CoUnty Supervisors that Albemarle County be declared a disaster
area due to the present extended drought period, and
W~S, it is the consensus of the Albemarle County Drought Committee
that the drought situation in said county is worse than in 1953 over a majority
of the area, and
WHEREAS, this Board having given due consideration to the report made
~by the Drought Committee~
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT EESODVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Al~be-
marle County, Virginia, that the Honorable Thomas B. Stanley, Governor of the Common-
wealth of Virginia, be and he is hereby urged to take such immediate steps as
necessary to declare Albemarle County a disaster area.
Nr. Bernard Chamberlain appeared and discussed at length the life of Col. Nicholas Lewis, a
very historical resident of early Albemarle. He advised that the Historical Society wished to preserve
Col. Lewis' ~ombstone and felt that embedding same in wall of the entrance hall of the Court House would
be a very fitting place. On motion of Nr. Williams, seconded by Nr. Bain, and unanimously carried, the
Chairman w~s ~equested to appoint a committee to work with the Historical Society in this matter. The
Chairman appointed Nr. Williams and Nr. Smith to serve on this committee.
Nr. N. S. Crawford appeared and offered $200.00 for eleven acres of land owned by the County
in the Scottsville District, known as the Burgess tract. This matter was referred to a committee con-
sisting of ~ir. Harris and Nr. S. S. Clark for study and recommendation ~o the Board, this committee
having pr~iously viewed this tract of land. The CommonwealthWs Attorney advised that at the time of
~he last investigation, there was a Welfare client living in a house located on the tract in question
and that the Board had not felt it w&se to sell at that time.
Communication was received from Dr. $. D. Sturkie advising that the 6~ mileage reimbursement
now being paid to the employees of the Health Department wa~ approved by the Joint Board of Health in
the budget for the fiscal year beginning July l, 1952o He stated further that it was not possible, es-
pecially for the nurses who drive over the worst possible roads, to operate cars for less t~n this
amount. Nr. Williams stated that he still felt that all mileage reimbursements should be uniform. The
Commonwealth's Attorney advised that since the County does not have sole control of the Joint Health
Board, that the Board could not take action without similar action by the City Co~uucil~ After consider-
able discussion, ~otion was made by Nr. ~illiams, seconded by Nr. Bain, and unanimously carried, instruc
tine Nr. Pence to write Dr. S~nrkie advising that the Board feels there should be uniformity
be borne in mind in his preparation of the 1955-56 Joint Health Budget.
Resolution was received from the Executive Board of the League of Virginia Counties in which
said Board requested the Governor of Virg~lnia to appoint a Commission to make a study of and report a
plan whereby this State can take such measures as may be required in connection with segragation.
Pence advised that such a Commission has been appointed and it was the request of the League that the
county adopt a resolution setting forth suggestions to the Commission for a sblution to this problem.
On motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Smith, and unanimously carried, the Chairman was requested to
appoint a committee of three members of this Board to work with three members from the School Board re-
garding this matter. The Chairman appointed Messrs. Williams, Bain and Wood to serve on this committee.
Mr. Williams, Chairman of the Committee appointed regarding secondreadings, presented to the
Board a revised proposed resolution and offered same for adoption, which resolution was se,conded by Mr.
Smith and unanimously adopted as follows:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia that every resolution appropriating money for any special purpose and
every resolution deemed to be of sufficient purport by any member of the Board,
shall be considered twice before its final passage. If any member of the Board
raises the point of order that any resolution is of sufficient purport, the reso-
lution shall be carried over to the next meeting, when action on the aame may be
taken, provided at least three days shall intervene between its introduction and
passage. This procedure may be dispensed with by unanimous consent of members
of the Board present.
Mr. Williams reported that the committee from this Board and the committee from the City Counc~.l
had met regarding nomination of m~mbers for the Joint Airport Commission and that the joint committee
was ready to report to the Board and Council in joint session, when further nominations could be made
from the floor. It was ordered that this matter be considered at an adjourned meeting of this ~eeting.
Mr. M. M. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Department of
Finance for the month of Eugust, 1954, of which one-third is to be borne by the State. Upon motion,
duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved.
Mr. N. M. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's
Office for the month of August, 1954, of which two-thirds are to be borne by the State. Upon motion,
duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved.
Mr. M. M. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Commonwealth
Attorney's Office for the month of August, 1954, of which one-half is to be borne by the State. Upon
motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail for the month of August,
1954, was submitted along with S~m~nary Statement of Prisoner Days. Upon motion, duly made and seconded,!
this Statement was examined, verified, and approved.
Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, in the amobnt of $3.00 was presented,
and on motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Wood, was approved for payment.
Reports of the Department of Public Welfare for the month of August, 1954, were presented in
accordance with Section 371 of the 1950 Acts of the General Assembly.
Claim of the University of Virginia Ho~pital in the amount of $1,376.00 of which one-half is
reimbursable by the State, was presented and on motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Smith, was approved
for payment.
Mr. Bain advised that at the Local Government Conference, Dr. Archer discussed the hospitali-
zation plan at Patrick Henry and stated that he felt a similar project in the area of the University
Hospital might be well worth study in an effort to save on hospitalization expenditures. Mr. Pence was
instrUcted.to request Dr. Archer to appear at the next regular meeting of the Board to discuss this
Agreement for Care under the State-Local Hospitalization Plan was received from the University
of Virginia Hospital for the period beginning October l, 1954 and ending Narch 31, 1955, at the rate of
$16.00 per patient day. On motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by Nr. Wood, and unanimously carried, the Chair-
man was authorized to sign said agreement on behalf of the Board.
Report of the County Executive for the month of August, 1954, was presented, approved and
ordered filed.
Mr. N. N. Pence, Director of Finance, presented to the Board Public/Assessments for the year
1954, which were accepted and ordered filed.
The matter of an automobile graveyard on Route 6, Scottsville, Virginia, was again brought to
the attention of the Board and was carried over for further investigation.
The following Special School Fund Budgets were received, accepted and ordered spread in the
minutes~'on motion of Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Bain, and unanimously carried:
CaEh brought forward from previous year
1954 Taxes
Total Receipts
60la New Buildings
Total Disbursements
Cash brought forward from previous year
Total Receipts
$ 8,321.92
403 Furniture and Fixtures
600b Improvement to Sites
60la New Buildings
Total Disbursements
$ 1,321.92
_ 2.000.00
$ 8,321.92
Cash brought forward from previoUs year
Total Receipts
$ 39,293.45
205 Architect's Fees $ 300.00
403 Furniture and Fixtures 756.87
600b Improvement to Sites &~644.45
60la New Buildings 5,592.13
~ To be transferred to another project 24,000,Q~
Total Disbursements $ 39,293.45
Cash brought forward from previous year
Total Receipts~
403 Furniture and Fixtures $ 500°00
To be transferred to another project 335.62
Total DiSbursements $ 835.62
Report on audit of Sidney D. Watson, Trial Justice, for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1954,
was presented, accepted, and ordered filed.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Er. C. M. Fray for four goats killed by dogs.
On motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Smith, Mr. Fray was allowed $3.00 for each of these goats.
Claim against the Dog ~ax Fund was received from Mr. Linton Smith for one bull c~lf killed by
dogs~ On motion of Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Bain~ Mr. Smith was allowed $25.00 for this calf.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. William Shiflett for two ewes killed by
dogs. On motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. Shiflett was allowed $12.50 for each of these
Ciaimagainst the'Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. William Shiflett for one lamb killed by
dogs. On motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Smith, Mr. Shiflett was allowed $15.00 for this lamb.
Claim against the Dog Ta~ Fund was received from Mr. John W. McNair for fifty~two chickens
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. Leon Dure and the Fireman's Fund Insur-
ance ~ompany for one ewe and one lamb killed by dogs. On motion, made b~ Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr.
Wood, $15.00 was allowed for the ewe and $10~00 for the lamb.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. C. H. Yost for eight turkeys killed by
~ogs. On motion of Mr. Bain, s6conded by Mr. Smith, Mr. Yost was allowed $0.26 per pound for these
turke~ which weighed a total of 64pounds.
Mr. Pence gave a progress report on the emergency water line in Crozet. He advised that water
was now going into the system from Mr. Ray Warrick's well.
Mr. Pence called to the Commonwealth's Attorney's attention to the fact that on August
1954, during the Commionwealth Attorney's absence, the Board had approved a refund of $5.00 to
Jaunita Riddle for duplicate payment of County slot machine linense tax, subject to his approval. Mr.
Smith advised that this refund had his approval.
Claims against the County amounting to $159,728.08 were prssented, examined, and allowed and
certified to the Director of Finance for payment, and charged against the following funds:
General Fund
School Fund
Dog Tax Fund
Crozet Fire District Fund.
Crozet Sanitary District Fund
Joint Health Department Fund
Albemarle Central High School Construction Fund
Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Account
Commonwealth of Virginia Dog Tax Credit Account
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
' hairman