HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-04-21 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virgini~
was held at the Office Building of said Country on the 2Is: Day of April, 1943.
Present: Messrs. J.~ Mo Fray, E. Jo Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Ha~ri-s-~, and
C. Purcell McCue, and Dr. L. G. ROberts.
Absent: None.
Officers present: County Executive ~and Sheriff.
Minutes of the meeting of March t7, 1943, were read a~d-approved.
Mr. R. C. Ambler, Resident Engineer of Highways, appeared-concerning the Sec~ndaryii
Highway System Budget for the year beginning July 1, 1943.
The following resolution was urmnimousty adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the-Board of~ County Supervisors
Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Budget for Secondary High-
~ays in Albemarle County, submitted to this Board by R. C.
Ambler, Resident Engineer of Highways, be and the same is here-
by approved.
Dr. L. G. Roberts reported to the Board that he-and the
a conference with General J. A. Anderson, Highway Commissioner, concerning the use of Cea-
vic: Camp No. 12 on Route 230; which had been damaged by floods last fall, and that the
committee was informed by General Anderson that the Highway Department would not move the
Camp until at least a "war road" had been constructed.
Mr. Herbert L. Johnson, Game ~arden, appeared and requested an increase in salary.
The Board ~ ~informed Mr. Johnson that the Budget for the year beginning ~Yu!y 1, 19~, had
been adopted and"it did not appear wise to make any change at this time.
The following reports were presented, examined, and ordered filed:
Board of Equalization.
2.University of Virginia Hospital.
3.Game 'Warden.
4.~irginia Forest Service.
The Budget for the Department of Public Welfare, which has been approved -by the
State Commissioner of Public Welfare, was presented and approved.
The County Executive was instructed to arrange for insurance on the ~boiter
furnishing heat for the Court House and County Building.
The following resolution was unanimously approved:
WHEREAS, it h~s been brought to the attention of this
Board that the State Board of 0orrections, in con~mCSzem$ith~the
Virginia Department of Highways, has under consideration a plan
to establish permanent camps for housing convicts, and-
WHEREAS, such a plan will provide 'labor for the pro-
duction of food-so badly needed by State Institutions during
the present National emergency, and
¥~EREAS, Camp No. 12 is ~ow located within twelve-
miles of four large State Hospitals, as well as at the junction
of Routes 250 and 230,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Super-
visors of Albemarle C~ounty, Virginia, theft. General James A.
Anderson and Major R. M. Youell be and they are- hereby requested
to give serious consideration to the relocation of a permanent
~-camp in this County.
Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a statement of the expenses of
the Department of Finance for the month of March, 1943, one,third of which to be borne by
the State, Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this statement was ~exam~ ined, verified, and
Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a statement of expenses of the
~$heriff's Office for the month of March, 1943, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this statement was examined, verified, and-approved.
Statement of ocs: of maintenance of prisoners in the County Jail for the month of
March, 1943, was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, ~this statemen~'was examine~,
verified, and approved. ~
Claims, amounting to $14.25, of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, were
p~esented, examined, and approved for payment.
A summary statement of Prisoner Days served in. the County ~Jail~ during the month
of March, 1943, was presented, examined, and approved.
Communications were received from Mr. Geo~e Gilmer, Attorney, concerning the
erroneous assessment of certain lands in Albemarle County. Upon motion, dUly made and
Seconded, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, Mr. George Gilmer~,.A~torney~-who .has been em?
p!oyed to toll&ct delinquent land taxes~ h~rehom~e~edi~$at the following
parcels of land be deleted from the County~ s Tax Rolls due ~
the fact that, in his opinion, the land is erroneously assessed:
?~ax Year~ Name~. ~ ~istrict~ ~
193& te 1943,~Inc, Willis Carter !
1923 to 1943, Inc. W. E. Carter 2 1/4
1913 te-1943, Inc. L. B. clark t
1916 to 1943, Inc. Isaac Clayton 3 1/2
1929to1943, Inc. John Carver 23
1923 to 1943, Inc~ Blanche W. Craig 13 1/10
1916 to 1943~ Inc. ~Mildred J. Burnley 10
1916 to 1943, Inc. L. D. Bowen 24
1924to~t943, Inc, Martha J~ Brown 1
1916 to '1943, Inc. M. L.~& R. L. Black
Rivanna(Col. i
~bite Hall
White Hall
1934 to 1943, Inc. Mamie E. Baber~ 1 ~3/4 Samuel.MiI!er~
1926to 1943, Inc. Harry Hall ~3~4 Charlottesville (Col.~)'
1916to' 1943, Inc. James F._Bur~l!ey~lES~16 1/2.1 Rivanna
1916 to '1943, Inc. J. J. Bowcock E~t~'~1~'~32~/i60 Rivanna
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County
Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that these paroel~?b~i
considered as erroneous assessments o~ the basis of Mr. Gilmer's
report and nO further efforts be made to collect the taxes on
~Nr~JShn S. Graves, Attorney, presented a tax receipt and a cancelled check
showing the duplicate payment 6f tax for the year 1932 on a 122 'Acre tract of land as-
sessed in the name of G. A. Hoffman in the Rivanna District. Upon motion, duly made and
seconded, it was ordered that Mr. 135~$ 0~~ ~efunded $17.11, and the County
Executive was instructed to apply to th~ Sur~$y 0ompany, which was on the Treasurer's Bond
at that time, for reimbursement for this amount of money.
The County Executive called the Board's attention to the fact_that the roof on
the Court House needed major repairs and that the Hew County Building should be painted
on the outside, upon mbt~oh, duly made and seconded, the County Executive was instructed
to have this work done.
The following communication from General J, Ac Anderson, Highway Commissioner,
concerning additions to the SecOndary Highways of this County waspresented and ordered
Commonwealth of Virginia
March 30, 1943
ALBEMARLE COUNTY: Secondary System
Albemarle Oounty Board of Supervisors,
Charlottesville, Virginia.
As recommended in resolutions of your Boa~d,.the following additions to the
Secondary System of Albemarle County are hereby approved - Effective July 1, 1943:
Extensio~ of Route 758, 1.OOMile Sou~h of
End of Present Maintenance
Length 1.OOMile
From Intersection Route 22 at Merry Mills Church
tb Intersection Route 231, OoTOMiie North of
.*:From ~ntersection .Route 613 at Mays Store, O. 50
Mile West (or) From 1.40 Mile North of Route 712
at Keen.
Length O. 50 Mile
From ECL Charlottesville on Route 250, North O.15
Mile, thence West 0.20 Mile to City Limits of
Length ~0.35 Mile ~
Yours .very sincerely,
J. A. Anderson
~J. A. Anderson, Commissioner.
Copy to Mr. C. S. Mullen (4)
FOR Mr. A. H. Bell
Mr. J. J. Forrer
Mr. R. I. Mount
Mr.A.. H. Pettigrew
A claim for 'fees in connection with Lunacy Commission held b~ the= University
Hospital for Mrs. Alice Gray of Roanoke, Virginia, was presented a~d ordered paid.
Claim of the City'.of Charlottesville, amounting~to $5.66, for taxes on certain
property in the name of the Oak Lawn Corporation for"'the year 1941, which land had been
annexed to the City of Charlottesville in 1939~~' was approved for payment.
The County Executive recommended the appointment of Mrs. Dorothy Brit$on
as an employee of the Department of Finance, ~ffective April 15., 1943, at $~5~00 a month.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the CoU~ty~e~utive's recommendation was
Claims against ~the C~unty amounting to $39,610.5~ were presented,~examined and
allowed and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against
the following funds:
General Fund
School Fand
Dog Tax F~nd
Dog Tax Credit ~ccount
Crozet Fire District
National Defense Training Fand
W. H. District
$ 10,042.13
Commonwealth of Va. Current Credit Acct. 758.24 $ 39,610. ~8
Upon motion the.meettng adjourned.