HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945-09-27SPECIAL September 27~ 1945~
An adjourned meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County~ Virgi~
Was held on this date with the ~oltow~ng members present:
Bal!ard~ T~ E~ Bruce~ Henry Chi!es~ and C~P~cell
Absent: ~. ~ W~ ~ood~
Officers present~ ~o~ty Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney~
it was called to the attention of the Board that an appropriatiom of ~662~72 was
necessary to cover the cost of the audit involved in turning the books over from the out~
going Director of Finance to the incoming Director of F~nance~ Upon mation~ duly ma~e and
seconded~ ~662~72 was appropriated for the purpose~
Upon motion~ duly made and secor~d~ ~2~00 was also appropriated for the County
and. City Food Bar~.
The matter o~ the ~road' _~debteaness wa~ discussed at, some length but no action was
taken. Action on this matter w~s defer~ed~until a later date~
Upon motion~ the meeting adjourned~
October 2~ 1945
Pursuant to the fo!l~ing wa~ver~ the members of the Board o? County Supervisors
of Albemarle County~ Virgin±a~ met in special session on this date with the following mem~
bets vresent: ~ssrs~ E~ J~ Bai!ard~ ?~ E. B~uce~ Henry Chi!es~ P~ H~ Gentry~ C. Purcell
~cCue~ and W~ W~ ~ood~
We the undersigned members o£ the Board of County Super-
visors of ' ~
~!oemar~e Cotmty'~ Virginia~ do hereby waive notice and
service of notice of a Special Nesting of the Board of County Sumer~
visors cf Albemarle County to be held at e~oho o'clock P.. ~7. on the
2nd day cf October~ !9~ in the Co~Anty Office Bu~iding~ on Court
charlottesville Virginia~ for the prupose of considering
Square~ ~
further the existing road indebtedness of the several DiStricts of the
County~ the bonds therefore presently ~o matu~e~ the payment or re-
fm~ding of Such road indebtedness~ the'school program in relation
thereto~ and all other things incident or related to the subjects
mentioned that rm y properly come before said ~eeting.
Given under our hands this 2nd day of October~ 1945.
W~ Warren Wood
E~ J. Ballard
T~ E. Bruce
P. H. Gentr~
C. Purcell McCue
~ter considerable discussion~ the following resolution~ offered by ~ Henry
Chi!es~ seconded by,!Ir. C~ ~urcell McCue~ was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Count~ Supervisors of
Albemarle County that in the opinion of the Board if the Oou~nty
assumes the road indebtedness of Samuel ~ilier and Scottsvilie /
Districts~ as the ~esult of election tc be held November 6th~
the indebtedness ~ss~mmed can be discharge~ with an increas~oover
present tax rates not exceeding 20¢ per hundred do!la~s of