HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945-03-21 Communication from Major R. M. Youeil, Commissioner of Corrections, was pre- sented and ordered filed. An offer of $158.65 for 75 acres of land purchased at a tax sale for land in Appleb~r~.r~f.~o~utain was ordered accepted. The budget of the Health Department for the year beginning July l, 1945 showing estimated expenditures of $26,022.00 was approved. An offer of Mr. J. J. Edwards of $100.00 for ten acres of land purchased in August, 1944, at a tax sale was ordered accepted. The County Executive presented a proposed budget for the year beginning July l, 1945, which budget was ordered published according to law and l0 A.M. on March 21, 1945 was fixed as the time for public hearing on the same. Claims against the County amounting to $51,803.52 were presented, examined, and allowed and ordered certified ~to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds: General Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet Fire District Fund National Defense Training Fund Com~nonwealth of Va. Current Credit Account UPon motion, the meeting adjourned. $ 34?o5.85 213.62 4.00 18.oo 10,588.1q $51,803.52 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia~il was held at the Office Building of said County on tho 21st day of Narch, 1945o Present: Messrs. P. H. Gentry, E. J. Ballard~ T. E. Bruce, Mr. Henry Chiles, and ~lr. C. PUrcell McCue. Absent: ~r. W. ~. Wood~ Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. 1~ ~inutes of the meeting of Fe~7 21, 1~5, were read and approved. Mr. C, G. Wuthrich appeared to present a claim for a sheep and a lamb which he was ~of the opinion had been killed by dogs. Following considerable discussion of the Eatter by Er. Wuthrich, claim for both animals was a~owed. Following a full discussion of the Budget, the same was adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Messrs. P. H. Gentry, E. J. Ballard~ T. E. Bruce, Henry Chiles, and C. Purc~l"~cCue. Noes: None. ANTIC IEATED $~RPLUS Delinq% ~n% Taxes: t~2 ~nd Prior 194~ IN~ST LAND ~D~ 'ZONS Cler~~ Co~.~we~lth' s Attorney ALBENAPJiE COUNTY, VIRGINIA B~VENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1946 GEt~RALFUlfD ...... YEAR ENDING JUNE ~Year Ended Year Ending Increase Over Dec~ease Under June 30, 1944 June 30, 1945 Tentative Year Ending Yea~ Ending Final (Ac~ua!~ _~ ___lE~t~ted).~ Esti~ate , June ~0, 194~ .___~June~ 0 l~.&~ Estimate ~ ~136,234.89 $150.~600[00 $15~O~00.o0 $ -0- $ I! -o- 1,175 · 83 1,000.00 800.00 -0- 200.00 575.47 5oo.oo ¢oo.oo -o- ioo.oo 1,00~209~~ 1,500 · O0 500 · 00 -0- 1, ~00.00 1,772.01 2~000.00 2,000.00 -0- i -0- 18,951.69 ~.i?,000.00 18,500.00 t,500.00 f -0- 9,788.49 10,000.00 10,000.00 -0- ~ -0- 1,084.00 1,000.00 800.00 -0- ~00.o0 1,28? .50 2,100. O0 2,100. O0 -0- ii -o 90 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA BE~NUE EST~ATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1956 SEMRAU, FUNO. Year Ended Year Ending June 30, 1955 June 30, 19¢5 Tentative _ YEAR ENDING JUNE' 30~ 1956 Increase Over Decrease Un ter Year Ending Year' Endin STATE SUPPI~ENTS Public Healt~ 1/3i:~De~.t. of ~inance Expenses Capitation T~xes 2/3 Sheriff'~:~0ffice Expenses Maintenance o~ Jail & Food for Pris. A. B. C. Proiits Distribution RENTAL OF COUNTY PRC ?ERTY LICENSES D0~ TAX TRaNSfER SALE OF PROPERTY V.P.A. REI~%qS~NT State Federal Overhead Refund on Ch, :ks MiL~AGE REFUND DPW ~, ~TOMOBILES TOTAL. REVEN~E OTHER !IIHAN CUHP~. NT LEVY Amount to be raised i~Y current le~v~y Delinouents on basis. Jof~ Rate of Levy N~ber of Function Title~o~ ~ction Board of County Special Service.~ County Executiv~ Department of F~ ColleCtion of D~ Board of Equali; Tax Map Recording of Do~ Circuit Court Trial Justice C~ Commonwealth At~ Policing & Inve~ Confinement and lA 1AA lB lC ld 1F 5A 5C 6A 6C ? 8B 8C 8D ll 13 l& Fire Prevention Public Assistan¢ County As sic.tan( LuJmc y Co,nisei( Public Health Adv., Agricultm Elections Maintenance Bld TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPE (Actual _ "Esti~ted .~stima~~_Une ~-0. 1)5. 55.60 $ 60.00 $ 50.00 9,609.96 7,520;00 10,020.00 6,285.35 6;5o0,00 ~.5o0.0o 2,341.25 2;000;00 2;300;00 8,597.58 8;000,00 9,500.00 1,272.45 2,000;00 1;000.00 49,297.46 33,600.00 55;000.00 3,538.33 3,500~00 3,870.00 107.50 lO0.O0 -'lO0.O0 2,556.99 2,500.00 2,500.00 ' ~00.00 -0- 1,100.00 17,538.12 !8,000~00 19,000,00 18,185.86 19,000.00 18,000.00 5,614.55 5,000.00 5,500~00 659.99 -0- 500.00 ?97-45 -0- 1,000.00 lA BOARDOF COUNTY i00 Compensatim 109 Compensation 220 Traveling E= TOTALBOA~RD OF COUN~ MiSCELL~EOUS SE 199 Road Viewers 1992 Tax Refunds 200 Advertising 201 Auditing 206 Dues League 213 Ins. Prom. 214 Safe Deposi 218 Tel. & T~l. ........ oo. oo $300,_o65.38 ¢295,98o.oo $312,64.0.00 June_ O $ -o- ¢ 1o.oo 31,398.86 3.588.15 34,887.00 ,875,316.00 .25 2,600.00 -0- -0- -0- 300100 -0- 1,500.00 -0- -0= 1,000.00 1!,500.00 -0- 370.00 -0- 1,000.00 -0- 1,000.00 -0- -0- 1,O00.OOI 500.00 -O- 5oo.oo -o- !,000.00 -0- -0- 200.00 ,21.??o.oo , SDI~IARY OF EXPENDITURE ESTI~iATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JD~ 30, 1956 GEMERAL FUND 1EAr. ENDED J~J~E ~0, 195$__ YE_ARENDZNG J~ O:.t 4~ YearEnding Increase Over Decrease June 30, 1945 Proposed Year Ending Year En Approp~iati. on Expenditur~e_Aoorq.r~ation E~p~ndi~ures J~O_~~l.~.~~. ~upervisors $ 2,370.00 $ 2,186.08 $ 2,250.00 $ 2,250.00 $ -0- 99,583.96 16,¢13.69 155,325.00 /~ 155,925.00' 650.00 Office 2,972.00 ii,511.10 3,133.00 1,766.00 3.00 aance 19,919-18 19,080,70 20 ~430.00 19,980-00 200,00 lin. Taxes 2,500.00 4,025.55 4; 000. O0 4,000. O0 -O- ~tion 3,435.00 3,264.3? 3;510.00 1,510.00 -0- 5,880.00 5,63?.39 6,520.00 5,020.00 -O- ~ents 10,226.04 9,681,73 11,9i5.00 i2,502.00./~9 587.00 2,052.86 1,581.86 1,732.86 '1,732.86 o~ 3'0.00 ~rt 155 · 00 68.82 180.00 15¢;}00 -0- ,. ' s Office 5,360.00 5,210~00 5,310.00 ¢ ~300,00 -0- igating 13,950.00 12,050.40 13,332.00 12,682.00 350.00 ~are of Pris. 33,140.00 2,367.81 2,993.00 2,858.00 55.00 Extinction 500.00 189.55 2,500.00 2,000.00 -0- 59,080.00 60,549.27 66,178.00 77,613.00. 11,535.00 8~8~.00 8,084.63 8,080~00 8,680.00 -0- 500.002 227.90 500.00 500.00 100.O0 1,850.00 15,199.25 15,9.00.00 I5, ?00.00 · 1,800.00 & Home Ec. 6,665.00 6,258.84 6,650.00 6,990.00 340.00 . & Grounds ~DITURES ;UPERVISORS of Members of C~erk ~enses Sb~ERVISORS VICES Final Estimate iAA Under ~ing Allowed ~l~_ Bv Board -0- 50.?0 0.0o 65o. )o --0-- 2,000. )0 1,500. )0 30.00 30. )o 10. )0 t, 000. )0 200. )0 5oo. )0 100. )0 --0-- 1,000. 10 --0-- 219 Comtributioz State: $ Local.: .~ )0.00 $275.00 Civ. Def. ~ War 1000.00 City Library 800.00 319 Stationary ~I Printed F~rms" 399 Miscel!aneo~ Motor 2,000.00 2,041.66 2,000.00 2~000.00 -0- 120.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- ~ 155.¢2 ~0_~00 __ ,270.00 -0- ~,370.00 2,186.08 2,250.00 2,250.00 -0- 50.00 200.00 100.00 560.00 ~f Va. Couutues 250.00 Comp. & BurEl. 75.00 Box Rent 25.00 ~ervioe 25.00 ~: ghamber of Commerce r5.oo 22.75 378.10 73.15 560.00 25o.oo 3.04 25.00 6.38 50.00 5o.oo -o- 500.00 750.00 25o.oo ~oo.oo leo.co -o- ~6o.oo 750.00 ~9o..oo 50.00 250.00 200.0o 75.00 75.oo -o- 25.00 25.00 -0- 25.00 25.00 &.O- 6,867.9.2 91.05 240.00 55.56 2,075.00 2,075.00 -0- 25.00 25.00 500.00 500.00 -0. 100.00 50.00 -0- -0- -0- 50.0( ,3o5.75 25.oo 1,000.00 100.00 77,841.00 16, 700.00 2, 2¢0.00 TITLE No. Of NCo of Function Ite_.~n t92 Comp. 109 Comp. 206 Dues ~ 212 Prom; 218 Tetepl 220 Travel 319 Static 405 Office TOT&LSCOUNTY lC. DEPAR~Iv~E} 102 Comp. 105 Recor~ 109 Comp. Aline Dorot! Lucit: June ~ Cathe~ Jean t 5 Assessor., Extra Help 200 Advert~ 205 Book B' ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VLRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTimATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1946 GENERAL FUND 319 Statio~ 399 Miscel~ $05 Office TOTAL DEPAR~ '~qNCT!0N YEAR ENDED JUNE ~0. Year Ending June 30, 1945 proposed Title of ite~_. APD~~i0n ExpenditureA~~0_p~.~atiqn_ Expenditure CUTIVE of Co. Executive of Stenographer Subscriptions n Surety Bond one & Tel. Service .lng Expenses nary, Printed Forms Equipment EXECUTIVE'S OFFICE 2 OF FiNANCE of Director lng of Delinquents of Assistants Stevens $1,524.00 y Britton 1,524.00 e Jones 1,524.00 homas Via 1,524.00 ine Cason 1,128.00 eamer 1,128.00 ~ ~00.00 ~,000.00 8OO.OO sing nd;rig 9¸1 YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19¢6 Increase Over Decrease Under Year Ending Year Ending Allowed June ~k~_t__19~5 ~Jun~ ~0~ 1945 BM Board 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 1,320;00 $ 1,320.00 $ -0- 1,260.00 -0- 1,320.00 -0- ,0- 1,320.00 12.00 18.00 18.00 21.00 3.00 -0- 25.00 25.00 25.00 25;00 -0- -0- lOO.OO 71.98 75.00 75.00 -o- -o- 25.00 -0- 25.00 25.00 -0- -0- 15o.oo 96.12 .15o.oo 15o;oo -o- -o- 200.00 _ . -o- 200;00 '~o;oo -o- ~_lq~o 2,972.00 $ 1,$11.10 $ . 3',133.00 $ 1,766.00 $ 3.00 $ $ 4,050.00 $ $,300.00 $ $,728.00 $ 4,728.00 $ -0- $ -0- 35~.00 175.70 350.00 200.00 -0- ~5o.oo 206 Dues &~Subscriptions 212 Ins. P~em. - Surety Bond 218 Teleph(~ne & TeL Service 220 T~avel~ng Expenses ery, Printed Forms Etc.l,800.00 aneous 20.00 Equipment i.700.00 ENT OF FiNANCE $19,91~.18 9,560.00 8,957.63 12,652.00 12,152.00 -0- 500.00 150.00 58.50 100.00 100.00 -0- -0- 10.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 -0- -0- 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 -0- -0- 1,809.18 2,009.~8 150.00 150.00 -0- -0- 150.00 ?3.70 100.O0 100.00 -0= ,0- 30~.00 22.93 200.002 200.00 -0- -0- 1,717.34 1,800.00 2,000.00 200.00 -0- 5.62 20.00 20.00 ~0- -0- ~,727.70 300.00 ~00.00 -C- -0- $19,080.?0 $20,430.00 $19,980.00 $ 200.00 OF DELIN. LAND TAT~S f Attorney , 2,500.00 ION~OF DELIN. LND TAX. 2,500.00 1DCOLt~CTIO] 102 Comp. T~TAL COLLEC ~ i tE BOARD OF t ~' 100 Comp. 109 Comp 200 Adver' ~18 Tel. 220 Tra~e 317 Stati~ 399 Nisce; TOTAL BOARD QUAL~IZATION of Members 2,625.00 f Secretary 360.00 ;sing2 25.00 Tel. Service 75.00 ingExpenses 200.00 nery, Printed Forms 50.00 taneous 100.00 F EQUALIZATION 3,~35.oo 1F TAX MAP ~t~2 Comp, 109 Comp. Hugh } E~er Nanni~ 220 Travel 319 Stati~ TOTAL TAX MA~ 4 ~CORDING ( 101 C crop. 105 Certi~ 109 Comp° ~.~L Hele~ Narti 201 Audit~ 205 Book 212 ins. 218 Tel.' 2~0 Exces ~17 Rocor 31?A He-I~ 319 Stmti~ 399 Misce~ $05 0ffic~ TOTAL F~CORD] 2,¢00.00 3,360.00 120.00 --0-- 5,88o.oo 4,024.55 4,000.00 ¢,000.00 -0- 4,024.55 4,000.00 4,000.00 -0- 1,848.00 2,625.00 1,260.00 -0- 1,o95.0o 360.00 -o- -o- 7.50 50,00 25.oo -o- 62.05 75.00 ?5.00 -0- 247.83 300.00 150.00 -0- 3.99 50;00 -0- -0- -o- . ~o.oo__ -o- -o- 3,264.37 3,510.00 1,510.00 -0- 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 - O- 650.00 3,235.19 4,020.00 2,520.00 -0- 2 · 20 t00 · O0 1~0.00 -0- -o- --Q- -o- -o- 5,63?.39 6,520.00 5,020.00 -0- -0- ~f Engineer of Assistants: mnor $840 G. Batten 840 Q. Melton 840 -0- i 1,365.00 360.00 25.00 15o.oo 50.00 50.00 -0- 1,500.00 --0 -- '0-- 1,500.00 -0- -0- $,200.00 12.00 25.00 ~0- 35o.oo -O- lOC.CO_ 487.00 nery, Printed Forms DOC~,gNTS of Clerk 3,780.00 3,?80.00 4,164.00 4,164.00 ying Voting List 150.00 197.29 300.00 300.00 of Assistmntz: M~upin $2,772.00 Humbert 1,128.00 .a ~atson~l~.128.00 4,320.00 3,753.33 5,016.00 5,028.00 ng t00.00 102.12 100.00 125.00 inding 500.00 516.02 500.00 500.00 rem. - Surety Bond 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 Tel. Service 100.00 $~.85 100.00 lO0.00 Fees Paid into State 296.05 -0- 500.00 500.00 Books 500.00 ?68 .53 500.00 850 .00 .dex Books 25.00 -0- 100.00 100.00 nery, Printed Forms 300.00 449.59 500.00 500.00~ laneous 10.00 -0- 10.00 lR.00 Equipment 120.00 4.00 100.00 200.00 NG OF DOC~NTS 10,226.04 9,681.73 i1~15;00 '12,402.00 -0- -0- 9'2 ALBEM&PaLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITUBE ESTIMATES FOR T}~ ~&R ENDING ~ 30, 1946 GE,k~RAL FUND TITLE OF FUNCTION YEAR ENDED JU~E ~0 l~ No. No. Year Ending of of June 30, 1945 ~~_lA. of LiSem_ Approbation Expenditure __ A_~o_priation ~EAR ENDING JU~E 0i~_!~~ Increase Over Decrease Proposed Year Ending Year Endiag Allowed 5B TRIAL JUSTICE C0~/{T 218 Tel. & Tel. Service $ 50°00 317 Record Books 50.00 319 Stationery, ~rinted Forms 25.00 399 ~iscei!aneou~~' 5.00 405 0~fice Equipment _~ · 2~.00 TOTAL TRIAL JUSTICE COURT $ 155.00 35.68 $ -50.00 $ 40.00 -0- 5o.00 40.00 29.55 5o.00' 40.00 3.00 5,00 5,00 _______.~3~~o0 _ . ~.oo 68.82 $ 180.00 $ 150.00' -0- $ 10.00 -0- 10.00 -0- 10.00 -0- -0- -0-___ - -0-- _ $ -o- $ 3o,oo 5G C0~t¢0~I~ALTH'S A' 102 Comp. & Exp. 111 Doctors Fees 218 Tel. & Tel S. 220 Traveling Ex' 399 Miscellaneou TOTAL. COM. ATTY. 0Fi 6A POLICING A3~D IN~ 10~ Comp. of She 106 Comp. of Dep~ ~. A. Smith T. W. Wolfe C. S. Hu~m~ W. S. CoOk 212 Ins. Prem. - 218 Tel. & Tel. 220 Mileage 220A Travelling 31~ Stationery, 32~ Uniforms 399 Miscell~neou 400 Automobile P~ 400-1 Automobile 400-2 Automobile 400-3 Automobile 400-4 Automobile 40~ Office Equi~ 499 Police Equi~ TOTAL POLICING & IN~ 6C CONFIN~NT & C~ 102 Comp. of. Jai[ 106 Comp. of Coo] lll ~octo~s 218 Tel. & Tel~ S 310 Food Supplies 'TORNEY'S OFFICE of Atty. 4,200.00 4,200.00 4~200.00 4,200.00 Coroner) 50.00 10.00 50.00 50.00 rvice 10.00 i.~0- 10.00 10.00 ~enses 50.00 -0- 25.00 20.00 , ~0.00 . -0- 2_~.00 20.00 'ICE 4,360.00 4,210.002 4,310.00 4,300.00 STIGATING iff ties~ 41,788.00 1,656.00 1,65~.oo ~ 7,380.00 Surety Bond 60.00 ervice 125.00 50.00 xpenses 100.00 rinted Forms2 50.00 200.00 25.00 rchas~ 1,000.00 Maintanance 400.00 Maintanance 400.00 Maintenance 800.00 Maintenance 400.00 ent 10.00 3,300. O0 3,300.00 3,636.00 3,636.00 6,907.50 6, ?56.00' 65.oo 55.00 64.58 lOO,OO 123 .oo 50.o0 37.07 5o.oo 56.0? 5o.oo 224.10 200.00 · 90 25.00 -0- 1,000. O0 226.36 300.00 366,98 4oo.00 442.01 400.00 235.51 250.00 -0- 10o00 5o,oo 13,332.00 ent . ~0.00 t.32~o . ESTIGATING 13,950.00 12,050.40 OF PRIS0k~RS )r1,200.00 1,200.00 260.00 £~9.50 10.00 20.00 ~rvice 50.00 45.~5 1,500.00 733.?7 6,756.00 55.o0 100.00 5o.oo 5o.oo 50..00 200.00 25.oo 400.00 4O0.00 5o0.00 400.00 10.00 ~o.oo 311 319 399 Miscellaneous TOTAL CON..& CARE 0~ PRISONERS ? FIRE PREVENTION & ~XTINCTION 208 Forest Fire E~t. Serv. TOTAL FIRE PEEVENT2 tN & EXT. 8B PUBLIC ASSIS=T~CB 100 Comp. & Trays of Members of Bo rd 102 Comp. of Sups intendent 109 Comp. of Azsi!~tants: Louise A. Willia~, $1656 Anne H. Loving 1656 Sarah Ashburne 1524 Reielle F. Pigg 1524 Catherine Oonnel] ~y 1392 Mildred Payne ~ 209 Freight & Dra mge 212 Ins. Prem.-Sn'ety Bond 218 Tel. & Tel. S.,rv.,Postage 220 Mileage 319 Stationery, P'inted Forms 320 Text Books fo: Indigents 400-6 Automobile aintenance 400-7 Automobile 405 Office Equip~ 399 ~iscellaneous 999 Transfer to Vi A Fund TOTAL PUBLIC ASSISTt CE Fuel I00.00 84.50 Stationery, Pvinted Forms (lO0.O0)/o,oo -0- 3,140.00 2,367.81 400.~00 ..... 1~8~ o44 400.00 189 -0- -0- - 0- -0- -0- -0- -o- ~,~eo . -0-__ .... 5.00 ' lO.fCC ~0~ -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0 - -0 - -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 1,000.00 100.00 -0- '~ ~0~? -O- 100.00 -0- 15o.o0 -o- -0- -0- -0 - -0 - 12,682.00 350.00 i,O00.O0 1,320.00 t,320.00 -0- 288.oo 288,00 -o- 25.00 25.00 -o- 50.00 50.00 -o- 1 ~ 200.00 1,000.00 -0- I00.00 100.00 -0- (lOO,OO}/~,oo ~oo.oo%~o,oo - o- -o- 5~.oo ~.oo 2,993 · oo 2,8~ 8. oo 55~oo 2,~00.00 2,500.00 400.00 347.33 400.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 2,220.00 '8,328.00 100.00 5.00 125.oo 1,000.00 400.00 400.00 250.00 250.00 100.00 100.00 ?,500~00 ?,191.50 100.00 -0- 5.00 5.00 125.00 111.43 100.00 1,007.99 400.00 338.46 400.00 151.07 450.00 153.51 iaintonance 1,850.00 1,251.49 nt 100.00 38-35 50.00 48.9l -0- -0- --0-- 200.00 --0-- 200.00 2,000.00 , 2,000.00 .~- = 5oo.oo -o- fcc.co 400.00 . -0- -0- -0- -0- 2,448.00 59,080.oo 8,?$8.00 5.00 125.oo 1,000.00 400.00 400.00 250.00 250.00 100.00 lO0.00 _ . . ¢_804.g3 _ ~ _64,6I~.00 60,549.2? 66,178.oo ??,613.00 420.00 11,535.00 -0- 100.00 -0' -0" --0" '0" 100.00 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, vIRGINIA EXPE~DITUBE ESTI~ATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUk~ 30, 1956 GENERAL FUND 93. TI~E OF No. No. of of Function It, Title of Item ~ YEAR ENDED JU~iE %0, 19$4 : ...... 7~EAR END=_ _ _.lNG JUNE 30, 1956 ~ Year Ending Proposed increase Over Decrease Under June 30, 1945 Year Ending Year Ending Allowed .... Appropriation Ex:endi.t...u.r.e A~ .re riation Expenditure June _30~ 1945 June 30~ 1955 By Boa_rd 80 COUNTY BT~NOE 701 ~ity Hospital $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 1,500.00 ?OIA Care .f T. B. Patients 1,080.00 588.00 1,080.00 70lB St. 's Preventorium ~200.00 200.00 200.00 702 Alb. & War Fund 600.00 550.00 1,200.00 704 ~t Home 2,500.00 2,746.63 3,000.00 705 ~rate ~idow's Pensions 1.250.O0 ~ .1~100.00 ~._~l_~100~0 TOTAL COUNTY 8,630.00 8,~85.00 8,080.00 ~,5oo.oo $ -o- $ ,080.00 -0- -0- 200.00 -0- -0- ,200.00 -0- -0- ,000.00 -0- -0- ~oo~.oo -o- ._ : _ -~o- ,080. O0 -0- -0- 8D LUNACY iiSSION 124 Comp. .f Members 500.00 22./.9~0 .... 400,00 TOTAL LUNACY O~ISSION & 500.00 227.~0 500.00 9 PUBLIC II! Negro 138 Re 15o 229 TOTAL P'JBLIO .,~00.00 100~00 ..... ; -0- 500.00 100.00 -0- ~ntist 250. O0 -0- 250. O0 Vital Statistics 150.00 93- 75 150.00 ,fy Service -0- -0- -0- Joint Health De]>t1450.00 lgQ 105.0Q ~5 ~500.~00 1.4,199 · 25 14 ,.900. O0 485o.oo, , ,% .... _ :~ . ~ : ..... 250 · O0 -0- -0- 15o..oo -o- -o- 1,800.00 1,800.00 -~- 13,5q0.00 . -0- . t~,000.00 .. ~ 15,700.00 1,800.00 ~,000.00 1t ADV. & H0t~ EC. 109 Oom~ Stenographer 780,00 780.00 780.00 114 F~mm T. 0. H. M. C. G. 118 Home Ruth Hu~fl ~ 100. O0 Price . 218 Tel~ & Service 399 505 Office quipment TOTAL ADV. & H0~ EC. ;ott $1,800.00 1,320.00 00 3,700.00 3,699.99 13 ELEOTIONS 112 E!ecti, Officials 214 Rent 222 Pre ~g & Printing List 319 Staiio~ry, Printed Forms 399 ~iscell~neous'l~ TOTAL ELECTIO~S 3% MA!NTENANCi 1'9 Capital 119 Comp. o 207 Eiectri 210 Ins. Pr 215 Repairs 223 Water S 306 Cteanin 311 Fuel 399 Miscell 403 Furnitu TOTAL NAINTEN, 8E POOR RELI] 703 General ~704 Old Age 705 Aid to 706 Aid to Regula~ TOTAL P~0RREI TRANSFER FROM !:~TOTAL V~. PUB1 1,935.00 1,654.79 125.00 112,45 25.00 -0- _ .lO~.~0 .......... 11.61 6~665.00 6,258.84 3,720.00 1,900.00 125.00 25.00 ~o.oo 6,650,00 1,500.00 1,959.24 2,000.00 75.00 71.oo 75.00 15.oo 5.75 5o. oo 15o.oo 84.?5 lOO.OO l~.C.i~o -o- 15,~Qo 1,755.00 2,119 · 74 2,240.00 1,020.00 240.00 -0- BUILDINGS & GROUNDS outlay 500,00 -O- Janitors & Helper 1,000.00 1,083.78 Current 1,500.00 1,628.~8 mium - Fire 400.00 194.00 1,000.O0 1,682.68 r~ice 250.00 278.26 ~aterials, Supplies 400.00 355.96 400.00 836.22 neous i00.00 48.71 e & Fixtures 500.00 . 60.70 ~CE BLDG. & GROUNDS 6,050.00 6,222.99 Relief Assistance he Blind ependent Children Foster Care 3,720.00 -0- -0- ~ERUERAL FUI~D 2,000.00 100.00 125.00 -G- 25.oo -o- 100.00 ~0~ 6,990.00 3~0.00 [C ASSISTANCE FU~D 1,000.00 -0- ?5.00 -o- 50.00 -o- 100.00 -O- l~.OO -o- 1,240.00 -0- 1!,ooo.oo --0-- --0- 2,000.00 11, 000. O0 500100 1,500.00 1,800.00 250.00 2,000.00 25o.oo 400.00 600.00 100.00 500.00. 500.00 -o- 1,5oo.oo -o- 1,5oo.oo -o- 250.00 -0- 2,000.00 -0- 300.00 5o.00 300.00 -o- 600.00 -o- 100.00 -0- 300.00 -0-. 7,800.00 7,350.00 50.00 300.00 ~0- --0-- --0 -- 100.00 '0-- 100.00 10,900.00 22,880.20 2,521.50 11,721.60 47,923.30 VIRGINIA PUBLIC ASSISTANCE FUND EEPENDITURE ESTIMATES 10,986.43 9,500.00 5', 892.00 22,?86.20 25,000.00 30,000.00 2,366.00 3,000.00. 3,600.00 11,665,60 15,000.00 18,000.00 -0- -0- 6~00 47~804,23 52,500.00 63,615.00 -o- 3!; 6o8.oo 5,000. O0 -0- 600.00 -0- 3,000.00 -0- 15, ?23.00 3,608.00 Year Ended Juae 30, 1944 759 · 23 47,?59.23 VIRGINIA P~BLIC ASSISTANCE FUND REVENUE EST~A~ES Year Ended YE&R~U~ 0 !946. Increase Over De~rease Unde~ June 30, 1944 51,000.00 51,000.00 ' ~entative Year Ending Year Ending Allowed -~. _ EstLma~t~ June ~~e -? _1:.4' B~' BoaFd 63,615.00 12,615.00 -0- 63,~15.00 12,6!5.00 -0- TITLE 0.F FUNCTION Nco No. of of Function_ Item Title of_ ite, m ALBEEAPJ~E COL~NTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR Eh])iNG JURE 30, 1946 DOG TAX FUND YEAR ENDED J~__U~ 30. 1944 Aooropri~%ion_ Expenditure YEAR ENDINGJUEE_~[0, 1946 Year Ending Proposed Increase Over Decrease Under June 30, 1945 Expenditure Year Ending Year Ending Allowed App~ation J~e__~~e 30~_~y Board 12 PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK.& FO~S 116 Comp. of Game Warden 317 Record Books and Tags 319 Stationery, Printed Forms 399 Niscellaneous 400-5 Automobile Maintenance 501 Fowl Claims 502 Livestock Claims 503 Rabies Tre~tment2~ 504 15% Due State 505 Transfer to General Fund PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK AND FOWLS $ 420.00 $ 420.00 150.00 134.30 5.oo 35.0o 10.00 196.15 300.oo 36?.96 250.00 2?9.40 1,140.00 1,865.15 10.00 189.90 ~00.0o 9o4.58 6,000~00 Year Ended June 30, 1944 ~ Actual ~ Sale of Dog Tags TOTALDOG TAX FU~ 42o.oo ~42o.oo ~ -o- ~ -o- 180.00 180.00 -0- -0- ~.oo 5.00 -o- -o- lO.O0 10,00 -0- -0- 35o.00 35o.00 -o- -o- 250.00 350.00 100.00 -0- 1,500.00 2,000.00 500.00 -0- 200.00 200.00 -0- -0- 900.00 900.00 -0- -0- 6,949.43 6,000.00 REVENUE ESTIMATES DOG TAX NUND. Year Ended June 30, 1944 ~stimated~ [~55,_o_o -o- _Aoo.oo 6,000.00 600.00 ~00.00 YEAR EI~])ING JUNE ~ ~i ~b increase Over Tentative Estimate Dec~ease Under~ Year Ending Year Ending Allowed June ~e _-0~ 1 ~. B-~ Bpa_rd $6,045.50 $6_~oo_o.oo 6,045.50 6,000.00 ~_6_,_o~ -o- 6,000.00 -0- -0- TITLE OF FUNCTIO~ No. NO. of of Function Item Tit~e. of Item 4C FIRE PROTECTION 119 Comp. of Jan~ 20? Electric Cur~ 210 Insurance Pr~ 214 Rental of Fi~ 215 Repairs 223 Water Ser~ic~ 300 Automobile Ti 3 ll Fuel 312 Gas, Oil and - 399 Miscellaneom TOTAL FIRE PROTECTD DELINQUENT TAXES: 1943 1944 TOT~ REVENUE 0THOR ~0UNT TO BE RAIBED DELINQL~ENTS ON BASI,' LEVY RJEQUIRED ASSESSED VALDE OF PB R~TE OF LEVY TITLE OF FDI~CTIOE No. No. of of Function Item Title $1 DEBT SERVICE 800 Redemption oi 803 Interest on $ TOTAL DEBT SERVICE EXPENDITURE EST~!ATES CROZET FIRE DIS~RICT~mFUND YEA~ ENDED Year Ending Jdue 30, 1945 App. ro r~tion Expenditure A~___~r~iati0n tor 60.00 60.00 60.00 ent 15.00 12.60 15.00 miums 100.00 100.00 100.00 e Hydrants 462.00 462.00 462.00 10.00 5.00 i0.00 18.00 18.00 !18.00 res, Repairs, Upkeep 30.00 -0- t00.00 25.00 13.63 25.00 Grease 30.00 12.89 30.00 75.00 -o- 3~_o.oo N 825.00 68~.12 860.00 PHAN C~NT LEVY 3Y COT2IENT LE~ OF 10~ )PERTY of item Bo~ds i06,000.O0 ~ ~ _ ~YEAR E.~DING JDI~ 30~ ' Increase 0v~r Decrease Under PropoSed Year Ending Yea~ Ending Allowed 60.00 -0- !0.00 -0= 100.00 -0- 462.00 -0- 10.00 -o- t8.00 -o- 100.00 -0- 25.00 -o- 3~00 -0- 40.00 -0- 855.oo -o- REVENUE E ST~!ATES -0- 5.00 '0 ' -0- -0- FS.oo CROZET FIRE DISTRICT FUND Year Ended Year Ended June 30, 1944 J~ue 30, 1944 ~Actuarl~_~-:~S~/_zmated~ Increase Over Decr~a~.s,~ Under Tentative Yea~ Ending Yea~ Ending Allowed Estimate June 0~~_ Juae~d -o- 15 oo 23 · 5 2 25. O0 ~ 25 · O0 52.83 50.00 20.00 ~.oo 45.00 810,00 90.00 9o0.oo 902,536.00 .lO E~PENDiTUBE E2T~ATES CHARLOTTESVILLE DIS.~.ICT ROAD DEBT FUND -0- YEAR EEDED J~{E O~ Year Ending June 30, 1945 A_RR~_o~ria~tion Exp_~nditur~e_~ARp~o_~riation YEAR ENOiNG ~~ Proposed Increase~0ver Decr. Expenditure Year Ending Yea: June ~ June 5,800. O0 -0- -0- 5,550.00___ '_. : ~8~ ~ _fo.oo 11,35o .oo 5,595 · 83 5,55o. oo REVENbE E STl~ATE S ~oo.oo .o- 5,300.00 -0- Year Ending June 30, 1944 YEAR EEDiNG JUME 0~ Year Ending June 30, 1945 Tentative Estimate 5.00 ~ase Under Ending Allowed ~4~_~Board Increase Over Decr ase Under Yea'r Ending Yea~ Ending Allowed TITLE OF FU No. No. of of Function item 32 DEBT SERVI( 800 Redemp' 803 Int~e~ TOTAL DEBT ~ISGELLA~IEOUS: Delinquent Interest on TOTAL P~VE. NUE A~,{0U~,iT TO BE DELINQUENTS 0~ LEVY ~QUIPJED ASSESSED VALU RATE OF LEVY I~LE OF , TIoN Title of Item ~E ;ion of Bonds ~ on $82,000.00 ~ [943 L944 .~ve stment s 0THJER THAN CiYREEN~iJEVY .AISED BY ChaNT ~VY 95 ~TION No~ No. of Of Function ~Item Title o~ Item ~ D~BT SERVIC~ 800 Redemp~$on of Bonds 803 tntere~ On $209,000.00 TOTAL DEBT SE~V!CE ALBEMARLE COD~TY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITUB~ EST~IATES FOR TP~ YEaR ENDING JU~]~ 30~ 19¢6 IVY DISTRICT ROAD DEBT FUq~D YEAH ENDED ~Jh~ ~0, 1944 Year Ending J~ne 30, 1945 _~p~ation Expenditure~ ~tion YE~R ENDING JUKE~~46 Proposed Increase Over Decrease Under Expenditure Year Ending Year Ending Allowed June $2,300.00 $1,964.06 $2,000.00 $1,750.00 $ -0- $ 250.00 ~_.~,o ~ ~oo.oo 4 _~oo.oo ~ %1oo.oo ~-~ ~ . -o- 6,4.00.00 6,064.06 6, !00.00 ~, 8~0. O0 -0- 2~0. O0 REVE N:JE E STI3~ATE S increas~~'0ver! Decrease Under JYear Ended Year Ending June 30, 1944 June Z0, 194~ Tentative Year Ending Year Ending Allowed ~ (Estimated~__ .... Est~i_m_~a~t~es~Jun. e 0~945~ J_u~~_ l~~. N~IS8ELLAKEOUS Delinquent Interest on TOTAL REVENUE To BE DELiN~UEN~TS 0[I / ASSESSED VALUE RgTE OF LEVY 64.31 300.00 75.00 -0- 225.00 143.83 200.00 125.00 -0- 75.00 __Zi2z2o-.' ~lo.oo ~o.oo -o- -o- 758.14 1,270.o02 970.oo -o- 300.00 ¢,81~.00 535.oo 1,~0,911.00 .35 EXPENDITURE ESTt~IATES RIVANNA DISTRICT ROAD DEBT FUND YEAR ENDED JUt~3.0~ YE&RENDING JU~ 0~6 Year Ending Proposed Increase 0ver,i Decrease Under Jume 30, 1945 Expenditure Year Ending Year Ending Allowet A rD riation Ex enditure A rD riation~ J~e ~~~. Juma ~0~- ?,000.00 11,484.87 ~q.o_o lO_~O.OO 17,450.00 21,934.87 7,500.00 7,250.00 -0- 2~0.00 lO_DMSO.OD ~_ip~o4~o.oo -o- -o- 17,950.00 t7,700.00 -0- 250.00 RE~-ENUE ESTIMATES Year Ended Year Endihg June 30, 1944 ~u~an~0, 194~ ~~$ted ) i 1943 l?O. 29 3 oo. oo .! 1944 4 82.3 2 6oo. oo ~nvestment~ 5,591.18 . 2 _400.00 ~THER TH~Jq Cb~JLE:NT LEVY 6,243.79 3,300.00 ENDING ~e' ~v~r~--[! Decrease Under Tentative Year Ending Year Ending Allowe~ Estimat~uns .~?~e 30 1945 By 200.00 -0- 100.00 400.00 -0- 200.00 2__alO0.O0 -0- ' 300.00 2,700.00 -0- I 600.00 ~ED BY CHP~RENT LEVY BASIS OF !~ OF PROPERTY l~,000.00 1,666,00 t6,666.00 2,750,245.00 .60 EXPEND ITL~RE EST]IiATES SA~ib~L MI~R DISTRICT ROAD DEBT FUND TITLE. OF ~N No. NO. of of Function item DEBT SERVICE 800 of~ Bonds 803 'on Botds: $186 ~ 5% 9,3oo,oo 26,057..94 ~ t--~J 390.87 TOTAL DEBT N I SCELLA~330 US Delinqusn% TOTAL A~O~T TO BE DELI. NQUENTS ON Title of Item 44 ,THAN CblRBENT LEWf BY CURBENT LEVY YEAR ENDED JD$1E %0. 1944, oenditure 8,900.00 10,786.55 YEAR ENDING JUR~ Year Ending Proposed increase Over pecrease Under Jdne 194~ Year 30, Expenditure Ending ~Year Ending Allowed Aoprooriation .... June 8~900.00 9,500.00 600.00 -0- lO,.lOO..OQ 19,000.00 Year Ended June 30, 1944 (~o~u~l) __~. o~ ~lO,lO0.O0 20,162.2~ .19,000.00 19,190.87 -0- 409t!t 600.00 '~ 409.13 REVENHEESTI~ATES Year Ending June 30, 194~ (Estimated) YE_ ~.ENDiNG JUNE_~ Tentative Increase Over Estimate Year Ending Decrease gmder Year Ending Allowed June~O, 194~ ~ June__~O, 194~ By Bd. 455.31 581.21 400.00 400.00 t,036.52 800.00 300.00 -0- 100.00 500.00 100.00 -0- 800.00 100 o00 ~ 100.00 i-~',390.87 96 ALBENARIE COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTi~A%ES FOR T~ YEAR ENDtNGJLR~ 30, 1956 SCOTTSVILLE DISTRICT ROAD DEBTF~UND_ TITI~ OF FUNDT No. No. of of Function Item TITL DEBT SERVICE 800 Redemption of 803 Interest' on Bo lO5,OOO 117,521.29 ~ TOTAL DEBT SERVICE [ON 0F ITEM %rids ~ds: 5,200.00 L~% 1,762.82 YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1955 Year Ending June 30, 1945 Appropriation E.xMendit_ure ApDrooriation ~1,255.00 ~AHENDING JD~E.__tQ. 1946 Proposed Increase Over ' Decreasue Under Expenditure Year Ending YearlEnding Allowed Ju~e ~0, 1945 June 30. 1955 ~yBoard .~,187.oo 19,'637.00 $16,420.84 $15,000.00 Year Ended June 30, 1955 _(Ac.tual) 5.~00.__~2~ -?,171.17 -- 2!,721..26. 21,171.1__ · . _ ? . $15,ooo.oo $ -o- _6~96.2; 82 -o- 20,962.82 -0- -0- 2{18.35 382.01 896.65 MISCELLANEOUS Delinquent Taxes: 1953 1944 TOTAL RE~7 OTHER ~HAN CURRENT LEVY ON ~VY REQUIP~D ASSESSED VALUATION PROPERTY OF LEvY ~P~E~ ~V~f~ EST~ATES Year Ending June 30, 1955 £~timated.l YEAR ENDING JUICE 30m ' 400.00 800.00 1,200. O0 Tentative Increase Over Decr~ Estimate Year Ending Yem June-30, 1945 June 19;962,82 2;217,18 22;180.00 2,574,085.00 .85 3o0.00 -o- 1( -7oo .o? ...... -o- lC .1,000.00 -0- ,56 ~ase Under · Ending Allowed 30, 1945 By Board 0.00 ,0.00 ~0.00 TITLE OF FUNCTI No. No. of Of Function Item TI~ i36 DEBT SERVICE 800 Redemption o 803 Interest Da TOTAL DEBT SERVICE gCE LAN :0US Delinquent Taxes 1953 1944 Intere st TOTAL REVENDE OTHER A~IOUNT TO BE RAISED DELINQUENTN ON BASIS LEVY BEQUIPJED ASSESSED VALUATION Oi RATE OF LEVY OF I~ Bonds 79,000.00 HAN cURRENT LEVY BY CURRENT LEVY OF lO% PROPERTY EXPENDITURE E STl~ATE S WHITE FaELL DISTRICT ROAD DEBT FOqfD YEAR ENDED J~NE ~0,. 1 &_~.~.~_ YEAR ENDING JU4~ ~O~ 1~ i Year Ending Proposed Increase Over D~ crease Under June 30, 1955 Expenditure Year Ending ~ ear Ending Allowed AoDroDriation ~xoenditur? AppTo_~.riatign_ . . June ~ ~. 5,500.00 6,978.39 6,650.00 6,500.00 -0- 3,9~0.00 ~ 3,~50.00 ___3.d5_0.00 __b3~0.00 -0- 9,550.00 10,928.39 10,600.00 10,450.00 -0- _REVENUE ESTI~A~_ S Year Ended Year Ending June 30, 194¢ June 30, 1955 (Estimated) . 267.3¢ 325.oo 453.19 5o0.o0 1,255.40 I,?00.00 YEAR E~]PiNG J0]~E 30. 1__~ Tentative Increase Over Dec~ Estimate Year Ending Yea~ June ~0. 1945 Ju~ t59~80 --0 -- 15o.oo 200.00 -0- 125.00 400.00 -0- 100.00 ~_2oo.oo 25.00 ~oo~- 1500.00 25.00 225.00 8,950.00 9;945.00 1,649,774.00 .60 REVENUE ESTIMATES SCHOOL FUND Year Ended Jo_ne 30, 1954 Year Ending June 30, 1955 (~E~s_~ti~ate__ q) YEAR ENDING JU~ _~__0_~ Tents~iw~,J ~ .:~ncrease Over De~ Yea? Ending Y~ %un%!O;; 1555 J~ rease Under ar Ending Allowed e 30, ~ BF BdJ Supervision /Vocational Educati~ Special Education ~ Superintendent's S~ Transportation COUNTY F~YDS Delinquent Taxes Cash Appropriation OTHER FUkDS Dawson Fund Tuition - Other DJ' Tuition - Private Sale of Supplies Sale of Re~l Esta~ Rents, Rebates, ~i Gasoline Tax Re~unI Jean's F~uo Textbooks Literary Fund Debt Surplus n lary $135,1~6~00 $121,800.00 5,062.80 5,100.00 7,893.96 7,000~O0 3,995~04 24o.oo 878.32 1,295.00 ?,553.31 ?,300.00 6,936.98 5,730.00 977.50 975.oo [sions 207.00 150.00 ources 659.23 100.00 132.30 50.00 -0- 3OO.OO celtaneous 1,066.56 500.00 2,138.~0 1,800.00 -0- 100.00 5,783.66 6,500.00 (City) 10,852.00 -0- -0- 26,000.00 COUNTY TAXES 15, ._8-4.07 1.. _.0_'-...4f TOTAL REVENUE OTHER HAN CUPJqENT LEVY ~162.99 184,940.00 $157,600.00 $ 25,800.00 7,0 O0. O0 -0- 4 00. O0 t~0. O0 1,538.64 234.64 ?,300.00 - 0- 3,000.00 -0- '16,800.00 16,800.00 ,73o~oo 935.oo -o- 200.00 50.00 100.00 -0- 100.00 50.00 300.00 -o- 700.00 200.00 1,800.00 ~ '~0~0 !00.00 -o- 7,500.00 1,000~00 -0- -0- 33,000.00 7,000.00 224,484.37 44,314.37 $0~00 -0~ '0-- --0-- '0-- -0- --0-- --0-- 4,800.00 ~¢0UNT TO BE DELINQUEMTS 01 LEVY REQUIBED. ASSESSED V~U '~ RATE OF lEVY ~ TITLE OF ~-." No. No. of of ~unction Iten 17A SCHOOL BO, 100 Comps: 206 Dues 220' Trays. 298 Commu 299 Distr 299X Sale 999 Unapp TOTAL SCHOOL 17B SUPERIN~ 102 Comp. 135 Comp. t35A Comp. 215D Fixtu 218 Tel. 220 Trays 220A Trays 319 Stati 405 0ffic TOTAL SUPT. ' S 17o iNSTRUOTI i33A Princ 133B Princ 1330 Princ 133D Princ 134A Teach 134B Teach 1340 Teach 134D ~each 134E Teach 134F Teach 134G Teach 134H' Teach !341 Teach 134J Teac~ !34K Teach 13~M Sick 13~A Comp. 13~B Comp. 213 Ins. 220 Trave 220A Trave 220B Trays 220C Trays 220D Trays 221 ~Tuitd 30~ Class 305B Stan8 313 Labor ~ISED BY CURRENT BASIS OF 10~J ~TION ~FUNCTION LEVY ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA EE~E NUN ESTI~ATES ~ FOR T~ YEAR ENDING J~ 30, 1946 SCHOOL FUND 137,36~.63 _ 1~ 2~62.~ 13,875~316.00 1.10 322 Voc. TOTAL IESTRUC YEAR ENDED JU~ 30, 19~ Aopropriation Expenditure Year Ending JUme 30, 1945 A~riation YEaR ENDING JUNE ~0, ~946 2ropesed Increase Over D~crease Under Expenditure Year Ending ~ear Ending Allowed sation of Members $ 900.00 $ ~90.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $ -0- Subscriptions 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 -0- -0- ling Expense s 200.00 107.3~ 200 · O0 200.00 -0- -0- .Actv. & Commen; Costal00.00 78.68 100.O0 lO0.OO -0- -0- ~bution of Textbooks 140.00 74.6~ 100.00 100.00 -0- -0- {f Textbooks 5,000.00 5,783.66 6,500.00 7,500.00 1,000.00 $0- cooriat&d Reserve 18 ~00.00 -0- -0- ~0- -0- -0- 0ARD 2¢,846.00 6,640.34 8,106.00 9,106.00 l~000.00 ! -0- DENT'S OFFICE of Supt. & Clerk 4,200.00 3,822.4~ 4,800.00 4,800.00 -0- Secy. & Helpers 1,800.00 1,5??.10 2,000.00 2,000.00 -O- of Attendence Officer -0- -0- 2,500.00 1,150.00 -0- es a~d Repairs ~0.00 21.?0 50.00 ~0.00 -0- Tel. Service 135.00 105.20 140.00 140.00 -O- of Supt. 400.00 137.40 400.00 400.00 -0- of Att. Officer -0- -0- ~00.00 600.00 -O- ~ery, Post., Supplies 350.00 610.23 1,350.00 t,3~0.00 -O- ~quipment · 50.00 .10 ~0.00 l_~0.00 100.OQ _~ OFFICE ?,985.00 6,274.13 11,890.00 10,6¢0.00 100.OD IN .pals-White-Male 17,002o~0 17,556.2~ 17,685.00 18,630.00 ~pals-V~R~it e-Femai e -0- -0- -0 - -0- -0 - .pa!s-Neoro-l~aie t,182..~0 1,320.00 t,~05.00 (~.~fOO ~;2JS~' 270.002 oals-Ne gtc ~emale 1,430.00 1,~4.00 1,~30~00 l, 75~.00 22~.00 ~rs-H~ ~hit ~-~iale 3,817. ~0 ¢ ,268.32 3,9~.00 .2,83~.00 -o- ~rs-~ ~VThit e-Female 29,~01.00 32,073.18 29 ~ i0~.00 3~,320.00 6,21~.00 r s-~$~GRO-Mals -0- -0- -0- 1,21~.00 1,21~.00 rs-liS-Negro-Female 3,842.~0 2,760.~ ~ ~490.00 ~ ,490.00 -0- ,r s~ES ~fihite ~iale -0- -0- -O - -0- -0 ~r s-ES ;f;hite-Eemale 93,372.41 97,589.87 94,500.00 104,832.00 ~0~332.00 .r s-E S-Ne gro-~als 777.50 -0- -0- -0- -0 - ~rs-ES-Negro-Female 26,417i00 32,686.23 31,6~3.00 34,605~00 2,952.00 ~rs-Voc.-W~iale 7,260.00 7,741.51 7,570.00 7~880.00 310.00 ~rs'Vo c .-N-Male 1 ~512.00 1,600.00 l, 680.00 1,620.00 -0- ~rs-Special Education 360.00 3,441.~6 360.00 360.00 -0- ,save l~000.00 ?27.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 -0- Supervisors ~Yhi}e ? ~580.03 8,299.20 ?, 878.70 8,417.00 53 8.B 0 Supervisors-Negro 1,452.50 1,602.50 1,575.00 1~755.00 180.00 'rem. -?lor~ans ' Comp. 6.00 8.51 8.00 10.00 2 .-Voc. Teache rs-W. 995 · 00 3 73 · 04 99~ - O0 700.00 -0 ~-Voc. Teachsrs-N. ~0.00 44. l~ ~0.00 250.00 2D0.00 .-Home Ec. Teachers 875.00 174,32 600.00 ~00.00 -O- .-Supervisors~;. -0- -0- -0- 900-00 900.00 .-Sups rvi so rs -N. -0- -0- -0 - 3 ~0.00 300900 ,n 3~300.00 3,372.50 ¢,200.00 4,500.00 300.00 'oom Supplies 800.00 71-.$7 600.00 600.00 -0- ~rdi zed Te st s 100.00 3 ?. 13 200.00 250.00 50 · 00 :tory Supplies 500.00 120.07 500.00 500.00 -0- 314 Library Supplies 1~675.00 1,518.90 1,675.00 4675.00 -0- 14A }~usic ~ Supplies 200.00 8?.97 200.00 200.00 -O- ~14B So,ciVil Education Supplies 300.00 202.32 300.00 600.00 300.00 314C P~ysi[~al Education Supplies' 592.50 230.58 600.00 600.00 -O- '.ducation Supplies ~0.00 ~~ ~0.00 ~0.00 -0- 7ION 206,251.$4 219,804.96 215,724.70 239,~24.00 25~ 234.30 .TION .es, Repairman 2,260.00 2,803.79 's, Coumty Buses 12,375.00 9,223.0~ race 1,3 00.00 892.68 ~ne-Re~Bir Shop 60.00 70 · 3~ r. Ct ors 1, !?0.00 84~ ;50 Repair a Upkeep 7,000.00 10,770.09 il, and Grease 6.~00.0~_0_________~.78~ ~ 6~ ~TATION ~0, ~5.00 32 ,640.24 ITD TR~,~SPOR% 123 Sa!ar 136 Drive 21~ !nsur 218 Telep 219 Contr 300 Tires 312 Gas~ ~0TAL TB3~SP0 17F HOUSING 105 Recor 119 Wages 123 Salar 207 Elect 210 Ins~ 20lA Boils 21~A Rep.& 21~B ~aint .ing of Doc~aents l~.O0 3.00 of Janitors ' ~' ~,788.00 ~,440.10 .es~ Repai~nan 1,7~5.00 1,388.11 ~ic Current 1,300~00 1,183o39 n Bldgs. 1,~00.00 1,8~3.26 inmurance ~0- -O- ~keep-Bldgs.,Grounds 4,000.00 1,33~.02 nance of Floors ~00.00 -0- -0- L,350.00 pO- -0- --0~ -0- -0- i1'080~00_ - 60.00 --0-- --0-- 295.00 --0-- --0-- --0 -- --0-- 3,000.00 12,375.00 1,300.00 7~.oo 1,580.00 9,000.00 8,50~.00 35,83o.oo ~, 220. O0 i2,375.00 1,300.00 ,85.00 1,500.00 l~, 000.00 8,~0o.0~ 42,980.00 2,220.00 ~0.oo 5~000.00 7,230.00 -0- 80.00 80.00 15~00 ¢,000.00 1,700.00 1,~00.00 1,800.00 4,000.00 5oo~oo 35.00 5,400.00 2~000.00 1~300.00 2~000.00 6,000.00 3o0.0o 20.00 ¢00.00 300.00 200.00 2,000.00 200.00 98 No. No. of of Function Item TITL~ 306 Janitor's Supp2 311 Fuel 312 Gas, Grease: 3 23 Wells 399 Unclazsified TOTAL HOUSING 19 CAPITAL OUTLAY 123 Improvement of 322 Vocational Equ 400 Replacement o~ 400A Service Truck 403 Furniture 600 Land 601 Eew Buildings 60!A Rep!. Eiec. Wi: TOTAL CAPITAL 0b~rLAY 20 DEBT SERVICE 801 Principal - Li 804 Interest -Lite TOTAL DEBT SERVICE GRAND TOTALS ~ational Bank &Trus Peoples National Ban Literary Fund of Vir TOTAL TITLE OF FUNC5 No. No. of of Function Item TTI~ Broadus Wood High Sc Crozet High School Greenwood High Scho~ ~gcIntire High Schoo~ lieriwether Lewis Hig Red Hill High Scottsville High Sc~ Albemarle Tra'ining if ALBEI~IARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPE~DiTO~E E ST!~[ATES FOR TP~ EAR ENDING JUME 30, 1946 SCHOOL F~<D OF ITEE ~..o~o _n_ E_~endit ureA. Year Ending Proposed Increase Over Decrease Under June ~0, 194~ Expenditure Year Ending Year E~ing Allowed gppr~o~iatio_n ..... June~_Q, 1945 June ,les Oil $t,500.00 5,300.00 200.00 1,000.00 800.00 24,908.00 $1,224 .~3 ,1,~00.00 2,~98.25 ~,800.00 172.04 200. O0 ~97.42 1,000,.00 18 ~. ~_o________~_oo .oo 16,603.5~ 25,590.00 $2,000.00 $ 5oo.oo $ -oq 6,500.00 700.00 -0~~ 200.00 -0- -0- 1,000.00 --0- -0- -o-__ -o. 29,535.00 4,145.00 200.( ~rounds .pment Buses ~ing Fixtures 200.00 -0- 200.00 200~00 400.00 230.~4 400.00 400;00 -o- 3,56L?z l~,OOO.O0 l~,OOO.OO 800.00 -o- 95o.oo 950;00 ¢00.00 3~.28 300.00 600.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 3,000.00 -o- -o- -o- ,.,!i~ooq~oo 1,800.00 3,827.53 16,850.00 35,15'0.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 300.00 -0- -0- -0- 3,000.00 -0- l~000.0O L. -0- 18,300.00 -0 erary Fund 'ary Fund 5,675.00 65,275.00 2,325.00 2,325.00 _4 824. OQ'._~__~. l_ .65_9.75 ' 1.590.00 t0,499.00 68,~03.77 3,984.7% 3;915.00 306,9~4.44 3~4,294.~0 317,97~.4~ 370~ 8~0.00 -0- :_69 .' -0- 69.' 56,009.30 3,134.' EE~ZENUE ESTimATES 6 o0o.oo~: Co. inia Year Ended June 30~ 1944 [ON 1,352.58 1,311¢31 3,038.8~ SCHOOL (i~CINTIKE TRUST FD~D) FL~D YEAR ENDING JUhE %0~ ~6 ~ Year Ending ~ l~ease ~v~r "~-ecme~g Under J~e 30~ 1945 Tentative Year Ending Year E~ding Allowed (Est~ated) . Sst~ate J~e ~0~ l_ ~ J~e 30~ !9~ B~ B~ard EId~END I TUPg. E STllIATES 1,2)0.00 1,250.00 450.00 2,950.00 1~050.00 -0- 200.~0 1,050.00 -0- 200.~0 ~, 300.00 -0- lfO~0 Y -o- 35o.~)o 2,400.00 Increase Over Deoreas, Year Ending Year Ei ~45 June. 30 YEAR EMDIN. G~JU~ 30, 19~_6 Year Ending Proposed June 30, 194~ Expenditure YEAR ENDED JUNE %0. 1944 OF ITEI~ Appropriation~enditure ~riation ~ool 3 21.43 -0- 357.14 300.00 3 21.43 335.09 357. t4 300. O0 321.43 307 · 70~ 35? · 14 300 · 00 45o.oo -0- 45o.0o 300.o0 School 3 21.42 194.49 357 · 15 300.00 3 21.43 181.17 35 ? · 15 300.00 o 1 321.43 380.55 35 7. !4 3 O0. O0 ;cho o 1 3 21.4~ 74. O0 ~ 57 .i4 300.00 2,700.00 1,473.00 2,950.00 2,400.00 -o- 37 -0- 571 -o- l~O -o- ~7 -o- 37. -0- 57. -o- , ~ -o- 55o. The Board proceeded to lay the County Levies for the Yaar 1945 and ordered that t~ Director of Finance of the County of Albemarle assess and collect on all taxable real estate and all taxable tangible personal property, including machinery and to&ls not assessed as real estate at the general reassessment of lands inl92~, used or employed in a manufacturin or mining business taxable by the State on Capital; including public service corporation property (except the rolling stock of railroads operating by steam), based upon the assess- ment fixed by the State Corporation Commission and c~rtified by it to the Board of County Supervisors both as to location and valuation. For General County Purposes, Twenty-five cents ($0.2~) on every One Hundred Dollar~ worth of said property. For Operation of School purposes and School Debt Purposes, One Dollar and Ten Cents ($1.10) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said Property. For interest and Sinking Fund for District Road Bonds, the Director of Finance shall levy and collect on all of said property as follows to-wit: (1) In the ivy District Thirty-five ($0.3~) on every One Hundred Under ~ding AlloWed 1945 By Board_ )0 ~4 ~4 )0 (3) In the Samuel ~iller District Seventy-five Cents ($0.7~) on every 99 One Hundred Dollars worth of said property. (¢) In the Scottsville District Eighty-five Cents ($0o8~) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said property. (~) In the White Hall District Sixty Cents ~0.60) on every One Hun- dred Dollars worth of said property. For Operating Expenses in the Crozet Fire District, Ten Cents ~.0.10) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said property. The following reports were presented and ordered filed: County Executive.~ (b) Game Warden. (c) University of Virginia Hospital. (d) Equalization Board. Mr. H. A. F~den, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the De- Partment of Finance for the month of February, 19~, one-third o'f which to be borne by the State. proved° Upon motion, ~ulymade and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and ap- Nr. H. A. Haden~ Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's Office for the month of February, 19¢5, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined verified, and ap- proved. ~r. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Commonwealth's Attorney's Office for the month of February, 199~ one-half of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion~ duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. A Statement of the Cost of Maintenance of Prisoners confined in the County Jail ~uring the month of February, 194~, was submitted, Upon motion, duly made and seconded, thi~ Statement was examined, verified, and approved. A Summary Statement of Prisoner Days served in the County Jail during the month of February, 199~, was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this statement was examined, verified, and approved. Claim of R. T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, amounting to $5.00~ was presented and approved for payment° The Commonwealth's Attorney reported that Dr. M. L~ Rea was appointed Jail Physician in 1908 and Dr. R. T. Ergenbright was appointed his assistant in 1929. The Co~nonwealth's Attorney was requested to contact Dr. Rea concerning his status as Jail Physician. A Communication was received from Mr. George Gilmer, Attorney, concerning the erroneous assessment of certain land in Albemarle County. Upon motion, duly made and second~d, the following Resolution was unanimously adopted. WHEREAS, Nr. George Gilmer, Attorney~ who has been em~ ployed to collect delinquent land taxes, has recommended that the following parcel~ of land be deleted from the County's Tax Rolls due to the fact that in hi~ opinion the land is erroneously assessed: Tax Year N~m_ ~ e ~Ac~r~ea~e~ District !93~-3¢ Henry Harris, Jr. ~ 3/4 Scottsville NOlV, T~REFORE, BE IT RESOLI~D by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that th&separceti~e con~ sidered as erroneous assessment on the basis of ~r. Gilmer's re= port and no further efforts be made to collect the taxes on same. The County Executive recommended that the appropriation made for the Albemarle Tuberculosis Association be made at the beginning of the year to avoid undue bookkeepin~ Upon motion~ duly made and seconded, this was ordered done~ A letter from the President o£~the Crozet Lions Club inviting the members of the Board to attend a meeting of the Club within the near future was presented. It was unani~ mously agreed that the entire membership would attend the meeting of April 23rd. The following resolution was'unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOL~D by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe- marle County that the Honorable John S. Battle, Honorable E. O. Nc- Cue~ Jr. and Honorable Allen K. Randolph, be and they are requested to use their efforts, at the Special Session of the Legislature now in session, to have enacted into law a bill entitled~ "A bill to authorize a Co_kmty operating under the Emecutive form Of government to assume indebtedness of i~s magisterial districts." etc in the form in which this bill has been approved by Eessrs. Wood~ Hoffman~ King and Dawson~ bonding attorneys~ and a copy of which h~s been submitted at this meeting of the Board° Cl~im~ against the County e~ounting to $$7~196.68 were pre~ented~ examined, and allowed ~nd ordered certified to the Director of Fina_uce for payment ~nd charged against the following fumds~ General Fund School F~ud Dog Tax Fund Crozet Fire District Fund National Defense Training Fund Hoad Debt: Ivy District Rivanna District White Hall District ?1~?~ 34.6~ 625,oo 400.00 Commonwoalth of Virginia Currer~t Credit .......... "'~' ~' ;: .,' . ,'...~.:.. ,...".'..... Upon motion.~ the meeting ad~$urned. Chairman.