HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-01-01January t~ 1944
The Board met in special session on this date for the purpose of orgamizatien.
There were present the fotlowing~ Mr. E. 'J. Ballard, Mr.T.-E. Bruce,~ Mr. P. H.
Mr.. O. Purcell McCue, and Mr. W. W.-Wood, '.and Dr. L. G. Roberts.
Officers present:- County Executive, Commonwea!th~s Attorney, and Sheriff.
The following certific~te~of Mrs. Eva W. Maupin, Clerk of the Circuit Court,
showing that all members had be~n qualified according to law-was presented:
18th, 1943,
BALLARD, T,E,BRUCE-AND'mW.~WAP~N WOOD, who were on the 2nd. day-of
November 1943, d~Y~ electedasmembers of the Board of County Super-
visors of. ths-Csn~"sfAlbemarle, Virginia, from the several'~magis-
terial~dist~ictS"b~Sreof,-for the tel~mof Office of four years com-
mencing on'the firSt'day of ~January 1944,'on'this the 18th. day of De-
cember 1943, aPPear6d in-the Clerk's Office of the CircUit'court Of
Albemarle County,'Ahd'~'~ith bhe Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland,
a corporation ch~rtere~ under the laws of the'State of Maryland~their
safety, entsred i~~ h~d a¢t~owledged a bond severally in the penalty
of One:ThOu's~nd"DSll~ ($1,000.00)conditionedand payable according
to law, the ~id S~rety ACting byW; A. Rinehart., its thereunto duly
authorized agent'-afid~tto~ney in fact, who executed said bond on'behal£
of said corp~rabi6n by signing 'thereto its corporate name and affixing
thereto, its corporate seal-and who duly acknowledged the same.
........... And ~her~Upon the s~id Supervisors took and sub-
scribed th~"~tH~'~f~Offi~ p~sscribed by law as members of the Board of
County SuPervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia.
Eva. W. Maupin, Clerk.
A copy
Eva. W. Mau~i~, Clerk
Mr. Balls~d nominated Mr. P. H. Gentry as Chairman, which nomination was seconded
by Mr. McCue. Mr. BrUce nominatedDr. L. G. Roberts as~Chairman, Which nomination .... was
seconded by Mr. Wood. Mr. Brucecat~ for the vote on the nominations and declared Dr. L. G.
Roberts elected Chairman of the Board.
Mr. McCue nominated Miss June E, Thomas as Clerk of the Board, which nomination
was seconded by Mr. Gentry. There being no further nominations, Miss Thomas was unanimously
Mr. Bruce nominated Mr. H. A.~Haden as County Executive and Director of Finance,
which nomination was seconded by Mr. Gentry, There being no further nominations, Mr. H. A.
Haden was unanimously elected.
The County Executive recommended the appointment of the following Department
heads and Assiwtants:
Junia E. Graves - Superintendent of Public Welfare.
Dr. T. S. Englar - Health Officer.
Mr. T. O. Scott - Cbunty Agent.
Mr. HenryM. Brumback - Assistant County Agent.
C. G. Greer -Negro Agricultural Agent.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the above persons were appointed to the
positions indicated.
Dr. Roberts announced the appointment of the following members of the Finance
Mr. C~ Purcell McCue
Mr..Pi H~ Gentry
Mr. W. Warren Nood
Upon motion, duly mad~e an~ seconded, it~was ordered that the other present County
Employees be'continued at the~same salaries now existing.
Uponmotion by Mr. Gentry, seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. H. A. Haden was appointed
to represent the County 'on the District Home Board.
The County Executive recommended ~r. ~Hugh F. Simms-~to perform the duties of a
gounty Surveyor. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, Mr. Simms was appointed.
The following~citizens were appointed Scho61 Trustees: C. CammannDuke, B. C.
Baker, R. O. Hall,~. E. Turner, C. R. Dorrier, and Henry Chiles.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, Mr. H. A. Haden was appointed to represent
this County on the Joint Board of Health.
Upon motion by Mr. McCue, Mr. Henry Chiles was appointed Fire Commissioner to
succeed the late J. W. Montague for the Crozet Fire ~District.
The Committee appointed at the December meeting to meet with Mr. E. D. Hundley,Jr.
concerning the purchase of fourteen lots adjacent to.theMcIntire School property, recom-
mended that the lots be purchased.at'the ~rice of $7,500..00.
~ Upon m~tton, duly made and seconded, thankful!owing re~0!utlon was adopted by the
following recorded vote: Ayes: Messre. E. J. Ballan$ T. E. Bruce, P. H. Gentry, C. Purcell
McOu~and W. Warren Wood, and Dr. L. G. Roberts. Noes: None.
BEIT RESOLVED, by the ~oa~d of County Supe~isors of
Albemarle County Virg'nia, that ~7,500.00 be and the same is here-
by appropriated to~overthe~purchase price-of fourteen lots to
be purchased adjacent to NcIntire School.
Mr. J. R. Morris appeared and requested an appropriation to assist in the purchaze~
of equipment needed by the University of Virginia Evacuation Hospital Unit n°w located in
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, an~.appropriation of $250.00 was made by the
following recorded vote: Ayes:
Messrs. E. J. Ballard, T. E. Bruce, P~ H. Gentry, C. Pur-
cel~ McCue, N. Warren Wood, and Dr. L. G. Roberts. Noes: None.
It was brought to the attention of the BOard that it would be of great assistance
to the Fire Company located in the Co~u~ty if it were made unlawful for people to interfere
with firemen in the fighting of fires. The matter was ~eferred to the Commonwealth's
Attorney with the request that he investigate as to the authority of this Board in such
matters and report back at the next meeting.
The matter of investment of funds was brought to the attention of the Board and
upon motion by Mr. Bruce, duly seconded, the Finance COmmittee was dirested to invest
$50,000.00 in ~% Treasury Bonds of 1956-1959.
Dr. Roberts submitte~ his r~esignati0n from the Board of Public Welfare. Upon
motion, duly made and seconded, ......... the Board refused to accept Dr. Roberts' resignation.
Upon motion the meeting adjourned.
~.~. ~~ i Chairman