HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-01-19 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Co~uuty, Virginia, was held
at the Office Building of s~id County on the 19th day of January, 1955.
Present: Nessrs. H. Ashby Harris, E. H. Bain, C. Purcell McCue, Edward L. Smit~, John
Williams and W. W. Wood.
Absent: None.
Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
~he meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Nr. E. H. Bain.
Ninutes of the meetings of December 15 and December 30, 195~, were read and approved.
On motion of Nr. NcCue, seconded by Nr. Bain, and unanimously carried, Mr. Harris was reelects
Chairman, Er. Williams was reelected Vice-Chairman, and Mrs. Noon was reelected Clerk for the calendar
year 1955.
Petition was received, and a number of citizens appeared, requesting imorovement and blacktop
of Route 671 from Route 609 to 665. The Board advised that this matter would be taken up with
Shields, Resident Highway Engineer, at the next regular meeting of the Board.
~etition was received requesting inclusion in the Secondary System road in Crozet beginning
at Route $10 at southwest corner of Edgar T. Tomlin property and continuing 1217 feet in eastward direc~
tion to property of C. Hunter Ballard, and on motion of Nr. Bain, seconded by Nr. Williams, this petitio
was ordered referred to Viewers for report.
Petition was received requesting hard surface of Route 667 Between Route 601-and 605. On
motion of Nr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Williams, and unanimously carried~ it was ordered that this petition
be referred to Nro Wo W. Shields, Resident Engineer~ with the recommendation that serious consideration
be given to this request in the preparation of his next budget.
Petition was received requesting improvement of approximately three miles of Route 717 from
intersection of Routes630 to Route 6. This matter was carried over to be taken up with Mr. Shi&lds at
the next regular meeting.
Co~mmunications were received from the Red Hill P.T.A., the Crozet P.T.A. and ~r. and Nfs.
P. A. Page, Jro expressing approval of the continuation of the present tax levy for School Capital Out~
lay. Al~o,~a number of citizens appeared before the Board requesting that this tax levy be maintained.
On motion of Nr. Williams, seconded by Nr. McCue, and unanimously carried, this matter was taken under
~r. Mo No Pence, Director of Finance, submitted Statement of Expenses of the Department of
Finance for the month of December, 195~, of which one-third is to be borne by the State. Upon motion,
duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Nr. M. N. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's Office
for the month of December, 195~, of which two-thirds are to be borne by the S~&~eo Upon motion, duly
made and seconded, this Statement w~s examined, verified and approved.
Mr. N. N. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted S~atement of Expenses of the Commonwealth's
Attorney's Office for December~ 1954, of which one-half is to be borne by the State. Upon motion~ duly
made and seconded, this Statement ~as examined, verified and approved.
Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance~of the County Jail for the month of December
1954, was submitted along with a stmmamy~Statement of Prisoner Days. Upon motion, duly made and secon-
ded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, in the amount of $15.00 was presented,
and on motion, duly made and seconded, was approved for payment.
Reports of the Department of Public Welfare for the month of December, 1954, were presented
in accordance with Chapter 371 of the 1950 Acts of the General Assembly.
Report of the County Executive for the month of December, 195~, was presented, approved, and
ordered filed.
~r. Pence advised that he and ~. Downing Smith had contacted the industrial Commission with
regard to workman~s compensation of Nr. C. R. 5~arshall, Deputy Sheriff, who lost his right hand in the
line of duty on November 15, 195A. He stated that the Industrial Commission had advised that the County
is liable for"all of Nr. Narshall's hospital expenses and must also pay~r. ~arhhall ~27.00 per week for
one hundred fifty weeks. Mr. Rence fur,_er advised that an appropriation of ~1~02.00 would be necessary
for this fiscal year on the basis of the following:
Operation and post-operative care
On motion of ~tr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Smith, and unanimously carried, r~oles with regard to second read~
ings were suspended, and the following resolution adopted:
BE iT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that $1,302.00 be and is hereby appropriated to cover compensation of
C. R. Mars~hali,' Deputy Sheriff, ~ader workman's compensation and also to cover
Er. Narhhal!'s hospital expenses~ this being the amount required for the current
fiscal year~ and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Nr. N. N. Pence be and is hereby authorized
to execute proper agreements with ~;m. Narshall and the Industrial Commission in
order that proper disposition may be made of the matter°
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Nr. C. H. Yost for %wenty turkeys averaging
six po~uds each, killed by dogs. On motion of Nr. Bain and seconded by Er. Wood, it was ordered that Nr
Yost be paid thirty cents per po~uud for these turkey~.
Claim against the Dog Tax F%uud was received from Nr. C. H. Pirkey for eleven chickens weighing
a total of fifty~three potuuds, killed by dogs. On motion of ~. Smith, seconded by Nr. Bain, ~k'. Pirkey
was allowed $0.15 per pouud for these chickens.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fu=ud was received from Nr. J. T. Via for one sheep claimed to have
been killed by dogs. On motion of ~. Williams, seconded by Nr. Bain~ this claim was denied due to the
lack of evidence that the sheep was killed by dogs.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fo_nd was received from Er. Thomas Jones~ for six doe rabbits, four
month-old rabbits and one buck killed by dogs. On motion of Nr. Bain, seconded by Er. Williams, ~m.
Jones was allowed~$2.50 for eadh doe, ~0o50 for each sma%l rabbit~ and ~5.00 for the buck.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Nr. ~ F~ Via for one ewe killed by dogs.
On motion of ~. Smith, seconded by ~r. Bain, lr~ Via'was allowed $17.50 for this ewe.
Com~m%mications were received from the State Compansation Board approving the salary and e×~ens~
requests of the office of the Sheriff and Commonwealth's Attorney for the calendar year 1955 and advisi~
that since the Department of Finance operates on a fiscal year basis, supplemental request should be mad~
by that office prior to July l, 1955. Nr. Pence advised that increases in the Sheriff's Office would
necessitate an appropriation of $1,620.00 and that increases in the Commonwealth's Attorney,s Office
would necessitate an 'appropriation of $150o00. On motion of ~Ir. Bain, seconded by Nr. Smith, and unani~
mously carried, rules with regard to second readings were dispensed, and the following resolution was
BE IT RESOLVED by th~ Board of County ~Supervisors of Albemarle Co~uty~
Virginia, that $150.00 be and is hereby appropriated to cover increases in the
office of the Commonwealth's Attorney.
On motion of~Nr. Williams, seconded by I~r. NcCue~ and unanimously carried, rules with regard
to second readings were dispensed, and the following resolution was adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that $1,620.00 be and is hereby appropriated to cover increases in the
~¢¢~ae of the Sheriff.
Mr. Pence advised that it has been customary where-real estate assessors from the State De-
partment are employed ia a locality for an entire year, that theY be paid for two-weeks vacation. On
motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. McCue, it was ordered that Mr. B.-B. Adams and Mr. Howell Watson,
real estate assessors, be compensated for two-weeks vacation.
Mr. Pence advised the Board that in December, the jail boiler had to be replaced and that the
cost of the boiler and installation of same amounted' to $685.03 which was not included in the budget.
On motion of Mr. Williams, seconde~ by Mr. Wood, and unanimously carried it was ordered that the rules
in regard to second readings be dispensed with, and the following resolution was adopted:
BE IT RESOE~ED~ by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that $685.03 be and is hereby apPropriated to~ cover cost of boiler for
County Jail and installation of said boiler.
Claim of O. R. Randolph in the amount of $500.00 for the'Com~ty's share of services rendered
ia connection with Fluvanna Lake was presented and Mr. Pence advised that since this money was appro-
priated in the last fiscal year, it would have to be re-appropriated. On motion of Mr. Williams, secon-
ded by Mr. McCue, and unanimously carried, it was C-doted that the rules with regard to second readings
be dispensed with, and the following resolution adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of C~unty Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that $500.00 be and is hereby re-appropriated as the County's share of
costs in connection with Fl~vanna Lake.
Communication was received from the Isaac Walton League expressing appreciation ~o the Board of County
Supervisors in its help in making possible the ne~ fishing lake on Cunningham Creek in Fluvanna County.
The following order was received from the' Judge of the Circuit Court:
Pursuant to title 14, Sections 56 and 57(7), of the 1950 Code of Virginia
as amended, it is ordered' that the total annual amount to be allowed as compensation
for the entire membership of the Board of SupervisOrs o~f Albemarle County be fixed
at $3,660.00, effective January 1, 1955, ahd it is further ordered that the compen-
sation of each member of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County Shall be $600
per annum, with an additional $60.00 per annum for the Chairman of the Board.
(S~igned) Lyttelton Waddell, Judge
A Copy
(Eigned) Eva W. Maupin, Clerk
Mr. Pence advised that in this connection~ an appropriation of $830.00 would be required for the re-
mainder of the fiscal year. On motion, made by Mr. Bain, seconded.~by Mr. Smith, and unanimously carried
the following resolution was offered and carried over for second reading:
BE IT. RESOLVED by the. Board of .County Supervisors of Albemarle Comn.ty,
Virginia, that $830.00 be and is hereby appropriated to cover increase in salaries
o~ the Board of Supervisors as ordered by the Judge of the Circuit Court.
Mr. Pence presented to the Board statement of estimated revenues and expenditures of the Croze
Sa~itary District from January 1, 1955 through June 30, 1955 and recommended that the Sanitary District
repay the General Fund the entire amount of its temporary loan ($1~,275.00) with the understanding tha~
as work progresses on proposed projects, loans could be made from th~ General Fund. The Commonwealth's
Attorned recommended that the entire loan be repai~ and that proposed projects be maintained within the
budget figures for the fiscal year. On motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Wood, and unanimously
carried, it was ordered that the recommendation of the Commonwealth's Attorney be followed. On motion,
made by Mr. Bain, seconded by r~ M¢Cue and unanimously carried, it was ordered that, upon receipt of
writtsn~epert· of the Crozet Water Committee with regard to the proposed well at the Sanitary District,
C~mication was received from Wood, King and Dawson, Attorneys, advising that on February
they sent their bill for services rendered with respect~.ite $25~,000 bonds of the Crozet Sani-
tary District which~ cove~ed the. $150,00~ bonds apProved at that time and the. giving of their final
opinisn, on the balance al' $1OO-,0OO bonds of this issue, and~ that '~ey~ made'~no further charge, im
tion with the 1954. issue~ The Commonwealth's Attorney 'and the: ~Oou~y .Exe~uti~e'~ adVise.d..,~h~ Board
the. mos2:..helpf~: advice and cooperation received from Messrs. Wood, King and Dawson in th~ marketing of
t~is issue.
On motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Wood, the following r~soiution was unanimously adopted:~i!
BE IT REsoLVED. by the Board of County Supervisors of .Albemarle Caunty,
Virginia, t~at th~ Clerk express to Messrs. wood, King and Dasson the apprecia-
tion of this Board for the advice and assistance rendered by them in connection
with the recent Crozet Sanitary District bond issue.
On recommendation of the Commonwealth's Attormey, the following resolution was offered by Mr.
Bain, seconded by Mr. McCue, and unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, by resolution of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
Coumty, adopted on November 17, 1954 and spread in the minutes of the meeting
held on that date and also recorded along with a plat in the Clerk's Office of
the Circuit Court of Albemarle County in D. B. 313, p. 401; certain roads in the
vicinity of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport site were abandoned because
new roads had been constructed to adequately serve the same citizens as previously
served by those zoads abandoned; and
WHEREAS, as a part of said resolution, a section of Route 743 fully
described on said plat was discontinued ~as a part of the secondary highway system;
WHEREAS, it now appears that the same citizens which were being served
by said section of Route 743 are now being adequately served by the new roads
which ha~e been constructed, it is considered to be to the best interests of all
parties concerned that the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County ~ly
abandon ~hat section of RoUte ?43 which is bounded on both sideS by the lands of
SpeCialties, Inc., as shown and designated on plat of O. R. Randolph dated Janu-
ary 19, i955 'and to be ~ecorded in the Clerk's office of the Circuit Court o~ Albe-
marle County with a deed dated January 24, 1955 from the County Board of Super-
visors of Albemarle County and the City of Charlottesville to John Se Battle, Jr.,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE.IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervise~s:~.*f
Albemarle County that pursuant to Section-33-76.21, Code of Virginia, the here-
inabove described section of Route 743 be and the same is hereby abandoned.
On the recommendation of the Commonwealth's Attorney, the fellowing resolution was offered by
Mr. McCue, seconded by Mr. Bain, and unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, the Joint Airport Committee of Charlottesville and Albemarle
has recommended an exchange of 1.55 acres for 1.94 acres, belonging to Special-
ties, Inc., described on a plat of O. R. Randolph, dated Januar~y 17, 1955, as
being in the best interest of the City and County for the airport.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, that the offer of Specialties, Inc., to exchange the above de-
scribed property be, and. the same is hereby accepted, and the Chairman of this
Board is authorized and empowered to execute a deed to Specialties, Inc., for
the said 1.55 acres, subject to approval of Court, and to deliver said deed upon
receipt of a deed from Specialties, Inc., to the said City and County, conveying
Mr. Pence presented to the Board the Budget of the Department of Public Welfare for the fis-
cal year ending June '30, 1956, which had been approved by the Welfare Board, in the amount of $18~,714.
of which $44,393. will come from local funds. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Wood,
and ~mamimously carried, this budget was approved and Mr. Harris was authorized to sign name on behalf
of the Board.
The matter cf appropriation of $778.40, refund of tax to Cove Creek Industries and of $300.00,
refund of tax to E' F. and H. B. Wiebeldt, was brought up for second reading and resolutions appropria-
ting these amounts were adopted by'~the following recorded vote: Ayes- Mr. H. Ashby Harris, Mr. E. H.
Bain, Mr. C. Purcell McCue, Mr. EdWard L. Smith, Mr. J, W. Williams and Mr. W. W. Wood. Nays - None.
Notice was received from the State Corporation CommissiOn advising that publiC hearing woUld
be held in the State Office Building, Richmond, at 10:00 A.M. on January 24, 1955' on petition ef the'
SoUthern Railway Company to dismantle and remove the public loading tract at Rio, Virginia, and te dis-
continue Rio as a men-agency prepay point for the handling of carload and less than carload freight
shipments. Mr. Pence and Mr. Williams advised that they contacted citizens in this area and had been
advised that there was no objection to the granting of this petition.- The Commonwealth's Attorney ad-
vised that no further action was necessary on the part of the Board. On motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by
Mr. Smith, this matter was tabled.
Mr. Edward L. Smith, Chairman of the insurance committee, presented to the~'Board the follow-
I. Rem: Na_me of Company AmeU~-t Total R~ece~em~atien
Co~ty ~lding Mural Ass~ce Soc. of Va. $I0,000.
Co~ty B~ld~g U.S. Fire Instance Ce. 14,000. $24,000. $~,000.
Co~ty Bldg. Contents -0- ~- 9,000.
Cowry Boiler ~'. L~be~s Mut~l Cas~lty Co. 25,000. 25,000. 25,000.
Co~t Ho~e ~ N.Y. Un8e~iters Ins. Ce. 10,000.
Co~t Here Fire Assoc. of Philadelp~a ~. 20,000. ~,000.
Co~t Ho~e Cont~ts ~- -0- 4,000.
Jail Residemee ~sten Instance Ce. 4,000. 4,000. 8,0~.
Jail Residence Contents -0- -0- 1,000.
Jr. Health Dept. Contents ~rtferd Fire Ins. Ce. 2,~0. 2,000. 2,000.
4 Air Spotter Stations Northwestern Mut. Ins. Co. 4,000. 4,000. 4,000.
4-H Club C~p Confrontal I~. Ce. ~5,!00. 5,100. 5~00.
Co~ty Ja~ -0- -0- 30,000.
On motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. McCue, and ~nanimously carried, it was ordered that
the recommendations of the Committee as set forth above be accepted and the County Executive was instruc
ted to Proceed immediately with obtaining coverage in accordance with the recommendations.
Mr. Pence advised that he had employed Mrs. Doris Despot in the Department of Finance to re-
place Mrs. Maria Spathopulos at a salary of $140.00 per month for a trial period of two months, after
which time Mrs. Despot would be employed as a regular employee at $150.00 per month; and also, that he
had employed Mrs. Dolly Lominick at $150.00 for two months, not to exceed three months, as extra help
in the office of the Board of Assessors, and requested the Board's approval of these two employees. On
motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Wood, and unanimously carried, the employment of Mrs. Despot
and Mrs. LominieJ~ was approved.
The Director of Finance advised that he had found it extremely diffic~Llt t~ obtain suitable
personal property assessors at the salary offered of $1..25 per hour with $0.40 per hour for paper work
and requested that the rate of pay of said assessors be increased from $1.25 to $1.50 per heu~ and from
$0.~ to $0.50 per hour for paper work. On motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Williams, and unanimous-
ly carried, it was ordered that the r~es in regard to second readings be suspended, and the following
BE IT RESOEVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, ~
Virginia, that the rate of pay of personal property assessQrs be increased from
$1.25 per hour to $1.50 per hour and from $0.40 per hour to $0~50~per hour for
paper work, effective January 1, 1955, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $1,000.00 be and is hereby appropriated te
cover the above mentioned increase.
The matter of county dumps was discussed and Nr. Bairn suggested that the CQumty Executive con-
tact the Board of Directors of the various civic groups regarding possible locations for dumps.
Mr. Williams advised thru Board that Mr. Julian Thomas, Chi~'~ Forest Warden, had ¢onta.6~ed. btm
regarding an increase in salary. Mr. Williams advised that Mr. Thomas is paid~ $49.00 per month by the
County which is approximately twenty per cent of his total salary. After discussion of this matter,
motion was offered by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Bain, and ~nanimous!y carried, ordering the rules
im regard to second reading be suspended, and the following resolution was adopted:
. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
~ ~th~ salary of
Virginia, t~t/Mr. Julian Thomas, Chief Forest Warden, be increased from $49.00
to $59.00 per mont~, effective January 1, 1955, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $60.00 be and is hereby appropriated te
cover the~above mentioned increase for the remainder of the fiscal year.~ ~
Mr. Jack Eegley, General Registrar, appeared before the Board and advised that he had found a
number of persons in the County who had apparently been omitted from the registrars list in copying the
lists from time to time. He stated that he would like to check the poll tax list against his list in am
effort to determine the names of any such persons, and requested an appropriation of approximately
$140.00 to cover cost of publication of same. This matter was discussed at length and the following
resolution was offered by Mr. McCue, seconded by Mr. Bairn, and carried over for second reading.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that $150.00 be and is hereby appropriated to cover publication costs
of list to be prepared by the General Registrar of names of persons appearing on
the poll tax list who are not en the Registrar's list,
Claims against the County amounting to $203,256.31 were presented, examined, and allowed and
certified to the Director of Finance for payment, and charged against the following funds:
General Fund
School Fund
Dog Tax Fund
Crozet Fire District Fund
Crozet Sanitary District Fund
Joint Health F~nd
McIntire Trust Fund
Central Fire District Fund
Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Account
Commonwealth of Virginia Dog Tax Credit Account
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
$ 33,7.31.35
37,080.3 5
.~ 2.lA