HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-06-21Communications were received from Mr. ~eorge Gilmer, Attorney, concerning the
erroneous assessment of several tracts of land in Albemarle County. Upon motion, duly made
and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
~HEREAS, Mr. George Gi.~'lmer, Attorney, who has been em-
ployed to collect delinquent land taxes, has recommended that the
following parcels of land be deleted from the Comaty's Tax Rolls
due to the fact that in his opinion the land is errone0us~y
Tax Year Name Acrea_a_g~ DistF~ct
1916-194A William Richardson
1937m194A Mary Fountain I " "
~3~-I9~3 Charlie. Richardson 1
1938-19~3 William Richardson I " "
1938-1942 Ada White
NOW, THEREFORe, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Cotmty
Supervisors of Albemarle County, ¥irgin~a, that these parcels of
land be considered as erroneous assessments on the basis ofMr.
Gilmer's report and no further efforts be made to collect the
tsz~es on sa~e.
The report of J. R. Tyler, J. H. Crist, and J. I. ~aupin, viewers appointed at
the meeting of this Board on April 19, 19~ in the matter of establishing a public road
from State Route No. 621 throug~ the lands of the Estate of E. T. Norford having returned
their report at.this meeting, it is ordered that the C!erk of this Board shall issue process
to summon Ellen E. Norford, Elsie N. Cushing, ~ada Eo Andes, and ~,~Iary E. Norford of Easth~m~
William E. Norford of New Market; Lloyd C. Norford of Keedysville, I~ary!and} ~.~arSha!l A. Nor¢
ford of ~cLean; and ~dartha E. Condee of Huntington, West ¥irginia, proprietors and tenants
~ of the land on which the said road is proposed to be established, requiring them to appear
at the next regular meeting .of the Board to be held on Ju~e 21, 19/~4 and show cause, if any
~ the said reoort shbuld not be adopted.
they can, ~n~ .
l~r. J. R. Tyler, ;/~r. E. H. Crist, and ~r. J. I. ~aupin, viewers appointed at
the meeting of this Board oh April 19, 1944 in the ~atter~ of. establishing a public road
from the Corporate Limits of the Town of Scottsville to the site of the Industrial Plant
throughtthe lands o£ ~irs. Helen A. Pitts, ~Ir~. Caryetta Langhorne, and the School Board of ~1~
Albemarle Co[mty, having returned their-report at this meeting, it is .ordered that the Olerk~
of this Boarg shall issue process to summon Mrs. Helen A. Pitts, Mrs. Caryetta Langhorne,
and the County S~hoo! Board, proprietors of the ]and on which the said road is proposed to
be established, requiring them to appear at the next regular meeting of the Board to be
held on June 21, 1944, and show caume, if any thay can, why the said report shm~ld not be
Claims against the County amounting to ~18,753.25 were presented, examined, and
allowed and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the
following funds:
General Fund
School Fund
Crozet Fire District Fund
Dog Tax Fund
Rivsmna District Road Debt Fund
SamueI Miller District Road Debt Fund
National Defense T~aining Fund
10. !0
433 · 59
625. O0
Deposit on Road Construction (Scotts~ille Plant)i,O00.O0
Commonwealth of Va. Current Credit Account . . 6~6.~9
$ 18,755.25
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
A regular meetin~ of the Board of County Supervisors of ~Llbemarle Co~u%y, Virginia,
was held at the Office Bmildimg of said County on the 21st day of June, 1944.
~esent: Dr. L. Go Roberts and Messrs. Eo Jo B~llard, T. E.~' Bruce~ P. Ho Gentry,
C. Purcell McOue, and W. ~.
Absent: None.
Officers present.: County Executive and Commonwealth's A~torney,
Minutes of the meeting of May 17~ 1944 were read and approved.
Mr. R. C. Ambler, representative of the Department of Highways, was present' and
discussed with the Beard the needs of the HighWay System for the year beginning July
The following requests for road improvement were presented and taken under advisement:
Route 6~$ - Surfac~ with~stone.
Ro~te 6~9 - Shape up and surface treat.
Route 601 - Shape up and surface treat.
Route '~?73 - Treat with stone.
A petition was presented requesting that the read to the Methodist Church at
Alberene be taken into the Secondary System of Highways.
Mr. W. E. Buford requested that the remainder of Route 626 be surface treated.
The following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by %he Board of County Supervisors
of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the budget for Secondary
Highways in Albemarle County, submitted to this Board by R.
C..Ambler, Resident Engineer of Highways, be and the same is
hereby approved°
The Town Council of Scottsville and the Scottsville Lions Club requested that an
appropriation of $12,~27.00 be made to cover ~!~Pertion of the cost of the purchase price
of the land for the Defense Plants Corporation, costs for engineering services in conn'ection
with the water works of Scottsville and the cost of constructing a filter plant at Scotts-
ville, which request was referred to the Commonwealth's Attorney for an opinion as to
Board's rights in such matters~ such ~pinion to be presented a~ a adjeurmed meeting of the
Board to be held on Tuesday, June 29th, I~44 at 8 P.M.
fore appointed by this Board by an order made on the 1.qth day of April, 1944, having been
returned and filed at a meeting of the Board held on the l?th day of May, 1945, at which
time process was ordered to summon ~{rs. Helen A. Pitts, and Mrs. Caryetta Langhorne, the
proprietors and tenants of the land on which it is proposed to establish said road, to
appear and show cause against the same; and the Sheriff of the County having returned proce$
executed as to Mrs. Helen A. Pitts and Mrs. Caryetta Langhorne, summoning them to.ap-
pear at this June meeting of the Board and shew cause as aforesaid; and the said Mrs. He!eh ~
A. Pitts and Mrsl Caryetta Langherne failing to appear in answer to said summons; whereupon~
the Board being of the opinion that the said read ought to be established in accordance wit~
the report of the Viewers and as designated and laid down on a plat or diagram therewith
returned, it is ordered that the report of Viewers be adopted, and that said road be es-
tablished in accordance with the said report and map, and further ordered that the report
of Viewers be spread, which is in words and figures as follows:
Viewers appointed by your order made on the 19th day of April, 1944, respectfully report
that on the 24th day of April, 1~44, they went upon the lands.of ~rs. Helen A. Pitts, Mrs.
Caryetta Langhorne, and the School Board of Albemarle County, proposed to be taken for the
purpose of establishing a public road ~0 feet in width and approximately 500 feet in lend'kb
..... ~_ ~_-~_~ v~+~ ~. ~= m~ ~* ~.n~ville. and in the opinion of the undersigned
there is a necessity for establishing a public road at said location on the lands of Mrs.
Helen A. Pitts, Mrs. Caryetta Langhorne, and the School Board of Albemarle County of a width
of 30 feet;
That the probable cost of establishing such road will be $60.00 and the costs and
expenses of Viewers;
That little or no inconvenience will result from establishing such road o~ the width
of 30 feet, and great convenience will result to individuals as well as to the public;
That the said road will not be o~ such mere private convenience as to make it proper
that it should be established and kept in order by the persons for whose convenience it is
That no yard, garden, or orchard will have to be taken;
That Mrs. Helen A. Pitts, Mrs. Caryetta Langhorne, and the School Board of Albemarle
iCounty are~the only iandma~ners on such route; that the undersigned have been informed that
iNrs. Caryetta Langhorne is the only landowner requiring compensation, and they are of the
opinion that $60.00 is a just compensation for the land to be taken and for damages to the
~residue of the tract beyond the peculiar benefits to be derived in respect to such residue.
All of which is respectfully submitted,
(Signed) J. R. Tyler
(~i~ed) J. H. Crist
(Signed) J. I. Naupin
~Aud it further appearing that the School Board of Albemarle County, a landowner on
said Route, has filed with this Board its consent by a resolution duly adopted; that said
~irs. Pitts and Mrs. Langhorne are the only other landowners whose property is required for the~,
ipurposed of the road; that Mrs. Caryetta Langhorne is the only landowner requiring compensation;
and the Board being of the opinion that ~the sum of $60.00 in the ~iewers' Report set out as
compensation,~ is a just-compensation, it is ordered that the sum of $60.00 be and the same is
hereby appropriated from the general funds of the County to be paid to Mrs. Caryetta .Langhornei!
as compensation as aforesaid.
.T. NORFORD: The report of Viewers heretofore appointed by an order made on the lgth
~f April, 1955, having been returned and filed at a meeting of this Board on Nay l?, 19¢¢, at
~hich time process was ordered to summon the ~roprietors and tenants of the land one, which it
ms proposed to establish said road, to appear and show cause against the same; and the Sheriff~i
~f the COunty having returned process duly executed as to Ellen E. Norford, and Mary Eliza
~orford, proprietors and agents and tenants of othere proprietors of siad land, and returned
similar process duly executed as to Elsie N. Cushing and ~ada E. Eandes.,ha~dthe said Mary
~liza Norford, Elsie N. Cushing and Nada E. Landes having appeared in person this day in
zuswer to said--summons, and the Board of County Supervisors having heard testimony touching
~he expedience and propriety of establishing the road, and being of the opinion that the siad
~oad ought to be established in accordance with the report of the Viewers, and as designated
zud' laid down on plat or diagram thereof, returned with said report, it is ordered that said
toad be established-in accordance with the report of the Viewers and the map, or di;gram
~herewith returned; and it is further ordered that the report of the Viewers be spread~ which
~s in words and figures as follows:
~iewers appointed by your order made O~ the 19th day of April, 1955, respectfully report that
~n the 2~th day of April, 19~, they went upon the lands of the E. T. Norford Estate, pro-
posed to be taken for the p~rp0se of establishing a pdblio, road 30 feet in width ~nd apprexi-
~ateiy i~%0 feet in lenEth fren~ State Route ~61S, a~d in the opLnion of the undersigned there
il~s a necessity for establishing a oublic road at said location on th~ lands of the E. T.
feet wide in places, and a map or diagram o~ the proposed road, showing its proposed length
and width is herewith returned;
The undersigned further report that the location is preferred because of the exis-
tance at present of a public road;
d~nat the probable cost of establishing such road will be ~$0.00 and the costs and
~xpenses of Viewers;
That little or no inconvenience will result from estab~lishing such road of the
width of 30 feet, and great convenience will result to individuals as well as to the p~blic
Thtat the said road will not be of such mere private convenience as to make it
proper that it should be establis.hed, or widened, and kept in order by the persons for whos
convenience it is desired;
That no yard, garden or orchard will have to be taken;
That the E. T. Norford Estate is the only landowner on such route; that the under-
signed have been informedthat the estate does require compensation, and they are' of the
opinion that $40.00 is a just compensation for the land to be taken and for damages to the
residue of the tract beyond the peculiar benefits to be dermve~ in respect to such residue
A!I of which is respect~u!ly submitted,
(Signed) J. R. Tyler
(Signed) J. H. Crist
(Signed) J. I. Maupin
And the said Mary Eliza Norford, proprietor and tenant, and Elsie N.'Cuslting and
Mada E. Landes, proprietors, demiring that commissioners be name, and the said Board
ceding thereto, it is ordered that E. L. Bradley, R. R. Rinehart, R.~ F. Loving, John L.
Marries, and Pierson Scott, disinterested resident freeholders of the County of Albemarle, b
and they are hereby named as Commissioners, any three of whom may act, for the purpose of
ascertaining a just compensation of the land belonging to the estate of E. T. Norford to be
taken for said road, beyond the benefits to be derived by such residue from such road, the
enhancement, if any,· in value of such residue, by reason of the e~tablishment of said road,
shall be offset against such damage to the residue; and it is further ordered that the
said Commissioners shall go upon the lands~of said estate of E. T. Norford and ascertain
what will be a just compensation for such portion of said lands proposed to be taken for
the road laid out in said Viewer's Report, and map or dA~gram, as well as damaged, if any,
resulting to the residue beyond the benefits to be ~er_veo by such residue f~om such road;
~he aforesaid Commissioners shall, after being duly sworn, meet at $ o'clock P.M. on the
~th day of July, 1945, on the said lands,~do what may be necessary to comply with the Statu
such cases made and provided, and forthwith make. return of their report to the Board. And
it is ordered that the Sheriff o'f this County sh~mll give notice to said Mary Eliza Norford
of the time and place of the meeting of said Commissioners, the said Mary Eliza Norford hav~ng
been designated, according to testimony ~ntroduced before this bo~rd, as Agent for alI of
the Other proprietors.
The Budget of th~ Department of Public ~elfare was presen%~dand approved.
Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the
Department of Fine, ce for the month ef ~y, 1954, one-third of which to be borne by the
State. Upon motion, duly made ~ud seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and
Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finsmce, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the
Sheriff's Office for the month of May, 1955, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State.
Upe~motion, duly made and secondec, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved.
A Statement of the Cost of Maintenance of Prisoners in the County Jail fpr the
month of May, 19~, was submitted. Upon~motien, duly made and seconded, this Statement
~.es in
A Summary Statement of Prisoner Days served in the County Jail during the month of
May~ 19~4, was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined,
verified, and approved.
The following repo~s were presented and ordered filed~
(a) County Executive.
(b) Gam~ Warden.
(c) Board of Equalization.
(d) .University of Virginia Hospital.
Communications were received from Mr. George Gilmer, Attorney, concerning..the
erroneous assessment of several tracts of land in Albemarle County. Upon motion, duly made
and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
~HEBEAS, Mr. George Gilmer, Attorney, who has been
ployed to collect delinquent land taxes, has recommended that
the following parcels of Iand be deleted from the County's Tax
Rolls due to the fact that in his opinion the land is erronously
Tax Year Name Acreage Distr,/ct
1923-1929 George C. Omohundro
1923 A.L. Mayo and Carter
1923-1933 Minnie Leake
1923 C.P. Shiflett
1937-1944 Levi P. Maupin
1923-1944 J.E. Roberts
1923-1944 W. O~ Woodson
20 Rivanna
95 Rivanna
.1 CharlottesEille
~5 White ~11
12 poles White Hall
12 White Hall
2.1 WhiteHall
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County
Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that these parcelw of
land be considered as erroneous assessments on the basis of
Gilmer's repor~ and no further efforts be made to collect the~
t~xes on
A certified copy of a resolution adopted by the County School Board was presented
requesting an appropriation of tB,O00.00 to cover the cost of a new building to be
on the Crozet School lot to be used for vocational training and farm machinery repair.
A group of citizens of the Crozet neighborhood appeared and urged that the approp-
riation be made for the building.
Upon motion, du~y made and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe-
marle ~ounty, Virginia, that the School Board be and is hereby
authorized to expend an amount not to exceed $3,000.00 of any un-
appropriated surplus as of June S0, 1949 for the purpose of con-
structing a building at Crozet to be used for vocational training
~nd farm machinery repair.
The Budget for the year beginning July 1, 1944 was hereby ammended accordingly:
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the Budget for the year beginning-July 1, 1944,
was amn~nded to provide $1,320.00 instead of $1,260.OO~for.~the Salary of Henry M. Brumback,
Assistant County Agent.
The Board'w attention was called to the ~act that Mr. Charles Thacker has some time
ago conveyed to the County by deed his farm containing approximately 119 acres of land near
North Garden upon his entrance into the District Home. A request had been received
some members of Mr. Thacker's family for permission to reimburse the County for all expenses
which it had been put to on account of Mr. Thacker and in turn ha~e the property conveyed
to them by the County.
The County Executive was requested to notify the family that since Mr. ThacEer had
conveyed the property to the County as as a consideration to the County for accepting Mr.
Thacker into the District Home for the rest of his life, the Board did not feel that it had
a moral right t~ convey the land and the County Executive ~'aw instructed t~ proceed with the
sale of said property.
The Board's attention was called to the fact that the Plmnning Commission had
to make wome surveys which would require the expense of a small amount of printing.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, $500.00 was appropriated for the use of the
Planning Commission for such purposes.
A communication from General J. A. Anderson, Highway Commissioner, showing the
allocation of an additional $ 25,2?2.00 for the Secondary System of Highways was presented.
A communication from T. Coleman Andrews and Company was presented in which they
proposed to audit the accounts and records of ~he County for the year ending June 30, 19¢$,
for the sum of $?50.00.
Upon motion~ duly made and seconded, T. Coleman A~drews and Company's proposal
was accepted.
A communication from Major Ro M._ Youell-suggesting that a temporary consolidation
arrmmgement of the City and County Jails be worked out between the City. and Co. unty authorities.
The oun~y Executive was instructed to write Major Youell and advise him that the
Board did not think it wise to go into an arrangement on a temporarYl:~asis and considered
it best to wait until after the present emergency and see what would be best in this
The following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS the cost of living had increased considerably since
the beginning of the ~ar, and
V~HEREAS adequate provision has not been made in'the salaries
of certain County employees to cover this added ~ost of living,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Super-
visors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the salaries fixed for each
employee in the Dapartment of Finance, Department of Records, Depart-
ment of Public Welfare, and Sheriff's Office by the Budged for the year
beginning July l, 1955, be increased by 10%. After the 10% has been
added, the gross salary shall be in whole dollars. That is, if the
salary plus the 10% increase equals a given number of dollars and
or more, the next dollar shall be the salaryJ If the salary plus the
10% increase equal~ so many dollars and less than $0.50, the salary
shall be the number of dollars less the cents.
having been made to the Beard of County Supervisors of Albemarle County ~y R. D. Heath, Jr.
to have discontinued that portion of the Old County Road, sometimes known as the 01d Sharon
Church Road, said portion being particularly described as beginning at point on what was
known as Old Sharon Church Road at proBerty line of R~ ...E, Heath, Jr., said line having a
bearing of N. 55 W (~hown on plat recorded in D. B. 245, P. 203 in Albemarle County Clerk's
Office) thence through the property of said R. L. Heath Jr., a distance of approximately
one-half mile, in the County of Albemarle, and it appearing that notices have heretofore
been posted with regard thereto, and the required twenty days having now elapsed, it is
ordered that ~. I. Maupin, J. H. Crist~ and J. R. Tyler, be appointed as Viewers, whose
duty it shall be to view the road at the location described above, and make report in writin~
whether, in their opinion, any, and if any, what inconvenience would result from discontinu~
the same; the Viewers herein named shall meet at the location of said road, view the portion
described above and desired to be discontinued, and file with the Clerk of this Board their
report in writing; and it is further ordered that the State Highway Commission be made a
party to this proceeding.
The following resolution was unanimously adopted~
i~BEREAS the County Executive reports that he has received an
offer of $1,200.00 for the tract o~ land which was conveyed to the
County by Charles T. Thacker,
AND, ~1EREAS this offer appears to be fair,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Super-
visors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the offer of S. S. and
Wade for the purchase of the C. T. Thacker farm ef $t$.200.00 be and the
same is hereby accepted and the Chairman and Clerk ef this Board be
and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute deed for. same in
the name of and in behalf of this Board after confirmation of sale of.
the Co,rt.
Claims against the County amounting to $?5,5?¢°08 were presented, examined, and
allowed and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the
following funds:
General Fund
School Fund
Crozet Fire District Fund
Dog Tax_Fund_
Road Debt Fund:
Rivanna District
Samuel Miller District
White Hall District
McIn%ire T~st Fund
National Defense TrainingFund
Commonwealth of Va., Current Credit Account~
· $75,57~oo8
Upon motion, the Board adjourned to meet again at 8 P.M. on Tuesday, June 27, 1944
receive an opinion from the Commonwealth's Attorney concerning the requewt of the Town of
$~ottsville and the Scottsville Lions Club for the appropriation of funds.
An a~Journed meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
VirEinia, was held at the Office Building' of said County at 8 P.M. on Tuesday, June 27, 1944.
Present: Dr. L. G. Roberts and Messrs. E. J. Ballard, T. E. Bruce, P. H. Gent~ry,
C. Purcell McCue, and W. W. Wood.
Absent: None.
Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
Mr. W. O. Fife, Commonwealth's Attorney, advised the Board in writing that it was
his opinion that all of the amounts for which an appropriation was requested in a joint petition
of the Scottsville ~ions Club and the Town of Scottsville could be legally made by the Board
as in the Board's opinion it considered ~ise.
Upon motion~ duly made and seconded, the following reso!utionwas accepted by the
following recorded vote: Ayes: Dr. L. G. Roberts, and Messrs. E. J. Ballard, P. H. *entry,
C. Purcell McOue and W. W. Wood. Not~.voting: Mr. T. E. Bruce.
WHEREAS, the Defense Plants Corporation, a Governmental
Agency of the United States, has located a plant in the County cf
Albemarle, near the Corporate Limits of the Town of Scottsville,
Virginia, to be used as a war emergency and for purposes of con-
tributing to the progress of the present World War; and
WHEREAS, the said Corporation is a public corporation
created for a public purpse, and local benefits will be derived
from the establishment ef its works in the County of Albemarle, ~
and such establishment will afford employment to the citizens of
the County and tend generally toward the welfare of its inhabitants;
WHEREAS, the authority for the purchase of land for said
plant was limited to the sum of $200,00 per acre, though the cost
of 34.9 acres, a part of the land required, is $~00.00 per acre,
a difference of $3,490.00 in the cost of land required for the site;
WHEREAS, the establishment and maintenance of public sewers
and public water mains along the streets of the Town of Scottsvil!e
and in the Co~uty of Albemarle is essential and a prime requisite in
the locating and operating of said plant, and the cost and expense
thereof has been estimated at $2,623.00;
BE IT, THEREFORE, RESOLVED, that i~ is the sense of this
Board that in consideration of the great emergency now existing and
as a contribution to the war effort, and in further consideration of
the publis nature and purposes of the plant, of the local benefits
to be derived by the citizens of the County of Albemarle, and in
order to promote ~he health, safety and general welfare of the in-
habitants of the ounty, an appropriation of $6,t13J00 be and the
same is hereby made out of the General Funds of the County for the
purposes aforesaid, said appropriation to be distributed as foll~ws: