HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-05-17 Claims against .the County amounting to $AI,225.61 were presented, examined, and allowed and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds: General Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fund ~cIntire Trust Fund Crozet Fire District Fund National Defense Training Fund ~lhite Hall District Road Debt Fund Commonwealth of Virginia: Dog Tax Credit Account Current Credit Account ~ 9,623.53 28,486.93 446.9O 797.04 6.00 AO0.O0 795.A2 604.76 $A!,225.61 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. ~_~ ~ ~hairman A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 17th day of Nay, 1944. Present: Dr. Lo G. Roberts and Hessrs. E. J. Ballard, T. E. Bruce, Po H. Gentry, C. Purcell NcCue, and ~. W. Wood. Absent: None. Officers~present: County Execu%ive, Sheriff, and Commonwealth's Attorney. Ninutes of the meeting of April 19, 192J~were read and approved. Mr. Theodore Rhodes appeared and requested that the matter of the relocation of a oublic road near his house by an adjacent landowner be investigated. The matter was referred~ to ~r. Gentry, Nr. ~mb!er and the Comaty Executive to investigate and report back. The following reports were presented and ordered filed: (a) County Executive. (b) Board of Equalization. (c) University of Virginia Hospital. (d) Game Warden. (e) District Home Board. A claim ~mounting to'$7.75 of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright was presented, examined, and allowed for payment. ~r. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Department of Finance for the month of April, 19~4, one-third of which to be borne by the Upon motion, duO, made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and ap- State ~roved Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of ~penses of the ~heriff's Office for the month of April, 1944, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. A Statement of the Cost of ~aint~nance of Prisoners in the County Jail for the ~onth of April, 1944, was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement ~as examined~ verified, ~d approved. A Summary Statement of Prisoner Days served in the County Jail during the month of April, 1944, was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined,il verified~ and approved. The Cbunty Executive reported that he had arranged with the Highway Deoartment to ~onstruct a oiece of road leading from~ the corporate Limits of the Town b~ Scottsville West ~rior ~o July !st, the County paying the cost to be reimbursed the following Julyo Upon mtion, duly made and seconded, the County Executive's action was approved. A Statement of the Department of Highways showing the allocation of funds of the The following resolution v~s unanimously adopted: BE IT ~ESOLVE~ by the Board of County Supervisors of A!be, marls County, Virginia, that the Following banks be and they are hereby designated as depositories for County funds: National Bank and Trust Company, Charlottesville, Va. The Peoples National Bank, Charlottesville, Va. The Citizens Bank and Trust Company, Charlottesville, Va. Claim of the Central State Hospital for the cost of transporting a patient from~ said institution to North Carolina was presented and approved for payment. Two notices of the Virginia Stage Lines that it would apply to the Virginia State Corporation Commission in the near future to operate a.bus line from Scottsville to Route 29 and from Scottsvi!!e to Farmville was presented. A petition from the Sheriff and his Deputies requesting a 20% bonus on that portion of their salary paid by the County was presented and the same was re~erred to the County Executive to investigate and report back. The following report of the Committee appointed at the April meeting to investigat~ and recommend action to be taken on a request that certain ABC Funds be ear-marked for teachers was presented:. ~ meeting of the committee authorized by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors at their April meeting to consider ~the allocation of the anticipated additional ABC and wine tax funds was held in the board room of the County Office Building at 3 o c_~ock on May 1st. Those present were: Mr. H. A. Haden, County Executive; Hr. T. E. Bruce, a member of the County Board of SuperVisors; Mr. C. R. Dorrier, Chairman of the County School Board; Mr. R. Claude Graham, Superintendent of County Schools.; Mr. J. F. Far~s, who represented the P.T.A.$ and ~iss Cora Anderson~ a member of the Albemarle Education Association. Er. Faris was named as Chairman and Miss Anderson as secretary. A comparison was made of Teachers' salaries and the salaries of other college gradua6es employed by the County, Mr. Haden's figures showed the salaries of teachers next year would compare favorably with those of other County employees. Mr. Dorrier compared the teachers' salaries 10 years ago with the salaries effective next year. It was stated that the reserve fund provided for in the school budget would be exhausted by the 194~-45 teacher payroll. A suggestion was mada that the funds be used for school purposes other than teacher salaries. Among the suggested needs was: a provision for the sub-~ormal chil~, the employment of a t~ant officer, and~the purchase of school buses. Mr. Bruce stated his position as follows: Since the Board of Supervisors has oassed the recommendation of the school board in regard to teachers' salaries he thought that any money received should stay in the general fund to meet the needs of a possible expansion program after the war. o Mr. Dorrier made the following motion: "In view of the fact that the School Board has made substantial raises in teachers' salaries effective 19Z~-AS, Be it resolved that the CountyBoard o~ Supervisors of Albemarle County be requested to appropriate such part of anticioated funds as this committee was asked to consider which may be needed and requested by the Albemarle County School Board." ~his Motion was unanimously adopted. (Signed) John F. Fari~, Chairman (Signed) Cora H. Anderson, Secretary $296.04 was appropriated to be paid into the State Treasury as one-third of the excess fees of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for the year 194~. The matter of painting the mn e~mor of the Court House was again broughtu~o the attention of the Board. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, a Comn~ittee consisting of Mr. P. H. Gentry, an~ Mr. C. Purcell McCue was appointed with power to act ~in the matter of what parts of the interior and exterior of the Court House should be painted. Communications were received from Mr. George Gilmer, Attorney, concerning the erroneous assessment of several tracts of land in Albemarle County. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, Mr. George Glamor, Attorney,. who has been em- ployed to collect delinquent land taxes, has recommended that the following parcels of land be deleted from the County's Tax Rolls due to the fact that in his opinion the land is erroneously sessed:, Tax Year Name Acreage District 1916~1944 William Richardson 3.40 Scottsville (Col.) 1937-1944 Mary Fountain 1 " " t93~-I943 Charlie Richardson I " " 19~8-1943 William Richardson I " " 1938-1942 Ada White 13 " " N~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by .the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virgin[a, that these parcels of land be considered as erroneous assessments on the basis of Mr. Gilmer's report and no further efforts be made to collect the taxes on same. The report of J. R. Tyler, J. H. Crist, and J. I. ~.aupin, viewers appointed at the meeting of this Board on April 19, 1944 in the matter of establishing a public road from State Route No. 621 tl~oug~ the lands of the Estate of E. T. Norford having returned their report at.this meeting, it is ordered that the Clerk of this Board shall issue process to summon Ellen E. Norf0rd, EIsie N. Cushing, ~ada E. Andes, and ~ary E. Norford of Eastham~ Wiili~m E. Norford of New Market; Lloyd C. Norford of Keedysvitie, ~aryland) MarShall A. Nor- ford of ~cLean~ and Martha E. Condee of Huntington, West Virginia, proprietors and tenants of the land on which the said road is proposed to be established, requiring them to appear at the next regular meeting of the Board to be held on Ju~ 21~ 19~4 and show cause, if any they can, why the said report shbuld not be adopted. ~r. J. R. Tyler, ~r. E. H. Crist, and Mr. J. I. ~aupin, viewers appointed at the meeting of this Board oh April 19, 1944 in the ~atter of establishing a public road from the Corporate Limits of the Town of Scottsvil!e to the site of the Industrial Plant throughtthe lands of ~rs. Helen A. Pitts, ~r~. Caryetta Langhorne, and the School Board of Albemarle County, having returned their report at this meeting, it is ordered that the Jlerk of this Boar~ shall issue process to summon 5Irs. Helen A. Pitts, ~irs. Caryetta Langhorne, and the County 85hooI Board~ proprietors of the land on which the said road is proposed to be established, requiring them to appear at the next regularmeeting of the Board to be held on June 21, 1944, and show cause, if any thay can, why the said reoort shovld not be adopted. Claims against the county amouating to ~18,753.25 were presented~ examined, and ~ ?. allowed and ordered certified to the Director of ~mnance for payment and charged against the following funds: General Fund School Fund Crozet Fire District Fund Dog Tax Fund Rivanna District Road Debt Fund Samuel Miller District Road Debt Fund National Defense Tgaining Fund 9,598,49 6,176.46 10.lO 433.59 250.00 625.00 13.12 Deposit on ~oad Construction (Scotts~ille Plant)l,000.O0 Commonwsa!th of Va. Current Credit Account 646.~49 $ 18,753.25 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Chairman