HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-06-15 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemar~le County, Virginia, was held
at the Office Building of said County on the 15th day of June, 1955.
Present: Messrs. H. Ashby Harris, E. H. Bain, Edward L. Smith, John W. Williams,and W. W.
Abeent: Mr. C. Purcell McCue.
Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. E. H. Bain.
Minutes of the meetings of Nay 18, 1955 and June 6, 1955, were read and approved.
Communication was received from the State Department of Highways regarding administration of
Secondary Roads, was read and ordered filed. Mr. Shields advised that each member of the Board would be
furmished with a copy of this letter byhis office.
Mr. Jack Camb!os, Attorney representing the William T. Stevens and the C. Wilson McNeeleys,
requested the vacation of road in Bellair Estates Subdivision known as Greencroft, stating that said
~oad had never been used due to the fact that all property owners concerned consisted of the foregoing
who used other entrances to their properties. On motion of Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Bain, the
following resolution was ~uuanimous!y adopted:
William T. Stevens rand Anne L. Stevens, his wife, and C. Wilson McNeely, Jr., and
Mary Dayton MeNeely, his wife, having made application for the ~acation of the road known as
Greencr&ft Lane in the subdivision of Albemarle County known as Be!lair Estates as
said road is shown on plat of said subdivision recorded in the Clerk's Office of the
Circuit Court of Albemarle County in D.B. 270, p. 217, and it appearing that they
are the owners of all of the property abutting on said land and that the vacation of
said road will not abridge or destroy any of the rights or privileges of other pro-
perty owners within the bounds of the area of land shown on said plat, the Board does
hereby, upon motion duly made, seconded and adopted,
RESOLVE: That the vacation of said.road is hereby approved as provided by
Section 15-766.1 of the Code of Virginia.
And the board does further resolve that Ashby Harris, Chairman, is hereby
authorized to execute on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, such
instrument as may be necessary to effectuate the vacation of said road in accordance
with the ppovisions of said Section 15-766.1 of the Code of Virginia.
And the Board does further re~olve that fee simple title to the portion of
said-Greencroft Lane lying north of the center line thereof shall revert to C. Wilson
McNeely, Jr. and Mary Dayton McNeely, and that the portion of said Greencroft Lane
lying south of the center line thereof shall revert to William T. Stevens and Anne L.
Stevens in accordance with the p~o~isions of the deed dated March 18, 1947 and recor-
ded in said Clerk's Office in D.B. 273, p 301 whereby said portions of said Green-
croft Lane were conveyed to said parties by Bellair Estates, Incorporated.
Mr. William McClung, Chairman of the Dump 0ommittee, appeared and advised the Board that his
committee had held an organizational meeting but to date had accomplished very little else. He also
vised that the executive committee of said committee were plan~ng to visit Augusta County with Mr. W. B.
Speck of the League of Virginia Counties to see how that county was handling its disposal .of trash. Mr.
McClung stated that he would keep the Board advised of his committee's progress through Mr. Pence and Mr
Mr. Pence advised the Board that the meeting dates ~f the National Association of County Of-
ficials conflicted with this Board's regular meeting in that the meeting was from July 17 - 20 whereas
the Board meet~ on July 20. Most of those planning to attend advised that they would stay only through
the 19th in order that they may be back for the regular Board meeting.
Mr. M. M. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted Statement of Expenses of the Department of
Finance for the month of Nay, 1955, of which eno-third is to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly
made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Mr. M. N. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's Office
fo~ the month of Nay, 1955, of ~hich two-thirds is to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and~
seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approvedl
Mr. M. M. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted Statement of Expenses of the Commonwealth's
Attorney's Office for the month of May, 1955, of which one-half is to be berne by the State. Upon
motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail for the month of May,
1955, was submitted along with a Summary Statement of Prisoner Days. Upon motion, duly made and secon-
ded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, in the amount of $6.00 was presented and
on motion of ~!r. Bain, seconded by Mr. Wood, was approved for payment.
Repor~ts of the Department of Public Welfare for the month of May, 1955, were presented in
accordance with 8hapter 371 ef the 1950 Acts of the General Assembly.
Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $224..00,~of which ane-half is
be paid by the State, was presented and on motion of Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Bain, was approved for
~e nt.
Report of the County Exe2utive for the month of Nay, 1955, was presented, approved, and
ordered filed.
Nr. Pence called the Board's attention to the fact that Mr. William's term on the Welfare
Bo~rd would expire on June 30, 1955, On motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Wood, and unanimously
carried, Mr. Williams was reappointed to the Welfare Board for a term of three years.
In regard to the water supply in the Crozet Sanitary District, Mr. Pence advised that the
final test on the newly drilled well ran at 125 gallons per minute but advised that this did not entire.
ly erase the water supply problem, and that we should continue to look for new sources of supply. He
stated that he was continuing to get requests for extensions of the water line and that another filter
bed would eventually be needed for the continuing growth. Nr. Pence was instructed to check on the
accuracy of the meter into the filter plant and to also ~oLave~ these matters with the Crozet Water
Mr. Pence advised the Board that Mr. Walter Gentry had contacted him regarding request for
~?ive additional street lights in Crozet and requested the Board's approval for authority to proceed witl
a survey. On motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Smith and unanimously carried, Mr. Pence with author~ ed
to request the Virginia Electric & Power Company to proceed with survey for the ~dditional street light~
as requested.
Mr. Pence advised the Board that Mr. F. L. Frazier had submitted his resignation as Deputy
Sheriff and that Sheriff W. S. Cook had employed ~r. George Bailey to replace him~ effective July l,
1955, at a salary of $250.00 per month. On motion of Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Smith, the
Board concurred in the Sheriff's appointment and the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that thB State Compensation Board be and is hereby requested to approve
the appointment of Mr. George Bailey as Deputy Sheriff replacing Mr. F. L. Frazier,
at a salary of $250.00 per month, effective July l, 1955.
Mr. Pence advised the Board that Mr. William P. Heath had ~old to the American Can Company
a tract of land which included a cemetary of one acre and that the American Can Company was requesting
the exoneration of tax on this part of said land. This matter was discussed and action thereon ~eferr d
until the next regular meeting.
sheet lO1 of the property identification tax map.
On motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Wood and unani-
mously carried, this offer was rejected due to the fact that the county has $43.15 in said property.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fuud was received from Mary S. Bullman for two pullets killed by dogs
On motion of Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Smith, Mrs. Bullman was allowed $0.75 for each of these pullets.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Valeski S. Quainton for six hens killed by
dogs. On motion of Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Wood, Mrs. Quainton was allowed $1.00 for each of these
Claim aginst the Dog Ta× Fund was received from Jean S. Winslow for one goat killed by dogs.
On motion of Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Harris, Mrs. Winslow was allowed $3.00 for this goat.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from H. G. West for one ewe and one lamb killed by
dogs. On motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Smith, Mr. West was allowed $30.00 for the ewe and $12.00
for the lamb.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from H. G. West for one lamb killed by dogs. On
motion of Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. West was allowed $20.00 for this lamb.
Claim against the Dog .Tax Fund was received from Mr. J. A. Hall for one ewe killed by dogs~
On motion of Mr. ~mith, seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. Hall was allowed$20.O0 for this ewe.
Resolution was received from Dinwiddie County requesting a special meeting of the General
Assembly with regard te integration of school pupils~ It was ordered that this resolution be referred
to the School Board and action was deferred on motion of Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Wood.
Communication was received from Mr. George Gilmer, Attorney, concerning two tracts of land
in the name of Martin L. B~rgess on which the tax is delinquent for one tract only, however, both tracts
being combined on the tax map. He further advised that Mr. Roy M. Chisholm had been paying taxmm on the
property for some twenty years and would like to see the whole tract sold and requested special authori~
and Mr. Downing Smith
to have it sold. On motion of Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Smith, Mr. Clark/~ requested to investigat~
this matter and action thereon was deferred until the next meeting.
The matter of garages at the old Repair Shop owned by Mr. Townsend and leased by the County
was again brought to the attention of the Board. Mr. Pence advised that the Co~ty made some minor re-
pairs several years ago when buses were using the area in front of the garages for turning and parking.
He recommended that the lease be terminated. On motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Smith, it was order~
that Mr. Townsend be given thirty days written notice to the effect that the County does not wish to
continue to lease said garages after August 1, 1955. On motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Smith, the
following resolution was unanimously adopted on first reading and carried over for second reading at the
neet regular meeting:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that $180.00 be and is hereby appropriated to cover rental of garages
located at the rear of the old County Repair Shop for the three year period end-
ing July 31, 1955.
Mrs. Virginia S. Marks, Supt. of Public Welfare, appeared and discussed with the Board the
reduction by the State of the Welfare Budget, advising that she and Mr. Pence had visited the State De-
partment of 'Self are and Institutions in this regard. She stated that they were advised that they might
apply in January, 1956, for additional funds. She further requested authoritity to expend that portion
of General Relief and Regular Foster Care Funds appropriated by the County which would not be matched by
the ~tate. On motion of Mr. Williams, duly seconded, Mrs. Marks was requested to contact other counties
to determine what they are doing with regard to the State's reduced participation and action was deferre
until the next regular meeting.
Mr. Pence advised that the State Compensation Board should be requested to participate in the
increased salaries of the Department of Finance included in the current budget due to the fact that in
approving salaries for the year 1955, the Compensation Board had approved the effective zalaries as of
.Ts~svv. lqSS. On motion of Mr. W~lliams, seconded by Mr. Wood, the following resolution was unani-'
WHEREAS, the budget for the fiscal year 1955-56, previously adopted by
this Board, included saiaryincreases in the total sum of $1,550.00 which were
not approved by the State Compensation Board in its approval of the 1955 calendar
year budget request for the Department of Finance.
NOW, THEREFORE, EEiTT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that the State Compensation Board be and is hereby
requested to participate in its proportionate share of total salaries of the De-
partment of Finance of $35,460.00, this being a net increase of $1,550.00 over the
amount previously approved by said Compensation Board for the fiscal year 1955-56.
Claims against the County amounting to $146,795.83 were presented, e~mined, and allowed, and
Certified to the Director of Finance for payment, and charged against the following funds:
General Fund
School Fund2
Dog Tax Fund
Crozet Fire District Fund
Crozet Sanitary District Fund
Joint Health Fund
McIntire Trust Fund
Central Fire District Fund
Albemarle Central High School Constr. Fd.
$ 48,867.68
1,200. O0
Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Acct.4,160.T1
Commonwealth of Virginia Dog Tax Credit Acct.~ 51.~
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned until 10:00 A.M. on June 23, 1955.