HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-01-18 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 18th day of January, 1956. Present: Messrs. H. Ashby Harris, Edgar N. Garnett, M~ ~-~. Sutherland, Jr., Robert Thraves, and John W. Williams. Absent: Mr. Edward L. Smith. Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth' s Attorney. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. M. M. Pence. Ninutes of the meetings of December 21, 1955 and January 3, 1956 were read and approved. Petition waz received requesting hard surface on Route 731 from Rotate 250 East to the Keswick Country Club, Mr. Harry Brown appearing in support of this petition. Mr. W. W. Shields, Resident High- way Engineer, advised that this portion of Route 731 had been placed in the construction program but due to the traffic count thereon, was not scheduled for the current year or the next year. He further stated that he hoped to take care of this request as soon as funds were available and petition was give~ to Mr. Shields for his files. Petition was received requesting hard surface on Route 744. Mr. Shields stated that this road needed grading before it could be hard surfaced and this petition also was given to Mr. Shields. Mr. Morris and several land owners on Route 746 appeared and requested inclusion in the State Secondary System an addition of ,5 of a mile ~f Route 746. Since this was a matter for viewers, it was ordered that Mr. Morris be forwarded the regular application in this instance. Petition was received, and turned over to Mr. W. W. Shields, requesting an underpass under thei Ch~pcahc and~ Railroad on Route 708. Mr. Shields advised that Route 708 is a Federal Aid Project and that survey has been made and plans are now being prepared on this project. After discussion of this matter, the following resolution was offered by Mr. Williams, seconde by Mr. Sutherland, and ~unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia that the Virginia Department of Highways be and is hereby requested to give consideration to the construction of an underpass under the ~_~?~ '9~ Railroad on Route 708; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that consideration of the above mentioned under- pass be handled as a project in itself in order that the present Federal Aid Project on Route 708 not be held up. Communication was received from Mr. W. W. Shields, Resident Highway Engineer, regarding polic2 of the Highway Department with regard to roads in subdivisions. Mrl Pence su~,sted that this communi- cation be referred to the Planning ~ommission for the formulation of an ordinance regarding this matter to be referred back to this Board and also, that the City Planning Commission be contacted in an effort to adopt a similar ordinance. On motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Thraves, and unanimously carried, this matter was taken under advisement. Mr. Haynes Settle appeared before the Board and applied for consideration of acceptance of roads in the Green Valley subdivision into the Secondary System and also asked for the advise of the Highway Department on planning and constructing roads in the future. Mr. Shields stated that he would go over this matter with Mr. Settle ~and Mri Williams also stated that he would meet with them in this regard. On motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, and unanimously carried, the following persons were appointed Viewers for 1956, any three of whom may serve: A. T. Duffer A. Gaines Fray C. C. Wade Hugh N. Clark J. G. White III The matter of application cf W. A. Harlew tc operate an automobile graveyard on Route 20 came up for discussion. Complaints against such automobile graveyard were heard from Mr. Floyd Johnson, speaking en behalf of the Scottsville Lions Club as well as for himself as a private citizen, Mrs. Wilbur Nelson, Mr. Fernswerth, Mr. Quenten Murvy, Mrs. Margaret Williams, Mrs. J. D. Hartman and others. Numerous letters and petitions in opposition to the graveyard were also received and ordered placed in permanent~file. On motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by M~. sutherl~nd, and unanimously c~r~ied, it was ordered that Mr. Harlew's request for a permit in this. instance be denied. Mr. Walter Smith, Attorney for Mr. Harlow, appearedand advised that since Mr. Harlew realized the strong opposition te his opera- tion of an automobile graveyard on Route 20, he new planned to operate a repair shop en the site. On motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr, ~$~rland, the following resolution was unanimous adopted: BE IT RESOLVEDby. the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia that every resolution appropriating money for any special purpose and every resolution deemed te be of sufficient purpezt by any member of the Board, shall be considered twice before its final passage. If any member ef the Board raises the point of order that any resolution is of sufficient, purport, the rose- lution shall be carried o.ver to the next meeting, when action en the same may be ~aken, provided at least three days shall intervene between its introduction and passage. This procedure may be dispensed.withby 'unanimous consent ef members ef the Beard present. Application was received from Mr. L. S. Dabney to operate automobile graveyard just off of Route 250 East near Beyds Tavern and the Albemarle-Fluvanna County line. Members of the Board viewed the proposed location and on motion of Mr. Thraves, secomded by Mr. Williams, it was ordered that Mr. Dabney be issued permit to operate automobile graveyard at the above described location, provided that he build a fence of sufficient height te prohibit view from the read o2 all ears on this site,~.goi~g.~.~ east and west,sand provided that said fence be maintained. Mr. Garnett raised ~ point of order and final action on this motion was carried over for second reading at the regular February meeting. The following communication was received 'from the Crezet Water Committee: "Board of County Supervisors Albemarle County~ Virginia Charlottesville, Virginia Gentlemen: The Crozet Water Committee met on Thursday, January 12, 1956 atS:O0 o'clock p.m. Several matters were presented for consideration. After due study, the following action was taken with respect to certain items. 1. The committee acknowledges receipt of a letter, dated November 29, 1955, transmitting the r~quest of the Board ef Supervisors that the committee "recommend a definite polity'with regard to the extension ef lines in new subdivisions". In this connection the committee wishes to reaffirm its original recommendation that "each extension er proposed extension be handled en the individual merit of the particular case as and when presented". The thought ef the committee in this instance is gevernmd entirely by the availibility cf water at the source. That is te say,1 that the committee should like to study the magnitude of each new extension er installation in relation to the availability of water. Even though the developer should pay for line installations, the committee feels that approval should be obtained prier to the expenditure of funds for such a project to ascertain .the ability of the Crozet Sanitary District to furnish the utility. 2. The committee wishes to emphasize the immediate need for an additional ~ource of water. Due to the extreme lack of rainfall during thew inter months, the raw water level has declined te the point where the situation is meat acute. There- fore, en motion, duly made and secended,~the committee adopted a resolution urging the Boa~d of Supervisors to advance sufficient funds from the General Fund to the Crozet Sanitary District Fund in order to permit the drilling e£ a second well. The committee further urges that this matter be given immediate action so as te allow the well to be installed within the next 30 days. 3. The committee further recommends that in advancing funds to undertake the well project, that sufficient funds be included to install the two lines recommended in it report of November 15,.1955; and, further, that consideration be given to some me,ns er plan to refund the advance made for the installation of line along Hilltop Avenue. Mr. Norman Gillum ef the' Water Committee ' appeared and s%atedtthat he would like' to see a meeting of the Board, the Water Committee and the Citizens of Cre'zet. He further stressed the importanc~ ef immediate steps toward obtaining a new source of water supply and. urged the Board to' advance money from the General Fund toward this end. The Commonwealth's Attorney adVised that funds could be advanced from the General Fund for the initiation of a project but that in this opinion this would not be the initiation of a project. He advised that if a contract were signed, money for :~Same sho~d be in hand er in sight; otherwise, he felt such would be contrary te statutes. Mr, Pence advised that even though the Commonwealth's Attorney advised otherwise, he recommended an advance ef sufficient f~nds from the General Fund te complete a new well which would mean a temporary loand of approximately $6,000.00 in addition to f~uds on'hand in the Sanitary District Fund. After considerable discussion of this matter, motion was offered by Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Williams, and unanimously carried, approving the request of the Crozet Water Committee to the extent that money is available in the Crezet Sanitary District Fund for the drilling efa well and instructing the Director of Finance to proceed with obtain. i~g bids. On~ motion ef Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, and unanimously carried, it was ordere that the remainder of the Water Committee report be taken under consideration. The matter of appointment of an Equalization Board for the year 1956 was 'brought before the Board. Mr. Sutherland nominated Mr. P. K, MasSey,.-which nomination was seconded by Mr. Thraves and unanimously approvgd.: Mr. Williams nominated Mr. Leigh Walker, which .nomination was seconded by Mr. Thraves and unanimously approved. Mr. Williams nominated Mr. Bill Snyder, which nomination was seconded by Mr. Sutherland and unanimously approved. The following recommendation was received from the 1955 Equalization Board and ordered spread ia the minutes ef this meeting: "Board of County SuperVisors Albemarle County County Office Building Charlottesville, Virginia Dear Mr. Harris: Attention: N. Ashby Harris Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. E. L. Bradley, Jr. for one ewe killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. Sutherland,.seconded by Mr. Garnett, Mr. Bradley was allowed $22.00 for this ~we Claim was received from the General Insurance Company of America for a number of sheep killed by dogs over a pe~!od of time ~ating back te M~rch, 1954, and belonging to Mr. J. R. Wingfield. Mr. Wiagfield had never made claim to this Board for reimbursement en these damages and copies of the Game Warden's reports which should have come to this Beard had been in the file of the insurance company. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Garnett, Mr. Hadenwas allowed $22.00 for each of these We recognize that the present values of real estate in Albemarle County are based on a 1948 assessment and recommend to the Board of County Supervisors the following: (1) A general reassessment of all real estate in Albemarle County as seen as practical using qualified local people to do the appraising. (2) An appointment of a permanent board of assessors, with an appeal beard of freeholders$ te maintain a current level off'valUes and to keep taxes on a fair distributed basis. Respectfully submitted, 1955 BOARD OF EQUALIZATION OF REAL ESTATE % % P.K. Massey P. K. Massey, Chairman" Claim againstthe Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. H. A. Haden for four lambs killed by dogs lambs. The Albemarle County Board of Equalization of Real Estate has, in the past year, attempted to discharge the duties of the-said board to the best of its ability. Numerous, and in some instances, wide discrepancies in the assessed values were discovered in answering the petitions of real property owners, wh~ desired a more equitable assessment of their properties and in a reviewlo~ other~ real estate in the County. Mr. Pence advised the Board that at the October meeting ef this Board, e~.Aim was received from Mrs. Clyde Davis for sheep killed by dogs and that it was brought te the Board's attention at that time that this loss may have been covered by insurance. The claim was approved and the Director of Finance was instructed to verify the ~elief of insurance coverage in this instance. Mr. Pence advised that he had contacted Mm. Davis who informed him that she carried insurance with the Paul,~everley and Streat Insurances in Richmond, Virginia. He further stated that he wrote said insurance company on December 7, 1955 and received ne reply. In view ef the foregoing, motion was offered by Mr. Suther!and seconded by Mr. Thraves and unanimously carried, erder&ng that Mrs. Davis be paid for her loss as ap- proved in October, 1955. Mr. M. M. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted Statement of Expenses of the Department ef Finance for the month of December, 1955, of which one-third is to be berne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded,-this Statement was examined, verified and approved. Mr. M. M. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's Office for the month of December, 1955, of which two-thirds is to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved. Mr. M. M. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted Statement of Expenses of the Commonwealth's Attorney's Office for the month of December, 1955, of which one-half is to be borne by the State...Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved. Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail for the month of Decem- ber, 1955, was submitted along with Summary Statement of Prisoner Days. On motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved. Reports of the Department of Public Welfare for the mont~ of December, 1955, were presented in accordance with Sections'63-67.1 and 63-67.2 ef the Code of Virginia. Mr. Thraves presented command!cation to Mr. Willis Robertson and reply from him regarding the possibility of obtaining surplus feeds from the Federal Government te supplement Welfare aid. After some discussion, the Chairman appointed Mr. Thraves, Mr.. Penoe and Mrs. Marks a oommittee te study this matter further. Report of the County Exeeutive for the mont$ of December, 1955 wes presented, approved and ordered filed. adopted: The following resolution was offered byMr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Thraves and unanimousl~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County SuperviSors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the following be the p~licy for the assessment ef taxable property for the year 1956: 1. Publio Service Corporations - ~tate Corporation CommisSion Assessments. 2. Machinery and .~ols u~ed in.a man~f~ctur~ng er minin~ business - 25% of fair market value computed in same manner as that en farm machinery and tools. 3. ~an~'ible Personal.Property - including automobiles and household and kitchen ~¥niture except for farm machinery and tools and livestock: (a) Automobiles , Average leam~lue(75) ef fair market value) as shown by N.A.D.A. Guide. (b) Household items as set forth in Section 58-829 (9)(10)(11)(12) - 25% of fair market value. (c) Ail other ~angible personal property - 75% ef fair market value. 4. Merchants Caoital - No assessment. 5. ~ar~mMachiner~ and ~qols an~ .Livestock_: (a) Farm machinery and tools - 25% of fair market value te be computed em cost less depreciation; depreciation not to exceed 60% of cost which will mean assessment values as fellows: (1) New - 25% of Cost. One year eld - 22.5% ef Cost. Two years old - 2~% of Cost. (4) Three years eld - 17.5%of Cost. (5) Four years old - 15% of Cost. (6) Five years old - Z2~5% of Cost. (7) Six years and elder - machinery still maintained and in usable condition - 10% of Cost. (b) Livestock - 25% of fair market value. (~) Chickens and turkeys - 25% of fair market value. BE IT FBRTHER RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Cemmomwealth's A%tormey to lay a separate levy on each category of personal property also be followe~. An offer of $50.60 was received from Mr. Ray C. Fisher for six acres of County owned p~Operty located in the Samuel Miller District and formerly owned by Ella Edwards. Mr. Sutherland advised' that he and Mr~ Sam Clark had viewed this land and felt $50~00 to be a fair offer. 'On motion of Mr. Suther- land, sec.nded byMr. Garnett, and unanimously carried, it was ordered that the offer of Mr. RaY C. Fisher be accepted and ~e Chairman was authorizedte execute deed covering this transaction upon ap- proval of the oourt. .... ' Oommunicatiemwere received from the State Compensation Board setting forth's that Board's approval on salaries and expenses for the Department of Finance, wealth's Attorney's Office, and were ordered filed. The Chairman appointed Mr. Edward L. Smith and Mr. Edga AirPort Committee. Mr. Thraves stated that he felt all members o: ~he Sheriff's Office and the Common- N. Garnett to serve em the Joint the Board should serve on this Com- mittee and was advised that all matters pertaining to the Airport are brought back te the Board as"a whole for action. The Chairman appointed the following Committees: Salar.v ¢omm! Aee: John W. Williams, Chmu. Edward E. ~mith H. Ashby Harris Sheriff's_Committee: John W. Williams, Chmn. Robert Thraves H. Ashby Harris Legislative ~omm~%ee: John W. Williams, Chmn. M. Y. Sutherland, Jr. M. M. Pence ) Downing L. Smith)Ex-officio ~elfare.Q~mmittee: John W. Williams M. M. Pence Rabies Prevention Committee: Robert Thraves, Chmn. M. Y. Sutherl~nd, Jr. Mr. Williams offered motion, which was seconded by Mr, Sutherland and ~nanimously carried, instructing the Director of Finance te have the lot by the 01d County Repair SHop marked for parking and proceed with rental ef these spaces at $5.00 per space per month. On motion ef Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Garnett, and unanimously carried, rules with re, gard to second readings were suspended and the following resolution unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED ~y the Board of County S'apervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $150.00, or as much thereof as may be necessary, be and is hereby appropriated to be used for marking parking spaces in the let located by the 01d County Repair Shop. Mr. Pence advised the Board that he felt $10.00 per day was tee low for members of the Equali- zation Board since he had found it was difficult to obtain well qualified persons .for the job at this figure and recommended that members of said Board be paid at the rate of $12.50~per day. After some discussion of this matter, motion was offered by Mr..Williams, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, setting the salary el Equalization Board members at $12,50 per day. This motion passed with all members voting aye except Mr. Thraves who voted no. Mr. Thraves expressed the opinion that persons serving en this Board should be more concerned with the service to the County rather than with pay received for same. Mr. Pence also called the Board's attention to the fact that Viewers were only paid at the rate of $2.00 per day and it was the expressed feeling of the' Board that this rate should be brought in line with ether like services. On motion ef Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Tk~aves, and unanimously carried, it was ordered that Viewers be paid at the rate of $12.50 per day. The Chairman appointed the Board as a whole a committee to meet with the School Board at 7:30 en Friday, January 20, 1956, it being the School Board's request that'this Board meet with them infor- mally at that time. Claims against the County amounting to $201,790.23 were presented, examined, and a!lewed, and certified te the Director ef Finance for paymemt and charged agains~ the following-funds: General Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet Fire District Fund Crozet Sanitary District Fund Joint Health Fund Central Fire Distri6t Fund Commonwealth ef Virginia C~rrent Credit Account Commonwealth of Virginia Dog Tax Credit Account $ 29,834.46 125,625.52 359.30 14.15 682.37 4,399.75 103.20 40,768.89 Total $201,790.23 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.