HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-08-17Claim~ against the Co%uuty amo~ting to $109,657~79 were presented, examined, and allowed, and
certified to the Director of Finance for payment~ and charged against the following funds:
General Fund
School FUnd
Dog Tax F~ud
Crozet Fire District Fund
Crozet Sanitary District Fund
Joint Health Fund
NcIntire Trust Fund
$ 287926.18
Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Account__ 727~2
Upon motion~ the meeting adjourned.
A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held
at the Office Building of said County on the l?th day of August, 1955.
Present: Messrs. E. H. Bain, Edward L. Smith, JokuW. Williams and W. W. Wood.
Absent: Messrs. H. Ashby Harris and C. Purcell McCue.
Officers present: ¢ounty Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
The meetingopened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. E. H. Bain.
Minutes of the meeting of J~ly 20, 1955 were read and on motion ofNr. Bain, seconded by Mr.
Wood, minutes with regard to Federal Aid Projects were corrected to comply with request ofMr. W. W.
Shields, Resident Highway Engineer, as follows:
Planning for the Federal Aid Secondary project in Albemarle County, at the completion ef
Route 620 and Route 708 now programmed, was brought to the attention of the Board and the following
resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Virginia Department of Highways be and is hereby
requested to construct with Federal Aid Secondary Money due Albemarle County, the
following projects in order as listed: #1, Route 604 from Greene County Line to
Route 664, a distance of 2.?miles; #2, Route 602 from Route 626 at Howardsville
to Route 800 near Schuyler, a ~istance of 6.45miles; #3, widen and strengthen
bridges where needed, on the heavier traffic Federal Aid Secondary Roads in County.
For future development of the Secondary System Reads, The Board of Super-
visors of Albemarle County hereby requests the Virginia Department of Highways to
place the following roads i~ the Federal Aid Secondary System:
Route 604 from Greene County Line to Route 664.
Route 664 from Route 604 to Route 663.
Route 663 from Route 664 North to Route 664-S.
(The aboVe will give a F.A.S. route from Stanardsville to
Charlottesville by Earlysville and Airport.)
Route 6~ from Route 626 at Howard~ville to Route 800 near Schuyler.
Petition waa received requesting inclusion in the Secondary System road begi~ming at East
Narket Street and ending at Chesapeake Street, known as Steep Hill Street. Mr. Shields advised that he
would check on the status of this road to determine whether or not it was in the Secondary System.
Communication was received from the Virginia Department of Highways advising that the follow-
ing additions and abandonments to the Secondary System in Albemarle County were approved, effective
August 4, 1955, in accordance with resolution ef this Beard:
New location Route 665,'~P. roj~. 1302-10, crossing new bridge over Rocky Creek between
Sra. 183~0 and Sra. 186~50. Eength .07 MiIe.
New location Route 665 from Sra. 191~00 to 195~50. Length .07 mile.
New location Route 665 from S~a, 196~80 to Sra. 202~30. Eength .10 mile.
01d location Route 665 including old Bridge over Rocky Creek, between Sra. 183~00
and Sra. 186~50, ProJ. 1302-IO-15. Eength .07 mile.
Old location Route 665 - Sra. 191~00 to Sra. 195~50. Eength .09 mile.
Old location Route 665 - Sra. 196~80 to 202~30. Eength .12 mile.
Mr. M. M. Pence, Direotor of FinanCe, submitted Statement of Expenses of the Department of
Finance for the month of July, 1955, of which one-third is to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly
made and seconded, this S%atement was examined, verified and approved.
Mr. M. M. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted Statement of ExpenseE ef the Sheriff's Office
for the month of J~iy, 1955, of which two-thirdS is to be borne by the S%ate. Upon motion., duly made
and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Mr. M. M. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted Statement of Expenses of the Commonwealth!s
A%~orney's Offioe for the m~nth of July, 1955, of which one-half is to be borne by the State. Upon
motion, duly made. and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Statement of Expenses incurred in ~he maintenance of ~h~ail for the month of July, 1955, was
presented along with Srm~ary Statement of Prisoner Days. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this
Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Claim of Dr. Richard..T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, in the amount of $9.00 was presen2ed and
on motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Wood, was approved for payment.
Reports of the Depar+~ent of Public Welfare for the month of July, 1955, were presented in
accordance with Sections 63-671 and 63-6?.2 of the Code of Virg~_uia
'~r. W. W. Shields, Resident Engineer, asked for an expression from the Board .with regard to
the sidewalk project ca Route 240 in Crozet. Mr. Bain advised that funds earmarked for this project
should be released inasmuch A~J~they had been unable to obtain .rights of way along the unfinished portion
of said project within reasonable .costs.
Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount, of $1,280.00, of which one-half
if reimbursable by the State, was presented and on motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Smith, was unani-
mously approved for payment.
Mr. Pence presented to the Board tentative Welfare Biennial Budget Estimates for the fiscal
years ending June 30, 1957 and June 30, 1958, as approved by the Welfare Board. On motion of Mr. Bain,
seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. John W. Williams, Vice-Chairman, was authorized to sign said budget on behalf
of the Board of Supervisors.
Report ~f the County Executive for the month of ~uly, 1955, was presented, approved, and
ordered filed.
Mr. Pence advised the Board that anti'advance of $15,000.OO to the Airport Committee would be
necessary pending refund from the C.A.A. He stated that at the present time, the exact amount of refund
from C;A.A. is not known due to the fact that request for reimbursement has not Been completed. Mr. O.
R. Randolph, Engineer, appeared at the request of the Board in regard to this matter. He presented to
the Beard estimates of incompleted projects totaling $22,390.00 and further advised-that it would be
some time before his request for r~fund from C.A.A. wo~uld be complete. ~'~t~r-considerable discussion
of this matter, motion was offered by ~Ir. Bain, seconded by Mr. Wood, umanimous!y carried, and approved
by the Commonwealth's Attorney, to make a temporary advance of $15,000.00 to the Joint Airport Committee
until such time of final accounting and the Airport Committee was toques%ed to ~resent to the Board at
its next regular meeting a complete financial report on the airport, rules with regard to second reading
being suspended.
Mr. Pence advised the Board that the total cost of the well was $~,810.20 as co~pared with his
estimate of $6,500,00 and'also presented fiha~ bill of Syflnor Pump and Well Compamyof $3,082.29. On
motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Wood, and unanimously carried the total cost of the well was approved
and Mr. Pence was authorized to make final payment of $3,082.29 to the Sydnor Pump and Well Company, this~
money being a temporary transfer from money en hand for bond retirement to be .replinished when taxes are
collected in the fall.
Mr~ Pence also called the Board's attention to the fact that Mr. R. A.-Gentry.had advised him
that a house owned by his wife and located at the end of the line on Jarman Gap Road was unable to get
water at peak times. It was~stated that a one-inch line served this Connection and it was-felt that
new connections since the original installation had lowered ~he~press~re~im this instance. On motion
of. Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Wood, and uuanimoUSly carried, it was ordered that this matter be referred
to the Crozet Water Committee for investigation and recommendation.
Mr. Pence advised the Board that a future issue of the V_~irg~nia and The Virginia Record Maga-
zinc would feature Albemarle County, the City of Charlottesville, and the UniVersityof Virginiai and
that he had received a request for an advertisement of the' Covntyin that part~cvlar issuel On motion
of Mr, Bain, secondedby. Mr. Smith, and vna~ouslycarried, Mr, Pence was'instructed tocontact the
Chamber of Commerce to determine if~they would participate with th® County in such an ad, and iS. not,
Pence was authorized to subscribe to one-half pa~e, in no ease~to expend beyond $95~00.
On moti~nof-Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr; Wood, and m~animously carried' the following resolution
was ~mimovsty adopted in accordance with report of auditors:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County St/pervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the following checks be cancelled, the respective banks so noti-
fied, and the amounts be returned to fund surplus as indicated:
CitizensBamk~ and Trust Company- Revolvin~Fvnd Acc0vnt:
Date of Check
Cheek ~ Payee
Return To
F~dSurn~s ~o~t
2-11-53 13198
2-11-53 13199
3-6-53 13226
3-6-53 13230
3-24-53 13233
4-7-53 13285
4-14-53 13295
4-17-53 13299
5-12-53 13329
5-19-53 13337
Thomas J. Banton
· Eogania 'F. MiChie
Jeff Chess
Edward-H. Sandbeek
Junius Anderson
Preston Walker
Mary W. Lyman
Joseph C. Cary
Charles S. Gibson
Jesse W. Dillon, Treas.'
General Fund $ .20
General Fund .24
General Fund .48
General Fund 1.1'5
General Fund .43
General Fund °29
General Fund .19
General Fund .17
General Fund .45
General Fund ~ 5,00
Pe0p~es ..Na~tional Bank - Re~!.~ar_ Account:
1955, was
1-21-53 4533 Va. Dept. of Highways General Fund $ 2.00
1-21-53 4543 Amanda Jane Weymouth General Fund 50.00
4-21-53 5082 Ha~old Hallack General Fund 10.00
5-20-53 5219 Quality Products Laboratories School Fund 21.75
6-17-53 5483 W.H. Sutherland Dog-Tax Fund 70.00
Report of audit of the accounts of the Trial Justice Office for the fiscal year ended June 30,
received from the Auditor of Ph~olic Accounts and ordered filed.
Report w~s received from Mr. Paul Cale on Albemarle Couaty Schools during the last twenty-five
years and copy of same presented to each member of the Board.
Statement of receipts and expenses of the Clerk's office for the year 1954 was received from
the State Compensation Board and on motion of Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Bain, and unanimously carried,
was ordered published im accordance with law.
Report on inspection of the County Jail was received from the Division of Correeti°ns of %he
Department of Welfare and Institutions and was ordered filed.
Communication was received from Mr. E. W. Carson, District Agent of the ~Extension Service,
recommending the appointment of Mr. W. O. Holland, Jr. as Assistant County Agent in Albemarle County,
effective August 1, 1955, at a starting salary of $3312.00 per year, of which $i500.00 would be ~aid by
the Count.v. On motion of
appointed as requested~ Mr. T. O. Scott, County Agent, appeared later in the meeting and introduced Mr.
Holland to the B~ard.
Communication was received from the S~te Compensation Board regarding the appointment of a~
additional Deputy Sheriff and action thereon was deferred until the next regular meeting.
An offer of $52.00 was received from Mr. J. Hubert Carver for the purchase of two acres of
land owned by the County in the Charlottesville D~strict and designated as parcel #34 on tat map #101.
On motion of Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Wood and unanimously carried, Mr. Carver's offer of $52.00 for
said property was accepted.
Mr. Pence called the Board's attention to the fact that check No. 145 issued to Arcet Equip-
ment Company in the amount of $13.08, ha~ been returned by said company due to the fact that the account
certified by the School Superintendent for payment had been previously paid by the school instructor.
On' motion of Mr. Wood, seconded by Hr. Smith, and maanimously carried, Mr. Pence was authorized to cancel
this check.
Resolution was received from the Board of Supervisors of Northumberland County favoring the
imposition of a State retail sales tax in Virginia by the General Assembly of Virginia, at their next
session, the revenue to be raised therefrom to be used exclusively to cover the cost of the maintenance
ahd operation of the public Schools in Virginia. On motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Smith, this
matter was tabled.
Mr. Pence called the Beard's attention to the fact that in approving over-expended items in
the 1954-55 budget, tw~ items in the School Fund had been omitted and presented resolution of the School
Board requesting increased appropriations to take care of the deficits contained therein. On motion of
Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Wood, and unanimousiy carried, the following resolution was unanimously
BE IT~ESOEVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the following over-expended items in the 1954-55 School Operating
Budget be and are hereby approved and $178.46 is hereby appropriated to cover same:
17.7 - ~i~ed Charges - 213 Workman's Compensation Insurance ..... $ 19.17
18 - MCIntire Trust Fund - 799.9 Albemarle High School ...... . . $159.27
Clains agains% the County amounting to $85,197.18 were presented, examined, and allowed, and
certified to the Director of Finance for payment, and charged against the following funds:
General Fund
School Fund
Dog Tax Fund
Crozet Fire District Fund
Crozet Sanitary District Fund
Joint Health Fund
Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit ACcount
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.