HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-11-176~000 Galax, Va.
20,000 Galax, Va.
7,000 Princess Anne Co.
7,000 Princess Anne Co.
7,000 Radford, Va.
12,000 Suffolk, Va.
9.000 Va. Beach
IA, O00 Va. Beach
75,000 Washington Co. ~a.
Claims against the County amountin~ to
Water Supply
Perm. Street Impr.
Kempsvili~ Mag.-Dist.
Kempsville Mag. Bist.
Municipal Imp.
Water Works
Gen. Imp.
Sanitary Disto #1
6% Bonds due S/l/Se
6% Bonds due 1i/1/53
onds due
2-~-% Bonds due 3/15/48
%~-%Bonds due 1/1/52
1.70% Bonds due Ser.47/56
6%Bonds due 7/1/5A
6% Bonds due 4/1/55
a% onds d=e
$A1,127.25 were presented, examined, and
allowed and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for pa~menv and charged against
the following funds:
General Fund
School Fund
Crozet Fire District Fund
Dog Ta× Fund
White Hall District Road Debt Fund
EcInti~e Trust Fund
Deferred ~ebits and Credits
Cash In Hands of Home Economics Teachers
Dog Tax Credit Account
228.9 5
25O. O0
Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Accoun~
$ 41,127~25
Upon motion the meeting was adjourned.
A regular meetin~ of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia~.
was held at the Office Building of said County on the 17th day of NoYember~ 19/+3.
Present: Messrs. E. ~*. Ba!lard~ P. H. Gentry, ~d/'H?~shbyr~Earrim,. ~d?Br?~'L~.~'- G.
Absent:' 'Mr. J. ~.. Fray and ~¢Ir. C. Purcell ?,[cCue.
Officers present: Couhty Executive and Sheriff.
Minutes of the meeting of October 20, !9A3 were read and approved.
A communication from Dr. George ~. Lawson, Chairman of the Committee of the
Albemarle Medical Society on Rabies, suggesting that the Ordinance requiring dogs to be con-~
fined bD continued since the emergency continued to exist, was presented.
A petition signed by a group of citizens requesting that dogs be permitted to
run at large after being vaccinated was presented.
Following a complete discussion of both Dr. Lawson's letter and the oetition, the
following ordinance was unanimously adopted:
BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, as follows, to-wit:
The owners of all dogs in Albemarle County shall keep
the same confined in their premises unless muzzled in such manner
that persons or animals will not be subject ~o the danger of be-
ing bitten thereby.
It shall be unlawful and shall constitute a misdemeanor
for any person to violate or oermit the violation of the crc-
visions of this ordinance and every person convicted of a violation
of any of the orovisions of this ordinance shall be punished by a
fine of not less than ~!0.00, nor more than ~300.00, or by im-
prisonment in jail for not less than one, nor more than thirvy days,
or by both such fine and imprisonmenv.
BE IT FUiITHER ORDAINED, that an emergency e×ists~ and
this ordinance is hereby made effective immediately~ to-wit: On
November 17, 19A3, and shall remain in effect until December 4,
!9g3~ unless sooner repealed.
Mr. H. Ac Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a statement of Expenses of the
Department of Fina~ce for the month of October, 1943, one-third of which ~o be borne by
the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this st~atement was examined, verified, and
~Ir. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a statement of expenses of the
Sheriff's Office for the month of October, !9L3, two-thirds of which to be borne by the
i ~tate. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this statement was examined, verified~ and
~tat~ment of the Cost of Maintenance of Prisoners confined in the County Jail for
the month of October, 1943, was submitted. Upon motion~ duly made and seconded~ this state~
ment was examine~ verified, and approved.
A ~ummary Statement of Prisoner Days served in the ~ ~-
uount~. Jail during the month
of October, -]-943, was presented, examined, and approved.
A claim, ~[mounting to ~!.50 of Dr. Richard To Ergenbright, Jail Physician~ was
presented, examined~ and approved for pa~mtent.
The following reports were presented and ordered filed:
a. County Executive.
b. District Home Board.
c. University of Virginia Hospital.
d. Board of Equalization.
~. Game Warden.
Mrs. Lillian Eo Pugh submitted a receipt showing the payment of 1930 taxes. Upon
o~ given credit for the amount
motion, duly made and seconded, it was 9rde~that Mrs. Pugh ~
of the receipt and claim for the same amount be filed with the Bonding Company.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virg£nia~ that ~r. P. H. Gentry be, and is here-
by, authorized and directed to sigh County checks during the
a~sence of the Chairman, Mr. J. ~. Fray.
Upon motion~ duly madeand seconded, the following resolution was unanimously
BE IT i~SOLVED, by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that ~250.00 be, and the smme is
hereby appropriated, to assist in providing the salary for an
additional Game ~:~'arden in Albemarle County°
Dr. L. G. Roberts requested that he be recorded as opposed to a ~lan of the
emplo~ent of this ~erson by funds provided by three governments.
It was brought to the attention of the Board that additional Welfare Funds would
be necessary for General Relief purposes. Upon 'motion, duly made and seconded, an ap-
propriation of ~!~000.O0 was made by the following recorded vote: Ayes: ~dessrs. E. J.
Bailar~, P. H. Gentry~ and H. Ashby Harris~ and Dr~ L. G~ [~oberts~ Noes: None.
The County Executive re~orted that he had followed instructions and filed claims
with the Bonding Company for certain tax receipts which had been presented, but that he
was unable to get any settlement with the Bonding Company. Upon motion, duly made and
seconded, the Commonwealth's Attorney was requested to bring suit against the Bonding
Company for settlement of these things.
It was brought to the attention of the Board that through an error the payment
to the University of Virginia Hospital for the last fiscal year was not made. Upon motion,
duly made and seconded, an appropriation of ~t,500.00 was made by the ~o~lo,~,zng recorded
yore: Ayes: Messrso E. J. Bailard, P... H. Gentry, and H. Ashby Harris~ and Dr~ L. G~
Roberts. Noes: None.
Request was received from the ~Schoo! Board for an ammendment to the Budget to
provide funds for the purchase of a school bus. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, an
appropriation of ~3,000.00 was made from the Surplus Shho~! Fund by the following recorded
vo~. Ayes: ~essr-s. E. J. Ba_.mard, P. H. Gentry, and Ho Ashby Harris, and Dr L.T.
Claims against the County amounting to ~55,494.25 were presented, examined~ and
allowed and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for pa~t~.ent and charged against
the following funds:
General Fund
School Fund
School Debt F~nd
Crozet Fire District Fund
Dog Tax Fund
Rivanna District Road Debt Fund
Samuel Miller District Road Debt Fund
Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Account
Upon motion the meeting was adjo~rned.
DEC~IBER 4~ 1943
Pursuant to the following call and waiver of notice, a special meeting of the
Board of Cou~nty Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, WaS held on this day ~ith the
following members present: ~Iessrs. E. J. Baltard, P. H. Gentry~ H. Ashby Harris~ and C.
Purc~!l ~cCue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts:
We the undersigned, members of the Board of County
Supervisors of Albemarle County, do hereby call a special meet-
ing of said Board to be held in the Board of Supervisor's Room
of the County Office Building, Charlottes%~i!!e, ¥ir~inia on
Saturday~ December 4th, 1943 at 10 O'Clock A.M.~ for the purpose
of considering an ordinance or regulation to orevent the svread
of rabies in said County, .and we hereby waive any and all re-
quiremenzs of law pertaining to the novice of said meeting.
(Si ned}
E. J. Ba!lard
H~ Ashbl~ Harris
C. Purcell McCue
L. G. Roberts
Dr~ To S. Eng!ar reported that there had been a case of canine rabies in the
County within the last week and recommended very strongly that the ordinance prohibiting
dogs from running at large be re-enacted for a period of forty-five days.
A n~&mber of dog owners were ~oresent and urged the Board to include in the ordinance
a provision whereby dogs might be permitted to run at large upon being vaccinated.
Following a complete discussion of the matter, the following ord{nance was
oresented and adopted by the following recorded vote. Ayes: l{essrs. P. H. Gentry, E. J.
Ba!!ard~ H. Ashby Harris~ and C. Purcell McCue. Noes: Dr. L. G. Roberts:
BE IT O!{DAINED, by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, as follows, to-wit:
The owners of all dogs in Albemarle County shall keep
the same confined in their premises unless muzzled in such manner
that persons or animals will noz be subject to'the d~nger of being
bitten thereby~ provided that the foregoing prohibition shall not
ap~!y to dogs which have been innoculated or vaccinated in ac~
cordance with regulations approved by the County Health Board.
It shall be unlawful and shall constitute a misdemeanor
for any person to violate or permit the violation of the provisions
of' this ordinance and every ?erson convicted of a violation of any
of the provisions of this ordinance shall be ~unished by a fine o~
nov less than ~!0.00, nor more than ~300.00, or by imprisonment in
Jail for not less than one, nor more than thirty day~, or by both
such fine and imprisonment.