HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945-01-17 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,l was held at the Office Building of-said County on the 17th day of January, 1~¢5. Present: Eessrs. P. H. Gentry, E. J. Ballard, T. E. Bruce, Henry chiie~, C. Pur- cell ~cCue, and N. W. Wood. Officers present~ County.Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, and Sheriff. Mr. T. E..Bruce nominated Mr. P. H. Gentry as Chairman for the year 1955, which nomination was seconded by ~r. W. 9. Wood~.~.~here being no further nominations, Mr. Gentry was unanimously elected. Mr. T. E. Bruce nominated ~rs. June T. Via as Clerk of the Board. There being no further nominations, Ers. Via was unanimously elected. Mr. Gentry appointed the following to serve on the Finance Committee: Mr. Henry Chiies~ ~r. C. Purcell McOue, ~nd Mr. ~. ~. ~ood. ~ The following reports were presented and ordered filed: (a) County Executive. (b) Game Warden. (c) University of Virginia Hospital. (d) District Home. (e) Board of Equalization. (f) Circuit Court. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted ~ Statement of Expenses of the Depart- ment of Finance for the month of December, 1944, one-third of which to be borne by the State Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was ex~mined, verified, and appr~ed. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff' Office for the month of December, 1945, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion~ duly made ~nd seconded, this Statement was examined, verified~ and approved. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of the Expenses of the office of the Commonwealth Attorney for the year 19~4. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified~ and approved. H. A~ Haden, Director of Finance, submitted~a Statement of Expenses incurred by Sheriff's Office for Lodging and Board of Jurors. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined verified, and approved. A Statement of the Cost of Mmintenance of Prisoners confined in the County Jail during the month of December, 1955. was submitted. Upon motions duly made and seconded~ this Statement was examined, verified, and ~pproved. A Su~ary Statement of prisoner days served in the Co-o~ty Jail during the month of December, 19~¢, was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and s~conded, this Statement was examined~ verified, and approved. Claim of Dr. ~. T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, amounting to $~.25 was approved for payment, The following report of Viewers who were appointed at the December meeting to view a proposed road near BarboUrsville~ was presented and accepted. TO THE HONORABLE B0~D OF CO~TY SUPERVISORS OF ALBE~ARLE CO~TY: The undersigned~ Viewers appointed by your order made on the 20th day of December, 195~, respectively report that on the 2?th day of De- cember,19¢~, they went upon the lands of ~rs. Loula Yancey Durrett, proposed to be taken for the purpose of establishing a public road 30 feet in width through her lands from the present end of State Route 6~1; and that your said Viewers.are of the opinion that there is no necessity to establish ~nother public road, because of the fact that a public road now exists upon and along an old location. The undersigned Viewers are further of the opinion that the said road is required for use by such a small n~nber of persons as to make it inadvisable to request the State Highway Department to take and maintain the same in the Highway System. All of which is respect£ully submitted, (Signed) J. B. Kegley Cammann C. Duke P. C. Minor H. V. Herold C. E. Garnett Claimwas presented by Mr. Harry Langhorne for $2~.00 for calf killed by dogs which claim wa~ approved for payment. Claim was presented by Miss .L.D. Woods against the Dog Fund for the loss of sheep which claim was denied due to the lack of evidence that the sheep ha~ been2killed by dogs because of-- and/~h:~undue lapse of tLme after the loss before the Game Warden was called. The following resolution was unanimously adopted: IN BE: APPROPRIATION RELATING TO DEFENSE PLANTS CORPORATION. WheREAS, at a meeting of this ~oard held on the 2?th day of June, 1955, an appropriation ~f$1100.00 was made for hire of machinery and cost of labor on sewer and wate~ains in connection with a ~ar pro- ject of Defense Plants Corporation at Scottsville; AND WHEP~AS, $200.00 of this ~aid sum of $1100.00 covered the hire of certain'ditching machinery for which the Town of Bc0ttsville had theretofore become obligated; AND WHBHEAS, this s~ of $200.00 has not yet been Daid by the County, and application haz been made by the constituted authorities of the said Town for its payment direct into the Treasury of the Town of Scottsville; ~¥!~ BE IT HEBOLVED, THEREFORE, that proper officials of the County are authorized and empowered to issue a warrant or voucher to the Town of Scottsville in pa~ent of the said sum of $200.00, upon condition that the said Town, by appropriate resolution of its Council, assu~e all liability in connection with the hire of said ditching machinery and pay~nent for the use thereof. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously adopte~: ~ Board: 6f :..Oou~y ~per'¢i ~ of Albe~rt~ ~. County that the action of this Board concerning m~iforms of the Virginia Reserve Nilitia, taken on October 18, 19~4 be, and the sa~e is hereby rescended. A copy of a letter addressed to the Sheriff of this County, enclosing a report on ? he County Jail was presented and the County Executive was instructed to write Eajor Youell ~at When the materials and labor are available, the Board will be glad to consider his ~ c on~mendatio ns. The following claims against the C~hartes Thacker Estate whose property was acquired the County, were presented and approved for payment: W. T. Martin and Company ~o C. Hill Funeral Home 28.00 il The Board'~ attention was called to the fact that it would be necessary to appoint ~bers of the Equalization Board if it wished the work continued during 1~4~. Upon motion~ made and seconded, the following were appointed as members of the Equalization Board for Co }~. Garnett Claims against the County amounting to $44,688.64 were presented, ex~nined, and allowed and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds~ General Fund School Fvmd Dog TaX Fund Crozet Fire District Fund NcIntire Trust Fund National Defense Training Fund Commonwealth of Virginia: Current C~edit Account Dog Tax Credit Account TOTAL 30,673.21 153.35 2¢5.00 96°O9 137o78 1~4~ Upon motion~ the meeting adjourned. Chairman A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 2~i day of February, 1945. Present: Messrs, P, H. Gentry, E. J. Ba2~lsmd, T. E. Bruce, Henry Chiles, and W. W. Wood. Absent: Mr, C. Purcell McCue. Officers present: County Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, and Sheriff. Ninutes of the meeting of January 17th, !~4~ were read and approved. Requests were presented for the inclusion of the following pieces of road in the Secondary System: 1.) Road leading to boat docks at Albemarle Lake. 2.) Road leading into subdivision of F. E. Paulett's road from Rt. 20, near §cottsville. ~.) Extension o~ Rt. 648 from C & 0 Railroad tracks to intersection of Rt. 60?. 4.) 5.) 6.) ?.) 9.) lO.) ll.) ~ilder Driveff~om the NO,th Cooperate limits of Charlottesville to a distance of about 500 feet. From Rt. 230 by the Presbyterian Church at Crozet, a distance of approximately ~00 feet. From Rt. 712 to the property of Roy Clark, a distance of approxi- mately ~ mile. From Et. ?l? to Alberene Cometary, a distance of .37 mile. From Rt. 630 to Bungleto~n Church. Gary Street extended off of Rockland Avenue, .1 mile. Extension of Rt. 621 approximately ~00 feet. From the Hatton Road to the farm of Nat Steger~ a distance of approximately 3/4 of a mile. The following improvements were requested: 1.) Improve Rt. ?42 from City Limits southward to connect with present improved road. 2.) Improve Rt. 626 from Howardsville to Rt. 6. Improve Rt. 648 from the top of the Hill overlooking Mechunk Creek eastward to the C & 0 Railroad tr-ack. ~.) Rt. 641 from the end of the present surfact treatment to the inter- section of Rt. 29. t, Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following resolution was ~nanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe- marle County, Virginia that the Highway Commission of Virginia be and is hereby requested to take into the Secondary System of this County the following pieces o~oads: 1. ~00 ft. leading~Presbyterian Church at Crozeto 2. -~7 mi. leading off of Rt. ?l?, Westward to A1- berene Cemetary and Church. 3- Gary Street extended off of Rockland Avenue~ .1 mi. (In Belmont Section.~ 4..1 mi. off of Ht. 627 in Esmont.