HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-08-16 A regul~.r meeting of the Board of County Super'visors of AlBemarle Oo~uty, Virginia was held at the Office Building of said County on the 16th day of ~August, Present~ Dr. L. G. Roberts and Messrs; E. J; Ballard, To Eo Bruce, P; H. Gentry, and W. W. Wood. A~sent ~ Mr. C. Purcell McCue. Officers present-: County Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, and Sheriff. Minutes of the meetings of July 19th, 1944 and ~u~t~ 1, 1944 were 'read aud. ap- proved. Mr. H. A. Baden, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Department of Finance for the month of July, 1944, one-third of which to be.borne by the State. Upoh motion, duly made and seconded, this statement was examined, verified, and approved. Mr. H. A. Baden, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's Office for the month of July, 1~44, two'thirds of which to be bor~e by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this statement was examined~.werified, and approved. A Statement of the O~st of Maintenance of Prisoners confined in Jai~l for the month of July~ 1~44 was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examim, verified and approved. A S~mmary Statement of Prisoner Days served in the County Jail during the month of July, 1~44, was submitted. Upo~ motion, duly madeand seconded, this Statement was 'wxamined verified, and approved. Claim of Dr.~ R. T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, amounting to $6.00, was presented and approved for payment. The following reports were presented and ordered filed: (a) Coumty Executive. (b) Game ~arden. (c~ Board~ofEqualization. (~) University of Vi~Einia Hospital. A Bulletin from the League ef Virginia Countieswas presented and~discussed and the following resolution was unanimously adopted: ~HEREAS, the attention of this Beard has been called to'the Post War Federal Aid Bill, pending in the House of Representatives, and known as H.R. 4~1~, under the terms and provisions of which a certaia percentage of the funds appropriated must be used for roads and streets in the l~rger ~ities and certai~ other percentages may be used inside or outside ef larger cities; and ~AEREA$, this Board is of the opinion that the formula set up in the said Bill as the basis for allocation of the funds as well as the percentages fixed therein are unfair to rural districts; BE IT, THEREFORE, RESOLVED, that it is the considered judgment of thisBeard that it oppose the passage of this Bill in its-present form, amd that the~itl should be se amended as to provide for allo- cation on a different basis and for expenditure Of at least fifty per cent of the funds for the improvement of secondary or farm~to-market roads in rural distriots$ and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be sent by the Clerk of this BOard to Honorable Carter Glass and Honorable Harry F. Byrd, of the Unites Stat~s Senate, as well as te Honorable Howard ~. Smith, Member of the House of Representatives from the Eighth Congres- sional District.' The following report of Viewers was ~=esented and accepted~ TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: ~e, the undersigned, Viewers appointed ataa meeting of your Board held on the ~lst day of June, 1~$$, to view an old County road, constituting a portion of the Old Sharon Church Road, said portion being particularly described as beginning at a point on what was known as Old Sharon Church Road at property li~e of R. L. Heath, Jr., said line ~avi~g a d, Bearing~:Of N. 54 W, (show~ on plat ~ecorded in Deed Bock 245, page 203, Albemarle County Clerk's Office), thence through the property of R. L. Hear'h, Jr., a distance of approximately: one-~alf a mile, and report in writing whether in our opinion any, and if a~y what, incon; venience would result from discontinuing the portion described above, beg leave to make re- -port as follows: THAT on the l?th day ef July, 1944, we met upon *that portion of t~e road desiring to be discontinued, and proceeded to view said portion, a~d after a careful examination of ~ the po~ion so desired to Be discontinued, ~ now report t~t ~ o~ opinion ~ .~c~venienco~ will result to ~y one if the said road desc~bed above is discont~ued ~d closed. Respectfully submitted, ~ (Signed) J.R. Tyler Signed) J. H. crier (Sig ed) J.;...!.,. Mau in Reports on audit of the C~erk of .the Circuit Court and the Trial Justice for the year ending June 30, 1953, were presented and ordered filed. A bill for 1944 supplement to the Virginia Code of 1942 amounting to $6.00 was .~ presented and approved for payment. A communication was received from Mr. George Gilmer, Attorney, ccncer~ing the i erroneous assessment ef several tracts of land 'in Albemarle County, Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously adopted8 V~HEREAS, Mr. George .Gilmer, Attorney, who has been em- ployed to collect delinquent land taxes, has recommended that the following parcel~ of land be deleted from the County's Tax Rolls due to the fact that ia his opinion the land is erroneously assessed: year Name ~ Distric~ 1915-1~4~ Adam Jordan 2 1/l Scottsville (co~.) NO~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the~oard of County Super- visors of Albemarle County, Virginia that this parcel of laud be con- sidered as an erroneous assessment o~ the basis of Mr. Gilmer's re- por~ and no further efforts Be made to collect the taxes on smme. IN THE MATTER OF DISCONTINU~ING A PORTION OF OLD SHARON CHURCH ROAD: The report fof J~ R. Tyler, J. H. Crier, aud J. I. Maupin, three of the Vi~ewers 'heretofore appointed at lthe regular June, 1945, meeting of this Board, to view that portion of the Old Sharon Church Road, referred to in said order of appointment, and hereafter, having been heretofore filed with the Clerk, and the same having been spread upon the minutes of the August meeting of said Board, as will appear from minutes hereinabove; and it appearing Erom said report that no inconvenience will, in the opinion of the Viewers, result to anyone if said road is icont~nued and closed; and it further appearing that R. L. Heath, Jr. is the sole land proprie along the road so proposed to be discontinued; that it was upon the application of said R. L. iHeath, Jr. that the Viewers were appointed in this instance; ~hat the said R. L. Heath, Jr. inow requests the confirmation of said report; and no cause having been shown against same, it iis accordingly ORDERED that the road in question, constituting a portion of the Old Sharon Church Read, particularly described as beginning at a point on what was known as 01d Sharon !Church Road at the property line of R. L. Heath, Jr., said line havin~ mbbearing of N. ~¢ W. (shown on plat recorded in D. B. 2~, p. 203, Albemarle County Clerk's Office), thence throug~ the property of R. Lo Heath, Jr. a distance of approximately one-half of a mile, be, and the same is, hereby discontinued and closed as a public road. Claims against the County amounting to $$$~355.6% were presented, examined, and allowed and ordered certified te the Director ef Finanee for payment, and charged against the following funds: -Ganeral Fund School Fund Grozet Fire District Fund Dog Tax. Fund National.Defense ~'aining Yund 0omm6nwealth of Va.' 0urrent 0reditAccount Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. 9,696.?6 6.00 30¢.15 a55.o3 671.97 A regular meeting of the Board' of-County Supervisors of Albemarle County;SVirginia was held at the Office Building of said County on the 13th day of September, 1944. Present: Dr. Lo G. Roberts and Messrs. E. J. Ballard, T. E. Bruce, P. H. Gentry, O. Purcell McOue, and'W'. W, Wood. Absent: None. Officers Present: County Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, and Sheriff. Minutes of the meeting of August 16th were read and approved. Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted ~ Statement of Expenses of the Department of Finance for the month of August~ 1944, one-third of which to be borne by the Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this statement was exsmined, verified, and ap- State. proved. Mr. H. A. Hade~, Dir~JCtor of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses' of the Sheriff's Office for the month of August, 1944, Swo-thirds o~ which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this statement was sx~mined, Verified, and approved. A Statement bf theOost of Maintenance ~of Prisoners Confined in Jail for the month of A~gust, 19¢¢, was submitted~ Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved° A Summary Statement of Prisoner Days served in the County Jail during the month of ~ 1944, was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified', and approved. Claims of Dr. R. T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, amounting to $ 4.75, were pre- sented and approved for payment. The following, reports were presented and ordered filed: (a) County Executive. (b) Game Warden. (c) University of Virginia Hospital. (d) District Home Board. (e) Board of Equalization. (f) City Library. Communications were received from Mr. George Gilmer, Attorney, concerning the ~rroneous asses~aent of certain lands in Albemarle County. Upon motion, duly made and ~econded, the following Resolution was unanimously adopted. WHEP~AS, Mr. George Gilmer, Attorney; who has been em- ployed to collect delinquent land taxes, haa recommended that the following parcels of land be deleted from the Oounty's Tax Rolls due tO the ~act t~mt in his opinion.the land is erroneously assessed$