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A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held
at the Office Building of said County on the 15th day of February, 1956.
Present: Messrs. H, Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith, M. Y. Sutherland, Jr., Robert Thraves,
and John W. Williams.
Absent: Mr. Edgar N. Garnett.
Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. M. M. Pence.
Minutes of the meeting of February 6, 1956 were read and approved and minutes of the meetings
of January 18, January 30, and February 9, 1956 were carried over for reading at the next regular
The following applications having been made to the Board of County Supervisors to approve of
the placing of the roads as described in the applications in the Secondary System, it is hereby ordered
that Messrs. A. T. Durrer, A. Gaines Fray, C. C. Wade, Hugh N. Clark and J. G. White III, resident free-
holders of this Couhty, any three of whom may serve, be and they are hereby appointed viewers whose
duty it shall be to examine such roads and report upon the expediency of establishing same; they shall,
as soon as practible after receiving this order, proceed to make the views, and may examine other routes
and locations than the ones proposed, and if ef the opinion that there is a necessity for establishing
public roads, they shall locate the same, return a map or diagram thereof, with a report to the Board
stating locations of such roads, the convenience and inconvenience that will result as well as to the
individuals as to the public, whether said roads will be of such mere private convenience as to make it
proper that they should be opened, established, and kept in order by the person or persons for Whose
convenience they are desired, whether any yard, gardens, or orchard will have to be taken; the names of
the landowners of such road, which of such landowners will require compensation, what will be a just
compensation to the landowners requiring compensation for the land so taken, and for the damages of the
residue of the tract, if any, beyond the peculiar benefits to be derived in result to such residue from
the reads to be established$?and all other facts and circumstances in their opinion useful in enabling
the Board to determine its expediency of establishing such roads, and they shall file such report with
the Clerk of this Board;
In the event that some ef the landowners do not require compensation and they will execute
written consent, giving the right of way in question, the said Viewers shall obtain such consent and
returh it with their report;
Provided, however, that the Chairman of the State Highway Commission, sometimes called the
State Highway Commissioner, shall forthwith be notified and made a party to these proceedings, and that
he shall likewise be notified of the time and place of the meeting of the Viewers herein designated:
(1) Extension of Route 641 for 1. mile from end of State maintenance going south.
(2) River Road from Route 250 East for .3 of a mile.
(3) That portion of N~u~y Hills beginning at Route 29 North, along Westerly Ave. for .1 of a mile.
(4) That portion of Forrest Hills Ave. lying in the County.
(5) Road beginning at Route 743 and continuing for .75 of a mile to James B. Murray property.
(6) Knob Circte~.S of a mile beginning on St~ibling Ave. and circling back to Stribling Ave.
(7) Road beginning at intersection of B~rnleys & Gilbert Roads and continuing .5 mile to Thraves home.
(8) Road off of Route 20 near eastham, beginning at Flint property and continuing .5 of a mile.
(9) Route 610, request for extension of .3 of a mile.
(10) Road beginning one mile east of intersection of Rts. 691 & 692, to Forrest Graves residence, .3 mi.
(ll) Road beginning en Route 631, appreE..7 miles from City continuing .6 of a mile to Lambert property
(12) Steep Hill Street, from East Market Street to Chesapeake Street, .14 of a mile (388 feet).
(13) Road beginning at intersection of Rts. 645 and 608 continuing northwest .3 of a mile.
Mr. Estes appeared and again requested black top on Route 663 in the near future. ~ W. W.
Shields, Resident Highway Engineer, advised that money has been d~zignated for this road but that wonk
en same would have to be governed bY the master plan. He also advised that no action w~s required by
this Beard in this regard, f
Mr. C. O. Hall appeared and requested hard surface of approximately one mile of Route 648
near Keswick. Mr. Shields suggested that Mr. Hall come by his office to go over the overall plan for
hard surfacing of roads.
Mr. Creasy appeared in regard to road to Fluvanna County line from Route 618. Mr. Shields
advised that work would not be begun on this road in Albemarle Ceunty until right of ways hadAbeen ob-
tained in Fluvanna County. Mr. Harris stated that he would contac~t the Fluvanna Board to Supervisors
to determine what they are doing in this matter.
Petition was presented for improvement of Route 660, Rays Ford Road, from White's Store to
the W. W. Morris home. Mr. Shields advised that this road was included in the master plan.
Mr. J. R. Wingfield appeared before the Board and recommended a permanent Board of Assessors
rather than periodic general reassessments. He stated that he felt one man continuously on the Job
could do a better and more economical job than several appraisers every six years. He futher s~ed
that he felt the Board should comply with the Law in publishing a statement showing the receipts and
expenditures at the end of each fiscal year. The Commonwealth's Attorney advised Mr. Wingfield that
publication of such a statement was not required by law but was a policy of the Board. On motion of
Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, this latter matter was taken under advisement.
Application for automobile graveyard permit of L. S. Dabney was bruught to the attention of
th~ Board for second reading. It was the opinion of the Board that authorization for issuance of a
permit in this instance should be subject to prohibiting view of cars from the road at all times.
motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Williams, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the Director of Finance be and is hereby authorized to issue
license to Lewis S. Dabney for the operation of an automobile graveyard in
accordance with the laws of Virginia And the ordinances of Albemarle County,
said automobile graveyard to be restricted in location to that property owned
by C, J. Dabney and. situated Just off of Route 250 East near Boyds ~a~ern and
the Alb~marle-Fluvanna County line; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the foregoing authorization to operate
shall be subject to the construction an__~dmaintenance of a fence of s~fficient
height to prohibit view of all cars on this site from Route 250, traveling both
east and west.
Communication was received from the Scettsville Lions Club expressing thanks to the Board for
the ~avorable action taken in denying the application for an automobile graveyard on Route 20, south of
The following portion ef report of the Crozet Water Committee which was carried over from the
special meeting of February 6, 1956, was brought to the attention of the Board:
"We recommend that all future extensions of present water lines by sub-dividers be
handled as follows: That all expense connected with construction of water lines
and/or extensions thereof be paid by the sub-divider. That all proposed lines -
mains and extensions thereof are to be installed according to specifications ap-
proved by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors. After installation ef lines
the addition will be accepted by the Crozet Water ~ystem and upkeep thereafter will
.~be done by the Crozet Water System. All revenue from water delivered to subdivision
will be billed to the individual customers for the accoomt of the Crozet Water System."
Mr. Pence recommended that the foregoing recommendation of the Crozet Water Committee be ac-
cepted. On motion ef Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, and unanimously carried, the foregoing
recommendation was accepted and it was further ordered that subdividers in the area of Crozet be noti-
fied of said policy and that ~otices regarding same be put in with water bills.
Mr. N. M. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted Statement of Expenses of the Department of
Finance for the month of January, 1956, of which one-~ird is to be borne by the State. Upon motion,
duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved.
Mr. N. N. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's Office
for the month of January, 1956, of which two-thirds is to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly
made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved.
Mr. M. Mo Pence, Director of Finance, submitted Statement of Expenses of the Commonwealth's
Attorney's Office for the month of January, 1956, of which one-half is to be borne by the State. UpSn
motion, duly made snd seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail for the month of January,
1956, was submitted along with S~mmary Statement of Srisoner Days. On motion, duly made and seconded,
this Statement was examined, verified, and approved.
Mr. Pence advised that he was in receipt of bill from the University of Virginia Hospital in
the amount of $636.50 for a prisoner. Ehe Commonwealth's Attorney explained that the County was liable
for said bill in that the person in question was taken to the hospital for examination and re~eased.
He was then committed to jail on a 'charge of being 6runk and when taken back to the hospital at a later
date, it was learned that the prisoner had a broken neck. On mo%ion ef Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr.
Smith, rules wi~ regard to second readings were suspended, and the following resolution unanimously
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that $636.~0 be and is hereby appropriated to cover bill from the Uni-
versity Hospital for hospitalization of prisoner.
Report of the County Executive for the month of January, 1956, was presented, approved and
ordered filed.
Reports of the Department of Public Welfare for the month of January, 1956, were presented
in accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of Virginia.
Claim of the University of Virginia ~Hospital~in the amount of $1,%9%.00, of which one-half is
reimbursable by the State, for hospitalization of indigent patients, was presented and on motion of Mr.
Williams, seconded by ~r. Sutherland, was approved for payment.
Mr. Pence advised that there were several~ subdivisions being developed beyond Rutledge with
separate master plans ben'recorded by the developer in each instance. He stated that as a result, there
would be non-uniformity of streets in this area and requested authority for the Ce~uty Planning Commis-
sio~ to work with the City P~anning Commission in an effort to get an overall master plan which would
cover these several developments. On motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Smith, and ~nanimously
carried, Mr. Pence's request in this regar~ was approved.
Mr. Pence advised that he had received requisition for replacement ef uniforms in the Sheriff';
office which exceede~ the ~mexpended balance in the budget for this item by $357.01. On motion of Mr.
Williams, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, r~les with regard to second readings were s~spended and the fellow.
ing resolution ~uanimously adopted;
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board ef County Supervisors ef Albemarle County,
Virginia, that $S60.00 be and is hereby appropriated for replacement of uniforms
~n the Sheriff's Office.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. Cammann Co Duke for eno buck, two ewes
and one lamb killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by N~. Williams, Mr. Duke was allowe¢
$25.00 for the buck, $20.00 for each ewe, and $15.00 for the lamb.
Claim against the .Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. Ac F. DeNilia for three ewes killed by
dogs. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Williams, Mr. De~ilia was allowed $20.00 for each
of these ~wes.
Mr. Grayson Johnson, Game Warden, advised the Board that during Christmas week he was called
by Mr. Nelson Beck to investigate damage tea pig by 'dogs. He stated that at the time, he felt that the
pig would be alright and so advised Mr. Beck. However, he had recently been called back and found that
although the pig lived, it was damaged to the e~tent that neither of the hams would be of any value.
This matter was discussed and on motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by~ Sutherland, the claim for
damages was denied due te the fact that the policy of the Board has been to pay only when livestock is
killed by dogs.
Mr. W. R. Napier, Game Warden, advised that due to the fact that he has been using a six volt
radio in his twelve volt car, he has ruined four batteries. This matter was discussed and on motion of
Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, was taken under advisement.
On motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, and unanimously carried, an offer of
$400.OOfor the 4-H Cl~o Camp, containing eight acres, of Camp Albemarle, Inc. was accepted subject to
approval and ratification of the Court.
Mr. Pence asked if the Board wished to set a date for a meeting with the School Board regard-
lng the building program at this time. On motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Thraves, this matter
was taken~uder consideration.
Mr. Pence advised the Board that $1,600.00 was included in the current budget for excess
Clerk's fees te be paid i~to the State treasury. However, the Clerk's fees collected had exceeded the
amount estimated which would require an amount of $3,010.00 to be paid by the County, leaving an ~nap-
propriated amount ef $~0.10. On motion of Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, rules with regard
to second readings were suspended and the following resolution unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County S~pervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that $1,~lO.lO be and is hereby appropriated to cover excess Clerk's
fees to be paid into the State treasury.
Mr. Pence advised the board that an appropriation of $1,230.25 would be needed for repairs in
the Trial Justice Office which included estimates as follows: - Painting $180.00, Lighting $300.00,
Counter $375.00, and Office Equipment $375.25. On motion of MrlWilliams, seconded by Mr. Sutherland,
rules with regard to second readings were suspended and the following resolution unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that $1,230.25 be and is hereby appropriated for repairs to the Trial
Justice Office.
Claims against the County amounting to $130,150.46 were presented, examined, and allowed, and
certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds:
General Fund $ 37,706.97
School Fund 82,512.79
Dog Tax Fund 354.50
Crozet Fire District Fund 18.75
Crozet Sanitary District Fund 279.95
Joint Health Fund 4,322.67
Central Fire District Fund 10.82
Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Account __~
-Total $130,150.46
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.