HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-10-20General Fund School Fund School Debt Fund National Defense Training Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet Fire District Fund Road Debt F~nds: Ivy District Rivanna District Samuel Miller District Whit~ Hall Commonwealth of Va. Current Credit Account Upon motion the meeting was.adjourned. $ 58,728.90 25,872'.25 66,844,02 671.84 4O4.30 98.28 225.00 625.OO 1,!73.02 400.00 $155~127.52 ,Chairman A regular meeting of the Board of Co~mty Supervisors of &lbemar!e County, Virginia~ was held at the Office Building of said County on the 20th~ay of October, 1943. Present: Messrs. E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell EcCue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts. Absent: ~r. J. ~. Fray. Officers present: County Executive and Sheriff. Mr. R. C. Ambler, Resident Engineer of the Department of Highways, c~lled the Board's attention to the fact that several changes would be necessary in the Secondary System of Highways in this County due to relocation and construction on Route 6. Upon motion, duly. made and seconded, the following resolution was omanimously adopted: WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of the Board of County Supervisors that certain changes in the Secondary System of Highways in this County will be necessary due to re- location and construction oh Route 6, NOM, TH~REFORE, BE IT P~SOLVED by the Board of County' Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Virginia State Highway Co~mission be, and is hereby requested, to make the following changes in the Secondary System of this County as shown on map prepared by the Department of Highways, Division of Location and Design, dated October 9, 1943, Project No. 680-HB7: (1) Abandon Sections i, 2-C, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and ll. (2) Revert from Primary to Secondary System Sections 2 and 12. (3) Add to the Secondary System Sections I-A, 2-A, 2-B, and 9-A. Mr. Robert Thraves appeared and requested the Board to ammend the emergency ordin~ce which prohibits dogs from running at l~nge so as to permit dogs which had been vaccinated to run at !~r~ge. A copy of a resolution adopted by the Albemarle ~ounty Medica~ Society suggesting certain regulations to be put into effect during the present emergency on account of hydrophobia was presented. Dr. T. S. Englar, County Health Officer, appeared and recommended that the ordinance which was adopted on September 7, 1943 be re-enacted and made effective up to and including November 19, 1943. The following ordinance was offered by Dr. Roberts and seconded by ~r. Purcell McCue: BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County. Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, as follows, to-wit: It shall be unlawful to permit the running at Ia~ge within the boundaries of Albemarle County', Virginia, of any dog, and all persons owning,'having control of or harboring any dog or dogs with- in the County of Albemarle, Virginia, shall be, and are hereby required to keep the same confined to their premis~s~ so as not to come in contact with any person or animal, unless said dog or dogs be in the custody of the owner or his agent and fastened to a leash. it shall be unlawful and constitute a misdemeanor for any per- son to violate or permit the violation of the provisions of this ordi- nance and every person convicted of a v~olation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of no~ less than $10.00, nor more than $300.00, by imorisonment in Jail for not less than one, nor more than thirty d~ys, or by both such fine and imprisonment. BE IT FURTH~ ~INED, that an emergency~exists, and this ordinance is hereby made effective immediately, to-wit: On October 22, 1943, and shall remain in effect up to and including November 19, 1943, unless sooner repealed by the Board. Mr. R. C. Ambler, Resident Engineer of Highways, sdbmitted a revised budget for the year beginning July l, 19~3 for the Secondary System of Highways. The following resolution, offered by Nr. E. J. Ballard and seconded by ~r. H. Ashby Harris, was ~ananimously adopted: ~HEREAS, ~r. R. C. Ambler, Resident Engineer of Highways for this county has presented a Second~ry Highways Budget for the year be- ginning July l, 1943, NON, THEEEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Co~unty Super~ visors of Albemarle County, Virginia~ that the budget presented by the Resident Engineer be, and the same is hereby approved. Mr. R. C. Ambler presented a copy of his report showing work accomplished by the Secondary System of Highways during the year which ended June 30, 19A3, which report was examined and ordered filed. Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a statement of expenses of the Department of Finance for the month of Seotember, 1943, one-third of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this statement was examined, verified, and approved° ~r. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a statement of expenses of the Sheriff's Offence for the month o¢ September, 19A3, tw~-thirds of which to be home by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this statement was examined, verified, and approved. Statement of the Cos~ of Naintenance of Prisoners in the County Jail for the month of September, 1943, was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this state- ment was examined, verified, and approved. A Summary Statement of Prisoner Days served in the County Jail during the month o~ September, 19~3, was presented, examined, and a.pproved. A claim, amounting to $0.75 of Dr. Richard T. E~gen~right, Jail Physician, was presented, examined, and approved for pa~m~ent. The following reports were presented and ordered filed: a. Board of Equalization. b. County Executive. c. University of Virginia Hospital. d. Game Warden. A proposed contract for the keep of Federal Prisoners was presented. The County Executive was authorized to advise the United States ~arshal of Roanoke that the Board would be willing to enter in a contract at the rate of $1.00 per day since the cost of maintaining the prisoners in jail amounted to approximately~l. O0 a day and the Board did not feel that it should accept the prisoners for less than the cost of maintenance. A statement from the Deoart~ent of Highways showing the allocation of funds for the year beginning July l, 194~ to ~the Primary System was oresented and ordered filed. Communications were received from Mr. George Gilmer, Attorney, concerning the erroneous assessment of cert&in lands in Albemarle County. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: ~fHERF~iS, Mr. George Gilmer, Attorney, who has been ployed to collect delinquent-land taxes, has recommended that the followi~g pa~.ce!s 9f land be deleted from the Co~unty's Tax Rolls.. due"to ~hS" f~ct that in his opinion the land is erroneousl~~' ~'. assessed: Tax Year Name AcreaEe D~strict ~ Scottsville 1931-1943 James H. Ricks 1923-1943 J.C. Rsberts 25 Scottsvil!e NOW, THK~EFORE, BE iT RESOL'~ED by the Board of County Supervisors bf Albemarle County, Virginia, that these parcels be considered as erroneous assessments on the basis of Mr. Gilmer's report and no further efforts be made to collect the taxes on same. Replies from Rr. John R. Hutcheson, Director of the Extension Department in Blacksburg, Senator Harry F. Byrd, Governor Darden, and Dr. Dabney S. Lancaster, Super- intendent of Public Instruction, concerning the conditions referred ~o in a resolution adopted by this Board at a meeting held on September 15, 1943 were presented. The County Executive was directed to reply to these letters and ooint out the duplication of effort % which the Boaf~ had in mind at the time the resolutioh'was ~dopted. Report on the audit of the accounts and records of the County of Albemarle for the year ending June 30, 1943, prepared by T. Coleman Andrews and Company, was presented and ordered fmled.~ A communication from ~r. S. ~. Gibson, Secretary of the Committee of Annefation of the League of Virginia Counties, suggesting that the County make an~-~.appropriation to assist with the work of the Committee,was presented. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, an appropriation of $200.00 was made as a contribution to the Leagge of Virginia Counties, such sum to be used by the Annexation Committee in connection with its work, by the follow- ing recorded vote: Ayes: ~r. E. ~. Batlard, ~r. P. H Gentry, ~r. ~.. Ashby Harris, ~r C. Purcell McCue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts. Noes: No~e. ~or contribution to the Local Nar and Community Chest A request was presented ~ Fund. Following a full discussion of this matter, the County Executive was authorized to subscribe ~1,200.00 to this fund provided the goal was not reached, and an appropriation of this amount was made by the following recorded vote: AEes: Mr. E. J. Ballard, Mr. P. H. Gentry, ~r. H. Ashby Harris, ~r. C. Purcell NcCue, and ~r. B. G. Roberts. Noes~ None. The Board's attention was called to the fact that the County owned no facilities for housing dogs which were taken up by the officers. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the matter of a County Dog poUnd and an additional game warden was referred to the County Executive with power to act. The following resolution offered by Nr. C. Purcell HcC6e and Seconded by ~ro H. Ashby Harris, was ~nanimously adopted: WHEREAS, it ha~ been brought to the attention of this Board that the securities whi6h the Peoples National Bank has deposited in Escrow to protect the Co'~uty's deoosits in said Bank are not sufficient to cover the normal deposits of the County at this season of the year, and WHEREAS~ the Peoples National Bank has submitted a list of se- curities from which this Board may select a~ditiona! securities vo be posited, NOW, THEREFOP~, BE IT ~[F~OLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,~ Virginia, ~hat the Peoples National Bank of Charlottes- ville be permitted to deposit in Escrow with the National Bank andTrust Company of Charlottesville, the following securities to protect the County's deposits in the Peoples National Bank: 6'000 aalax, Va. 20,000 Galax, Va. 7,000 Princess Anne Co. 7,000 Princess Anne Co. 7,000 Radford, Va. 12,000 Suffolk, Va. 9.O00 Va. Beach l&,O00 Va. Beach 75,000 Washington Co. Va. Claims against the County amounting to Water Supply Perm. Street Impr. Kempsville Mag. Dist. Kempsville Eag. Bist. ~unicipal Imp. Refunding Water Works Gen. Imp. Sanitary Dist. #1 6% Bonds due ~/1/52 6% Bonds due i1/1/53 2~-% ~onds due ~% ~onds due 3/15/~ ~-%~onds due ~/1/5~ 1.70% Bonds due 3er.47/56 6% Bonds due 7/i/5A 6% Bonds due ~/1/55 ~% Bona~ due ?/1/59/~?. $41,127.25 were presented, examined~ and allowed and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for pa~ent and charged against the following funds: General Fund School ~k~nd Crozet Fire District Fund Dog Tax Fund ~hite Hall District Road Debt Fund lfcInti~e Trust Fund Deferred Pebits and Credits Cash In Hands of Home Economics Teachers Dog Tax Credit Account 9,010.59 25,347~00 6~00 228.95 400.00 16.34 15.24 250.00 38.96 Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Account_~5~_~ $ 41,!27~25 Upon motion the meeting was adjourned~ Chairman A regular meetin~ of the Board of County Supervisors of ARbemarle County~ Virginia~ was held at the Office B~_ld~ng o~ said County on the iTth day of November~ 1943~ Present: Messrs. E. J. Bal~ard, P. H. Gentry~ ~d~H~s~by~Earris~ ~md~r~L~ G. Absent: ~r. J. ~. Fray and Mr. C. Purcell ~cCue. Office~s present: County Executive and Sheriff. Minutes of the meeting of October 20, 19A3 were read and approved. A co~aunication from Dr. George M. Lawson, Chairman of the Committee of the Albemarle Nedica! Society on Rabies, suggesting that the Ordinance requiring dogs to be con~? fined b~ continued since the emergency continued to exist, was presented. A petition signed by a group of citizens requesting that dogs be permitted to run at large after being vaccinated was presented. Following a complete discussion of both Dr. Lawson's letter and the petition, the following ordinance was unanimously adopted: BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, as follows, to-wit: The owners of all dogs in Albemarle County shall keep the same confined in their premises unless muzzled in such manner that persons or animals will not be subject to the danger of be- ing bitten thereby. It shall be unlawful and shall constitute a misdemeanor for any person to violate or oermit the violation of the pro- visions of this ordin~ce and every person convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not less than ~10.00, nor more than ~300.00, or by im- prisonment in jail for not less than one, nor more than thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. BE IT FU~THE~ ORDAINED, that an emergency exists~ and this ordinance is hereby made effective i~ediate!y, to-wit: On November 17, 19A3, and shall remain in effect until December A, 1943, unless sooner repealed. Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a statement of ~xpense~ of the Department of Fin~n~ce for the month of October, 1943, one-third of which to be borne by the State. Upon movion~ duly made and seconded, this statement was examined, verified, and a~roved~