HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-02-09SPECIAL ~ebruary 9, 1956
Pursuant to the following waiver, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, met in special session on this date in the County office Building, Charlottesville,
Virginia at ?:00 P.M. with the following members present: Messrs. H. Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith,
M. ~. Sutherland, Jr., Robert Thraves and John W. ~illiams.
We, the umdersigned, members of the Board of County ~upervisors of Albemarle Co~ty,
Virginia, hereby waive notice, and special service thereof, of a meeting tO be ~ld
at ?:00 P.M. on the ninth day of February, 1956, im the County Office Buildin~
Charlottesville, Virginia, for the purpose of considering matters pertaining te
propo'sed legislation now before the General Assembly, amd we do hereby consent te
the transaction of any and all buSineas an~ the taking of s~ch action at said meet-
lng ~p~n the matter hereina~ve mentioned as may ~e lawful,~ incident and necessary'
~- Edg~r~. ~arnett _
Edwar& [.~ Siith
bert Th~a~$s ' ' '
Officers present.' County Executive and Co~ealth's Attorney.
Also present: Messrs. Henry B. G~odloe, Ralph Holsinger and Wiley ~eal, members of the
Electoral Board.
The Chairman e~plaimed that the purpose of the meeting was te consider the effects of House
Bill #384, offered January 31, 1956, in ~e present General Assembly, which related to the provision
for precinct registrars in certain counties. He stated that inasmuch as Albemarle County had a central
registrar, the bill in question appeared to make mandatory by State Legislation, a system which was al-
ready in effect in Albemarle Co-anty and at the same time, would take away the authority now vested in
the local Board of ~upervisers. The members of the Electoral Board explained their views in the matter
and concurred with the thoughts as expressed hy the Chairman. After considerable discussion, the Elec-
toral Board presented a ~nanimous oral recommendation that the Board of S~pervisors take s~ch steps as
may be necessary to urge the defeat of House Bill #384 amd that everything possible be done to retain
the present central registration system which permits th~ Board of Supervisors to appoint as many
assistant registrars as may be necessary.
Oh motion ef Mr. $~therland, seconded by Mr. Smith, the f~llowing resolution was adopted by
the following recorded wte:
Ayes: Messrs. Harris, Smith, $~therlan~ and Thraves.
Not~Voting: Mr. Williams.
BE IT RESOLVED by the B~oard of County Supervisorm~ef Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the recommendations of the Eleotoral ~rd be and are hereby ac-
cepted, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOEVED that the representatives of Albemarle Cowry in
the Gemeral Assembly ur§~ the defeat of House Bill #384 relating to provision
for precinct registrars.
Mr. ~illiams requested that the records shew his reason for not voting as due to the fact that
a relationship existed between himself and the present general registrar.
The County Executive advised that there would be a committee public hearing on Wednesday,
February 15, 1956, at 2:~O P.M. with referenee to the sales tax. He stated that he h~d been advised
through official sources that representatives of the Board should be present at such hearing, and re-
quested the Board's feeling with regard to the matter. After due discussion, the following resolution,
o~Sered by Mr. Thraves and seeonded by Mr. Smith, was unanimously adopted.'
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that representatives of this County in the General Assembly work for
and urge the passage of legislation relating to a general sales tax.
On motion, the meeting adjourned.