HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-01-19 A~J~'r~gular meeting of t~e Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,l
was held at the Office Building of said County on the 19th day of January, 19~4.
Present: Messrs. E. J. Ballard, T. E. Bruce, P. H. Gentry, C. Purcell McCue, and
W. W. Wood, and Dr. L. G. Roberts.
Absent: None.
Officers_present~ .Co~.u~..~y~Executive, Sheriff, and Commonwealth's Attorney.
Minutes of the meetings of December 15, 1943 and January l, 19Z%were read and
A Summary Statement of Prisoner Days served in the County Jail during the month
of December, 19~3, was submitted~ Upon motion, d~ly made and seconded, this statement was
examined, verified, and approved.
Statement of the Cost ~f Maintenance .......... of Prisoners confined in the County Jail for
the month of December,~19%~, was~submitted. ...... Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this
statement was examined, verified, and approved.
~. H. Ao Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a statement of Expenses of the
Department of Finance for the mOnth of~De~ember, 19~3, one-third o~. which to be borne by
the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this statement was examined, verified, and
~r. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a statement of Expenses of the
Sheriff's Office for the month of December, 19~3, two-thirds of which to be borne by the
State. Uoon motion, duly made and seconded, this statement was examined, verified, and
The following reports were presented and ordered filed:
(a) County Executive.
(b) Board of Equalization.
(c) Game Warden.
(d) University of Virginia Nospital.
(e) District Home Board.
Mr. Shelby, representing the State Planning Board, appeared and requested the
Board to consider the advisibility of appointing a Planning Commission for this County.
Ection on this matter was deferred until the next regular meeting.
Dr. T. S. Englar appeared and recommended that the present Ordinance requiring
dogs to be confined or vaccinated be continued and effective for another forty-five days.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following Ordinance was unanimously
BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe-
marle County, Virginia, as follows, to-wit:
The owners of all dogs in Albemarle~County shall keep the
same confined ~n%heir premises unless muzzled in much manner that
persons or animals will not be subject to the danger or.being bitten
thereby, provided that the foregoing prohibition shall not apply to
dogs which have been innoculated or vaccinated in accordance with
regulations approved by the County Health Board.
It shall be unlawful and shall constitute a misdemeanor
for any person to violate or permit the violation of the provisions
of this ordinance and every person convicted of a violation of any
of the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of
not tess than $10.00, nor more than $300.00, or by imprisonment in
jail for not less than one, nor more than thirty days, or by both
such fine and impr~sonment~
BE ~T ~R~ER ORDAINED, that an emergency exists, and this
ordinance is hereby made effective immediately, to~wit~ On January
19th, 1944, and shall remain in effect for forty-five days.
~.~'~emm~unt~t~on~s received from ~r. George Gilmer, Attorney, concerning the
erroneous assessment of a tract of land in Albemarle County. Upon motion, duly made and
seconded, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, Mr. George Gilmer, Attorney, who has been em-
ployed to collect delinquent land taxes, has recom~ended that the
following parcel of land be deleted from the County's Tax Rolls
due to the fact that in his opinion the land is erroneously
Tax Year Name .. Acreage. Distr. ict.
1923-1944 J.J. Wamberliok 11.80
White Hall
NOW, THEREFORE,~BE IT RESOLVED. by the Board of County
Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that thiseparcel of
land be considered as erroneous assessment on the basis of Mr.
Gilmer's report and no further efforts be made to collect the
taxes on same.
A letter from Major Youell, Commissioner of Corrections, concerning the consoli-
dation of the City and County Jails was presented. The County Executive was instructed to
write Major Youell that the Board felt that it would be advisable if he could arrange to
come to Charlottesville and confer with the County Executive, the Sheriff, and the
Commonwealth's Attorney concerning this matter.
The Commonwealth's Attorney reported that the laws did not provide for any Vice-
Chairman of the Board ~t~in ~he absence of the Chairman, the Board should elect a tern-
porary chairman to preside at that meeting.
The matter of the appointment of an Equalization ~oard for the year 1944 was
brought to the attention of the Board. Mr. Gentry nominated Mrl~ C. M. Garnett, Mr. J. B.
Kegley, s~ud ~r. P. C. ~inor as members of this Board. There being no further nominations,
~ Mr. Garnett, Mr. Kegley, and ~Ir. Minor were unanimously elected.
The following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, it has been brought to theattention of this
Board that there are numerous small tracts of ~and in this County,
the taxes on which have no~ been paid for many years, and the value
of these tracts is not sufficient to cover the cost of a suit if
each piece is sold in a separate suit, and
~F2{EAS, some question 'has been raised as to the amount
which should be allowed to an attorne~ as his fee in the tax suits,
WHEREAS, it appears that the owners of a piece of real
estate should be liable for the taxes thereon, even though some
slight error might be made in the name in which it is assessed by
the assessing offic~in the event no one has been injured by such
NOW, THERAFOF~, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County
Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that Mr. John S. Battle,
member of the State,Senate, and Mr. E. O. McCue, Jr. and Mr. Allen
K. Handolph, members of the House of Delegates, be and they are
hereby requested to introduce and vigorously urge the passage of
the following legislation:
A bill which will authorize the bringing of a
suit covering more than one piece of real es-
tate owned by more than one person, provided
no single piece is assessed at a value over
A bill which will provide for the fixing of the
fees of the attorney in tax suits by the judge
of the Circuit Court.
A bill which will make the owner liable for
taxes on real estate even though some slight
error might be made by the assessing officer in
assessing the property for taxation.
The following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of this
Board that a bill has been or will be introduced in the 1944
Session of the General Assembly to reduce the tax on automobile
° and
WHERF~S, it is .the sense of this Board that the present
rate is reasonaS~e,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board 'of County
Supervisors'of Albemarle County, Virginia, that this Board go
on record as being opposed to a reduction in the tax rate of
automobile licenses or any other taxes now levied for the bene-
fit of the maintenance and construction of highways in this
BE IT FURTPH~R RESOLVED that this Board is opposed to the
diversion of any road taxes now~ levied to any other purposes.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of these resolutions
be sent to Mr. John S. Battle, member of theState~Senate, and
Mr. E. O. NcCue, Jr., and Mr. Allen K. Randolph, members of the
S~a~e'~'~L~gistat~ of Virginia
Claim of Dr. Burnley S. ¥~hite for board of stray dbgs fr~m September 10th to
December 16th amounting to $120.05 was approved for payment.
The Board~sattention was called to the fact that it was only necessary to confine
a stray dog for five days before it could be disposed of. Some of the dogs included on Dr.
White's bill had been kept and billed for as much as thirty-three days. The County
Executive was instructed .to notify all officers that in the futUre any officer permitting
a dog to remain in Dr. ~hite's care longer than five days would ~be expected to pay the
cost beyond the five days period unless there was a good reason for doing so.
The Board's attention was called to the fact that the Fire Company of Crozet
needed five hundred feet of 1½" hose and there~w~s not sufficient money in the Crozet Fire
District Fund to cover the cost of same. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the follow-
in~ resolution was adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Messrs. E. J. Batlard,
T. Eo Bruce, P. H. Gentry, C. Purcell McCue, and W. W. Wood. Noes: None.
BE IT RESOL~D by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that $100.00 or such amount as will
be necessary to purchase five hundred feet of l~" hose for the
Crozet Fire Department, be and the same is hereby appropriated.
The County Executive recommended the appointment of Mrs. Ruth Burruss Huff as
County Home Demonstration Agent to succeed the late ~?~s. Bessie Dunn Miller, which recom-
mendati~n was approved by the Board.
The following resolution was unanimously adopted:
~HEP~S, the County Board of Supervisors for Albemarle
County, Virginia, in regular session, assembled this the l?th day
of January, 1944, desires to'officially pay tribute and respect
to the life, memory, and accomplishments of Mrs. Bessie Dunn
Miller, who, for nearly half a century, has served this County
as a teacher in the Public Schools and as Home Demonstration
(1) That in the death of Mrs. Bessie Dunn Miller, the
County of Albemarle has sustained the loss of an eminent and
honored citizen, who was as well a faithful and efficient ~u~lic
(2) That we tender to her husband and to the other
members of her family our sympathy in their bereavement;
(3~ That a copy'of these resolutions be spread upon
the records of this body as a part of the minutes of this meeting;
(4) That a copy of these resolutions be published in
the Daily Progress;
(5) That the Clerk of this Board be directed to trans-
mit a copy of these resolutions to her family.
Claims against the County amounting to $98,759.49 were presented, examined, and
allowed and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against
the following funds:
General fund
School Fund
Crozet Fire District Fund
Dog Tax Fund
National Defense Training Fund
Investments Securities:
Road Debt Fund:
Charlottesville District
Ivy District
Rivanna District
~hite Hall District~
Commonwealth of Virginia: Dog Tax Credit AcCount $ 5.96
Commonwealth of Virginia: Current Credit Account . 1,922.41~
TOTAL $98,759.49
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
was held at the Office Building of said County on the 16th day of February, 1944. '~
Present: Dr. L. G. Roberts, and Messrs. E. J. Ballard, T. E. Bruce, P. H. Gentry,
and ~. N. Wood.
Absent: Mr. C. Purcell NcCue.
Officers present: County Executive, Sheriff, and Commonwealth's Attorney.
Minutes of the meeting of January 19-, 1944, were read and approved.
The following resolution was unanimously adopted:
-BE IT RESOLVEDby the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle~COunty, 'virginia, that the Highway Commission be and
is hereby EequestSd-t0~'tAke into the Secondary System of High-
ways the following public roads:
Road leading from Road'No. 675 to White
Hall-RS~reational Lake, a distance of
approximately .9 of a mile.
R~d l~hding from the Western limits of
the 'T6Wn of Scottsville to the proposed
Site-~f the Industrial Plant, a distance
of approximately .2 of a mile.
ROad leading from Route 29 to old Route
'29, South of Crossroads, a distance of
approximately .2 of a mile.
The following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS,'~it- HaSbeen brought to"the attention of this
Board that there are-~ohds in the Secondary System of this
County that are no longer of value to the public,
Supervisors of AIbe~le County, Virginia, that the following
roads be abandoned insofar as maintenance be concerned:
(1)' .9 of a mil~ on Route 600 from Route
641 to Greene County line.
(2) 1.4 miles on Route 747 from Houte 600
(3) Route 643 from .2 of a mile North of
Route 649 at Proffit to 1.45 miles
North of Houte 649.
Route 675 from 1.8 miles East of Inter-
section'of Route 614 to the Intersection
of 678,oA d~tance of 1.4 miles.
Route 690 from the Intersection of Route
250 to the Intersection of 692, a dis-
tance of .3 of a mile.
(6) Route 701 from the Intersection of Route
250 to'dead end, a distance of one mile.
Route 631 from .8 of a mile Southwest of
the Intersection of Rout~ 712 to 5.1
miles Southwest of the IntersectiOn of
Route 712.
A claim amounting to $2.50 of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, was
presented, examined and approved for payment.
A. Su~mnary Statement of Prisoner Days served in the Coo~tyJail during the month
of January, 1944, was submitted. Upon mOtion, duly made and seconded, this statement was
examined, verified, and approved.