HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-12-15 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED~ that an emergency exists~ and
this ordinance is ~hereby mad~ e~feotive immediately~ t'o-wit: On
December 4~ 19~,3~ and shall remain in effect for forty-five days.
Upon motion the meeting w~s a~journedo
A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, ~irginia
was held at the Office Building of said County on the 15th .day of December, t943~
Present: Messrs. E.~J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, C. Purcell McCue,
and W. W. Wood, and Dr. L. G. Roberts.
Absent: None.
Officers present: County Executive, Sheriff, and CommOnwealth's Attorney.
Minutes of the meetings of November.17, 1943 and Necember 4, 1943 were read and
1~ E. J. Ballard nominated Mr. P. H. Gentry as Chaiman to fill t~e-m~expi~ed
term of Mr. J. M. Fray. There being no further nominations, Mr. Gentry was-unanimously
The following copy of an order of the Circuit Court of Appeals of th~ County
was ordered spread in the minutes ef the Board:
Present: Hom. Lemuel F. Smith, Judge
It appearing to the c6~irt that there is a vacancy
upon the Board of County SuperVisors of this county occasioned
by the recent death of J. M. Fray~ the Court doth hereby
designate and appoint W. WARREN WOOD as a member of ~he Board
oF C~untySupervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, to fill
the~unexpired~ter~ of bffice of said J. M. Fray, deceased,
ending December ~lst. 1943.
Lemuel F. Smith, Judge,
A copy
/s/ Eva W. Maupin, Clerk
A group of citizens appeared and requested that, if possible, Albemarle County
be made to provide canine vaccine at a minimum Of cost to dog owners. Following acomplete
discussion of the matter,' the County Execu~ive was instructed to obtain the cost and report
A Summary Statement of P~isoner Days served in the County Jail during the month
of November, 1943, was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this statement was
examined, verified, and approved.
Statement of the Cost of Maintenance of Prisoners confined in the County Jail for
the month of November, 1943, was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and second~, this
statement was examined, verified, and approved.
Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a statement of Expenses of the
Department of Finance for the month of November, 1943, one-tht~d-of which to be borne by
the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this statement was examined, verified, and
Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a statement of Expenses of the
Sheriff's Office for the month~o~November, 1943, two-thirds of which to be borne by the
State. Upon motion, dulymade and seconded, this statement was eXamined, verified, and
The Following reports were presented and ordered filed:
~a,) County ExeCUtive.
(b.) University of Virginia Hospital.
(c.) BOard of Equalization.
(d.) Game Warden.
The Board's attention was called to the fact that the Auditor in his report on
Audit for the year ending June SOd 1943, stated on Page 6 of his report that the Bond-of
the Nirector of Finance was not sufficient based on themoney handled during the last
fiscal year. ~ .......
Upon motion, duly m~de and seconded, it was ordered that the Director of Finance
furnish a Bond in the amount of $150,OOO. OO.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously
WHEREAS, the N~ti~aI B~hk~-Ahd'~T~ust C0mpany'has re-J
quested permission to t~e do~-~e~taih securities whichit-has
deposited with the people~Nati~AI'BA~k'bf CharlOttesville in
EscroW~to protect the Count~'~'~-d~ssit~in the"NAtional"Bank
and Trust Company~andhas~fu~!~h~d a~ list of~seCurities-'~wHich
it i~ willing to deposit in~lieuof those which it has requested
to. take down, .~
NOW, THEPJ~FORE, BE ITRESOLVED~ by the Board of County
Supervisors of Albemarle, Virginia, that~the National Bank and
Trust Company be permitted to take down the~ollowing securitieS:
$ 5,000.00 U. S. Treasury 1 1/8%~of 12/15/43
50,000.00 U. S. Treasury 3s of 6/15/48
9,000,00 U. S. T~easury ~ 1/4% of 6/15/56
76,000.00 Federal Farm Mortgage Corp. 3s of 5/15/49-44
7,000.00 Reconstruction Finance Dorp. Is of"4/15/44
26,000.00 University of Virginia -3 3/4s due serially.
And deposit with the Peoples National Bank the following securities:
$200,000.00 U. S. Treasury~ 2~ of 9/15/53-51.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following resolution was ana~imously
WHEREAS, John M.~Fray has since January~lst, 1908~ faith--
fully and generously served the peop!e'of'Albemarle County as a
member of the Board of County S~perviSors, having served as
Chairman of said Board since January 1st, 1924; and
WHEREAS, his de&th~'bn-D~C~ber 7th, 1943~ has deprived
this County of one who both in ~bltc end'private life was endowed
with untiring energy, sound jUdgment and other rare attainments,
the unselfish exercise of which~kas contributed largelyto the
general welfare of the people of Albemarle County:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE ITRESOLVED, that the Board of County
Supervisors for Albemarle Cou~t~'~BliCly expresses itsRapprecia-
tion of the excellect public Service which John M. Fray has
rendered the people of Albem~l~ ~As a member0f this Board and
officially pays tribute and respect to his life, memory and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the members of this Board
extend sympathy to his Widow and the members of his family in
their bereavement.
BE IT FURTHEH RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution he
spread upon the records of this body ~ a part of the Minutes of
this Meeting; that W. N. Wood, member of this Board from the
Rivanna DistriCt, H. A. Haden, County Executive, and E. V. Walker,
Commonwealth's Attorney, be delsgated to present a copy of these
Resolutions to the family of John Mo Fray; that a picture or
portrait of John M. Fray be permanently placed and exhibited upon
the walls of the Board of county Supervisors' Room in ~e County
Office Building; and that a copy of these Resolutions be published
in theDai!yProgress.
Communications were received from Mr. C. H. Shapleigh concerning erroneou~
assessments of certain lands in Albemarle County. Upon motion, duly made and seconded,
the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, Mr. C. H. Shapleigh, who has been employed to make
a tax map of Albemarle County, which map will show the location of
each tract of land in the County, has recommended that the following
parcels of land be deleted from the County's Tax Rolls due to the
fact, that in his opinion, the land is erroneously assessed:
~.Qhn ~A. Edwards
Nillard E. Johnson
Delos B. Kidder
George A. Sinclair
Sarah 6. Snow.~
Mary B. Fleming, Est.
David DawSon
Mary DAwson
Dabney Douglas
Dabney DouglaS
Melvina Givens
Jefferson Kemper ~
Joe Magruder
· 51
2. O0
Charlottesville (Colored)
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Super-
visors of Albemari~ ~county,"-virg~nia~that these parcels of land be
considered aS'er~0n~8~S~a~SeS~m~nt~ o~ the baSis of Mr. Shapleigh's
report, and no further effortsbe made ~o collect the taxes on same.
The~ Board's attention was called to the fact that William Tyree had paid taxes
on land in the Rivanna District which had been previously paid due to a duplication of
assessment on. the~lan~bo~k~.~or the years 1926 and 1927. Upon motion, duly .made and
seconded, it ~as ordered that $35,48'be refunded to James Tyree, the heir of William
Tyree who made the duplicate payment.
~1 c~mmunicati~n~fr°m~phe cri~p~e~.~gh~ldren'~s' Hospital in Richmond, requesting
a contribution to that ~tutic~, was presented. Upon motion, duly made and ~econded, the
County Executive was instructedto advise'thisin~tit~0n that since there was a similar
institution in our community, the Board.felt it proper to make its contribution to the
local i~stit~tien.
A communication was presented from General J. A. Anderson, State Highway
Commissioner, requesting the Board to give consideration to the abandonment of certain
secondary roads in the County which were of little use.
Upon motion duly made and .seconded, the following resolution was unanimously
BElT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Supervisors
of Albemarle Coun%y,'Virginia, that the Chairm~n of this Board
be, and is hereby, authorized and directed to execute contract
with the proper Federal Authorities fouthe keep of Federal~
prisoners in the County Jail at the rate of $1.00 per day.
Communication from the Executive Director of the Game Commission reques%inE the
Board to recommend that certain sections of the road leading to the Albemarle Lake be
taken into the Secondary System.
1944Road Meeting.
Action on this request was deferred until the regular
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously
WHEREAS, theDirector of Finance has submitted to this
Board the t?m~ delinquent list provided by Section 387 of the Tax
Code of. Virginia for the year 1941, and
~tEREAS, it is the sense of this Board that the Director
of Finance to collect taxes shown on the list of delinquent
personal property for the year 1941,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE I~ RESOLVED, by the Board of County
Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Director of
Finance be, and is hereby, authorized to collect delinquent taxes
as provided by Part 3 of Section 387 of the Tax Code of Virginia.
The Board's attention was called to the fact that the present rate of pay of
persons employed to secure returns of tangible personal property was inadequate under the
pr~se~ cost of living. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that persons
employed to secure tax returns for 1944 should be paid at the rate of $0.80 per hour, in-
cluding the transportation.
The County Executive recommended that the salary of Harry Stahl, employed by
the mapping project, be fixed at $125.OO per month. Upon motion, duly made and seconded,
The County Executive recommended that threa additional persons be employed to
assist the Deputy Sheriffs in'enforcing the ordinance requiring dog owners to be confined.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, three special officers were 0~dered employed tem-
porarily to assist the Sheriff and his Deputies in enforcing the ordinance requiring that
dogs be confined which was adopted on December 4th, and their rate of pay was 'fixed at $5.00
a day and $0.05 a mile for transportation.
Dr. T. S. Englar, Hea~th officer, rePor~ted tha_t ~h_e county Board of Health had
fiXed regulations for vaccinating dogs for rabies. These regu~&tions areas follows:
"That owners of dogs desiring tb ~st~ct their animals
~Eainst rabies immUnize them 6h secdre their immuni~
marion by the admi~iStrati0n '6f at~ least three fUll
doses of canine rabies vaccin& ~repared.~by a Federally
licensed establishment, The first dbse is to consist
of not less than 2 cc., th~ SecOnd"of not less than ~
- cc., and the third of not less than 5 cc. of vaccine.
That these injections be given at ~intervals of not less
than on week."
The question of the purchase of additional land adjoining the McIntire School
property was discussed and a committee consisting of~ the Chairman of the Board and the
County Executive was instructed to confer with the owner of this property and report back
at the January 1st meeting.
Claims against the Co~unt~mg~ing t? $58,O35.6~ were-presented, examtned~ and
allowed and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment~and charged against
the following funds:
General Fund
School ~nd
Crozet Fire District.Fund
Dog Tax Fund
SchoOl Debt FU~d ....
National D~fense~TrainingFund
McInti~re Trust'Fund
All funds - De~erred Debits a~d Credits
Road Debt Fund~
Charlottesville District
Ivy District ~'
Rivanna Dis~ic%~ ~
Samuel Mi!let-District
Scottsvi!Ie Di~i6t
White Hall District
Upon motion the meeting adjourned.
$ t5,~63.04
4,~ 350~.~ O0