HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-02-16Commonwealth of Virginia~. Dog Tax Credit AcCount $ 5.96
Commonwealth of Virginia: Current Credit Account !~9.22-4~
TOTAL $98,759.49
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia~,
was held at the Office Building ef said County on the 16th day of February, 1944.
Present: Dr. L. G. Roberts, and Messrs. E. Jo Ballard, T. E. Bruce, P. H. Gentry,
and W. ~. Wood.
Absent: Mr. C. purcell EcCue.
Officers present: County Executive, Sheriff, and Commonwealth's Attorney.
Minutes of the meeting of January 19-, 1944, were read and approved.
The following resolution was unanimously adopted:
-NE ITRESoL?ED"by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle~COunty, virginia, that the Highway Commission be and
is hereby ~eqUest~d~t~'tAke~into the Secondary System of High-
ways the following M~blic roads:
Road l&a~lng from Road~No. 675 to Nhite
Halt~Rs~reational Lake, a distance of
approximately .9 of a mile.
ROAd i~Ading from the Western limits of
the T6Wn of Scottsville to the proposed
site~of~tHe Industrial Plant, a distance
of approximately .2 of a mile.
Road leading from Route 29 to old Route
'29, SoUth of Crossroads, a distance of
approximately .2 of a mile.
The following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHYS,' it 'Has been brought to the attention of this
Board that there are-~oids inthe Secondary System of this
County that are no longer of value to the public,
NO~I, THEP~FOP~, BE IT RESOLVED by the Boardo6f CoUfity
Supervisors of A!bema~le County, Virginia, that the following
roads be abandoned insofar as maintenance be concerned:
(1) .9 of a mil~ on Route 600 from Route
641 to Greene County line.
(2) 1.4 miles on Route 747 from Houte 600
(3) Route 643 from .2 of a mile North of
Route 649 at Proffit to 1.45 miles
North of Route 649.
Route 675 from 1.8 miles East of Inter-
section~ofRoute 614 to the Intersection
of 678,oE d2§tance of 1.4 miles.
(5) Route 690 from the intersection of Route
250"to the'Intersection of 692, a dis-
tance of .3 of a mile.
(6) Route 701 from the Intersection of Route
250 to dead end, a distance of one mile.
Route 631 from .8 of a mile Southwest of
the Intersection of Route 712 to 5.1
mile~ Southwest of the IntersectiOn of
Route 712.
A claim amounting to $2.50 of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, was
presented, examined and approved for payment.
A S~ary Statement of Prisoner Days served in the County. Jail during the month
of January, 1944, was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this statement was
verified, and approved.
St A Statement of the Cost of Naintenance of Prisoners confined in the County Jail
for the month of January, 19A4, was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this
Statement was examined, verified, and approved.
Mro Ho A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a statement of Expenses for the
Department of Finance for the month of January, 19&~, one-third of which to be borne by the
State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this statement was examined, verified, and
Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a statement of Expenses of the
Sheriff~s Office for the month of January,~ 19~4, two-thirds of which to be borne by the
State~ Uoon motion, duly made and seconded, this statement was examined, verified, and
The following reports were presented ~ud ordered filed:
(a) County ExecUtive.
(b) UniVersit~'of Virginia Hospital.
(c) Game ~arden.
Mr. John S. Graves, acting as Attorney for the Nelson-Albemarle Bailroad and
others, appeared before this Board and presented a oetition r~questing a discontinuance of
a portion of old Route 6 near Tilman's Store:
That on the 22nd day of ~ebruary, 1944a Notice was posted at the front door of
the Court House of Albemarle County and at two publi¥ plases on the Road that is proposed
to be closed, in which said Notice the statement appears that the said Nelson~Albemarle
Railroad and others will make application to the Board of Supervisors at the next regular
meeting to be held on February l§, 1944, to appoint no~ less than three viewers to view
said Road and report to this Board in writing whether in their opinion, any, and if any,
what inconvenience will result if said Road is closed and discontinu6d; and it appearing
that all provisions of Section 2039 (9) hame been complied with, it is therefore, ordered
that Nessrs. John Tyler, J. H. Chris, J. Io ~aupin, W. H. Stargell, and W. A. Dawson, any
three of whom may act, be and are hereby appointed viewers to view the Road in question
and report in writing whe%her, in their opinion, any, and if any, what inconvenience will
result from discontinuing said Road at the Narch, 1944 meeting of this Board.
In the matter of establishing a public road from U. S. Route No. 29 to the old
Route 29 in the proximity to the North Garden Colored School:
Application having been made to the Board of County-Supervisors of Albemarle
County by ~r. J. E. ~assey to establish a public road from U. S. Route No. 29 to the old
Route 29, through the lands of Albemarle County School Board and Nr. Oo W. Nowlin, it is
ordered that Messrs. John Tyler, J. H. Crist, J. I. Maupin, W. H. Stargell, and W. A. Daw~
son, any three of whom may act, resident free holders of this County be and they are hereby
appointed Viewers whose duty it shall be to examine such road~..~and report upon the expediency
of establishing the same; they shall as early as practible after receiving this order, pro-
ceed to make the view, and may examine other routes and locations than the one proposed, and
if of opinion that there is a necessity for establishing a public road, they sahll locate
thesame,' return a map or diagram thereof, ~ith a report to the Board stating their reasons~or
preferring the locations made, the probable cost of establishing the locations of such road,'
the convenience and inconvenience that will result as well as to individuals as to the pub-
lic, whether the said road will be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper
that it should be opened, established, and kept in order b~he person or persons for whose
convenience it is desired, whether any yard, garden, or orchard will have to.be taken; the
names of the landowners on such road, which of such landowners shall require compensation,
what will be a just compensation to the land-owners requiring compensation for the land so
taken, and for the damages of the residue of the tract, if any, beyond the peculiar benefits
to be derived in result to such residue from the road to be established; and all other Facts
and circumstances in their opinion useful in enabling the Board to determine its expediency
of establishing .the road; and they shall file such report with the Clerk of this Board;
In the event that some of the landowners do not require compensation and they will
execute written consent, giving the right of way in question, the said Viewers shall obtain
such consent and return it with their report;
Provided, however, that the Chairman of the State Highway Commission, sometimes
called the State Highway Commissioner, shall forth wi~h be notified of and made a party to
these proceedings, and that he shall likewise be notified of the time and pla~e of the meet-
lng of the 'Viewers herein designated.
In the matter of establishing a public road from State Road No. 621, a distance
of approximately 500 feet:
Application having-been made to the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County by Nrs. W. W. Roberts and others to establish a public road from Route 621, a distance~
of approximately 500 feet through the land of I~Irs. E. T. Norford, it is ordered that Messrs.
John Tyler, J. H. Crist, J. I. Mauoin, W. H. Stargetl, and W. A. Da~son, resident free-
holders of this County, any three of whom may act, be and they are hereby appointed Viewers
whose duty it shall be to examine such road and report upon the expediency of establishing
the same; they shall as early as practible after receiving this order, proceed to make the
view, and may examine other routes and locations than the one proposed, and if of o~inion
that there is a necessity for establishing a public road, the~? shall locate the same, return
a map or diagram thereof, with a report to the Board stating their reasons for preferring
the locations made, the probable cost of establishing the locations of such road, the con-~
venience and inconvenience that will result as well as to individuals as to the public, whethl~r
the said road will be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it
should be opened, established, and kept in order by the oerson or persons for whose con~
venience it is desired, whether any yard, garden, orchard will have to be taken; the names
of th~ landowners on such road, which of such landowners shall require compensation, what
will be a just compensation bo the landowners requiring compensation for the land so taken, amd
for the damages of the residue of the tract, if any, beyond the peculiar benefits to be de-
rived in result to such residue from the road to be established; and all other facts and
circumstances in their opinion useful in enabling the Board to determine its expediency of
establishing the road; and they shall file such report with the Clerk of this Board;
In the even~ that some of the landowners do not require compensation and they will
execute written consent, giving the right of way in question, the said Viewers shall obtain
such consent and return it with their report:
Provided, however, that the Chairman of the State Highway Commission, sometimes
called the State Highway Co~muissioner, shall forthwith be notified of and made a party to
these proceedings, and that he shall likewise be notified of the time and place of the
meeting of the Viewers herein designated.
The following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of this
Board that the Peoples National Bank has deposited in Escrow
securities with a value of $200,000.00 to protect the County's
deposits, ~hich is far in excess of the amount of money on
deposit in this Bank at this time,
NO~f, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County
Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Peoples
National Bank be and is hereby authorized to take down and the
National Bank and Trust Company is authorized to release the
following securities:
~ecurit~ Put,ese Rate
~rpose Rate~ MaturitZ Amount
New York City
New York City
Suffolk, Va.
Suffolk, Va.
Suffolk, Va.
Suffolk, Va.
Suffolk, Va.
Suffolk, Va.
Princess Anne Co,, Va.
Princess Anne Co., Va.
Suffolk, Va.
Virginia Beach, Va.
Virginia Beach, Va.
School 3
Municipal 2 3/4
Pub. Imp. 1.70
Pub. Imp. 1.70
Pub. Imp. 1.70
Pub. Imp. 1.70
Pub. Imp. 1.70
Pub. Imp. 1.70
Wag. Dist. 2 1/A
Nag. Dist. 2 1/4
Refunding 1.70
Water Works 6
Gen. Imp. 6
12/1/46 $ 5,ooo
12/1/51 5,000
6/1/47 2,ooo
6/1/48 2,000
6/1/49 ';~,000
6/1/ o 5,000
6/1/51 %ooo
6/1/52 4,o0o
3/15/47 ?,ooo
/15/4S %000
Ser.47/56 12,000
?/l/54 9,000
4/1/55 14, ooo
The following resolution was unanimously adopted~~
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board"of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that this Board go on record as
favoring an ammendment"to the Virginia Retirement Laws to per-
mit the cities, coUnties, and town of this State to make use
of the State Organization for the benefit of its employees,
provided the cost Of such particulars are borne by the cities,
counties, and towns:
BE IT FURTHERRESOL~D'-that"a copy of this resolution
be sent to Senat0r"J'bhn S. Battle, and Delegates E. 0. NcCue, Jr.
and Allen K. Randolph.
Mr. Campbell Holt of Scottsville was unanimously appointed a member of the Board
of Public Welfare to fill the unexpired term of ~r. Allen K. Randolph.
William Kinney presented a receipt showing the payment of $9.08 to G. Stuart
Hamm on November 8, 1926, alleged to be for his real estate taxes for the year 1925, but the
records in the Clerk's Office did not show that the land had been redeemed.
this tax payer on January 8, 194A paid $20.10 to redeem this land.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that William Kinney be re-
funded $20.10, the amount of the latter ~a~ent.
A communication from Mr. W. E. Buford regarding sheep was presented.
Communications were received from I~. George Gilmer, Attorney, concerning the
erroneous assessment of several tracts of land in Albemarle County. Upoh motion, duly made
and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, Nrc George~ Oilmer, Attorney, who has been em-
ployed to collect delinquent land taxes, has recommended that the
following parcels'of land be d~leted from the County's Ts~xRolls
due to the fact that in his opinion the land is erroneously
Tax Ye.a~ Name AcreaEe District
!916-19AA W.B. Smith 145
1916-19~ Philli~ Rodes 113
1928-1930 William Easton 1/4
1916-194A William Jenkins l0
i916-1944 Elizabeth Jones 30
1924-194A JQ L. Martin 22/100
1924-19A4 Cris Via Estate 12
1916-1944 A.J. Taylor 90
Samuel Miller
White Hall Fire
White Hall
NOW, ~ ' E
~HE~ORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board o~ County
Supervisors of ~lbemarle County, ~irginia, that these ~parcels of
land be considerad as erroneous assessments on the basis of Mr.
Gilmer's reoort and no further efforts be made to collect the
taxes on same.
A co~mtunication from ~rs. Ruth Burruss Huff was presented and ordered filed.
The County Executive recommended the appointment of ~iss Isabelle Price, Assistant
Home Demonstration Agem~% Upon motion, duly made and seconded, Miss Price was appointed,
effective Aoril !, 1944.
It was brought to the attention of the Board that an Industrial Corporation was
considering the erection of a plant near the Town Limits of Scottsvi!ie and if such plant
be erected, it. would be necessary to construct a road of approximately one thousand feet.
The County ExecUtive was instructed to inform the proper officials that in the event that
the olant was constructed, the necessary road would be constructed from the Town Limits to
Upon motion, du].y made and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that this Board is opposed to any
change in the method now provided by law for the selection of
a Trial Justice for this County~ and requests that both bills
which have been introduced in the House of Delegates be with-
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution
be sent to Senator John S. Battle and Delegates E. O. McCue, Jr.
and Allen K. Randolph, representatives of this County in the
General Assembly.
The County F~ecutive submitted a proposed Budget for the year beginning July
19~, and a synopsis of ~the same was ordered published according to law and ~arch 15, 194A
at i0 A.~. was fixed as the time for public hearing on same.
Claims against the County amounting to $49,293.53 were presented, examined, and
allowed and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for p~vment and charged against
the following funds:
General Fund
School Fund
Crozet Fire District Fund
Dog Tax ~nd
Road Debt Fund:
Scottsville District
NcIntire Trust Fund
National Defense Training'FUnd
State Current Credit Account
56. O0
.9 ~ 472.82
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.