HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-06-27Claims against the County amounting to $?5,574°08 were Presented, ex_~.i~ed, and allowed and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds: General Fund School Fund Crozet Fire District Fund Dog TaxFund Road Debt Fund: Rivanna District Samuel Miller District White Hall District McIntire T~ust Fund National Defense TrainingFund $11,943.81 6.00 317.o9 2,4.00.00 4.,025.00 825.00 568.15 4-38.50 Commonwealth of Va., Current Credit Account 1 0_~ $ 75,574.08 Upon motion, the Board adjourned to meet again at 8 P.M. on Tuesday, June 2?, 19¢4 to receive an opinion from the Commonwealth's Attorney concerning .therequest of the Town of S~ottsville and the Scottsville Lions Club for the appropriation of-fmuds. An a~Journed meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, i VirEinia, was held at the Office Building of said County at 8 PoN. on Tuesday, June 27, 1944. Present: Dr. L. G. Roberts and Messrs. E. J. Ballard, T. E. Bruce, P. H. Ge~t?y, Purcell McCue, and W. W. Wood. Absent: None. Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. Mr. W. O. Fife, Commonwealth's Attorney, advised the Board in writing that it was his opinion tbmt all of the amounts for which an appropriation was requested in a joint petit] of the Scottsville Bions Club and the Town of Scottsville could be legally made by the Board las in the Board's opinion it considered ~ise. Upon motion~ duly made and seconded, the following resolution was accepted by the on tfollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Dr. L. G. Roberts, and Messrs. E. J. Ballard, P. H. *entry, Purcell McOue and W. W. Wood. No%~voting: Mr.. T. E. Bruce. WHEBEAS, the Defense Plants 0orporation, a Governmental Agency of the United States, has located a plant in the Ooun%y of Albemarle, near the Corporate Limits of the Town of Scottsville, Virginia, to be used as a war emergency and for purposes of con- tributing to the progress cf the present World War; and WHEREAS, the said Corporation is a public corporation created for a public purpse, and local benefits will be derived from the establishment ef its works in the County of Albemarle, and such establishment will afford employment to the citizens of the County and tend generally toward the welfare of its inhabitants; and ~HEREAS, the authority for the purchase of land for said plant was limited to the sum of $200,00 per acre, though the cost of 34.9 acres, a part of the land required, is $300.00 per acre, a difference of $3,4.90.00 in the cost of land required for the site; and WHEREAS, the establishment a~d maintensmce of public sewers and public water mains along the streets of the Town of Scottsvil!e and in the County of Albemarle is essential and a prime requisite in the locating and operating of said plant, and the cost and expense thereof has been estimated at $2,623.00; BE IT, THEREFORE, RESOLVED, that i~ is the sense of this Board that in consideration of the great emergency now existing and as a contribution to the war effort, and in further consideration of the publis nature and purposes of the plant, of the local benefits to be derived by the citizens of the County of Albemarle, and in order to promote ~he health, safety and meneral welfare of the in- habitants of the oun y, an appropriation of $~,t13~00 be and the same is hereby made out of the General Funds of the County for the purposes aforesaid, said appropriation to be distributed as foll~ws: To Mrs. Helen Pi%ts, for part of purchase-money..o2 34.9 acres of land for plant .site, $3,4-~0.00 purchase of materials for es- tablishment of public ser~r and water mains, $1,523.00 To hire of necessary machinery and cost of labor on sewer andwater mains, il. 100.'00~ Total $6,113.00 And the proper officials of the County are hereby authorized and empowered to issue warrants or vouchers for payment' of the said sums hereby appropriated. The following resolution was u~animously adopted: WHEREAS, in connection ~ith the locating in the County of Albe- marle of the plant of the Defense Plants Corporation, a Governmental Agency of the United States, it became necessary to establish and con' struct a public road extending from the limits of the Tovea of Scottsvi!le to the plant property, and necessary to construct such road on the lands of said corporation; AND WHEBEAS, this Board heretofore agreed that if~said Defense Plants Corporation woul~ locate its plant in the County of Albemarle on the site upon which it is now being built, the Board would defray the expense of construction of such road on the property, the costs of which is not to exceed ~ 0~rG~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that-because of the National Emergency, the public nature and purposes of the plant, the local bene- fits~tobe derived~from its-location and operation, and in order to pro- mote the health, safety and general welfare of inhabitants of the County, and~because of the other considerations contained in resolution~adapted by this Board and spread immediately prior hereto, a s~2 not to,exceed $~800.OObe and the same is hereby appropriated out of the Gener~i~Funds ef the County for the Purposes of constructing the road afore said, And the proper officials of the County are authorized and powered to issue warrants or vouchers'for the payment of the sum here- by appropriated. The following resolution was unanimousl~adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe- marle County, Virginia that the Department of Public ~elfare Budget for the year beginning ~uly i, 1~45 be an~the same is~hereby ap- proved in the following amounts: Old Age Assistance Aid to Dependent Children Aid to t~he ~lind General Relief Foster Home Care Administration Total $25,000.00 15,000.00 3,000.00 5,892.00 ~ ~,~a3.oo ,66,971.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED:that the County Budget for the year beginning July l, 1944 be ammended so as to provide $5,523.00 for FosterHome Care.- - - Upon motion, themeeting adjourned~