HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-08-01the said report having this day been maturely co~sidered by this .Board, amd..no
one appearing on behalf of the Estate of E. T. Norford, and no cause being shew~ against the
said report, it was, on motion duly made and seconded, ordered that the aforesaid Commissione~'
report be smd the same was confirmed.
It was further ordered that the road aforesaid be established without gates.
Claims against the County amounting to $36,144.07 were presented, examined, .and
allowed and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged, against the
following funds:
General FUUd
School Fund
Dog Tax Fuud
Croze% Fird Dist. Fund
National Defense Training Fund
McIntire Trust Eund
Road ~ebt Fund:
Ivy District
Sco%tsville DistriCt
~hite Hall District
C~mmonweal%h of Virginia:
Deg:Ta~ Credit Account
Current Credit Acooumt
$ 36,14¢.o?
Upon mo~ton, the meeting adjourned.
Augus~ 1, 1944.
A special meeting of'the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarl~ County was held
on this date to further consider the request of the Oommissioner of Corrections to consolidat~i
the City and County Jails.
Present: Dr. L. 6. Roberts, and Messrs. E. J. Ballard, T. E. Bruce, P. N. Gentry,
C. Purcell McCue, and W. W. We6~.
Absent: N~ne.
Officers present: .Coumty Executive, Commonwealth's Attormey, and She~iffc
Following a complete discuSsion-of the request of the Commissioner of Corrections,
the following resolm~ion was unanimously adopted:
~HEREAS, the ~ommissiener of Corrections hasrequested this
Board to consider the matter of consolidating the Jails cf the. County
of A1Demarle and the City of Charlottesville$ and
~HEREAS, the Jail of the County is beimg used at present as
a place o~ confinement for prisoners from the Counties of Albemarle,
Greene, Madison, and Flmvanna, and the Town of Scottsville, as well as
~ederal prisoners, and is in effect bei~ operated as a regional jails and
WHEREAS, it is apparent that the sms~l~umber ef jail prisoners
in recent months is a temporary condition and one that is not likely to
NOW, BE IT RESOLVED, THEREFORE, by the Board cf C~unty Super-
visors of Albemarle County that it is inadvisable, u~der existing .c~n-
dj%ions, to close the'Jail of %heCounty.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in an effort to cooperate with the
0ommissioner of Corrections, said Commissioner be advised of the willimg-
ne~ of th~s Board to accept prisoners from the City of Ohariottesville at
the rate of Ten Oents ($0.10) per prisoner per day to cover maintenance