HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-07-19 A regular meet~ag of the Board of County 8upervisore of AlBemarle Geunty, Virginia~ was held at the Office B~ilding 0£ said County on the 19%h day of .July, 1944. Present: Dr. L. G. Roberts amd Messrs. Po H. Gentry, C.-Puroell McCue, and W. W. Wood. Absent:. Mr. E. J. Ballardand Mr. T. E. B~.uce. Officer~ present~ County Executive, Commonwealth's A~torney~and Sheriff. Minutes of the meetings of June 21, 1944 and June 2~, 1544, were read a~d approved The following reports were presented a~d ordered filed: (a) County Executive. (~ Game Warde~. (c) Board of Equalization. (d) University of Virginia Hospital. ('e) District Home Board. Mr. H. A. Naden, Director of Finance, submitted asS~atement~cf Expenses of the Department of Finance for the month of June, 194¢, ~ne-%hird of which to-beborne by the. Ste%e. Nponmotion, duty made and seconded, this statement was examined, verified, and proved. Mr. H~.~A. Haden, Director o~ Finance, submitted a ~tatemmnt ~Expenses of the Sheriff's Office for the month of June, 1944, two-thirds of which to. be. bcrneby the State. Upon motion, dmlymade and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, a~d. approved. Claims of Dr. R. T. Ergen~right, Jail Physician,. amounting to $~,?~, were presente. and approved for payment. A Statement of the Cost of Maintenance of Prisiners confined in Jail .for the month of June, 1944 was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was ex- mmined, verified, and approved. A Summary Statement of Prisoner Days served in the County Jail during ~the month of June, 1944, was submitted. Upon motio~n~ duly made and seconde, this Statemen~ was examined, verified, and approved. Communication of Mr. Berlin Eye, District Forester., was presented_~equesti~g that the rates of pay for fire fighters be increased from $0.2~ for non-registered fighters and $0.~0 for registered fighters, to $0.3~ and $0.40, respectively. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following resolution was~usly adopted~ ~/~ BE IT BESOLVED BY THE BOARDOE COUNTY SUPERVISORS of Albe- marle 0ounty, Virginia, that the State Forester of Virginia be, and is hereby, reques%~ to approve a change in the~rate of pay to sons employed by the Forest Wardens of the said County ~or ~he ~up- pression of forest fires, from the present rate of $0.~0 per,our for registered fire £ighters and $0.2~ per hour for non-registered fi~fighters to the revised rate of $0.~0 per hour for registered fire fighters and~ per hour for ~oa-registered fire fighters. Gommu~ication from the Federal Works Agency was presented regarding the construc- tion work which this County proposed following the wa~ and was referred to the School Board.!i Communication from Major R. M. Youell, Oommass~oner of Correctzons, wmth further reference to the consolidation of the City and County Jails was presented. ~Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the matter waw referred to the County Executive, Sheriff, and Jailo~i aad Commonwealth's Attorney with power to act. $ommunications were received from'Mr. George Gilmer, Attorney, concerning the erroneous assessment of several tracts of land in Albemarle County. Upon motion, duly and seconded, the following resolution was u~animously adopted: ~tEREAS, Mr. George Gilmer, Attorney, who has bee~ em- ployed ~o collect delL~quent lsmd taxes, has recommended that the following parcels of land be deleted from the County's Tax Rolls due to the fac~ that in his opinion the land is erroneously as'sessed: Tax _~e~ 1938-1944 1916-1944 1923-1927 SiSsy Barnett James Paterson's Heirs Willie M. Early Acremke District 23 3/4 . Samuel Miller 20 ~Hzite Hall 2o 14/16O W~ite NOT, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by %he Board of Comaty Super- visors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that these parcels of la~d be considered as erroneous assessments on the bas~s cf Mr. Gilmer's re- port amd no f~rther efforts be made to collect the taxes ohs a me. Claim of J. P. Grove~, Commissioner, amotmting to $16.00 as Commissioner of the Commonwealth of Virginia and County of Albemarle Vs. W. R. Walker a~d Lizzie Walker was pre. w~nted a~d approved for payment. The following Commissioners' Report was preSemted and adopted: I~ THE MATTER OF ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC ROAD THROUGH THE' LANDS OF THE ESTATE OF E. T. NOP~ORD ~ The Board of County Supervisors ef Albemarle County, at a regular meeting held the Court House of said County on the 21st day of June, 1944, having BF an order then entered, appointed E. L. Bradley, R. R. Ri~ehar$~ R. F. Loving, John L. Barnes and Pierson Scott, fiverdisinterested freeholders of the County of Albemarle (any three of whom might act) as Commissioners, whose duty i~ should be,.after being duly swor~, to meet at fear o,clock P.M., on the 5%h day of July, 1944, on the lands of the Estate of E. T. Norford and to ascertain what would ~e a just compensation for such ~ortien of the lands of said Es~ and for such other property, as is proposed %e be taken for the road ~aid out ia the Viewer~ report Am this matter a~d map therewith, as well as ~e_~ages, if amy, resulting to the resid~ beyond the benefits to be derived by sdch residue from such road$ and the said Co~issioner E. L. Ballard, Jr.~ John L, Barme§, and R. F. Loving, havimg met on the said ~th day of 1544, at the hour appointed, a~d, as appears by certificate appended to their report, havin~ been duly sworn, .and having, as directed, filed ~heir 'report hereim, which said' report withl th. certificat attache is ia words figures'as fort°we, STATE OF VIRGINIA~ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, TG-~IT: I. Eva. W. Maupin, ~ Clerk ia and for the Oeunty aforesaid, do certify that E. L. Bradley, Jr., JohaL. Bar,ag, and R; F. Loving, have this day made oath beforeme that they will faithfully amd impartially ascertain what wil~ be a just compensation for such land' (or for such i~terest or estate ia the land.) of the freehold, whereof the Estate of E. T. Norford is owner and Miss Nary Eliza Norford and Mrs. Ellen E. Norford are tenants, and for such other property as is proposed te be~ take~oby the County of Albemarle for a public road, award the damages, if any,resulting to the adjacent and ether proper~y of said tenant o~ owner am~ to-the property of any other person, ~eyond the pec~iar benefits that will accrue to such properties respectively from the construction amd' operation of a public road ~rom State Route 61~ to the lands cf ~. W.~Robertsandwill prePer!y certify the same. Given un~er my ha~d this ~th day o~July,. 1554.~ Eva. ~. Maupim, Clerk. TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF THE 00UNTY OF ALBEMARLE: We, E. ~. Bradley, Jr., John L. Barnes and R. F. Loving~ Commissioners-appointed by your Honorable Body to ascertain what will be a just compensation for such par~ of the land (or for such interest or estate in the land) of the freehold whereof the Ewtate of E. T. Norfcrd is owner and Mrs. Ellen E. Norfordand Miss Mary Eliza Norford are tensmts, and for such other property as is proposed to be taken by the C~.~a%~ of Albemarle for a public road from State Route 61~ ( a road ~Oft. in, width and approximately l~0 ft. inlengh~ %hrougJat~e lands of the said estate) to the lands of W.m~. Roberts and.to assess the .if any, resulting to the adjacent or ~ther property of said'tenants and owners, beyond the peculiar benefits that will accrue to said properties =e~peiti~ly from the construction amd operation of the said p~:i~ road, do certify that on the ~th day of July, 1944, the day designated ia the said order, we met together on the said part of the land helonging to the Estate of E. T. Norfor~ the limits of which ~art were then and there described to us as to wit: begi~ing on the East side of Route 613, Charlottesville to S~ony Point Road, thence throught the lands of saidEs~ate for a distance of 1,5~0 feet, and a width of 30 feet for proposed road, as per a diagram filed with your Board~ and after being du~y swor~ upon a review of the part aforesaid amd of the adjacent and other property of said owner who would be damaged in their propertyby the construction and operation of the said road; smd upon such evidence as was hefore us, we are of opinion and do ascertaim that for ~he said par~ (or for the iatere~ or estate in the part) and for the other property so taken noth~ should be paid as compensation. And the damages to the adjacent or other property of said tenant or owner by reason of the. construction and operation of the said road, beyond the peculiar henefits that will accrue to said properties respectively from the construction operation of such road are Given under our hands this 5th day of July, ~.1944. the said report having this day bee~ maturely considered by this.Board, a~d no one appearing on behalf of the Estate of E. T. Norford, and no cause being show~ against the said report, it was, on motion ~mly made smd seconded, ordered that the aforesaid Cammissione~s' report be and the same was confirmed. It was further ordered that the road aforesaid ,be established without gates. Claims against the County amounting to $36,144.07 were presented, .examined, .and allowed and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the follewimg funds: General Fund School ~md Dog Tax Fund Crozet Fird Dist. Fund National Defense Training Fund McIntire Trust Eu~d Road ~ebt Fund: Charlotte sville ~Di s~ric% Ivy Dis~ric~ Riva~a Distric~ Sco~t sville District ~hite ~!1 Distri~ C~onweal~h of Virginia: D~g¥-~ Oredit Acce~% C~nt Credit lO,Bl?.o6 583 682.28 2, 1,825.00 1,9~0.00 350.00 6~ .2¢ ,~, 1.477.49 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. August 1, 19~4. A special meeting of the Board ef County Supervisors of Albemarl~ Oomnty was held on this date to further consider the request of the Oommissiener of 0orrections te consolidat~l the Oity and Oounty Jails. Present: Dr. L. G. Roberts, and Messrs. E. S. Ballard, T. E. Bruce, P. O. Purc~ll'McOue, and ~. ~. ~o~. Absent: Officers present: County Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, and Sher£ff. Following a complete discU~sion'of the request of the Commissioner of Correc%ions, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the 8ommissioner of Corrections has.reque.sted%his Board to consider the matter of consolidating the Jails of the County of Albemarle and the City of Charlottesville; and ~HEREA$, the Jail of the County is being usedat present as a place o~ confinement for prisoners from the Oountios of Albemmrle, Greene, N~ison, and Flmvanna, and the Town of Scottsvillo, as well as · ederal prisoners, and is in effect being operated as a regional jails amd ~HEREAS, it is apparent that the small,umber of jail prisoners in recent months is a temporary condition and one that is not likely to continue~ NOW, BE IT RESOLVED, THEREFORE, by the Board of County Super- visors of Albemarle 0ounty that it is inadvisable, under existing .con- ditions, to close the Jail of the.0oun%y. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in an effort to cooperate with the Commissioner of Corrections, said Commissioner be advised of the willi~g- ne~ of th~s Board to accept primoners from the City of Charlottesville at the rate of Ten Cents (~0,10) per prisoner per day to cover maintenance