HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-03-15A rest!ar meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Comuty, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 15th day of March, 19&&. Present: Dr. L. G. Roberts and ~essrs. E. J. Ballard, T. E. Bruce, ?. H. Gentry, Purcell McCue, and W. ~. mood. ~bsent: None. Officers oresent: County Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, and Sheriff. Minutes of the meetings of February 16, 194~ and March l, 19AAwere read and ap~ proved. A group of citizens from Croze~, lead by Mr. E. H. Bain, requested that a provision ibc made in the budget for the year beginning July I, 19.44 for funds with which to increase the salaries of school teachers. The group was informed that the proposed levy for 1944 provided increasad funds for school purposes. ~[r. R. Claude Graham, Superintendent Of Schools~ appeared and stated that the Schoo~ iBoard contemolated the construction of a building at Scottsville for the purpose of housing a community cannery, and asked the support of this Board on the project. Upon motion, duly imade and seconded, the olan of the School Board to construct a building for the openation of ia cannery at Scottsvil~e was approved. It was brought to the attention of the Board that in order to secure the location iof a proposed Industrial Plant near Scottsville, it wou~d be required to secure a new source iof supply of water, and since the Plant was located in Albemarle County and not within the town limits of Scottsville, the Town would like the financial assistance of the County in isecuring the additional water supply. Upon motion, ~a~u ~y Mr. McCue, the following reso!u- tion was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Co~mty Supervisors of Albe- marle County~ Virginia, that it is the sense of this Board that the County should cooperate with the Town of Sbb6tsVille in its effort to secure the additional supply of water in order to furnish water to the proposed Industrial Plant, and that a 'Committee be appointed to confer with the Town Council of Scottsville in an effort to work out a cooperative arrangement bytween the T~wn and County in order that the necessary water may be provided. David J. Wood, acting as Attorney for Nro Donald C. Keane, pr$sen2edba!-ps~ition. ito this Board requesting a discontinuance of a portion of the Burnt Mill Road: That on the 22nd day of February, 19/~/~ a Notice was posted at the front door of the · iCourt House of Albom~!e County and at two public places on the l~oad that is proposed to be :closed, in which said Notice the wtatement appears that the said Donald C. Keane will make ~apolication to the Board of County Supervisors at the next regular meeting to be he].d on iNarch 15, 1944, to appoint not less than three viewers to view said Road and report to this iBoard in writing whether in their opinion, any and if any, what inconvenience will result if ~d~ Road is clos~d and dimcont~eg&~and it appearing that al~ provisions of Section 2039 (~) have been comolied with, it is therefore, order that Messrs. C. N. Garnett, Po C. ~inor, J. B. Kegley, Cameron Duke, and Hugh C!ark, resident free holders of this County, be and are hereby appointed viewers to view the Road in question and report in writing whether, in their opinion, an~ and if any, what inconvenience will result from discontinuing said Road at the %pril, 19A4, meeting of this Board. A bill for restoring old Deed Books amounting to $~t0.00 was presented and approved ~or ~yment. A Statement of the Cost of Maintenance of Prisoners ~in the County Jail for the ~onth~ ~f February, 19~, was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was ~xamined, verified, and approved. A Summary Statement of Prisoner Days served in the County Jail during the month ~TICIPATED SURPLUS Delinquent Taxe~ 1941 and Prio~ 1942 1943 AND REDEMPTIONS Fees: Clerk 'Trial Justice Commonwealth' Sheriff Transfer Fines OARD OF PRISONERS Commonwealth U. S. Governm Other ~TATE SUPPLEMENTS: Public Health 1/3 Departmen~ Capitation Ta~ 2/3 Expenses Maintenance Prisoners ~ENTAL OF COUNTY INTE?~EST ,ICENSES ~OG TAX TRANSFER B. C. PROFITS ~. P. AG FUND - (STAq ~0LASSIFIED !OTAL REVENUE OTHER Amount to be Delinquents Levy Required Assessed valu~ Rate of levy ~umbe~ ?mnction TITLE OF FI of February, 1944, was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this statement was examined, verified, and approved. Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a statement of Expenses for the Department of Finance for the month of February, 1944, one-third of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance submitted a statement of Expenses fSr'the Sheriff's Office for the month of February, 1944, two-thirds of Which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Following a full discussion of the Budget,vthe same was adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: B~. L. G. Roberts and Messrs. E. J. Ballar~, T. E. Bruce, P. H. Gentry C. Purcell ~cCue, and W. W. Wood. Noes: None. ALBE~IARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA REI~UE ESTIt~TES FOR THE YEgR ENDING JUNE 30, 1945 ~ENERAL FUND Year Ended Year Ending June 30, 1943 June 30, 1944 __~~____~Estimated~ Tentative Estimate Attorney ~ ~irginia ~t of Finance Expenses ~s Returned f Sheriff's Office Jail & Food for ERTY ~ & FEDERAL AID) ~AN CURRENT LEVY $121,579.36 $100,000.00 $150,000. O0 1,796.27 1,500.00 1,000.00 808.07 400.00 500.00 1,656.91 1,500.00 1,500.00 25,671.28 15,000.00 17,000.00 10,045.O1 9,500.00 10,000.00 486.50 -0- -0- 2,143.12 2,100.00 2,100.O0 1,970.13 800.00 1,000.00 451.80 450.00 500.00 1,112.82 1,200.OO 1,200.00 1~671.73 -0~ 42.60 50.00 50.00 ~0~ 10.00 10.OO 6,801.63 7~420.OO 9,820.00 6,816.30 6,500.00 6,500.00 1,975.40 1,800.00 2,000.00 2,518.61 8.600.00 8,000.00 802.03 1,000.00 2,000.00 3,715.83 3,500.00 3,500.00 2,489 - 28 1,500. O0 2,000. O0 120. O0 250. O0 100. O0 2,780.~6 3,000.00 2~500.00 3~872.67 34~000.00 33,600.00 35,223.48 42,500.00 44,500.00 606.1__9 500.00 500.00 $243,080.00 $272,157.48 $299,880.00 ~ised by Current Levy bas~s of 10% tion of Property 31,010.86 34,455.86 $13,886,657.00 .25 EXPENDITURE ESTI~TES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1945 ~ENER~L FUh~ SIBB~ARY YEAR ENDED JUNEO~ Year Ending June 30, 1944 ~CTION~tion Bxep_~itur~A~roormation !A Board of County visors 1AA Special Services lB County Executive lC Department of Fin ~per~ ~nce $ 2,370.00 $ 2,241.18 ~ 2,460.00 78,811.67 4,302.45 108,335.00 2,912.00 2,675.51 2,912.00 14,785.00 14,339.77 18,769.18 (Continued on page 41) Increzse Over Decrease Under Year Ending Year Ending Final June 30,. 1944~ June ~O,.. 1944t Estimate $ 50,000.00 $ -0- -0- 5OO. O0 I00. O0 -0- -0- -0- 2,000. O0 -0- 50O. O0 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 200. O0 -0- 50. O0 -0- -0- -0- -0- -O- -0- 2,400.00 -0- -0- 200.00 -0- 600.00 1,000.00 -0- 500. O0 -0- ! 50.00 -0- 50O.OO -0- 400.00 2,000.00 -O- ~152~I00.00 46, ooo. GO 58,950.00 $ 2,150.00 YEAR ENDING .JUNE ~0 i_~9~5 Increase Over Decrease Under Proposed Year Ending Year ~uding Expcnditure~ Jun~. 30,_.194~ jun~ 30, 1944. 2,250.00 $ -O- $ 210.00 156,O85.00 50,300.00 2,550.00 2,893.00 6.00 25.00 1B,210.O0 2,)00.00 1,859.18 AllOWedq ___~Boamd NO~ iF 4 5A 5B 6A 6C 7 8B 8C 80 9 !1 13 14 YEAR ENDED JUNE Tax Map , 6,100.00 o Recordi a~ Documents 10,228.33 Circuit · C~our t 2,027 ~ 86 Tri&i J~s!tice Court 155.00 Commonw ~e!?th ~ s Atty' s Office 4,160. O0 Policin ~ ~ Investiga~ngl$595.00 Confine ~eht and Care of Pri ~r~ers 2,995.00 Fire Prevention and Extinc~[~ilon 200. OO Public 4s~iatance 69,704. O0 J/~si~istance 6,580.00 County Luna cy ( ~, o~i s si on 700.00 Public ! [ealth 14, 570. O0 Advance~ e~t, ggri- cultur & Home Ec. 5,410~00 Electio si 1,755.00 Maintens noe Buildings and Grcunds 7,620.00 TOTAL G~NERAL FUND ~249,878.86 100 Com ~ensation of Ne ~bers $ 22~':000. OO 1~9 Com ~nsat~on of CI ~k 120. O0 ~ety bonds ~0- 220 Tra~!ing ~p. 2~.00 TOTAL $ 2,370. O0 ~ SPECIAL ~ERVICES 199 Road ~iewers $ 50.00 199A Tax Refunds 150. OO ~oo ~v~i~ing ~oo. oo 201 Aud~ ~ins~ 560.00 206 Duse Lea~e Va. Co. 50.00 213 Inet ~nce Prem.- Comp & Burglary 75.00 21~)Safe )eposit Box Rent 25.00 218 Tel. Tel. Service 25.00 219Cont~ [butions: Chaml ~r of Commerce: Loca:[. $200. O0 Stat~.~ 75.00 $275.00 Civi]L{an Defense & War (;~fort $!000. O0 ~i~yJ Library gO0.O0 399 Misc(~laneous~ '~ 2,850.00 Motor' Truck 500.00 40O AutomObile' Maintenance 400~6 AO0-7 Auto~bile' ~aintenance -0- 600 Purc~$se of ~.nd 601 a-H [iub Camp 250.00 999 Unap[" ~opriated Rev.72,076.67 TOTAL SPECIAI SERVICES $ 78,811.67 ~ COUNTY E~ ]UTIVE 102 Comp, n. of c.E.$ 1,200.00 109 Compe~. of Sten. 1~200.O0 206 Dues .~ SUbscriotions 12.00 212 Premz~ ourety Bond 25.00 218 Tel..~ Tel. Ser~_ce 100.00 220 Traveling ~penses 25.00 Stati/~nery, Pr. Fo~s 150.O0 319 A05 Offic[a~ Equipment _ 200.00 TOTAL COUN'JFY~ ~ECUTI'~ $ 2,912.00 ~LPENDITURE ESTImaTES (C$nt~d) General Fund (Conrad) Summary (Cont'd) YEM~ ENDING 3.0, 1943 Yea~ Ending Increase Over June 30, 1944 Proposed Year Ending ExpenditBre' ~pprooriation Expenditures Jun_e 30, %944 $ 4,190.34 4,404.07 5,700.09 8,866.73 1,461.89 114.20 4,012.00 1.11,384.28 2,500.00 $ 4;000.o0 $ 1,500.00 3;435.00 3;510.00 125.00 6~000.00 6,820.00 660°00 9,930.00 I1;075.o0 1,165.00 2,042.86 1,732~86 -0- 155.00 180.00 25.00 4;360.00 4,310.00 13,950.00 12,360.00 3,130.00 2,845.00 15.00 2,412.05 77.19 400.00 400.00 -0- 51,866.56 56;~80.00 63,410.00 6,930100 4,683.61 6,630.00 8,080.00 1,700.00 352.30 '500.00 400.OO 13,093.O4 14,900.00 14,900.00 -0- 5,251.85 6,570°00 6,590.00 20.00 2,104.28 1,755.00 2,240.00 535.00 050.00 7,8_o0.00 2,oQo.oo 164.04 $330,890.86~ 67,281.00 ___4,391.24 .6~ $147,924.43 $271, EXPENDITURE ESTI~f~TES FOR THE YE~ ~DING Jb$~E 30, 1945 GF2{ERAL FUND 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ -0- 120.00 !20.00 -0- -o- 90.00 ~0- 12!.18 250,00 250.00 -0- $ 2,241.18 $ 2,460.00 $ 2,250.00 50.00 $ 500.O0 300.00 100.OO -0- 560.00 -0- 50.00 -0- 75.00 -0- 25.00 -0- 25.00 13.50 $ 50. oo 389.93 200.00 3 54.12 !O0.00 560. O0 560. O0 50. O0 50. O0 2.92 75.O0 25. O0 25.00 6.15 25.00 2,075.00 25.00 500. O0 100. O0 250. O0 250. O0 1,000. O0 500. OO 15_o, 0.oo. oo $156,085.00 1,225.00 2,075.00 5.04 25,00 1,338.73 !,000.00 32.97 100.00 144.72 AS0~O0 -0- 1,850.00 -0- 1,0~0~00 154.37 750.00 -o.- ~og,opq, oo $ 4,302.45 $108,335.00 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.OO 12.00 12.00 18.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 69.84 100.00 75.00 '33 25.00 25.00 165.84 :150.00 150.00 2~5Q 200.00 200.00 2,675.51 $ 2,912.00 · $ 2~893.00 -0- 50~000.00 50,309.00 4 JUNE 30, ... !945 Decrease Under Year E~ ding Ail~wed _J,.u,,n,~ 3q~,. _194Z~, _ ByTBoard $ -or 5d~.oo aoi~oo 20 ~ OO 310~00 5o! oo t; ~590,00 3001. O0 -0~, 2,500. O0 -0~ 64,910.00 150~00 lO0~O0 50;00 2pO~O0 $ 77554~18 $334,490.86 12o~oo 9o~oo -o2 21o oo -0- 5o~.oo 2o0.oo ,'600. O0 25( · 00 2, 55( O0 .8 -0- $ -0- -o- 6. oo -~- 6.00 $ 2~.oo :2 TITLE OF FUNCTION mber No. Of nction Item TIT~ DEPARTMENT OF FI1 102 Compen. of D~ 105 Recording of 109 Compen. of Az Elva N. Beal~ Aline 0. Ste~ Dorothy Brit~ Lucille Jone: June Thomas Gladys Brumb 5 Assessors I $5oo.oo Extra Help 200 Advertising 204 Book Binding 206 Dues & Subsc~ 212 Ins. Prem.- 218 Tel. & Tel. 220 Traveling ExI 319 Stationery, ~ 399 Miscelianeou~ 405 Office Equip~ 0TAL DEPARTMENT OF D COLLECTION OF DE 102 Compensation OTAL COL. OF DEL. ~ E BOARD OF EQUALIZ~ I00 Compen. of M~ 109 Compen. of C[ 200 Advertising 218 Tel. & Tel.. 220 ~TravelingEx' 319 Stationery, 399 Miscellaneou ~OTAE BOARD OF EQUALi TAX MAP 102 Compen. of E~ %~9 Compensation Harry G. Sta} Hugh Minor Elmer G. Bat~ Roberta W. A!ex~ 220 Travel 319 Stationery, ~OTAL TAX NAP RECORDING OF DOCU 101 Compensation 105 Certifying V, 109 Compensation W. L ~aupin Helen Hi Huml EXPENDITLY~E ESTIMATES FOR THE YEJ~ ENDING JUNE 30, 1945 GENERAL FUND YEAH ENDED JUNE 30~. 19_43_ Y~ ENDING JUNE ~0_~!9~5 _ Year Ending Increase Over Decrease Under June 30, 1944 Proposed Year Ending Year Endin~ Allowed · E OF ITEM_ Appro~uiation Expenditure Aopropriation Expenditure June 3~0~_%9~4 Jun~,~O~89 l~ kNCE: Fector Delinquents sistants: $1,620.00 ~ns 1,320.00 ~n 1,320.00 1~200.00 1,200.00 ~k 1,200.00 3,000.00 l,O00.Op $ 3,800.00 $ 3,800.00 $ 4,300.00 $ 4,300.00 $ -0- $ -0- 350.00 369.40 350,00 350.00 -0- -O~ iptions urety Bonds ervice enses Forms ~nt INANCE 7,460.00 7,766.79 9,560.00 I!,860.00 2,300.00 -0- 150.O0 -O- !50.00 100.00 -~- ~0.00 t0.00 I1.00 10.00 10.00 -0- -0- 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 -0~ -0- 125.00 172.92 1,809.18 t50.00 -0~ 1,659.18 150.00 69~67 150.00 100.00 -0- 50.00l 400.00 8.30 300.00 '200.00 -0~ 100.0~ 1,800.00 1,705.49 1,800.O0 i,800~00 -0~ 20.00 1.00 20~.00 20.00 -0- 500.oo 415.20 300.00 300,00 -o- [o] i $ 14,785.00 $ lg,339.77 $ 18,769.18 $ 19,210.00 $ 2,300.00 $ 1,859.181 INQUENT LAND TAXES of Atty. $ 1,200.00 $ 4,190.34 $ 2,500.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 1,500.00 $ -0- ND TAXES $ 1,200.00 $ 4,190.34 $ ~2,500.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 1,500.00 $ -0- TION ' mbers $ 3~800.00 $ 3,234.00 $ 2.625.00 $ 2.625.00 $ -O~ $ -O- ~rk 720.00 794.00 360.00 360.00 -0- -0- -0- 42.76 25.00 50.00 25.00 -O- ~rvice 75.00 64.53 75.00 75.00 -O~ -O- enses 200.00 261.83 200.00 300.00 100.00 -O- Forms 100.00 5.95 50.00 50.00 -0- -0- 105.00 1.00 t00.O0 50.00 -O- 50.0£ ZATION ginemr of Essts. I $1,500.00 840.00 en 840. O0 nder 8A0.O0 $ 5,000.O0 $ 4,404.O7 $ 3,435.00 $ 3,510~_00 $ 125.00 $ 50.0C $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,400.00 tinted Forms $ 6,100.O0 ~NTS of ~lerk ting List of Assts: $2,520.00 ert 1,050.00 $ 2,400.00 $ -0- $ -0- 3,360.00 3,160.00 3.360.00 4,020.00 660.00 -D~ 120.00 ll.50 120.00 I00.00 -0~ 20°00 120,00 28.39_ 120.00 100.00 -0~ 20.00 S 5,700.09 $ 6,000.00 $ 6,620.00 $ 660.00 $ 40.00 201 Auditing 204 Book Binding 212 Premium on S~rety Bond 218 Tele. & Tele~ Service 250 Excess Fees ~d. into State 317 Record Books~ 317ARe-Index BoOks )19 Stationery, Ir. Formm 399 Niscellaneou. ~0~ Office Equi~ ent ~OTAL RECORDING OF D~ CUrrENTS 5A CIRCUIT 102 Compensation of Jmdge 103 Relief Atty~ Compen. 121 Jurors & Nit~ ~sses 122 Jury Commiss~ on 218 Tel. & Tel.. ervice 314 Libraries 319 Stationery, rinted Forms TOTAL CIRCUIT COURT 3,600.00 $ 3,600.00 $ 3.780.00 $ 3.780.00 $ -0- $ -0- 15o.o0 304.05 150.00 300.00 !150~:00 -o- &,%~O.O0 2,995.00 4,320.00 4,560.00 240.00 lO0.O0 87.1! 100.00 100.00 500.O0 484.17 500.O0 500.O0 -0- 50.0O 25.00 25.00 25,00 -O- lO0.O0 85.45 LIO0.OO 100.00 -0- 333.33 4¢6.85 -0- 500.00 500.00 600.00 464.87 500.00 -500,00 -0- 25.00 -0- 25.00 100,00 75.00 300.00 325.83 300.00 500.00 200.00 lO.O0 -0- 10.O0 10.O0 -0- 200.00 _58__._~.~__ ~.120.00 lO0.O0 -0- $ 10,228.33 $ 8,866.73 $ 9,930.00 $ I1,075.00 $ 1,165.00 ~ 20.00 -0- 20.O $ 1,152.86 $ 1,152.86 $ 1,152.86 $ 1,152,86 $ 50.00 -0- 50.00 50.00 -0- ~0- 700.00 221.20 700.00 400.00 -0- 3¢OQOOLq 30.00 45.p0 45.00 45.00 -0- -Oi' 60.00 36.83 60.00 50.00 -0- 10.00 25.00 6.00 25.00 25.00 -0- -0- 10.00 -0- 10.00 10.00 -0- -0- $ 2,027.86 $ 1,461.89 $ 2,042.86 $ 1,732.86 $ -0- $ 310.00 TITLE OF Number of No. Function It U~CTION TITLE OF ITEM. 4 EXPENDITURE ESTI~iTES FOR THE YEER ENDING JUNE 30, 1945 GENERAL FUND YEAR ENDED JUNE 30 l~ Year Ending June 30, 1944 Proposed App_ro_qpriation Expendit__u~e Aporooriation Ex~penditures YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, !945~ Increase Over Dec,ease Under Year Ending Year Ending Allowed June 30, ~1944 Jun~] ~0~ 1944 B~y Boar~ 5B TRIAL 218 Tel. 317 3t9 399 4O5 TOTAL TRIAL TICE COURT Tel. Service $ Books ~ery, Printed Forms ..aneous !Equipment 50.00 $ 34.37 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ -0- $ 25.00 36.11 50.00 50.00 -0~ 50. oo 43.72 2 5. oo 5o. oo 2 5. oo 5.oo -o- 5.00 .oo -o- 25.0o -0- 25.00 25;:00 -0- 155.00 $ 114.20 $ 155.OO $ 180.00 $ 25.00 $ -0- -0- 50 C 102 Oom' 111 218 Tel., 220 Trave 399 ~isce TOTAL COM. ~ 6A POLICING. 102 Compe. 106 Comp~ Thcs. C. S. ATTY'S OFFICE Exp. of Com. Atty.$ Fees (Coroner) Tel. Service [~ng Expenses [ianeous · P~Y' S OFFICE ~ND INVESTIGATING ~ation of Sheriff ~ . ~Satmon of Deputies: Smith $1,620.00 ~. Wolfe 1,500.OO ~uffman 1,500.O0 w. s. Cook !ns. Plems.~ - Surety ~onds Te~. &i~el. Service Mileag~ · rrave%~ng ~xo.~ns~s Stationery, ~rinted Forms Unifm Misce[.Ianeous Autom~biie Purchase 212 218 220 220A 319 325 399 40O 400-! Autom~ 400-2 Autom~ 400~3 Autom¢ 400~4 Autom¢ 405 Offic~ ~99 Police i F'~i ~OTAL POLiCII~ i ~'! 60 CONFINEME~ !!~. ?'' 102 Compe~ 106 Compe~ 111 Doctoz 218 Tel. 5ile Maintenance ile Maintenance ile Maintenance ile M~intenance Equipment iEquipment AND INVESTIGATING $ 12,595.00 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ -O- $ 50.00 12.00 50.00 50.00 !0.00 -0- 10.00 10.00 ~O- 50.00 -0~ 50.00 25.00 ~0- 50.00 -0- 50.00 25.00 -0- 4,160.00 $ 4,012.00 $ 4,360.00 $ 4,310.00 3,000.00 $ 3,150.00 $ 3,300.00 $ 3,300.00 ~,180.00 6,780.00 7,380.00 6,120.00 55.00 60.00 60.00 55.00 -0- 125.00 85.27 125.00 !00.00 ~0~ 50.00 65.68 50.00 50.00 -O- lOO.O0 28.25 100.00 50,00 ~0.00 51.50 50.00 50.00 200.00 -0- 2200.00 200.00 -0~ 25.00 4.OO 25~00 25.00 -0~ 750.00 ~UO- t,000.00 1,000.00 ~O~ 500.00 186.39 400.00 300.00 -0- 500.00 306.75 400.00 400,00 -0~ 500.00 428.50 400.00 400,00 -0- 500.00 233.33 400,00 250.00 I0.00 -0- 10.00 10.00 -0- 50.00 4.61 50,00 50.00 AND CARE OF PRISONERS ation of Jailor $ 1,140.00 ation of Cook 260.00 10.00 Tel~ Service 75.00 11,384.28 $ 13,950.00 $ 12,360.00 310 Food S .pplies 1~500.00 311 ~el -0- 319 Static ery, Printed Forms 10.00 TOTAL CONFINE ~fT & CARE, PRISONERS 2,995.00 7 FIRE PREVF2~ 208 Forest 1,170;00 $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.O0 $ -0- 282.95 260.00 260.00 -0- 21.50 10.00 25.00 15.00 42.15 50.00 50.00 -0- 892~45 1,500.00 1,200.00~ -0- 3.00 100.00 IO0.00 -0- -0- I0.00 10.00 -0~ $ 2,412.05 $ 3,130.O0 $ 2,845.00 $ 15.O0 FION & EXTINCTION iFire Ext. Service $ 200.00 VENTION & EXTINCTION $ 200.00 TOTAL FIRE PR 77.19 > 400.00 _ $_ 40o.00 77.19 $ 4oo.oo $ 400.00 ISTANCE Comp. ~! T~vZ. & Bd. Members $ 400.00 ~ Compen~ o~ Subt. 2,000.00 Oompenlj of AsSistants: LouiseiA. Williams, Case Worker $1,380.00 Ann H. iLovi~ Casw Worker 1,3gO.C0 Sarah Harris, Case Worker 1,320.00 Rose'l!~[i Faulconer, Cass Worker. 1,320.00 Cather~ne Connelly, Tyoist 1~200.00 Kathle~n Mundy, Typist- _~_~60.00 /i 7,020.00 Freigh~, Express, & Drayage I00.00 - Surety Bond Tel. Service cry, Printed Forms oks for Indigents Equipment aneous r to V.P.A. Fund ~SISTANCE 275.60 $ 400.00 $ 400.00 $ -0- 2,000.00 2,100.00 2,200.00 120.00 4,911.00 7,200.00 7,560.00 360.00 50.72 100,00 100.00 -0- 5.00 I0.00 5.00 5.00 -0- 934.00 753.05 -0- --O- -0- 125.00 133.98 125.O0 125.O0 -0- 1,500.00 817.11 100..00 i,O00~00 900.00 400.00 279.49 400.00 400.00 400.00 233.06 400.00 400.00 -0- 100.00 56.40 100.00 100.00 -0- 50.00 81.78 50.00 100.00 50.00 56,670.00 ~g~____~O.O0 51,000.00 _ _5~500.00 $ 51,866.56 $ 56,480.00 .~ 63,410~00 $ 6,930.00 PITBLi C AS I00 102 109 2O9 212 Premi~ 214 Rent 218 Tel. & 220 Miteag~ 315 Static: 320 Text B~ 405 Office 799 Miscel: 999 Transf~ i~:TOTAL PUBLIC~ $ 69,704.00 -0- -25.00 25.00 50.00 $2,500.200 $2,500. O0 -0- 260.00 5.00 25.00 --0~ 50.00 ~0~ ~0~ ~O~ I00.00 150.00 300. O0 -o- __%52, 5o0. OO _ -0- $ ,i 300.00 44 TITLE OF FUNCTiO~ tuber of No. of TITLE OF .nction Item ~TEk~ . L APp-r-opri. a.ti°n ; COUNTY ASSISTANCE ~.~ ~ 701 U. of Va' Host [tal $ !,500~O0 7014 Sanatoria Car~, of TB Pts. I,O$0~.00D 70lB St. Anne's Pr~ 702 Albemarle Comn 704 District Home 705 Confederate Wi )TAL COUNTY ASSISTA>i EUfPENDITURE ESTI~,IATES FOR T~ YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1945 GENF~P~L FUND YF~kR ~DED JL~E 3_0~ 1943 Year Ending June 30, 1944 Proposed Expenditure Appropria_tion Expenditures JuDe 3O, 1944 June 30, 19 YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 194~ Increase Over Decrease Und Year Ending Year Endin~ $ -0~ $ 1;500.00 ~ 1,500.00 1,080..00 1,080.00 1,080.00 -O- ventorium -0- -O- 200.00 200.00 -0- -O- un. & ~ar Fndo -0- ~O~ -0- 1,200.00 1,200.00 -0~ 2,500.00 2,253.61 -22~500o00 3,000.00 500.00 -O- dows Pensions.. i~.500.00 !,350.00 I~250.O0 l¢lO0..0p -0- !50.00~ DE $ 6,580.00 $ 4,683.61 $ 6.530.00 $ 8,080.00 $ 1,700.00 $ 150.00 ~r A!lowed ~ By Board LUNECY COI~ISSION 124 Compensation )TAL LUNACY COI~ISS PUBLIC HEALTH II! Negro Dentist 138 Registrar Vit~ 229 Aopropriation )TAL PUBLIC HEALTH L ADVANCE~ENT AGRIC! 109 Comoen. of St~ 114 Farm Demonstr~ T.O.Scott H.N.Brumback C;GTG~ 118 Home Demonstra Ruth Burruss H Isabelle Price 218 Tel. & Tel. Se 399 NiScellaneous A05 Office Equipme DTAL AGRICULTURE & H ELECTIONS 112 Election 0ffi¢ 214 Rent 222 Voting List, P 319 Stationery, Pr 399 ~iscelianeous 0TAL ELECTIONS NAINTENANCE BLDGS. 19 Capital Outlay 119 Comp° Janitors 207 Electric Curre 210 Fire Ins. Prem 215 Repairs 223 Water Service 306 Cleaning ~ater 311 Fuel 399 Niscellaneous ~05 Furniture & Fi~ 0TAL ~INTENANCE BLD. POOR RELIEF 703 General Relief 704 Old Age Assist~ 705 Aid to the Bti~ 706 Aid to Depende~ 0TAL POOR RELIEF ransfer from General 0TAL V. P. A. ~ND ~embers $ 700.00 $ ~52.30 ~ 500.00 % ~00.00 $ ~- ~ 100.00 )~$ 700.00 $ 352.30 $ 500.00 $ 400.00 $ -0- $ 100.00 $ 250.00 $ -o, $ 250.00 [ Stets. 150o00 100.50 150.00 ~oint Health .14,170.00_____~12992.54 .~,500.OO $ 14,570.00 $ 13,093.04 $ 14,9OO.00 250.o0 $ -o- $ !50.00 -0- - 0- 14~ 500. OO -O= -0- 14,900.00 $ -0~ $ -0- LTUP~ & HO~ EC ~ographer $ 480.00 $ ~ors: ~1,800.00 1,260.00 600.00 3,080.00 oors~ ~ff $I,100.00 620,00 $ 780.oo 2,846.66 ]]13,640o00 800°00 1,600.00 1,675.00 1,900.00 ~vice !25.O0 109.99 125.00 25.00 -0- 25~'00 ~t I00.00 ~0- .100.00 $ 78o.oo $ -o- $ -o- 3,660100 20. O0 ~05 1,900.00 ~0- -0- 125.00 -0- -0= 25.00 -O= -0- 100.00 -0= -0- )~4E EC. $ 5,410.00 $ 5,251~65 $ 66,570.00 $ 6,590.00 $ 20. O0 -0- rs $ i,500.00 $ 1,934.16 $ 1,500.00 $ 2,000.00 75.00 67.00 75.00 75.00 · inting etc. 15.00 28.94 15.00 50.00 .nted Fo~s 150.00 74.18 150.00 100.00 15.00 -0~ 15.00 15o00 500.00 $ -o- 3 5. oo -o- -0- 50.00 -0- ~'~; -0- 1,755.00 $ 2,104.28 $ 1,755.00 $ 2,240.0~ $ 53 5. O0 $ 50.00 & GROUNDS & Helper ~t 500.00 $ -o- $ 5o0.00 1,020.00 976.35 1,000.00 1,500~00 1,497.83 1,500.00 1,750.00 163.02 400.00 !1,000.00 715.05 1,000.00 250.00 230°38 250.00 500.00 200.04 400.00 500.00 438.39 400.00 100.00 24.64 100.00 ~tures 500°00 145.54 500.00 ~S & GRNDS $ 7,620.00 $ 4,391~24 $ 6,050.00 .al,Supplies 5oo.oo $ -o-' 500. O0 500. O0 800.00 300 · O0 250. O0 -0- 000.00 1,000. O0 250. OO -0- 400. O0 -0- 600.00 200.00 100. OO -O- 4oo. O0 -o- 7,800.00 $ 2,000.00 -0- i 5O. 00 --0~ --0-- --0-- --0-- I00.00 250.00 VIRGINIA PUBLI$ ASSISTANCE FLIED $ 12,000.OO $ 8,817.17 $ 8~500.00 $ 9,500.00 $ 1,000.00 $ -O- nce 26,160.00 20;721.00 24,000.00 24,500.00 500.00 -O- ~d 2,844.00 2,357.00 2~500.00 3,000.00 500.00 -O- .t Uhildren__~15666.00 .... 10,324.20 ~0 ~4,000.00. 1,000.O0 -0- $ 56~670.00 $ 42,219.37 $ 48,000.00 $ 51,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ -0- REVENUE ESTI?~TES 6.:'.~:,..: .....~,.?~,6 YEAR ENDING JUNE 30~ Year Ended year Ending Increase Over Decrease Unde June 30, 1943 June 30, 1943 Tentative Year Ending Year Fmding (Act~(Estimated~___ Estimate Jume__30, 1944 June ~0~ 1944 Fund 42,237,37 $ 48~000.0p 42,237,37 $ 48,000.00 ,, ~ 5!,ooo.oo $ 3,ooo.oo $ -o- $ 51,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ -o- 9,500.00 25,000.00 3,000.00 15,000.00 $ 52,500. O0 1945' r Allowed By Board ~ 52,500. O0 52,500.00 .? ALBI~RLE COU~TY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURJ{ ESTIF~TES FOR THE YEid~ ENDING JUNE 30, 1945 DOG TAX FUND TITLE' OF P ~'CTION Number of No. 9f TITLE OF Fm~ction It e~ ITEM 12 PROTECTICN OF LIVESTOCK & FOWLS 116 Comp./ 0f Game ~arden ~ 300.00 ~17 T~g~ 125. OO .319 ery and Printing 5.00 399 10. O0 400 , Maintenance 275. CO 501 Fowl aims 150.OO 502 Lives ck Claims i,000.00 503 Rabie ,a6ment 10.OO 504 15% .tare 825.00 505 Trans to General Fund . TOTAL PROTEC 0N, LIVESTOCK,FOY~ $5,250.00 .Appropriation Sale of Dog ~a s Year Ending June 30, 1944 ~EARENDING JUNE:O~5 Inm~ease Over Decrease Under Proposed Year Ending Yea~ Ending Allowed Exoenditure~ Jun~ 30- I- ' - June.~ 0 !~" B.._Board Expe~d~ur~_~___~AArooriation $' 300.00 $ 420.00 133.90 150.OO -0- 5.OO 1.O0 I0.00 262.14 300.00 393°50 250.00 908.10 1,140.O0 39~46 I0.00 830.33 900.00 2,550.00 ~ 2 780.-6 2 875.~0 ~. 2~.185.00 $ 5,648.89 $ 6,060.00 $ 6,000.00 420.oo 18o.oo 3o.oo 5.00 -0- -0~ lO.O0 -O- -o- 350.00 50.00 -0- 250.00 :-~0~ -O~ 1,500.00 360~00 -0- 200.00 190.00 -0~ 900.00 -0- -0- -o- i69o,oo 630.00 $ ~90.00,: REVENUE ESTI~TES DOG TAX FUND Year Ended Year Ending June 30~: 1943 June 30, 1944 (Actual) .(Estimated) TentatiVe Estimate YEKR E~4DING JUNE ~ I~~r-- ~ecre$se Under Y~arEnding Year!i Ending Allowed June 30, 1944 June ~0 I [d_~ B~f Boated $ 5,535.50 TOTAL DOG TAX ~ND TITLE OF FU~C_~ION Number of No. o~ TITLE OF Function It~ 40'FIP~ PROTE 19 Capita !19 Compen 207 Electr $ 5,535.50 6,000.00 $~,000.00 EXPENDITI~E ESTIMATES CROZET FIRE DISTRICT Fb~qD YEAR ~IDED~UNE ~p, 1943 Year Ending $ 6,o0o.o0 i -o- $ ~-o- 6,000.00 -O- YEAR ENDING JUNE )0., i9_4~ Increase Over Decrease Under June 30, 1944 Proposed Year Ending Year ~nding Allowed ITeM .... Appropriation~ _EAqoe_nd~iture Appropr.!atmon Expenditure, Ju~.~e 30~ 1944 June.~O~ 19~ ,~. ......... ?~ION Outlay sstion of Janitor 60. CO 60. O0 Service 1~. O0 ll.O0 15. O0 15, O0 -O- 210 InsuranCe Premiums 214 Rental ~ire Hydrants 215 Repairt~i 223 Water ~rvice 300 Auto T~es, repairs, upkeep i '.TOTAL FIRE PR~ECTION ~ z6.oo 8.oo loo.oo lOO.OO -o- 462.00 A62.00 A62.00 462.00 -0- I0.00 12.45 10.00 !0.00 -0- 18.oo 18,oo lS.OO is.co -o~ 30.00 68.lO ~o.oo 1oo.oo 70.00 25.00 5.66 25.00 25.00 30.00 24, o7 30.00 30.00 -o- 75.00 -.oo_ 7'5.o0 -.o. Qo -o- 791.00 $ 673.28 $ 825.00 $ 860.00 $ 70.00 , 3~.00 $ 3~.oo REVENUE ESTIMATES CROZET FIRE DISTRICT FUND Year Ended June 30, 1943 June 30, 1944 (Actual) _ (Estimated) Year Ending Tentative Estimate Y~R ENDING JUNE IncreaSe Over Year Ending June 3.0, DELINQUENT T;~ 1% 1% TOTAL REVENUE AMOUNT TO BE DELINQUENTS ON LEVY REQUIRED ASSESSED VALUE RATE OF LEVY TITLE OF FUN( Number of No. OJ Function Item 30 ~INT~ANCE 215 Reoairs TOTAL ~INTENJ2~ DELINQUENT TAY~; 1942 1943 TOTAL RElrEN~ ~S $ 24.28 $ 25.00 i00.4_[ 25.00 TH~g TP~ CUP~EENT LEVY124.73 $ 50.00 ISED BY CURRENT LEVY BASIS OF 10% OF PROPERTY $ 25.oo $ -o- $ 25. O0 -0- $ 5o.oo $ -o- $ 810.00 ___~o. co 900.00 $901,352.00 .iQ ~..~ENDITUHE ESTimaTES WOOLEN NIEES SANI~.ARY DISTRICT FUND ~I~ YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1943 YEAR ENDING JUNE ~Oa ~19_4~ Year Ending Increase Over Dec. ea~e Unm~ June 30, 1944 Prooosed Year ~nding Year ~nding Allowed AppropriRtion Exoenditure June 30,. 1944 June 35, 1944 ~y Bqard TITLE OF ITEM Apprq~riation E~penditume )F SEWEP~.GE SYSTEM $ 60.00 $ ~O- ]E SES~EP~GE SYST~ ~ 60.00 $ 6o. oo 6o.oo $ lO.CO $ - ~o~ $ ~o- .~EYENUE ESTi~TES WOOLEN MILLES 'SANITAHY DISTRICT FUND Year Ended June 30, 1943 (A.ctu~l) Year Ended June 30, 1944 (Estimated) $ 1.46 .80 5.00 5.00 ~ntative Estimate 5.00 5.00 YEA~ E~DING JUNEd~3_O, *945 Increase Over DecreaSe Under Year ~ding Y~ar Ending Allowe8 _~Q,_ ~944 J~ 3~ ~9~ By Boa?d $ -0- $ ~-0- E $ 2.26 $ !0.00 $ 10.00 ITLE OF ~JNCT!ON tuber of NO. of nction Item DEBT SERVICE 800 Redemption of 803 int. on $1t1,£ TAL DEBT SERVICE SCELLANEOUS REVENU~ Anticipated Surplu~ Delinquent Taxes Interest on Investr )TAL REVE~.~E ~ITLE OF FUNCTION mber of No. of TI~ mction Item DEBT SERVICE 800 Redemption of 803 Interest )TAL DEBT SERVICE ISCELLANEOUS Delinquent Taxes: 19~2 1943 Interest on Inve~ EXPENDITURE ESTI~ATES CHARLOTTESVILLE~_DI__~TR~CT ROAD DEBT FUND YEAR ENDED JUNE }0, 19~__ YEAR ENDING ~UNE..3.0, 1945 Year Ending Increase Over Decrease Under June 30, 19A4 Proposed L Year Ending Year Ending Allowed A~KqM~i~tion Expenditu~. Appropriation_ ~xp~nditur~ J~e 3~~e.30a t9~ B~ TIT ~E OF I ~E~ ~onds DO. O0 ~nt 500.00 $ ~o- $ 5,800.00 $ ~0~ $ -0- $ 5,800.00 5,650.00 5 550.00 5,~550.0o 5~ ~oo -o- -o- .. 11,150.00 $ 5~550.00 $ 11,350.00 $ 5,500.00 $ -0- $ 5,800.00 Year Ended June 30, 1943 REVENUE ESTI~,~TES CHARLOTTESVILLE DISTRICT ROAD DEBT FUND YEAR ENDING JUNE 3 Year Ending Increase Over Decrease Unde June 30~ 19Z~ Tentative Year Ending Year Ending (Estimate~ Estimate June ~0, 19AA_June30, 19~ -O~' $ -O- $ 3,112.50 $ 3,112.50 $ -0- 774.44 700.00 500.00 -O- 200~00 2,996.21 1,800.00 ,_~1937.50 137.50 3,770.65 $ 2,500.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 3,250.00 $ 200.00 LE OF TEMi Ao_ro:ria~ion Bonds $ 2,500,00 .4,100.00 ~ 6,600.00 Year .Ended June 30, 1943 $ 109.90 205;05 aents 1,475.78 OTAL REVEZ~UE OTHER ~HAN CURRENT~ ~0U[T TO BE RAISED ~Y' CURRENT ELI~QUENTS ON BASIS [~OF !0% ~E~ REQUI~D SSESSED VALUE 0F PRt ~ERTY ~TE OF LEVY D, 1945 . .. Allowed By Board .. TITLE OF FUNCTION Fumber of No. of 'unction Item TI! ~3 DEBT SERVICE 800 Redemption of 803 Int. on $209. ~OTAL DEBT SERVICE ~ISCELLANEOUS Delinquent Taxes 1942 1943 Interest on Invest~ tOTAL REVENUE OTHER ~MOUNT TO BE RAISED DELINQUENTS ON BASIS LEVY REQUIRED ASSESSED VALUE OF RATE OF LEVY EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES IVY DISTRICT ROAD DEBT FUND ~E~RENDED JUNE~_~O1943 YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, Year Nnding Increase Over Decrease Unde~ June 30, 19AA Proposed Year Ending Year Ending Expenditure Ap~ro_priation Expenditure June 30, ~944 June 3_0, 1944 $ -0- $ 2,300.00 $ 2,000.00 ,~ -O- ~oo.~oo~__.~1oo.oo__~o- $ 4,100.00 $ 300.00 300.00 REVENUE ESTI~TES IVY DISTRICT ROAD DEBT ~JND Year Ending June 30, 19AA ~Estimated[ Tentative Estimate YEAR ENDING J~NE 30, 1~ Increase Over Decrease Unde Year Ending Year Endingl ~u_a~..30, 1944 ~?June 30, _194g 300.0O 200.00 ~.0o 1,500.00 $ 3oo.oo 200.00 770.00 $ 1,270.00 -0- _ 230-.00, -o- $ 230.00 $ 4,830.OO _ ~3~.oq $ 5,366.00 $1,539,252.00 .~5 E~PENDITURE ESTIMATES RIVANNA DISTRICT ROAD DEBT FUND YEAR ENDED JUNE ~_O1~. Year Ending June 30, 1944 Proposed LE OF IT~ Approoriation Expenditure ~ppropriation Expenditures June ,45 . ,. Allowed By Board .5 Final Estimate YEAR ENDING JUNE 3~ 19~ Increase Over Decrease Und~ Year Ending Year Ending~ Final June 30, ~94~ Estimate ~onds $ 6,400.00 $ -0- $ 7,000.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 500.00 $ 00.00 10:750;00 10,450.00 10,450.00 10,450.00 -0- -0- $ 17,150.00 $ 10,450.00 $ 17,450.00 $ 17,950~00 $ 500.00 $ -0- Year Ended June 30, 1943 REVENUE ESTI~'~TES RIVANNA DISTRICT ROAD DEBT FUND YE&RENDING JUNE~O, Year Ending Increase Over Decrease Unde June 30, !9~+ Tentative Year Ending Year Ending .(Estimated) Estimate ... Jun~ 30, 1944 Juqe.3~, 1~ ents HAN CUR- ENT LEVY 207.19 $ 500.00 796.sz 7oo.oo __~g.&,5_! _ . 2,Aop.oo 5,498.35 8 3,600.00 300.00 $ -o- $ 200.00 600.O0 -0- 100.00 2,~00.00 -0- -0- .~ 3,300.00 $ -0- $ 300.00 Y CL~RENT LEVY OF lO¢ ~ERTY $ 14,650.OO ~ 1,.629.0_ 0 $ 16,279.00 $2,729,631.00 .60 Final estimate .[ TITLE OF Number of Function JNC~. ION EXPENDITURE ESTI~TES SA~UEL HILLEH ISTRIC~ ROAD DEBT FUND YEgR ENDED JUNE 30~ 1943 .... ~$~f TITLE OF ITEM Aoprooriation 34 DEBT SEt V~CE 800 Redemption of Bonds ~ 7,800.00 803 Int~r~st on Bonds $1 6i0oo.oo 93oo.oo TOTAL DEBT oEr~VICE $ 19,100. O0 Y~IAR ENDING JUNE 30~ 194~ Increase over Year Ending Decrease Under June 30~ 1944 Proposed Year Ending Year Endmng Allowed Expenditure A_p_Ilro_qpriation~ E×pe._n_dm~ur~s June 30~ 1924 Jun.e! 3_0, 1944 By Boar_. q NISCELL~NE0~S Delinquen ~Taxes: i!942 i!943 ~ OTHER TH~Y CUR- TOTAL REVEN ! Et~T It7~ $ 1,928.60 ~OUNT ~0 B IRAISED BY CURRENT DELINQUENTS ON BASIS OF 10% LE'~REQUI] ED ASSESSED VAiiHE OF PROPE~TY RATE OF LE.~~ TITLE OF F~ Number of No Function $ -0- $ 8.900.00 $ 9,500.00 $ 600.00 ~a -0~ ~ 10,0.14.08 10 ~ i00. OO 9,826.26 -0- ~273.74 $ 10,~!4.08 $ 19,000.00 ~ 19,326.26 $ 600.00 $ 173.74 REVENUE ESTIMATES S~2~[UEL ~J!LLER DISTRICT ROAD DEBT P~JND Year Ended Yekr Ending June 30, 1943 June i0, 1944 ~(~to~t~_~ lEst%mated ) Tentative Estimate YEAR F~DiNG ~JUNE 30, 1945 increase Over Decrease Under Year Ending Ye~ Ending Finalx! Jum~ 30~ 1944 June~ 30, 19 Estimat'~ ...... 4/+ Estima~'~ 723.21 $ 200.00 $ 400.00 $ 200.00 _~205o19 .... SO0.00 ...... '400.00 ...... -0- $ 1,000.00 $ 800.00 $ 200.00 $ 18,526~ 26 2,O58.47 $ 20,584.73 $2,7 51,346 · O0 .75 E~PENDITURE ESTi~'~TES SCOTTSVILLE DISTRICT ROAD DEBT FUND iI~CTION _ !~_gR ENDED JUNE 30~ 1943 Year Ending ~ lof June 30,~_¥44 - ~ ~T~T~ ,em ~ .... OF iTEN ~-pp~opriation E~pend~u.re APpzt~priation 400. O0 400.00 35 DEBT SE~ 800 Rede~ 803 Inte~ $104,00£ 131,4t] TOTAL DEBT ri~E dtion of Nonds ~st on Bonds: $5,2oo.oo ~!~-% 1,971~17 ERVICE $ 6,700.00 ~ -0- $ 12,450.00 _ 11,750.00 $ 18,450.00 Year Ended June 30, 1943 (Actual_J _ ?,232.~2... 7~18~.t7 $ 7,232.42 $ 19,636.17 Y~R ENDING JUNE .~O, 1945 . Incr~e~Over ~ecr~e gnder Expenditures _Ju~0% 19.' ~un~.. 30, ~9~ B,F Board $ !A,O00.O0 $ 1,5~0,00 $ 15.00 ~ 15. O0 7,171.17 _ .-0- $ 2!,171.17 $ 1;550.00 REVENL~ EST!Y~TES SCOTTSVILLE DISTRICT ROAD DEBT FUND Tentative Estimate YEAR ENDING JUNE~5 ~cre~s~ Over Decr%ase Under Year Ending Yea~ Ending Final June ~0, 1944 Jum~ 30, 19~timate Year Ending J~ne 30, 1944 (E~timated) MISCELIANEOU De!inquen Taxes: 1942 1943 TOTAL REVENU AMOUNT TO BE DELINQUENTS LEVY REQUIRE ASSESSED VAL RATE OF LE~ $ 630.94 1~103.27 TITLE OF FN Number of No. Function It< 36 DEBT SERV[ 800 Redem 803 Int. TOTAL DEBT S OTHER THAN CUR- $ 1,734.21 RENT LEVY ~ISED BY CUP~ENT LEVY BASIS OF 10% TION OF PROPERTY ;T!ON of TITLE n . OF ITEM 500.00 $ 400.00 700.00 800.00 1~00.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 19,971.17 . 2,219.01 $ 22,190.18 $2,605,356.00 .85 EXPENDITURE ESTiNATES WHITE F~ALL DISTRICT ROAD DEBT FUND YEAH ENDED Jb$~E 30~ i94~ Year Ending June 30, 1944 Proposed Appropriation ExRen~ituMe.. ARprq. priation Exoenditure ~,~ISCELLANEOU[ Delinquent Interest TOTAl; l }:RE%~ TOTAL AMOUNT DELINQUENTS LEVY REQUIRE] ASSESSED VAT~ ;E tion of Bonds $ 6,000.00 Bonds $79,000 e54 ~.00 !~ViCE $ 9,950.00 Year Ended June 30, 1943 (Actual) $ =o- $ 5, Soo.oo $ 6,65o.oo 3,9~50. oo 3 ~ 9 5o. oo 3_~950. oo $ 3,95o.o0 $ 9,450.00 $ lO,6OO.OO REVEN~E ESTI~TES ~{ITE HALL DISTRICT ROAD DEBT FUND Taxes: ' " 1942 8 305.49 1943 763.38 a Investments 1,~35.00 ZE?S OT~R THAN $ 2,203.87 ~URP~N ~ LEVY ~0 BE RAISED BY CURRENT i~VY Year Ending June 30, 1944 (Est__imate.d) Tentative Estimate $ -o- $ ioo.oo t00.00 ~i -O- lOO.OO $ iilOO.OO BASIS OF 104 OP 'PR~PFPq~V E DINO Incre~'se Over Decrease ~nder Year Ending Year .~ndmng Allowed Jun 1944 Ju , By Boa, rd_ 5o.oo $ -o- l,iS0.00 $ YEAR ENDING JUNE 3 Increase Over Decr Year Ending Yea Jun~_Ol_~ne $ 300.00 $ 325.00 $ 25.00 $ 7oo.oo 5oo.oo -o- -o- s75,0o 875.oo $ 1,000.O0 $ 1,7oo.oo $ 9oo.oo $ ~ 8,900.00 $ 9,888.00 --0--. 1945 mse Under ~nding Final .30¢. 1944__Estimate -0- 200.00 ~0~ 200.00 Year Ended Jun~ 30, 1943 June 30, 1944 (~q~al) _ (Estimated) ALBF~ARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA REV~UE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JL%JE 30, 1945 SCHOOL F~ YEAR.ENDING JU~ ~0~1~5 Year Ending Increase Over Decrease Under Tentative )L~ar Ending Year Ending Final O ~ Estimate June 30~4. June 30, 1944 Estimate ~ATE FUNDS ~eneral lppropriati~ ~upervis~on ~ocational Educatio~ ~pecial Education ~uperintendent~s S&i ?ransoortation )UNTY FUNDS )elinquent Taxes )ash Appropriation ?HER FUNDS )awson Fund ?uition - Other Diw ?uition - Private S~ ~ale of Supplies ~ale of Real Estate ~ents, Rebates, Nis~ ]asoline Tax Refund~ ~ean's Fund ~extbooks 5iterary Fund Debt ~dult Education ~urp!us ~UNTY TAXES ~TAL REVENUE OTHER ?~ND TOTALS Bee Bottom of Pa~. TITLE OF FUNCTION mmber of No. of TI unction Item 74 SCHOOL BOARD I00 Compen. of 206 Dues and Sub~ 220 Traveling Ex] 298 Community Ac: Commencement 299 Distribution 299x Sale of Text1 999 Unapproprtat~ OTAL SCHOOL BOARD .TB SUPERINT~DENT'S 102 Comp. of SUp: 135 Comp. of Sec! 1352 Comp. of Atti & Super. of 214 Box Rent 215d Fixtures and n sions urces el!aneous City) HAN CL~RRENT LEVY LE OF EM $115,202.20 $108,720.OO $121,800.00 $ 13,080.00 $ -O~ 4,.313.33 4,960.00 5,100.00 140.00 4,905.12 7,300.00 7,000.00 -O- 300.00 2,459.96 240,00 240.00 -0- -O- 1,198.04 !~295.00 1;295.00 -O~ -0- 7,767.74 7,500.00 7,300.00 -0- 200.00 10,837.92 $ 6,O00.O0 $ 5,730.00 $ -0- $ 270.O0 -O- -0- -0- ~0- -D- $ 977.50 $ 975.00 $ 975.00 $ -0- $ -O- -o- 2oo.oo 15o.oo -o- 5o;oo 546.00 IO0.00 I00.00 -0~ -0- -0- !O0.OO 50.00 -~ 50.00 1,460.00 300.00 300.00 -0- -0- 657.56 500.00 500.00 -O- !,965~70 1,8~0.00 i,800.00 -0- -O~ 100.O0 100;00 -O- -0- 4;682.54 5,000.00 6,500.00 1,500.00 -0- I~022.66 940.74 -0~ -0- 940.74 I,I00.00 ~' -0- ~@- -0- -0- -0~ 30,000,00 26,000.00 -0- 4,000.O0 141,625.21 i30___~9~.70 ~33.,935-45 2,105.75 -O- $159,~6.2%~ $176,030.74 $184,940.00 $ i4,7~0.00 $ 5,810.74 $3OO,721.48 $306,960.44 A~atiQn $317,975.45 $ 16,825.75 $ 5,810.74 ENPF2~DITURE ESTIMATES SCHOOL FUND YEAR ~DED JUNE ~ YE~ ENDING JUNE30_~lC~ Year Ending Increase Over Decrease June 30, 19~ ~Proposed Year Ending Year Endi Exendi_ture~.:orooriatioq _Expend~ 19~L ?'June 30 ] mbers $ 900.00 criptions '6.00 enses 200.00 i~ities & ~osts !00.00 of Textbooks 140.00 ooks 6,000.00 d Reserve -0~ $ 7,346.001- OFFICE . & Olerk $ 4~200.00 & Helpers 1,500.00 ndance Officer ransoorbation ~O- 6.00 Repairs 50.00 218 Telephone & ~elegraph 135.00 220 Travel of Su~erintendeht 500~00 220a Travel of Attendance~ Officer Suo.' of Transportation~ 319 Stationery, Orinting," Etc. I$200.00 ~05 Office Equipi~ent 50.00 ~0TAL SUPER!NTiS'DENT S OFFICE $ 7~641.00 come after Grand Totals: ~This portion should .Y CURF~NT LE~ OF 12% &MOUNT TO BE P&ISED DELINQUENTS ON BASIS LEVY RE~ilRED ASSESSED VALUATION RATE OF LE~Z &70.O0' $ 900.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 300.00 $ -O- 6.OO 6.OO 6.00 -0- -0- 71.75 200.00 200.O0 -O- -0- 4.59 100.00 100.00 ~0- -0~ ~ 72.15 140.00 I00.00 -0~ 4~.0 4,683.44 5;000.00 6,500.00 1,500.00 ; ..~0- 18,500.00 -0- -0- 18,5 070.0 5,307.93 ~ 24,$46.00 $ 8,106.00 ~ 1,SO0.O0 $1S,540.0~ $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,800.00 $ 600.00 $ -0- Z,385.35 1,800.00 2,000.00 200.00 -o- -0- -0- 2,500. O0 2,500. O0 3- O0 6. O0 -0- -0- 6. 19.55 50. O0 50.00 -0- -O- !12.64 13 5. O0 140. O0 5. O0 -0- 158.90 400. O0 400. OO -0- -C- -0- -0- 600.00 600.00 -e- 845.83 1,350.00 1,350.00 -0- -0- 12.28 50.00 50.00 -0- -0- $ 6,737.55 $ 7,991.00 $ 11,890.OO $ 3,905.00 ~ 6.0C P~VENUE ESTI~:~TES SCHOOL FUi~ Tentative Estimate '$133,035.44 18.141.2q $!51,176.6~ $13,743,331.00 !.i0 nder ng Allowed TITLE OF Number of Nc F~mction EXPENDITU~ ESTI~TES SCHOOL FUND ~CTION YE&R ENDED JUNE 30:1943- Year Ending ~. of TITLE OF June 30~,~ 1944 ~m IT. EM Appropriation Expenditur_e .Approoriation 170 iNSTRU( ~0N: ~3a Princ~ ~a!s - White - Males 16,627.50 $ 16,757.25 $ 17,002.50 ~3b Prin. -iWh. - Female -O- -0- -O- 1~3c Prin. -INet. - Naie !,080.00 1~092.85 1,182.50 133d Prin. ~!Neg. - Female 1;327.50 1;356.10 !,430.00 134a Tch. ~ H.S. - ~ih. - Male 4,662.00 3;683.97 3,8!7.50 134b Tch. H.S. - Wh. ~ Female 28,!A4.00 28,233.91 29,501.00 134c Tch. H.S. - Neg~ - !~ale 945~00 ' 319.76 -0- t34d Tch. ~.S. N. - Female 2,934.00 3,135.13 3,842.50 !34e Tch. Elam - ~. - Male !,035.00 -0- !34f Tch. Elem - Y~. - Female 90,0155.20 ~90,970.10 93,372.41 1344 Tchl ~E~em - N.'- Male 1,~68.00 773.54 777.50 134h Tch. ~lem N. Female 24;507.00 215;171.88 26,417.00 134i Tch. ~oc. Wh. - Male 7,420.00 5;767.10 7)260.OO 134j Tch. ~oc. ~ ~. - Na!e 1,f~40.O0 1;459.70 1,512.50 134k Tch. = Special Education 1,620.00 3,234.96 360.00 !34m Sick Ie~ve I,O00.00 774.12 1,000.O0 135a Comp., ~ravel,Super. - ~. 7,530.~3 6;690.53 7,580.03 135b Comp.,f~avel, Super. - N. 1,350.00 1,378.90 1,452.50 213 Ins. PrSm~-WorkmenSs Comp. 6.00 6.65 6.00 220 Travel-~oc.Tch. ~ HS Super. 995.00 411.lO 995.00 220a Travel-Home Ec Tch. 675.00 292.76 675.00 220b Travel~Yoc.Agric. - N. 50.00 50.OO 50.00 221 Tuitio 3,000.00 3,565.86 3,300.00 305 Classroom Supplies '800.00 213.39 800.00 305b Standa]r~ized Tests 150.00 155.O5 lO0.O0 313 Laboratqry Supplies 500.00 145.48 500.00 3t4 Librari~!Supplies 1,625.00 1,560.30 1,675.OO 314a Music odpplies 200.00 25.o2 200.00 314b SpecialliEducation Supplies 300.'00 237.94 300.00 ~t40 Phys~ca! Education Supp!~es ~0-'~ -0- 592.50 322 Vocatio~a! Education ~upplies~ 550.00_ 3~10.55 _ ~50.OO TOTAL INST~JOTION $201,896.23 $197,773.90 $206,251.44 YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1945 Increase Over Decrease Under Proposed Year Ending Yearl Ending Expenditures June 30 1944 ~Dne.30, 1944 17,685.00 1,305.00 122.50 1,530.00 !00.00 3,915.00 9?.50 29,105.00 -O- 5,490.00 1,647.50 -0- 94, 500. O0 1,127.59 -0- ~0~ 31, 653 · O0 5,236 · O0 7,570.00 310.00 1,680.00 167.50 360.00 1,000.00 -O~ 7,878.70 298.67 1,575~00 122.50 8.00 2.00 995.00 6OO.OO 50.00 -0- g,200.00 900.00 600.00 -O- 200.00 100.00 500.00 1,675.00 -0- 20O°00 -O- 300.00 6OO.0O 7~50 550.O0 -0- 396.oo ~0~ ~,~77.5O ~0-- ~0~ ~0~ --0-- ~0~ ~0~ ~0~ 75.00 ~0~ ~60.00 --0-- ~0-- $215,724.70 $ 10,921.76 S 1,i~48.5o Allowed B_Z~ Board 17D TRANSP£ 123 Sa!. 136 Dri 211 Ins· 218 Tel 219 Con 300 TiT 312 Gas TOTAL 19F HOUSING 105 Rec( 119 Wag~ 123 Sal~ 207 Ele~ 210 Ins. 210a Bo~ 21Sa Re~ 215b Ma~ 2lSd Re 218 Tel 223 Wate 300 Tire 306 Jani 311 Fuel 312 Gas 323 Well 399 Uno/ TOTAl. HOUSIM 19 CAPITAL C 123 Impr 322 Voca 400 Reol 400a Serv: 403 Furn: 600 Land 601 New TOTAL CAPITA 20 DEBT SER~[ 801 Princ~ 804 Inter~ TOTAL DEBT ~ies, Repairmmn $ 2,160.00 $ 2,108.64 $ 2,260.O0 ;ers - Co. Buses 9,540.00 8,093.70 12,375.00 ~Zance 1,300.00 1,006.64 1,300.00 ' i- Red.air Shop '56. O0 68.50 60. O0 ~actors ~ 855.00 726.00 l, 170.00 ~, Repairs & Upkeep 6,000.00 6;157.74 7,000.00 ~ine, Oil, & Grease--. ~500.00 7,125.9 . 6,500.00 '0RTATION $ 25,4!1.OO $ 25,287.t5 $ 30,665.00 3,000. oo $ 740. O0 12,37 5. OO -0- 1,300. O0 -0- 75.00 15.00 1,580.00 ~10. O0 9,000. O0 2,000. O0 8__L500. O0 _2,000.00 35,830.00 $ 5,165.00 ,~ding Documents $ 20.00 $ 3.50 of Janitors 4,455.00 4,265.17 ies,' Repairman 1,440.00 1;.155.00 ~ric Current 1~300.00 1,276.21 on Buildings t,5OO~00 1,766.95 er Insurance 325.00 367.20 jif, Upkeep 4,000~00 999.89 tenance of Floors 500.00 60.73 irs, Furniture,Fxts.l,500.OO 1,046.47 hone - McIntire 49.10 46.56 ~ Ser~iee 600.00 375.61 ~ etc. Repmns. Truck lO0.O0 96.28 ~or~s Supplies 1,500.00 1,286.27 5,000.00 5,092.54 ~tc, Repmns. Truck 200.00 143.92 400.00 2,525.50 ~ssified 900.00 213.69 15.oo $ 15.oo $ -o- 4;788.00 5,000.00 212.00 1;755.00 1,700.O0 -0~ 1,300.00 1,300.00 -0- 1,500.00 1,800.00 300.00 -O- -0- -0- 4,000.00 4,000.00 -0= '500.00 500.00 -0- 1,500.00 1,500.00 -0- 50.00 50.00 -0- 600.00 600.00 -0- 100.00 125.00 25.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 -0- 5,300.00 5,800.00 500.00 200.00 200.00 -0- 1,000.00 1,000.00 -0- 800.00 500.00 -0- 23,789.10 $ 20,721.49 $ 24,908.00 $ 25,590.00 $ 1,037.00 $ -0- ii 5.oo ~0~ --0~ --O~ --0~ --0~ --0~ , i~oo.oo i 55.oo TLAY -' vement of Grounds$ 400.OO $ 498.90 ional Equipment 400.00 35.00 .cement of Buses lO,O00.OO 8,325.00 ce Truck -O- -O- ture 800.00 -0- 75.00 uildings -O- -O- OUTLAY $ 11,600.00 $ 8,933.90 200.00 $ 200.00 $ -0- 400.00 400.00 -0- -0- 15,000.00 15,000.00 800.00 950.00 150.O0 400.00 300.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- ,, -0- -0- -0- !,800.O0 $ 16,850.00 $ 15,150.00 I~oo. oo 0 $ ~00.00 3E Literary Fund 6,675.00 $ ~,675.00 Litgrary Fund 5,O~1. OO .4,532.32 $ 1!,766.00 S 11,207.32 5,675.00 $ 2,325.00 $ -0- 4,824.00 1,.659..75 -0- 10,499.00 ~ 3,984.75 $ -0- $ 3,!~350. O0 l,~ 2 5 _ 6,b14.25 GRAND TOTAL $289.449.33 $275,969.24 $306,960.44 $317,975.45 $ 37,978.76 $ 26,i~963.75 REVENUE ESTI~ATES SCHOOL ~t~Ci~TIRE TRUST FUND~ FUND Year Ended Year Ending June 30, 1943 June 30,'r1944 (Ac~ua!j_--_jEstimated~ Tentative Estimate YEAR ENDING J~NE 30, ]9.- ~-. -.AY Increase Over Decrease Under Year Ending Year E~ding Fica! Jmae 30~_1944~June 30, 194~ E~tima~e ~t$1. Bank & Trust ~oples National Ban [terary Fund of Vir )TAL TITLE OF FUNCTION mmber of Nc.of TIT ~nction Item IT ~oadus Wood High Sc] ~ozet High School ~eenwood High Schoo ~Intire High School ~riwether Lewis Hi~ ~d Hill High School ~ottsvi!!e High Sch !bemarle Training S DTALS inia E OF ooi School Gl hool 1,218.53 $ t;125.O0 1,223.92 1,125.00 562.~0 450.oo 3,004.95_ $ 2,?00.00 1,250~00 1,250.00 & 50. O0 2,950.00 125~00 $ 125.00 -0- -O- -0~ 250.00 $ -o- EAPENDITURE ESTI~TES SCHOOL (~CINTIP~ TRUST FL~) Fb]~D ~AR ENDED JUNE 39~ 19~3 YEAR ENDING J~E ~.1945 Year Ending Increase Over ~ecrease Und~ June 30, 194A Proposed Year Ending" year Ending ... Appropriation Exp~nd~]~priation Expenditures Jun~ 30, 19A~e 30., .194~ r Allowed By Board 321.43 $ 239.95 $ 321.43 $ 357.14, $ 35.71 321.43 400.15 321.43 3 57 · l~ 3 5.71 -0- 321.43 259.21 321 · A3 357.14 3 5.71 -0- 600. O0 ~0- 450 · O0 ~ 50, O0 ' 7~0~ 321.42 2~00.40 321. ~ 3 57.15 35,73 -0- 321.43 23t.9A 321.43 357.15 35.72 -0- 321.43 348.92 321.4,3 357.14 35.~ -0- ~ .107.40 321.~43 357.14. 35.?T -0- 2,850.00 $ 1,'787.97 $ 2,700.00 $ 2,950.00 $ 250.00 The Board proceeded to lay the County Levies for the Year 1944 and ordered that th~ Director of Finance of the County of Albemarle assess and collect on all taxable real estate and all taxable tangible personal property, including machinery and tools not assessed as real estate at the general reassessment of lands in 1925, used or employed in a manufacturin or mining business taxable by the State on Capital; including public service corporation property (except the rolling stock of railroads operated by steam), based upon the assess- ment fixed by the State Corporation Commission and certified by it to the Board of County Supervisors both as to location and valuation. For General County purposes, Twenty-five Cents ($0.25) on every One Hundred Dollar worth of said property. For Operation of School purposes~and School Debt Purposes, One Dollar and Ten Cents ($1i10) on every One Hundred Do!lard worth of said Property. Fir interest and Sinking Fund for District Road Bonds~ the Director of Finance sha levy and collect on all of said property as follows to-wit: (1) In the %~..~.rDiatmi~tlThiDty4fiv~ (~0.35) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said property. (2) In the Rivanna DisBrict Sixty Cents ($0.60) on every One Hundred Dollard worth of said property. (3) In the Samuel Miller District Seventy-five Cents (~O.75) on every One Hundred Dollard worth of said property. (4) In the Scottsville District Eighty-five Centy (~0.85) on every One Hundred Dollard worth of said property. (5) In the'~ite Hall District Sixty Cents ($0.60) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said property. For Operating Expenses in the Crozet Fire District, Ten Gents ($0.!0) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said property. The following reports were presented and order filed: (a) County Executive. (b) Game Warden. (c) University of Virginia Hospital. (d) Board Of EquAlization. (~) District Home Board. L In the matter of discontinuing a p~tion of old State Highway No. 6: The report of J. R. Tyler, J. I. Mau~in and J. H. Crist, three of the Viewers heretofore appointed at the regular February, 1944~ meeting of this Board to view the unused portion of State Route No. 6, near Tillman~s Store in the County of Albemarle, having been heretofore filed with the Clerk of this Board, it is ORDERED that the same be here spread upon the minutes, which is accordingly done in words and figures as follows: ~' ~ ~OUN~Y. TO THE HON~tABL~ BOARD OF COU~TY SD?ERVISORS OF ALB~RLE ' ~ · We, the undersigned, Viewers, appointed at a meeting of your Board held on the 16th day of February, 1944, to view a certain road, formerly a part of st&re Highway Route NO. 6, in the Coun- ty of Albemarle, and particularly describes as, ~'SeCtion 20, From Sta. A28 ~ 25 on R~. 6, leading in a northwesterly direction under the Nelson & Albemarle Rai!raad to the intersection of Rt. 717 at Tilman's Store, a dostance of 0.3 mi.~, and report in writing whether, in our opinion, any and if any, what inconvenience would result from discontinuing the same, beg leave to report as follows: That on the 2nd day of Narch, 1944, we met at the Court House of the said County, and after being first duly sworn, we proceeded to view said road, we carefully examine the portion of the road proposed to be closed, such ~ortion being designated as above, and now report that in our opinion no inconvenience will result to anyone if the said road, between the points described, is discon- tinued and closed. Respectfully submitted, J. K. Tyler, J. I. ~aupin, J. H. Crist. In the matter of establishing a public road from U. S. Route No. 29 to old Route No. 29 in the proximity of the North Garden Colored School at the regular February meeting of the Board of CoUnty Supervisors~ it was ORDF~.ED that J. R. Tyler, J. I. ~, J. H. Crist, W. H. Stargel!, and W. A. Dawson, any three of whom may act, be and they were pointed viewers to view a road and report u~on the expedience of establishing a public road from U. S. Route No. 29 to old U. S. Route No. 29 through the land of the Albemarle County School Board and O. W. Nowtin, and the viewers haveing returned their report in writing from which it appears that the land owners affected are the County School Board of Albemarle County and 0. W. Now!in; therefore, on motion duly made and seconded, it is ordered that the Clerk of this Board issue process to summon the County School Board of Albemarle County and the 0. W. Nowlin t~ appear before the Board of County Supervisors at their regular meeting to be held at the Court House on the 19th day of April, 1944, to show cause~ if any they can, why the said report should not be adopted. And the further proceedings on the report are continued. In the matter of establishing a public road from State Route No. 621, a distance of approximately five hundred feet: At the regular February, 1944, meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle ~ounty, it was ordered that, j. R. Tyler, J. I. ~auoin, J. H. Crist, W. H. Starge!l, and W. A. D~wson, any three of whom may act, be and they were appointed viewers to view a vub!ic road leading from State Route No. 621 through the land of ~rs. E. T. Norford for a distance of approximately five hundred feet and report upon the expediency of establishing such as a public road and it appearing thst the said viewers have duly returned their report in writing together withaa map from which it appears that the only land owner affected is I~rs. E. T. Norford. Therefore, u~on motion, duly made and seconded, it is ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board issue process to summun ~.rs. E. T. Norford to appear before the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County at their regular meeting to be held at 10 A.~;.~. on the 19th day of -~prii, 1944, to show cause, if any she can, why the said report should not be adopted. And further proceedings upon the said report are continued. The following budget of the Joint Health Department for the year beginning July 1, 1944, was presented and approved: Health Officer, salary ........... $ 4,500.00 Health Officer, travel ............ Sanitation Officer No. I, salary ...... Sanitation Officer No. l, travel ...... Sanitation Officer No. 2, salary ...... Sanitation Officer No. 2, travel ...... Nurse No. I (H.M.), salary ......... Nurse No. 1 (H.M.), travel ......... Nurse No. 2 (W.R.), salary ........ Nurse No. 2 (~.R.), travel ......... Nurse No. 3 (C.W.), salary ......... Nurse No. 3 (C.W.), travel ......... Nurse No. 4 (~.L.), Salary ......... Nurse No. 4 (W.L.), travel ......... Clinic Nurse(~.~.), salary ......... Clerk .................. Auditor .................. Office ~upplies and Printing ........ Biologies ................. Equipment ................. Postage ................. Telephone'and Telegraph .......... Medical Supplies .............. Extra Office Help . .. ........ Night Venereal Disease ~!~n~c ....... Part-Time Nedical Assistamc~ ....... ~iscellaneous ............... A20.00 1,980.00 550.00 1~800.O0 550.00 1,920.00 550.00 l,~O0.O0 550.~0 1,800.00 550.O0 1,740o00 550~00 1,440.00 1,140.00 180.00 300.00 375.00 120.00 150.O0 175.00 120.00. 50.OO 600.CO 240.00 ,, 300.00 ~24,450.00 Communication from Miss Annie Park acknowledging receipt of the County's contri- bution to the St. Anne's Preventoriumwas presented and ordered filed. The Sheriff submitted a report of the activities of his office in connection with the enforcement of the Dog Ordinance, which report was ordered filed. It was brought to the attention of the Board that a refund of $20.00 authorized at the last meeting to be made to William Kinney ma account of a duplication of tax payment ~id not include the cos~ of a suit which had been paid by William Kinney. ~here~ore, the total sum of $45.~0 was ordered refunded to William Kinney. Communications were received from ~r. George Gilmer, Attorney, ~bnca=nihg the erroneous assessment of several tracts of land in Albemarle County, Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: ~HEREAS, Mr. George Gilmer, Attorney, who has been em- ployed to collect delinquent land taxes, has recommended that the following parcels of land be deleted from the County's Tax Rolls due to the fact that in his opinion the land is erroneously assessed: Tax Year_ ~::ame ~ ~i~tr.ict 1943-1944 George Washington Armstead 1/2 Ivy (Colored) 1939-1942 Cary Walsh 20 Sc~ttsville NOW, THEREF~E, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that these parcels of land be considered as erroneous assessments on the basis of Mr. Gilmer's report and no further efforts be made to collect the taxes on same. Communication was received from the League of Virginia Counties requesting that a reoresentative be sent to Roanoke to attend a round-table ~iscussion of County Government on April 5th. Upon motion, duly made and second~d, th~ chairman of the Board was instructed to represent the County at this meeting and if he found it impossible to go, to appoint some- one to go in his stead. Claims against the County amounting to $43,569.41 were presented, examined, and allowed and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds: General Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet Fire District Fufid National Defense Training Fund 9,628.56 25,233.76 183.35 15.75 49.75 '( Road Debt Fund: Ivy District Rivanna District ~ite Hall District Charlottesvill~ District Long Term Indebtedness Charlottesville, District State Current Credit Account UpOn motion, the meeting adjourned. $ 225.00 625.00 400.00 5,000.00 670.83 ~ 537.41_ $43,569.41 Chairman A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virgini~ was held at the Office Building of said County on the !9th day of April, 194~. Preseat: Dr. L. G. Roberts and Messrs. E. J. Ballard, T. ~. Bruce, P. H. Gentry, ~: C. Purcell ~IcOu~e, and W. ~!. Wood. ~ Absent:. None. i Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. Minutes of the ~eeting of March 15, 194Awere read and approved. A group, including Mr. A. K. Randolph, Mr. John Faris, Mr. J. R. Wingfield, and Mr. E. 0~: McCue, Jr., appeared and requested that the Board ear-mark funds which it is estimated will be received from the additional ABC profits and Wine Tax for teachers' salaries o Following a full discussion of the matter, a motion was made and passed providing for the study of the problem by a co~ittee consistin~ of: 1. The Superintendent of Schools. 2. A member of the ~chool Board. 3. A member of the Parent-Teachers Association. g. A member of the Albemarle County' Teachers Association. 5. A member of the Board of County Supervisors. 6. The County Executive. and report back to the Board with its recommendation. A Petition from the patrons of Broadus Wood School, requesting an appropriation of $700~00 for the purchase of materials to renovate a building on the school grotmds to be used for the teaching of home economics. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, an appropria-il tion of ~700.00 was made for this purpose, provided the project was approved by the ~choo_ i Board. The following report of Viewers was presented, and upon motion, rejected: We, the undersigned Viewers, appointed at a meetin~ of your Board held on the 15th day of March, 19&4, to view a certain road, formerly a part of the State Secondary System, known as Route 643 in Albemarle County, and particular!y described as, "a road beginning at the old ford at Burnt Mills on the property of Donald Keana and leading in a South- easterly direction to the property line of A.-J. Birck~ead and Hastings Coles Estate, a distance of approximately one'thousand (1,000) feet", and report in writing whether, in our opinion, any and if any, what in- convenience would resuld from discontinuin~ the same, be~ leave ~o re- Mort. as follows: That on the 31st day of ~arch, 1944, we met at the Court House of said County, and after being first duly sworn, we oroceedsd to view said road proposed to be closes such portion being d~signated as above, and now report that in our opinion no inconvenience will result to any- one if the said road, between the points described, is discontinued and closed. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) Hugh N._Cl~rk (Signed) Cammann C. Duke (Signed) C. M. Garnett (SiEned) J. B.~ (Signed) P. C. ~inor