HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945-09-19 Communications were received from ~r. George Gi~mer concerning suits filed against Walter Thomas and Susan Ann Via erroneously which communications were approved and ordered filed. A report was received from Nrc C. H.. Shapleigh concerning an erroneouse assessment of 61,2 acres of land in the name of William Harding. The Board requested that this report be referred to ~. George Gilmer for further study and investigation. Nr~ H. G~ Cockrell called the Board's attention to the fact that an appropriation of approximately $15~O.00 was necessary to pay for new copies of Registration Books, ~pon motion, duly made and seconded~ an appropriation was made for $1,500,00 e~ as much thereof as may be necessary. A communication was received From ~r. Daley Craig, Secretary-Treasurer of the District Home Board, concerning the resignation of ~r~ and Ers° Naylor, Each member was re~i~ quested to keep this matter in mind and the County Executiv~ was instructed to make the matter public~ of $118,11~ Zu offer/was received from Jesse G, Powell for appro×imat&ly seven ~7) acres of land in the Rivanna District, Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this offer was accepted~ Communications From W~&ter, Woody & Heimerdinger concerning refund of bonds were presented and action was deferred until a later~dzte~ Communication was received from Wiley and Wilson, Consulting Engineers, advising that they would be unable to undertake ~ny more work for three or four months. The County Executive was instructed to write Wiley ~ Wilson and ask that the County be placed on their list for future contracts, A communication and report of Clerk~s Fees, Expenses, etc. was received from ~r, E. R~ Combs, Chairman of the Compensation Board~ and the r~port was ordered published once a week for two weeks in the Scottsville News Paper~ Notice from Virginia Stage Lines, .Incorporated was presented and ordered filed. Acommumication was received from Irving W. Hadsell concerning post-w~r construction and the matter was referred~to the Planning Commission~ Upon motion~ duly made and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors o~ Albe- marle County that a petition to be signed by at !east a majority of this Board shall be presented to the Circuit Cou~t of Albemarle County praying that an order be made by said Court requiring the judges of election at the next regular election~ the first Tuesday in November~ 1945~ to open a poll and take the sense of the qualified rotors of the County upon the question of whether the County shall ass~ume the road indebtedness of Samuel Miller and ScottsvilleDistrictso Claims a~ainst the County amounting to ~31,.793.23 were~presented, examinad~ and ~! allowed and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for pa~unent and charged against the.~ following funds: General Fund ~9,405,07 School Fund 21,415,61 Dog Fund 320,6~ Crozet Fire Dist~ Fund 8~75 National Defense Training Fuud 200~00 Accoun~.~_~. Co~ of Va, Current Credit ~ ~3!~793,53 Upon moticn~ the meeting adjourned. , Chairman A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County~ Virginia~ was held at the Office Building of said County on the 19th day of September~ 1945. N~ssrs P~ H. Gentry, E. J. Ballard, Henry Chiles, C. Purcell ~lcCue, and Present Absent: Mr. T. E. Bruce Officers present: County ~xecutive~ Commonwe&lth~s Attorney~ and Sheriff~ Minutes of the Meeting of August 15, 1945~ were read and approved. The following reports were presented and ordered filed: (a) County Executive. (b) University of Virginia Hospital. (c) Game Warden. (d) District Home Board. Mr. H. G~ Cockrell, Director of Finance~ submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Department of Finance for the month of Augmst~ one-third of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. ~r~ ~ ~. Cock~eil~ Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's OffL~ for the month of August, two~thirds of which to be borne by the State~ Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, vsr~ied~ and approved. Mr~ H~ Go Cockrell, Directo~ of Finance~ s~fomitted a Statement of Expenses of the Commonwealth's Attorney's Office for the month of August~ one-half of which to be borne by the State~ Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined~ verified, and approved, A Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of prisoners co~ined in the County Jail during the month of August was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded~ this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. A Summary Statement of Prisoner Days was presented. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined~ verified~ and approved. Claim of Dr. Richard T, Ergenbright, Jail Physician, for services rendered at County Jail for the Month of August, 1945, amounting to ~1.25, was presented, and approved for payment. ~r. W, E~ B~ord appeared and asked the Board to reco~men~ the n_ghway Depar~men~ to repair Route 626 in Sout?fwest of the County near Schuyler and Howardsvi!le~ Uoon motion~ made by ~ El J~ Ballard~ seconded by h~!r. C. Purcell McCue, this reccmmendation was made A oetition was presented requesting +~ ~ t~ ~' . ~na~ o~ road east from ~zdway~be taken the Secondary System~ including approximately ~8 of a mi!e~ ~r~ MeCue ma~e a motion to take this ma~ter up at the next road Mee~zng. Mr. Bain appeared concerning the C~zet Water Supply. Upon motion~ duly maSe and seconded, Mr~ EcOue and }~r. Chiles were appointed to act for the Board in deciding whom to employ to make a pre!imina~- survey~ The School Board appeared and discussed with the Board the matter of the school program and the road indebtedness ~ . ~r. en_±es suggested that the Chairman appoint a committe to work with ~'h~ H, ~ Cock~e~l and Mr. H. ~ Haden on the road indebtedness and future tax rates and report ba~k to the Board their recommendations. ~. Gen~r~ aooointed i~r Wood and ~r. Bal!ard to semze om this com~aittee and report back at an adjourned meeting to be held at a later date. Mr. Uts and ~,~k'. Spec~ representatives of the League of Virginia Counties, appeared and aiscuss~ the matter of hiring ~fzezd man for the League and asked for at least one room in the County Office Building in the event that Charlottesvill~ was chosen as the main office The Board advised that one room would be available by November and an adjoining room would be a~ailab_e as soon as the 0.P,A vacated Comm~nication was received from ~e T~ E~ Bruce concerning the Scotts~iile Road~ (Route 20)~ Upon motio~ duly made and seconded~ the fo]~l~wing resolution was unanimously adopted ~ RESOLVED~ by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe~ mart~ Co~s~ty that the State Highway Commission be and it ~ here- by requested to make the reqmisite allocations and appropriations and to proceed as soon as possible with the co~structio~ of Virginia Frimary Highway No~ 20~ between Charlottes~i!le and ~cottsvi!te~ An offer of ~60~0 was received from John~for 2~08 acres of land near Kcs- wick and of£er of ~96~!3 was received from Ir. W. W. Wood for 4 acres of tand~ Upon metion~ duly made and seconded~ both offers were accepted. A report of the audit of accounts and records of the Department of Finance for th~ year ending June 30~ 1945, was presented and ordered filed. A co~m"~nication was received from ~r. C~ S. ~ulien~ Chief Engineer of the Depart-;i ~' ~ concerning the changes approved by the Board o£ Supervisors on ~ay i6~ ment of =zgh~ays~ anm co~nfi~ed by the Highway Go~mission on September !1~ 1945~ ~a~ was ordered ~ appropriation of ~152~00 was made to co,er the expenses of the ~nute These expenses included the cleaning of uniforms and a picnic for the members of the body. Claims against the Counvy amounting to ~47~878~42 were presented~ examined~ and~ allowed and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charge~ against the following funds; General Fu~d ~i0~273.00 School Fund 35~333~24 Dog F~d 72~49 Croze% Fire Fo_nd 96.40 National Defense Training Fund 2g~00 i~7 District Road Debt Fund ~225~00 Eivinna District ~oad De~t Fu~d 625~00 White Hall Distrcit Road Debt Fund 400~00 Commonwealth cf Va~ Gurrent Credit Aect~ ~64o2__ 9 ~47~878.42 Upon motion~ the m~eting adjourned. Chairman /