HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945-10-022O September 27~ 1945~ An adjourned meeting of the Board of County Su-oervisors of Albemarle County. Virgi~ia~ Was held on this date with the following members present: Messrs. P~ H~ Gemtry~ E~ J~ Ballard~ T. E. Bruce~ Henry Chi!es~ and C~Pu~ceil McCue~ Absent: ~'~ W~ W~ Wood~ : ~ Officers present ~o~u~y Executive and Commonwealth's it was called to the attention of the Board that an appropriation of $662~72 was necessary to cover the cost of the audit involved in turning the books over from tho out- going Director of Finance to the incoming Director of Finance~ Uoon mction~ duly maSe and seconded~ ~662~72 was appropriated for the purpose. Upon motion~ duly made and second~d, ~22.00 was also appropriated for the County and City Food Ba~2~ ~ ~ ~. discussed at, some length but no action was The matter of the ~oad' _ndebteaness was t~en. Action on this matter w~s deferred_until a later, date. Upon motion~ the meeting adjourned~ ~hamrman. October 2~ 1945 Pursuant to the following waiver~ the mercers of the Board o~ Co*unty Supervisors of Albemarle Countv,~ Virgin[a~ met in special session on this date wz~~'~h the following mem~ bers orssent: ~ssrs. E. J~ Bailard~ T. E. Bnuce, Henry Chiles, ~. H~ ~en~ry~ ~ ~ Co Purcell McOue~ and Y~ W. ~ood~ · ~ .... ~ned members of the Board o~ ~ount~ Supe? visors of Albemarle County~ Virginia, do hereby waive notice and service of notice of a Sp$cial ~eeting of the Board o'? ~ ~ _ ~omnvy Super~ ~isors of a_oemart~ County to be he~d at eight o~c!ock ~-~ ~;.~ on the ! ~ in .the Oounty Office Bu~iding~ on Court 2nd day of October, Square~ Char!ottesvi!le~ Virginia, for the prupose of considering further the existing road indebtedness of the several Districts of the County~ the bonds therefore ~resently ~o matu~e~ ~ ~ . ~h~ payment or ' ~ ~ ~ the school orogram in relation ftunding of Such road ~ndeb~ean~ss~ ~ne_eto, and all other things incident or related to the subjects mentioned that ~ay properly come before said hooting. Given *under our hands this 2nd day of 0ctober~ 1945~ /signed/ Warren Wood J. Baliard E, Bruce P. H. Gent~£ ...... C. Purcell }~cOue Henr,A Chiles .'After considerable discussion¢ the following resolution¢ offered by ?,~ Henry Chiles, seEonded by ~r. C~ ~urce!! EcCue, was unanimcusiy adopted: BE iT ~SOI2¢ED by the Board of County Supervisors of A~ue~a_ze Cotmty that in the opinion of the Board if 'the County assr&mos the road indebtedness of Samuel ~iller and Scottsville Districts, as the result ~=~,¢,~ tc be held Nove~?oer 6th~ the in~e~v..aness assmmed can be discharged~ with an increase,:.over present tax r.altes not exceeding 20¢ per hundred do!la~s of assessed valuation of property for a period of two years~ after which period there will be a uniform tm~ rate of ap~ proximately ~1.55 ~er hundred for the ne×t two years~ and following this 'the rate will be ypproximate!y ,1.35 ~er h~n- dred~ ~or the present services. Upon motion~ the meeting adjourned. Chai~an i2 A regular meeting cf the.Board cf-CoUnty. BuperV, isor, s. ef Albemarle ~Ceun%y, ~¥i-rgin~a, was held at the Office Build.i:~g o~:sa~d:. C.oun.ty- on~.'the..[?%h~daF.~..~eteber, t945, Present{ Messrs. P. H. Gentry, E. J. Ballard, T. E, Bruce, Henry Ch±~es, cell McOue, and W. W, Absent~ Officers present ~ County E~ee~tive~ Commonweat~h~',s ~Att~rney~- Minutes of the ~meetings~ .~f September 17, 1945, September 27, t945, .and ~eteber 2, 19~5, were read a~d~approved, o Mrs. Gordon Smith and Mrs. ~sabelle-Nunnatty, ~representi~ng~he C.eunty Planning ICommission, appeared and reqaested an appropriation' of:$1,5OO.O0-t~-~cover t~he.cost, of-z~ning ~in Albemarle County, a project of the- Planning-Comm~s,s~-ono .Upon-motion, ~Chiles and seconded by Mr. C. Parcel MC~Ue, $1,500o00 or as. much thereof as..may~be, necessary~ was appropriated for this: purpose. Mr. R. C. A~bler .appeared~ .and- presented...a~ map ~shew[~g the Fe~era'l Aid to .the i Secondary System'of Highways. Upon motion, made by Mr. T. E. Bruce .and seconded by Puecell McCue, the following resg[~tien.-~as-~-~nan~eusty BE IT RESOLVED ~y the~B~ard ..~-County Superwisers of Albemarle County,-Virginia, that the Federal Aid to-the. Seo~nd~ary- System of H£ghways ~as. presented to. %hfs Beard :~y Mr. R. C, ~Am~ler, Resident Engi~meer cf the,.~Departme:nt of. H~ghways,, .be ~and the,same is hereby-, accepted. Mr~-R° C. Ambler also presented the final B~get for the Secondary System. Upon motion, made by Mr. McCue and seconded by Mr. Wood, the folt'ow~ng ~eso[ution..~was u~an~mousty adopted ~ BE IT RESOLVED by-the~:Board~ ~of-.' Oeunty Superv~sors- Albemarle County-, Virginia, that, the finat'.Budget f.or- Secondary System for the year ending ~June ~.~, 19~6~--a~ pre-- sented to t'his B~ard by Mr. Ro C. Ambler, -Ee~ sident· Ember of the Department-.of Highways, be an~ the .same ~s..~he~eby adopted. The following -reportw-were- pres~ent-ed :'and :ordered flied: (a) County Executive. (b) Game Warden. (c-) University-of ¥irginia~ ~sp-~tal. Mr. H. Go Coekrell, Director of-Finance, submitted a Statement cf.Ex~enses..-..of. ~epartment of-F~nance for the month of~ Sept:ember~-19~5, ,one-th~rd-~.ef which 'to-be.$erne~.~by~ the. ~tate, Upon motion., duly made and--seconded, this Statement was examined-verified.-and apprevedi~ Mr. H. G. Cockrell, Director~ of Finance, submitted~ a Statement-of ~Expenses of~ theii her.~f's Office for the month of September, 1945, .two-thirds .of which