HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945-05-16The following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, ~r. R. C~ Ambler has presented to thi~ Board the Budget for the Secondary System of Highways in this Co~mty for the year beginning July l, 19~ lqO~7~ 'I~IE~F0~ BE IT B~SOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle Co~mty, Virginia, that the Budge~ of the Secondary System of Highways as prosented by ~ro R. C. Ambler, Resident Engineer~ be and the same is hereby approved. BE IT FDYqT?~R BESOLVED that the recommendation of the Resi- dent Engineer of a rate of ~aintenance of $10~.00 per mile for the Secondary goads be and the same is here~y approved~ Upon motion, the meetLng adjourned. ~.~~~~ _. ~ C HAIBf~iAN A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County~ Virgini~ was held at the Office Building of said County on the 16th day of May, 1~45. Present: Messrs. P. H. Gentry~ E. J. Ballard, To E. Bruce, Henry Chiles~ C. Pur- c&li McCue, and ~. W. ~ood. Absent: None. proved. Officers present: Co~unty Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. Ninutes of the meetings of April 18th, May ~rd, and May 8th~ were read and a~m The follow~ug reports were presented and ordered filed: (a) County Executive. (b) Game ~arden. University of Virginia Hospital. (d) District Home Board. Mr. H. A. Fmden, Direct~ of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses cT the Department of Finance for the month of April, one-third of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this statement was examined, verified, and approved. Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's Office for the month of April, t~o-thirds of ~ich to be borne by the State. Upo~ motion, duly made and seconded~ this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Commonwealth's attorney's Office for the month of April, one - half of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion~ duly made and seconded, this Statement was exs$ined, verified, and approved. A Statement of the Cost of maintenance of prisoners confined in the County Jail during the month of April, 194~, was submitted. Upon motion~ duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. A Summary Statement of Prisoner Days served in the County Jail during the month of April~ 1~5~ was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this ~tatement was examine verified, and approved. Claim of Dr. R. T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, amounting to ~2.00 was presented and approved for Daymsnt. Claim was presented for expenses of election of delegates to the Constitutional Convention. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Claim was examined, verified, s~ud proved. Communication was received~e~mL. Valentine Scherr, Supervising Engineer for Defense Plant Corporation, concerning road leading to ~he plant and a sidewalk alon~ Plan~ tation Lane° The County Executive was instructed to informer. Scherr that the matter has been referred~ to the Department of Highways. A communication was received from Ero Louis~ Chauvenet inviting the Board to attenE a memorial service for the men and women of Charlottesville and Albemarle County who have ~made the supreme sacrifice in World War II, on Nay 20, 1945 at 3:30 P. N. Communication was received from R. Belle Burke, District Home Demonstration Agent,i! concerning salaries of the County Home demonstration Agents. Upon motion~ duly made ~d seconded~ the following resolution was tu~ani~ously adopted: ~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe- marle County, Virginia, that the budget for the year ending June ~0, 1~$6 be am~ended as follows: ll-ll8 Advancement Agriculture & Home Economics: Nfs. Ruth Burruss Huff from ~l,100 to ~1~200. ~iss Isabella Price from $ ~00 to $1,000. Report fro~ the State Board of Corrections concerning commitments to County and City Jails was pre,anted and ordered filed. Commtuuications ~ere received from Er. George Gilmer and Nr. C. H. Shapleigh con- cerning the erroneous assessment of certain land in Albemarle County. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Whereas, ~r. George Gilmer and Er. C~ H. Shapleigh have recommended that the following parcels of land be deleted from the County's Tax Rolls due to the fact that in their opinion the land is erroneously~assessed: Tax Yea~ r Nam~e~ ~ District 1923-t945 R. N.. Chiidress 36 1923-194~ Elizabeth Morris 25 1924-1945 Sallie James 1 I~23-1~¢~ S. ¢. Ladd ~.30 i923-194~ Ro George and L. Rogers 28~ 1923-194% ~artha Staples .%0 1923-1945 Annie G'. ~orris 59.?5 1923-1945 J. L. ~oon 23.~0 1923-19¢5 J. L. ~oon 63.95 1923-1945 T. T. & Po P. Gantt 76 1923-194~ Amanda J. Via 100 Scottsville Samuel ~il!er Rivanna Rivanna White Hall Scottsville Scottsville Sdottsville Scottsville Scottsville White Hall NOW, TP~P~FORE, BE IT P~SOLVED by the Board~of County Supervisors of Albemarle County~ Virginia, that these parcels of l~nd be considered as erroneous assessments on the basis of Er. Gi~umer's and ~r. Shapleigh's reports and no further efforts be made to collect the taxes on same. Communication was received from C. S. Eullen, Chief Engineer of the Department of Highways, and the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe- marie County~ Virginia~ that the State Highway Oo~ission be and is hereby requested to make the following changes in the Highway System of Albemar~ls Comuty ~ue to the relocation of Route 250 - Pro~ect ?22-A~-D - shown on plan ~repared by the Division of Location and Design, dated January 20, 19~5: Sections one and two abandoned. Sectionsthree added to the Secondary System. Upon motion by Mr. O. Surcell McCue, the County Executive was authorized to ploy T. Coleman Andrews & Company to audit the acgounts of the County for the past year. A resolution prepared by the Lions 01ub of Crozet concerning the Crozet water supply was presented. Following a discussion of the matter, the Chairman appointed Er. C. Purcell ~cCue and ~r. Henry Chiles to serve on a committee with three citizens of Crozet to be appointed by the President of the Lions Club and instructed them to consider the matSer thoroughly and report back to this Board. Claims against the CoUnty amommting to $21,379.98 were presented, examined, and allowed and ordered certified to the D~rector of Finance for payment and cha~ged against the following funds: General Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fumd Crozet Fire District Fumd McIntire Trust FUnd National Defense Tr~st Fund Road Debt Fund: Rivanna Samuel Miller Commonwealth of Virginia Current CreditAccount $10,441.38 ?,640.81 157.98 35.30 1,205.32 7,04~ 250.00 625 ~ 00 $21 ,379.98 Upon motim, the meeting adjouned. _.Chairman