HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-07-20A regular meeting of the Board of County Sups rvisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held
at the Office Building of said County on the 20th day of July, 1955.
Present: Messrso H. Ashby Harris, E. H. Bain, Edward L. Smith, Jo~W. Williams and Wo W.
Absent: Mr. C. Purcell NcCue.
Officers present: County Executive and M~. Jack Kegley representing the Commonwealth's
The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. E. H. Bain.
Minutes of the meetings of June 15, 1955 and June 23, 1955 were read and approved.
Communication was received from the Department of Highways requesting resolution from this
Board approving certain additions and abandonments on Routes 671 and 665, Project 1302~10-15, to cover
relocations (Millington Road). On motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by~ir. Wood, the following resolution
was unanimously adopted:
V~HEH~S, a section of road in the secondary system on Route 665, located
west of Free Union~ Albemarle County, Virginia, has been altered and a new road,
which serves the same citizens as the old road, has been constructed in lieu there~
of and approved by the State Highway Commissioner by letter dated July 7, 1955, to
the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County; and
WHEREAS, Section 33-76.12 of the Code of Virginia provides for the aban-
donment of such alterations in the secondary road system.
NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe-
marle County that said old road by and the same is hereby vacated and abandoned as
(1) That section of Route 665 between Station 183~00 s~ud Station 186/50,
State Highway Department project No. 1302-10-15, and designated as Section No. l,
a distance of .07 of a mile.
(2) That section of Route 665 between Station 191~O0 and Station 195~50,
State Highwzy Department project No. 1302-10-15, and designated as Section No. 2,
a distance of .09 of a mile.
(~) That section of Route 665 between Station 196/~0 and Station 2~O~30,1
State HighwakvDepartment project No. 1302-10-15, and designated as Section No. 3,
a distance of .12 of a mile.
AND BE. IT FURTHEH RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County that the State Highway Department be and it hereby is requested to concur in
adding to the Albemarle County secondary system of roads the following sections:
(1) That Section of Route 665 between Station 183/00 and Station 186/50,
State Highway Department project No. 1302-10-15, and designated as Section No. 4,
a distance of .07 of a mile.
(2) That section of Route 665 between Station 191~00 and Station 195~50,
State Highway Department project No. 1302-10-15, and designated as Section No. 5,
a distance of .09 of a mile.
(3) That section of Route 665 between Station 196~80 and Station 200~30,
State Highway Department project No. 1302~10-15, and designated as Section No. 6,
a distance of O.lO of a mile.
The ahove is in accordance with the drawing, dated 6~13-55 of changes in
Secondary System due to relocation and construction on Routes 671, 665~ Project
1302-10-15, handed this Board, as of this date, by W. W. Shields, Resident Engineer
of the Virginia Department of Highways, and the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Albe-
marle County is requested to record a copy of this resolution and the drawing herein-
above referred to.
Communication was received from the Department of Highways advising that in accordance with
resolutions of this Board, the following additions to the secondary system in Albemarle County had been
approved~ effective June 24, 1955:
(1) Beginning at end of State maintenance on Route 610 near Eastham and continuing
for 0.2 NJ. to the E. to dead end. Length - 0.2 mile.
(2) Begin~ing at end of State maintenance on Route 652 near Rio and continuing in
a northerly direction for 0.6 mi. to dead end. Length - Oo6mile.
Mr. Emmett Sours appeared in regard to Viewers' Report on proposed secondary road beginning
at Route 640 near its intersection with Route 641 and running to property of Mr. Robert Thraves. He
stated that Viewers' had rejected the request but had suggested a new location, and that he did not
agree with the suggested location. Mr. Shields advised Mr. Sours that he would go over these locations
mately 7 miles from the City Limits and continuing for .6 mile east. On motion, it was ordered that
said petition be carried over for consideration at the next reg~ar meeting of Road Viewers.
Petition was received from a n~z~ber of property owners and patrons of Albemarle Lake request-
ing black top of the Lake Road from the Y to the end of the West end of the Lake~ taking in the addi-
tional ~7 of a mile past the present State ~aintenance line. Nr. Shields advised that the rea/~est for
black top on that portion already in the Secondary System would have to be worked according to funds
for that purpose when available and that additional petition should be filed for the addition requested
to be taken in the ~econdary System.
Nr. Shields advised the Board that request should be made for those roads which it desired
to be scheduled for Federal Aid next. On motion of Nr. Williams, seconded by ~r. Wood, the following
resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the Virginia Department of Highwa~ be and is hereby requested to
place in the Federal Aid Secondary System for Albemarle County i{oute 60~ from
Route 663 to the Greene County line, said request to be given first priority.
On motion of Nr. Williams, seconded by Nr. Wood, the following resolution was %u~animouely
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the Virginia Department of Highwekvs be and is hereby requested to
place in the Federal Aid Secondary System for Albemarle County Route 602 from
Howardsville to Route 800 near Schuyler, said request to be given second priority.
On motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Smith, the following resolution was unanimously
BE IT R~80LVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the Virginia Department of Highways be and is hereby requested to
place in the Federal Aid Secondary System for Albemarle County weak bridges, this
project to be given third priority.
t%~r. N. N. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted Statement of Expenses of the Department of
Finance for the month of June, 1955, of which one-%Sird is to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly
made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Nr. N. N. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's Office
for the month of Ju_ue, 1955. of which tw~-thirds is to be borne by the State. UpOn motion, duly made
and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Mr. N. N. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted Statement of Expenses of the Commonwealth's
Attorney's Office for the month of June, 1955, of which one-half is to be borne by the State. Upon
motion, duly made and seconded, this Statemen~ was examined, verified and approved.
Statement of expenses incurred in the maintenance of the jail for the month of June, 1955, wa~
presented along with Summary Statement of Prisoner Days. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this
Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, in the amount of $14.00 was presented a~
on motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Wood, was approved for payment.
Reports ~ the Department of Public Welfare for the month of J~e~ 1955, were presented in
accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67~2 of the Code of Virginia.
Mr. Pence Presented to the Board the following tabulation of arrests and notices served by
Arrests 1979 1497 752
Notices 1996 2957 1426
the Sheriff,s Office:
Sheriff Cook appeared in this regard advising that the increased amount of civil notices which he was
required to serve had decreased the n'~mber of criminal cases his staff was able to take care Of. He
in arranging vacations for his men due to the amount of increazed civil work. He stated that he would
like to have an additional deputy which he felt would relieve his office and also the iailor. It was
the expressed feeling of the Board that an additional deputy could be employed if State participation
could be obtained. On motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Bain, Mr. Pence and Sheriff Cook were
requested to contact the Compensation Board regarding this matter and to report back to the Board at
its next regular meeting.
Report of the County Executive for the month of June, 1955, wes presented, approved, and
ordered filed.
Communication was received from the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors expressing appre-
ciation to this Board of the courtesy extended on July ~, 1955, in calling an informal meetin~ to discus~
the airport situation.
A supplemental offer of $25.00 was received from Mr. C. A. Lambert, Jr. for the purchase of
two acres of land located in the Charlottesville District and designated as parcel 34 on map lO1. After
some discussion of this matter, the offer was rejected on motion of ~r. Williams, seconded byMr. Smith,
and unanimously carried.
Mr. Pence advised that Mr. H. T. Daughtry had been paying through 1953 tax on a small tract
of land in the n~me of John H. Daughtry who died in 1938 but that Mr. Daughtry no longer desired t8 pay
taxes on this land. He pointed out that there were a number of heirs to the property some of wh6m were
no longer living and some of whom could not be located and advised that Mr. Gilmer had requested author-
ity to sell said land for the delinquent 1954 tax theron. On motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr.
Wood, and unanimously carried, it was ordered that Mr. Gilmer's request be refused because of the fact
that selling property for one year's tax would be contrary to the Board's policy.
Agreement with the Virginia Electric and Power Company for power line easement of right of way
at the Joint Airport was received and on motion of ~. Bain, seconded by Mr. ~ood, the following reso-
lution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chairman and the Clerk of the Board of~ County
Supervisors of Albemarle County be and they are hereby authorized to execute a
certain agreement of easement to bear date as of J~e 20, 1955, conveying to the
Virginia Electric and Power Company, a corporation organized and existing uuder
the laws of the State of Virginia, a right of way agross the property of the County
of Albemarle, as shown by plat bearing No. CH 823, exhibited to the Board of County
Supervisors of Albemarle County, same to be signed by the Chairman on behalf of the
Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County and attested and seal affixed by
the Clerk.
Communication was received from the School Board advising that they took no action on the
Resolution from Dinwiddie County requesting a special meeting of the General Assembly with regard to
integration of the ~ublic schools, said resolution having been referred to the School Board at the last
regular meeting of this Board.
Communication was received from the State Compensation Board advising that said Board had ap-
0roved salary requests for the Department of Finance as per resolution of this Board adopted on Jm~e 15,
Communication was received from the International City Managers' Association extending to the
~ountyan invitation to attend the ~lst Annual Conference of the Association to be held in New Hampshire
~n October 5 to 8, 1955.
On motion,~d~&y made and seconded, $180.00 was appropriated on second reading to cover rental
n the two garages at the rea~ of the Old County Repair Shop from the period August l, 1952 to August l,
~955, by the following recorded vote: Ayes - Messrs. Bain, Harris, Smith, Williams and Wood. Noes -
Mr. Pence presented to the Board reca~itulatin~
Net ~ 1 ~ Total.
19-~R~alEstate $ 8,241.32 $ 412.07
P~rsonal Property ~ 46~29
Sub,Total 17,507.05 875.36
Income 2,760.70 138.O4
Intangibles _O_~ -O-
Capitation _ ~500.00 75.0
Total 1954 21,767.75 1,088.40
$ 8,653.39 $
18,382 .'41 18,389 · 49
2,898~74 2,89'8.75
1,575.o._ _l, Vs.oo
22,856.15 22,863,24
Real Estate
Personal Property
Total 1953
8,442.36 422~.11
9,954°36 422,11
8,864.47 8,869.41 (4.94)
1,5i2.oo -o
10,376.47 10,381'/+l (4~94)
Real Estate-Land Sale 327.74
Personal Property 4,5_43.2~
Sub-TS~al %,871.00
Capitation ~,25~'00
Total1952 7,124.00
227.16 ~ 4,777.P5 7.43
243.44 5,114.55 5,121.98 7.43
2,253.0.0 2,2~3.00 _ _
243.44 7,367.55 7,374.98 7.43
Upon motion, made by ~. Bain, seconded by Mr. Williams, and. unanimouSly carried, it was
ordered that no part of the above delinquent lists be published, that Mr. ~. ~Pence be given credit
for all delinquent taxes at ~me 30, 1955, and that 1952 delinquent taxes be charged off.
On motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Wood, the fol!o~ng resolution was unanimously
~ELIT.RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that $15,96~.50 be and. the same is hereby appropriated f~:~.the follow-
lng over-expended accounts in the 1954-55 budget:
1AA Miscellaneous Services
lb Office Of County Executive
lC Office of Director of Finance
5B Office of Trial Justice Court
6c Confinement and. Care of Prisoners
7 Fire Pre~ention and Extinction
8E Institutional Care
8F Other Welfare ~id
17 Administration
17.2 Evening, Part-Time, etc.
17.51 Other Auxiliary Agencies
17.6 Operation of School Plant
17.61 Maintenance of School Plant
17.7 Fixed Charges
339o00 ~
$ 5,141.91
$ 8, .18
$1o 818.59.
claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from J. T, Via for one buck killed by dogs. Upon
motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. Via was allowed $15.00 for this buck°
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from ~r. Lo V. Bergen for nine turkeys weighing
four pounds each. On motion of Mrl Bain, seconded by Nr. Wood, Mr. Bergen was allowed $0.30 per pound
for these turkeys.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund -was received from Mr. L. V. Bergen for five turkeys weighing
five pounds eaSh and five turkeys weighing seven pounds each. On motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by ~.
Wood, Mr. Bergen was allowed $0.30 per pound for these turkeys.
Claim agA~ust the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. Robert Crile for ~eight turkeys killed by
dogs. On motion of E~r. Wood, seconded by Mr. Williams, Mr,.Crile v~s allowed $0.90 for each of these
Claim a~ainst the Dog Tax Fund was received from~Mr. Gus M. Hei!man for seven hens killed by
dogs.. On motion of Mr. Smith, seconded by F~. Williams, Mr. Heilman was allowed $1.50 for each of these
For the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1956
An ordinance making appropriation of s~ums of money, for all ~necessary expenditnres
of the COUNTY OF ALBE~[&RLE, VIRGINIA, for the fiscal year ~ending June 30, 19.56::
to prescribe the.pr?viseS, t~r~s, conditions,, and proVisions with respect, to the
items of approprmation and their payment; and. to repeal all ordinances wholly in
conflict with this ordinance and all ordinances inconsistent with this ordinance
to the extent of such inconsistency~
Be "it ordained by the Board. of Supervisors of the COb%~TY OF ALB~I~LE~ VIRGI}~:
That the following sums of moneybeand the same hereby are appropriated
for the purposes herein specified for the ~iscal year ending June 30, I956:
Paragraph One
For the current expenses of the function of COUNTY ADMI~UISTB~t~ION the ~um
of nine thousand four hundred and thirty-five dollars and no cents (~,~9,435,OO~
is appropriated from the General Fund to be apportioned as follows:
6,330.. 00
1. Board of SuperviSors $ ~1~780.00
2. County' Executive
3. Planning Commission 325.00
Paragraph Two,
For the current expenses, of the function of ASSE~E~NT OF TAXABLE PROPERTY
the sum of eight thou~sand six hundred sixty-five dollars and no ce.nfs ($8,665.00)
is approPr~iated from the General Fund to be apportioned as follows:
1. Real Estate AssesSors
2. Preparation of Tax ~?mps
$ 5,?40.00
For the current expenses of the function of COLLECTION AND D~SBURSF~T OF
TAXES AND OTHER RECEIPTS the sum of forty-six ~ dollars
and no cents ($46,250.00) is appropriated from the General to'Be apportioned
as follows':
1. Director of Finance $45,750.00
2. Collection of Delinquent Land Taxes ~00.00
Paragraph Four
For the of the function-of RECORDING OF DOCD~NTS the sum
of twenty thOu~and
from' Fund to be apportioned as follows:
1. ~e of the County Clerk and Clerk of
the Circuit Court $20,025.00
Nr. M. No Pence advised the Board that lease for rental of office space to the Soil Conserva-
tion service had been approved, executed, and returned to his office.
The following budget was received, accepted and ordered spread in the minutes on motion of
Smit~- seconded by Nrc Bain, and unanimously carried:
Title of Ite_%m
Estimated Revenue
Uncollected Balance
Cash Brought'Forward
Title of Item
Unenc,~mbered Ba!an~ e_
Debt Ser~_ce - Retirement
of Litera~-y Fund Bond $21,125.16 $21,124.16
BE iT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the Albemarle Central High School Construction Fund be liquidated
when the next.payment of Literary Bonds comes due and that the balance of
$21,124.16 be applied to Debt Charges for the Albemarle High School.
The following budget was received, accepted and ordered spread in the minutes on motion of Nr.
Bain, seconded by Mr. Wood, and unanimously carried:
Paragraph Five
For the current expenses of the function of ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE the
sum of ten thousand.seventy dollars and no cents ($10,070o00) is appropriated
from the General Fund to be apportioned as follows:
I. Circuit Court $ 3,965.00
2. Trial Justice Court
3. Commonwealth's Attorney's Office 5,620.00
Paragraph Six
For the current expenses of the function of CR~ PREVENTION AND DETECTION
the sum of fifty-five thousand eight humdred seventy dollars and no cents
($55,870.00) is appropriated from the General Fund to be apportioned as Follows:
1. Policing and Investigation $~,455.00
2. Confinement and Care of Prisoners 9,415.00
Paragraph Seven
For the current expenses of the function of FIRE PREVEN~ON AND EXTINCTION
the sum of ten thousand two hundred ninety-nine dollars and no cents ($10,299.009
is appropriated from the General Fund to be apportioned as follows:
1. Apprep. to Oentral Fire District Fund $ 4,916.00
2. Approp. to Crozet Fire District Fund 1,200.00
3. Apprcp. to Scottsville Fire Company 1,200.00
-4. Other Fire Prevention Activities 2,983.00
Pars~aph Eight
For the. current expenses of the function of PUBLIC WELFARE ~he sum of two
hundred six thousand eight hundred fifty-five dollars and no cents ($206,855.00)
is'appropriated from the General Fund' to be apportioned as fo~lows:
1. Administration $ 31,005.00
2. Public Assistance - Federal, State, Local 152,800.00
3. Institutional Care 22,400.00
4. Other Welfare Aid 250.00
5. Lunacy Commission 400.00
Paragraph Nine
For the current expenses of the function of PUBLIC HEALTH the sum of
nineteen thousand nine hundred dollars and no cents ($19,900.00) Is appropriated
from the General Fund to be apportioned as follows:
1. Joint Health Department $ 17,500.00
2. Other Public Health Activities 2,400.00
Paragraph Ten
For the e~rrent expenses of the function of ADVANCemeNT OF AGRICULTURE A~
HO~ ECONOMICS the sum of eleven thousand three hundred forty-one dollars and no
cents ($11,341.00) is appropriated from the general ruud.
Paragraph Eleven
For the current expenses of the function of ELECTIONS the sum of four
thousand four huudred n~nety-five and no cents ($4,495,00) is appropriated from
~2 --
Nr~ N. No Pence advised the Board that lease for rental of office space to the Soil Conserva~
tion service had been approved, executed, and. returned to his office.
The following budget was received, accepted and ordered spread in the minutes on motion of
Smith~' seconded by Nr. Bain, and unanimously carried:
Title of item
Cash Brought~Forward
Title of Item
Debt Service - Retirement
of Literary F~md Bond
Estimated Reven~q~ue
~po~r~o~ri _ation_
Uncollected Balanc~ e
Unencumbered Balan~ ~
Bain, seconded by Mr. Wood, and unanimously carried:
The following budget was received, accepted and ordered spread in the minutes on motion of Nr.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, t~hat the Albemarle Central High School Construction Fund be liquidated
when the next.payment of Literary Bonds comes due and that the balance of
$21,124~16 be applied to Debt Charges for the Albemarle High School.
Paragraph Twelve ~i,~ ~
For the current expenses of the function of }~INTENANCE OF BUILDINGS AND
GP~OUNDS the sum of ten thousand two hundred twenty dollars and no cents
($10,220.00) is appropriated from ~the General Fund.
Paragraph Thirteen
For the current expenses of MISCELLANEOUS OPERATING FUNCTIONS the sum of
fourteen thousand nine hundred sixty-five and no cents ($14,965.00) is appropriated
;~k. om the General Fund to be apportioned as follows:
1. Contribution to Ch'ville.-Albemarle Li~ary $ 8,400.00
2. Civilian Defense 750.00
3. Social Security Tax 3,000.00
4. Other ~liscellaneous Items 2,815.00
Total GENERAL FUND appropriations for the
Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1956
$428,390~~ .. ~_ 00
To be provided for as follows:
Anticipated balance at July 1, 1955
Revenue from Local Sources
Revenue from the Commonwealth
Nonrevenue Receipts
Total GENERAL FUND resources available
for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1956
That the following sums of money be and the same are hereby appropriated
for purposes specified herein for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1956:
Paragraph 0ne~
For the current expenses of the function of PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK AND
FO~LS the sum of ten thousand six hundred dollars and no cents ($10,600.00)'is
appropriated from the Dog Tsm' Fund.
Total DOG TAX FUND appropriation for the
Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1956
To be provided for as follows:
Anticipated balance at July 1, 1955
Sale of Dog Tags (net)
Receipts from Innoculation
Total DOG TAX FUND resources for the
Fiscal YearEnding June 30, 1956
Nr. M. M. Pence advised the Board that lease for rental of office space to the Soil Conserva-
tion service had been approved, executed, and returned to his office.
The following budget was received, accepted and ordered spread in the minutes on motion of Mr.
Smith~' seconded by~r. Bain, and unanimously carried:
Title of Item
Cash Brought~Forward
Title of Ite~
Debt Service - Retirement
of Literary F%u~d Bond
Estimated Re_ ~ _ ~ ~ yenu~
Uncoliect~d Balauce
Un._.encumbe~ed Balance
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Couuty Supervisors of Albemarle Co%mty,
Virginia, that the Albemarle Central High School Construction Fund be liquidated
when the next.payment of Literary Bonds comes due and that the balance of
$21,124.16 be applied to Debt Charges for the Albemarle High School.
The following budget was received, accepted and ordered spread in the minutes on motion of Nr.
Bain, seconded by Mr. Wood, and unanimousty carried:
That the following sums of money be' and the same is hereby appropriated for
purposes specified herein for the fiscal year e~ding June 30, 1956:
Paragraph One
For the current expenses of the function of the CROZET SANITARY DISTRICT
the sum of twenty-seven thousand three:hundred dollars and no cents ($2?,300.00)
is appropriated from the OROEET SANITARY DISTRICT F~ to be apportioned as follows:
1. Administration $ 487,50
2. Maintenance and Operation 5,935.00
3, Capital Outlay, Distribution System 5~950.00
4. Debt Service 14,927.50
Total CROZET SA~rITARY DISTRICT appropriation
for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1956
To be provided for as follows:
Anticipated balance at July 1, 1955 $ -O-
Revenue from Local Sources ~
for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1955 $ 27,300.00
That the following sums of money be and the same are hereby appropriated
for purposes specified herein for the fiscal year endi~ June 30, 1956:
Para~a~ ~e
For the current expenses of the function of the CENTRAL FIRE DISTRICT the
sum of eight thousand six hundred sixty-six dollars and no cents ((~,666.00) is
hereby appropriated from the CENTRAL FIRE DISTRICT FD~ND.
Total CENTRAL FIRE DISTRICT appropriation
for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1956
To be provided for as follews:
Anticipated balance at J~2 1, 1955
Appropriation from General Fund
Tax Levy
Outside Use of Fire Truck
available for fiscal year ending
June 30, 1956
$ 8,666,00
Pence advised the Board that lease for rental of office space to the Soil Conserva-
tion service had been approved, executed, and returned to his office.
The following ~bu~get was received, accepted and ordered spread in the minutes on motion of ~. '~
Smitk~' seconded by Nr. Bain, and unanimously carried:
Title of ite~ . . _m
Estimated Rev_ hue
Uncollected Balance
Cash Brought Forward
Title of Item
Unencumbered Balance
Debt Service - Retirement
of Literary Fund Bond
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, t~hat the Albemarle Central High School Construction Fund be liquidated
when the next.payment of Literary Bonds comes due and that the balance of
$21,124.16 be applied to Debt Charges for the Albemarle High School.
The following budget was received, accepted and ordered spread in the minutes on motion of
Bain, seconded by Mr. ~ood, and unanimously carried:
That the following sums of money be and the same are hereby appropriate, d
for JOINT HEALTH DEPART~.~NT purposes for the fiscal year ending Jvne 30, 1956.
Paragraph One
For current expenses of the JOINT HEALTH DEPARTI~NT the sum of fifty-seven
thousand five hundred seventy-eight dollars and no cents ($57,578.00) is hereby
appropriated from the JOINT HEALTH DEPARTmeNT FUND.
Total JOl~f _P~ALTH DEPARTMENT ~ appropriation
for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1956
To be provided for as follows:
Anticipated balance at July 1, 1955
Revenue from Local Sources:
University of Virginia
County of Albemarle
City of Cb~rlottesville
Revenue from the Commonwealth
Total JOINT ~EALTH DEPAR~?~NT resources
2,091. OO
~.~ ~ 21 ~ 500,07~
for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1996 $~ 5?,578.00
That the following sums of money be and the same are hereby appropriated
for SCHOOL purposes herein specified for the fiscal year ending Ju~e 30, 1956:
Paragraph One
For the current expenses of the COUNTY SCHOOL SYSTEM the sum of nine
hundred sixty-seven thousand one hundred thirty-nine dollars and no cents
($967,139.00) is appropriated from the School Fund to be apportioned as follows,
Administration ~ 25,995.00
Instruction - Day School 597,375.00
3. Instruction -Evening, Part-Time, Etc. 17,32G. 00
4~ Other Instructional Costs 27,730.00
5~ Co-ordinate activities 3,145.O0
6. Transportation of Pupils 135,880.00
7. Other Auxiliary Agencies 18,300.00
8. Operation of SchOol Plant 49,475.00
9. Maintenance of School Plant 23,475.00
10. Fixed Charges 7,175.00
11. Operation of Jackson P. Burley School 61,269.00
Paragraph Two
For capital outlay of the COUNTY SCHOOL SYSTEM the sum of ~ix thousand
dollars and no cents ($6,000.00) is appropriated from the School Fund to be
apportioned as follows:
Mr. N. N. Pence ad~sed the Board that lease For rental of office space to the Soil Conserva-
tion service had been approved, executed, and returned to his office.
The follo~ng~budget was received, accepted and ordered spread in the minutes on motion of ~.
Smit~,- seconded by Mr. Bain, and unanimously carried:
Title of Item
Cash Brought Forward
Estimated Revenue
Uncollected Balance~
Title of Item ~ Unencumbered Ba!anc~
Debt Service - Retirement
of Literary F~u~d Bond $21,12~.16 $~1,124.16
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Couuty Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, t~hat the Albemarle Central High School Constructio~ Fund be liquidated
when the next.payment of Literary Bonds comes due and that the balance of
$21,124.16 be applied to Debt Charges for the Albemarle High School.
The following budget was received, accepted and ordered spread in the minutes on motion of
Bain, seconded by Mr. Wood, and unanimously carried:
1. Equipment for Buildings
2.. Improvememt to Sites
$ 5,000.O0
Para,apb Three
For the payment of interest on and retirement of debt of the CODltTY SCHOOL
SYSTEM the sum of sixty-nine thousand one hundred twenty-five dollars and no cents
($69,125.00) is appropriated from the School~Yund to be apportioned as follows:
1. Literary Fund Loans 15 25,000.00
2. Interest on Literary Fund Loans 13,500o00
3. Bonds 25,000.00
4. Interest on Bonds 5,625.00
Total School Fund appropriations for the
FisCal Year Ending June 30, 1956
To be provided for as follows:
Anticipated balance at July 1, 1955
Revenue from Local Sources
Revenue from the Commonwealth
Total School Fund resources (Estimated)
for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1956
$ -0-
That the follo~ng sums of money be and the same are hereby appropriated
for the purposes specified herein for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1956:
Paragraph One
For the function of SPECIAL SCHOOL CAPITAL OUTLAY the sum of one hundred
nineteen thousand seven hundred dollars and no cents ($119,700.00) is hereby
appropriated from the Special School Capital Outlay Funde
Total Special School Capital Out~ ~.y Fund
Appropriation for the Fiscal Year
Ending June 30, 1956
$n9,?0o 00
To be provided for as follows:
Anticipated balance at July 1, 1955
Revenue from Local Sources
Revenue from the Commonwealth
Revenue from the Federal Government
Appropriation from the General Fund
Total Special School Capital Outlay Fund
Resources for Fiscal Yr. Ending 6/30/~6
Mr. N. N, Pence advised the Board that lease for rental of office space to the Soil Conserva-
tion service had been approved, executed, and returned to his office.
The following ~budget was received, accepted and ordered spread in the minutes on motion of
Smit~-seconded by Nrc Bain, and unanimously carried:
Title. of ite~ Estimated Re~venu_~e Uncollected Bala~uce
Cash Brought Forward $21,124o16 $21,124.16
Title of Item ~ Unencumbered Balanc~
Debt Service - Retirement
of Literary Fund Bond $21,12~.16 $~i,!24,16
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, t~hat the Albemarle Central High School Construction Fund be liquidated
when the next.payment of Literary Bonds comes due and that the balance of
$21,124.16 be applied to Debt Charges for the Albemarle High School~
The following budget was received, accepted and ordered spread in the minutes on motion of Mr.
B~in, seconded by Mr. Wood, and unanimously carried:
That the following sums of money be and the same are ~reby apPropriated for
the purposes specified herein for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1956:
Paragraph One
For the function of~the NCI~TIRE TRUST FUND the sum of.two thousand seven
hundred seven'y-five dollars and no cents ($2,77~5.00) is hereby appropriated from
the McIntire Trust Fund.
Total McIntire Trust Fund Appropriation for
the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1956
$ 2,775.00
To be provided for as follows:
Anticipated balance at July 1, 1955
Revenue from Investments:
National Bank and Trust Co.-Oh~ville. Va..
Peoples National Bank-Charlottesville, Va.
Literary Fund of Virginia
Total McIntire Trust Fund Resources for
the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1956
Total Appropriations Nentioned in Sections I through VIII in This
Ordinance For The Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1956.
Section I
Section II
Section III
Section IV
Section V
Section VI
Section VII
Section VIII
Grand Total
$ 428,390.00
All of the monies appropriated as shown by'the contained items in Sections
I through VIII are appropriated uponthe provisos, terms, conditions, and pro-
visions hereinbefore set forth in connection with said items and those set forth
in this section.
Paragraph One
Subject to the' qualifications in this ordinance contained, all appropria-
tions made out of the General Fund, the Dog Tax Fund, the Crozet Sanitary District
Nr. N. N. Pence advised the Board that lease for rental of office space to the Soil Conserva-
i tion service had been approved, executed, and returned to his office.
The following ~budget was received, accepted and ordered spread in the minutes on motion of
Smit~' seconded by Nr. Bain, and unanimously carried:
Title of item
Cash Brought Forward
Title of Item
Debt Ser~_ce - Retirement
of Literary F~d Bond
Estimated Revenue
Uncollected Balance
Unencumbered~ ~ ~ _Balance~
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the Albemarle Central High School Construction F~nd be liquidated
when the next~p~yment of Literary Bonds comes due and that the balance of
$21,124.16 be applied to Debt Charges for the Albemarle High School.
The following budget was received, accepted and ordered spread in the minutes on motion of Nrc
~ by Mr. Wood, and unanimously carried:
Bain, second~
Fund, the Central Fire District Fund, the Joint Health Department Fund, the School
Fund, the Special School Capital Outlay Fund, and the McIntire Trust Fund are
declared to be maximum_, conditional and proportionate appropriations -- the pur-
pose being to make the appropriations payable in full in the amount named herein
if necessary and then only in the event the aggregate revenues collected and
available during the fiscal year for which the appropriations are made are suf-
ficient to pay all the appropriations in full. Otherwise the said appropriations
shall be deemed to be payable in such proportion as the total sum of all realized
revenue of the General Fund, the Dog Tax-Fund, the Orozet Sanitary District Fund,'
the Central Fire District Fund, the Joint Health Department-Fund, the School Fund,
the Special Capital Outlay Fund, the McIntire Trust Fund is to the to~ml amount of
revenue estimated to be available in the said fiscal year by the Board of Super-
visors, the School Board, and the Board of Public Welfare.
Paragraph Two
Ail revenue received by any agency under the control of the Board of Super-
visors or by the School Board or the Board of Public Welfare not included in its
estimate of revenue for the financing of the fund budget as submitted to the
Board of Supervisors may not be e~pended by the said agency under the control of
the Board of Supervisors or by the School Board ~r the Board of Public Welfare
without the consent of the Board of Supervisors being first obtained. Nor may
any of these agencies or boards make expenditures which will exceed a specific
item of an appropriation or make transfers betv~en specific items .of appropriation
without ~the consent of the Board of Supervisors being first obtained.
Paragraph Three
Ail balances of appropriations payable out of the General Fund of the
county treasury at the close of business on the thirtieth (30th) day of June,
1955, except as otherwise provided for, are hereby declared to be lapsed into the
county treasury and shall be used for the payment of the appropriations which may'
lbY made in the appro.priation ordinance for the next fiscal year, beginning July 1,
955. However, nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to be ~plicable
to the School Fund (or any other especially restricted fund) but any balance
available in this (these) fund(s) shall be used in financing the proposed ex-
penditures of this (these) fund(s) for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1955..
Paragraph Four
No obligations for goods, materials, supplies, equipment, or contractural
services for any ~r~:~se may'be incurred by any department, bureau, a~ency or
individual under the direct control of the Board of Supervisors except by requisi-
tion on the director of finance; provided, however, no requisition for contractual
services--such as communications, travel, freight, express--and membership dues
land subscriptions shall be required; and provided further that no requisition fo~
;contractual services involving the issuance of a contract on a competitive bid
basis shall be required, but such contract shs;ll b e approved by the head of the
contracting idepartment, b~_reau, agency or individual and the director of finance,
who shall be responsible for secUring such competitive bids on the basis of speci-
fications furnished by the contracting department, bureau, agency or individual.
In the even of the failure 'for any reason of approval herein required for
such contracts, said contracts shall be a~arded through appropriate action of the
Board of Supervisors,
Mr. M. M. Pence advised the Board that lease for rental of office space to the Soil Conserva-
tion service had been approved, executed, and returned to his office.
The follov~ng budget was received, accepted and ordered spread in the minutes on motion of Mr.
Smit~ seconded by Nr. Bain, and unanimously carried:
Title of Ite_~m Estimated Revenue Uncollected Balance
Cash Brought Forward $21,12~.16 $21,124.16
.Title of Item ~ Unencumber. . ~d Balance
Debt Service - Retirement
of Literary F~u~d Bond $21,124.16 $$1,124.16
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the Albemarle Central High School Construction Fund be liquidated
when the next.payment of Literary Bonds comes due and that the balance of
$21,124.16 be applied to Debt Charges for the Albemarle High School.
The following budget was received, accepted and ordered spread in the minutes on motion of Nr.
Bain, seconded by Mr. Wood, and unanimously carried:
Any obligations incurred contrary to these requirements shall not be con-
sidered obligations of the county and the director of finance shall not issue any
warrants in payment for such obligations.
Paragraph Five
Nothing in ~kis section shall be construed as authorizing any reduction to
be made in the amounts appropriated in this ordinance for the payment of interest
or principal on indebtedness of the County of Albemarle. (22-124, Code of Va.)
Paragraph Six
Allowances out of any of the appropriations made in this ordinance by any
or all county departments, bureau, or agencies under the control of the Board of
Supervisors to any of their officers and employees for expenses on account of the
use by such officers and employees of their personal automobiles in the discharge
of their official duties shall not exceed seven cents (75) a mile of actual travel.
Paragraph Seven
Ail travel expense accounts shall be submitted on forms and according to
regulations prescribed or approved by the director of finance. Each account
shall show the dates expenses were incurred or paid, points between which travel-
ed, number of miles traveled, method of travel, whether by railroad, steamship,
bus, or for -hire/privately-owned/or county-owned automobile, Pullman fare (to be
shown separately from regular fare), hotel expenses, meals, and incidental expen-
ses such as telegrams, telephone calls, etc. must be specified in each instance,
and a concise statement of the purpose of or reason for such travel expenses.
The director of finance is specifically directed to withhold the issuance of
warrant-checks in payment of expense accounts submitted for "lump sum" amounts.
Paragraph Eight
The compensation of each employee who enters the service of the County of
Albemarle during the period which begins July 1,~1955 and ends June 30, 1956,
shall be fixed for the said fiscal year at such rate as shall be determined by
the county executive in writing and as approved by the Board of Supervisors, and
no increase shall be made in the compensation of any employee of the County of
Albemarle during the said fiscal year except with' the approval of the Board of
Supervisors being first obtained; provided, however, that this restriction shall
not apply to officers or employees of the School Board and the Board of Public
Welfare. Where any employee is appointed or employed to~ fill a ~acancy in a
position the county executive may fix the salary of such employee who enters the
service of any agency (under the control of the Board of Supervisors) or is pro-
moted to such position during the period which begins July 1, 1955 and ends
June 30, 1956 at a lower rate or amount than was approved for the position at
the time it became vacant. It is provided, however, that such employment shall
be subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors.
~ragra~ Nine
Nothing herein contained, however, shall be construed to vest with the
county executive the employment or promotion of personnel for the School Board
or the Board of Public. Welfare.
~r. M. M. Pence advised the Board that lease for rental of office space to the Soil Conserva-
tion service had been approved, executed, and returned to his office.
The follo~ng ~budget was received, accepted and ordered spread in the minutes on motion of ~r.
Smith~ seconded by Mro Bain, and unanimously carried:
Title of ire_ ~ m
Cash Brought'Forward
Title of Item
Debt Service - Retirement
of Literary Fund Bond
Estimated Rove. _ ~ue
$21,12~. 16
Uncollected Balance
Une~ncumbered ~alanc~
Bain, seconded by Mr. Wood, and tmanimously carried:
The following budget was received, accepted and ordered spread in the minutes on motion of Nr.
BE iT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the Albemarle Central High School Construction Fund be !iq~dated
when the next~pa2~ent of Literary Bonds comes due and that the balance of
$21,124.16 be applied to Debt Charges for the Albemarle High School.
Paragraph Ten
The fund budgets in Sections I through VIII are hereby adopted and made
official budget document of the County of Albemarle but i~ is expressly provided
that the restrictions ~ith respect to the e~pendi~e of funds appropriated shall
apply only to the lump sum amounts for the respective items of appropriations
which have been included in this ordinance.
Paragraph Eleven
Ail ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent ~ith the provisions of
this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed.
Mr. N. M. Pence advised the Board that lease for rental of office space to the Soil Conserva-
~ tion service had been approved, executed, and returned to his office.
-o~.ow~n~.~u~ev was received, accepted and ordered spread in the minutes on motion of Mr. il
Smith~~ seconded by I,~. Bain, and unanimously carried:
Title of Item
Cash Brought'Forward
ES timat_ed R~e~yenu_~e
Uno__ Dllected ~B~al_~smc~e
.Title of Item ~ Unencumbered Balan_c~
Debt Service - Retirement
of Literary Fund Bond $21,12g.16 $21,124.16
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Couuty,
Virginia, t~hat the Albemarle Central High School Construction Fund be liquidated
when the next.payment of Literary Bonds comes due and that the balance of
$21,124.16 be applied to Debt Cha_ges~- for the Albemarle High School.
The follov~ng budget was received, accepted and ordered spread in the minutes on motion of Mr.
Bain, seconded by Mr. Wood, and unanimously carried:
Title of Item
Cash Brought Forward, prev. yr.
Title of Item
Debt Service - Retirement of
Literary Fnnd Bond
Estimated Revenue
Uncollected Balance
$8,311.92 $8,311.92
Unencumbered Balance
The following budget was received, accepted and ordered spread in the minutes on motion of Mr.
Bain, seconded by Mr. Wood, and unanimously carried:
Title of Item
Cash Brought Forward, prevoyr.
Title of Item
Transfer to Operating Budget
Esiimated Revenue~
$83 5.62
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Eupervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the Shbp and Stores Construction Fund be and is hereby liquidated
and the balance of $835~62 be and is hereby transferred to Capital Outlay - Equip-
ment for Buildings (17.8-403) to be used for the purchase of mowing equipment.
Communication was received from the Planning Commission advising that it was the feeling of
said Commission that construction workers are responsible for leaving trash on new building sites which
is subsequently wind scattered over the county side. ~e commission recommended that this Board request
the Contractors Association to have a representative meet with them to discuss their trash disposal
problem° On motion, made by Mr. Bain, seconded byNro Wood, and unanimously carried, it waz ordered
that a representative of the Contractors Association be requested to meet with this Board at its next
regular meeting in regard to this matter.
A ~¢~. Bothomley appeared before the Board in complain~ of the manner in which Mr. William R.
Napier killed two stray dogs which he picked up on the University grounds. He was advised to file his
complaint with the Commission of Game and Ireland Fisheries, forwarding copy of same to this Board.
Nr~. Virginia S. Marks, Supt. of Welfare, again appeared before the Board regarding the State'~
reduction in participation in General Relief and Regular Foster Care. She advised that in determining
what other localities are doing in regard to this reduction, she found that some are advancing local fun~
and that others are reducing the percentage of need furnished. On motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by
Nr~ Wood, and unanimously carried, Mrs. ~rks was authorized to spend the total o~ the CoUnty'S appropri~
tion, even though said appropriation will not.be, fully matched by the State, but was urged to keep local
expenditures at a minimum, in no case to exceed the local appropriation.
On motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by Nr. Wood, and unanLmously carried, the~following resolution
was uuanimously adopted and the Clerk was ordered tom convey same to the Junior Chamber of Commerce:
BE iT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle~County, ~
Virginia, that the sincere appreciation of this Board be and is hereby expressed
to the Junior Chamber of Commerce for the efficient way in which they handled the
dedication ceremonies of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Joimt Airport~
Uncollected Balance
Unencumbered Balance
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the School Construction Bond Fund (Burley) be liquidated when the
ne~ payment of bonds comes due and that the balance of $8,311.92 be applied to
Deb~ Charges for the Jackson P. Burley~High School.
$8,311.92 $8,3tI.92
Cla~ns against the County amoonting to $109,657~79 were presented, examined, and allowed, and
certified to the Director of Finance for payment, and charged against the following funds:
General Fund
School Fund
Dog Tax Fund
Crozet Fire District Fund
Crozet Sanitary District Fund
Joint Health Fund
McIntire Trust Fund.
$ 28,926~18
Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Account 727.9_ _ ~
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held
at the Office Building of said County on the 17th day ofAugust, i955.
Present: Messrs. E. H. Bain, Edward L. Smith, John W. Williams and W. W. Wood.
Absent: Messrs. H. Ashby Harris and C. Purcell McCue.
Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
The meeting oPened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. E. H. Bain.
Minutes of the meeting of July 20, 1955 were read and on motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr.
Wood, minutes with regard to Federal Aid Projects were corrected to comp!ywith request of Mr. ~. W.
Shields, Resident Highway Engineer, as follows:
Planning for the Federal Aid Secondary proJect in Albemarle County, at the completion ef
Route 620 and Route 708 now programmed, was brought to the attention of the Board and the following
resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Virginia Department of Highways be and is hereby
requested to construct with Federal Aid Secondary Money due Albemarle County, the
following projects in order as listed: #1, Route 604 from ~Greene County Line to
Route664, a distance of2.Tmiles; #2, Route602 from Route 626atHowardsville
to Route 800 near Schuyler, a ~istance of 6.45miles; #3, widen and strengthen
bridges w~ere needed, on the heavier traffic Federal Aid Secondary Roads in County.
For future development of the Secondary System Roads, The Board of Super-
visors of Albemarle County hereby requests the Virginia Department of Highways to
place the following roads i~ the Federal Aid Secondary System:
Route 604from Greene County Line to Route 664.
Route 664from Route604 to Route 663.
Route 663 from Route 664North to Route 664-S.
(The above will give a F.A.S. route from Stanardsville to
Charlottesville by Earlysville and Airport.)
Route 6~2 from Route 626 at Howardsvil!e to Route 800 near Schuyler.
Petition waa received requesting inclusion in the Secondary System road beginning at East
Market Street and ending at Chesapeake Street, known as Steep Hill Street. Mr. Shields advised that he
would check on the status of this road to determine whether or not it was in the Secondary System.
Communication was received from the Virginia Department of Highways advising tlmt the follow-
ing additions and abandonments to the Secondary System in Albemarle County were approved, effective
'August 4, 1955, in accordance with resolution of this Beard: