HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945-10-17assessed va!matiom of property for a period of two years~ after which ~eriod there will be a uniform tax rate of ap- pro×imately ~1:55 per hmuared for the ne×t two years~ and following-this the rate will be yppro~imate!y ~!,35 oer. hun~ dred~ for the present services~ Upon motion~ the meeting adjourned. C~a~rman was held at the Office Buitdi.ng of said-- Count~-on~-'the.~Tth~day:-~e~'.~eteber, Pre~ent,. ~esars. P. H. -Gentry, E. J. Ballard, To E. Bruce, Henry Chiles, ~C. Pur- cell ~cCue, and W. W. Absent~ Office~s present~' County Exec~tive~ C~a~th,',s.~Att~rney,, Minutes of ~he meetings-cf September 17, 1945, September 2, 1945, were read andappreved-. Mrs. Gordon Smith -and Mrs, ~sabelle ~l~unna-lty, .represen%~ng ~he O~un~y "Planning i Commission, appeared and requested an appropriation off$t,500.00 t~ .cover'~he.c,os.t-of zoning in Albemarle County, a project of the Planning Chiles and seconded by Mr. C. Parcel Mc6ue, $1,500,00 or asmuch thereoff as~-may~be- necessary~: was appropriated for. fbi's:- pu~pese. Mr o R. C. A~bler appeared ~and~ presented~ a~ map ~show[mg ~the Federal Aid ~t~ the · Secondary System~of Highways. Upon motion, made by Mr. T. E. Bruce .and seconded by Puecell McCue, the following res~Utionwas~Una~imeusly- ~pted. BE IT RESOL~' by'the~-B~ of County: S~perv.isors of Albemarle County, Virginia-~ that the Federal Aid t~- the Secondary System of Highways as-pres~n%ed-to' this Board :by Mr. R. C. Ambler, Resident Engineer of the--Department of' H~ghways, ..be ~and the,same is hereby-. Mr~ .R.C. Ambler also presented th® final Budget for the Secondary System. Upe~ ~ti~n, made by Mr. McCue and seconded by Mr. Wood, the folt~owing resotutien-~wa~s, unanimously A regular meeti~ of the-Beard of-CoUnty Superv~s'ors~ ef Atbema-r~e 'C~mty, ..¥t.rgin~a, BE IT RESOLVED by'~theBoard-of-'-Oounty.Supe~--¥-~sors c~ Albemarle County-, Virginia', that the f~nat, Budget Secondary System-for the. year ~ending June 3'9, 1945,'~'as pre- sented to this' B~ard by Mr. R. Co Ambler, Ees~demt~ Eug~neer of the-Department .of Highways, be-and the same is-~here~y adopted. The followim~ repor%a~were, pres'ente~'~'and ordered filed: (a) County Executive. (b) Game Warden. (c) -University' ef Virgin-ia Hospital o Mr. H. G. Coekrell, Director' of Finance, submitted-a Stateroom% ~of.F~nses:.-.cf. ~De ~artment of Finance for the month of September, 1945,-one-third'~of .which to be~b~rne,~by-the St ~te, Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was-examined .verified-and-apprcvedi~ Mr. H. G. Cockrell, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement 'of E~p. enses of' the~! h ,,r~ff's Office for the month of September, 1945, two-thirds ~.cf whO.mb .22 Mro H. G.~ Cockrelt, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement' of E~enses of the Commonwealth's Attorney's Office.flor %he month of 'September, 1945,--one-half of -wh£ch to be borne by the State. Upon motions-duly 'made and,~..seconded, 'this Statement was examined, veri- fied and approved, A Statement of Expenses incurred-tm %he' maintenance cf prisoners-confined in-the County Jail juring themonth of September-was~submitted. Upon .motionS .d~ly.made and secon~ed~ this Statement was exam-~e~-verified,' am~-approve~. A Summary Statement of Prisoner days was '.s~bmi%ted, .~Upon motion~ duly made,smd seconded, this Statement was. examined, verified, and~approved, Claim of Dr. E. T. Ergenbright, Jail PhysiCian, amountingte-$1.50, for:saUces rendered at the County Jail during the month of September , --:was 'presented.~:and-:-approved for payment. A communicatien,.concerning the space occupied by .the O.P.A. ~n the County O~fiee Building was received from the' Fe~eralWorksAgeney, an~'~as.-e~eredfited. Rev. Mason appeared and requested, the ~Cha~rman tc appoint a committee~'tc work with him and a Committee from the city on the matter of locating, financing, etc., a new Children'~ Home. Mr. Gentry appointed Mr. C. ~rcell 'McCue .and Mr. T. E.,Bru~e to serve on this committee. The annual report cf the Department of Corrections was. presented and ordered filed. A communication was received from the Federal Prison Inspector-concerning the. con- ditions of the County Jail. Mr. Gentry appointed a ccmmittee¢~nsisting of Mr. Wood a~d-Mr. Chiles to meet with ~r. Cockrell and investigate this matter and reportback a-t thenext meeting.cfthe Board. ~pon motion made by Mr. McCue and seconded by Mr. Baltard"Au Ordir~ceProhibiting The Possession of any Dynamite or Blasting Powder' or Other High Explos~ve"Wit-hin~-the County of Albemarle, Virginia, Excep$~ upon Written ~ermit from the Sheriff of Said-County.and Pre- riding Penalties for the Violation Thereof" was rescinded. A communication was received from the~Chartottes~ilteand Albemarle Community and War Fumd requesting a contributieafor the coaing year. 'Up~mme%ien~.duty:made:,and seconded, it was decided that:~the-C~unty contribute $1,200o00. A Communication was received:frOm Mr. George Gitmer, Attorney, concerning the erroneous assessment of certain land in Albemarle County~ Upon motion, duly made and seconde~ the following resoluti~nwas-u~mn~lya~op%ed: WHEREAS, Mr. George Gilmer, Attorney, who hasbeen.-emptoyed to collect delinquent land taxes,-has recommended that the following parcel of land be deleted from the County's Tax ~olls due to-the fact that in his opinionthe landis erroneousty~assessed: Tax Yea~ Name ~ Dis~r~ct 1924 William H. Wells 8 Scotteville NOW, THERE, BE IT RE SOLVED by the Board of CountySmper- visors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that this parcel of tend be ~en- sidered as erroneous assessment on the basis of Mr. Gilmer~s report and no further efforts be made tocollect the taxes on same. The Salary~ Expense request.for the Department of Finamce, the Sheriff's Office, and the Commonwealth Attorney's Office were presented and approved. Claims against the County amounting to $50,701.85 were presented, approved, and ~llowed for payment , and charged against the following funds: General Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fund National Defense Fund Crozet Eire Nist. Fun~ ~hite Hall Dist Fund Com. of Virginia Current Credit Account $12,217.8~ 37,525.47 106.72 139.1~ 12.77 400.00 · 275 °28 Dog Tax Current Credit Account 50,701.85 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. .Chairman A' regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 21st d~y of November, 1945. T. E. Bruce~ Henry Chiles, C. Pur- Present: Messrs. P. H. Gentry, E. J. Ballard, cell McCue, and W. W. Wood. Absent: None. Officers present: County Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, and Sheriff. Minutes of the meeting of October 17, 1945 were read and approved.i. The following resolutions regarding roads were_uannimously adopted: (1) WHEREAS, Mr. J. S. Wise, representing a number of families, appeared before this Board and r~quested that Route 6??, approximately 2.1 miles connecting Koute 2~0 and Route 637, be' black-topped, NOW, THEREFOHE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Super~ ~i~ors of Albemarle County, Virginia~ that the Virginia Department of HighwaFs be, and is'hereby recommended to black-top Route 677 for ap- proximately ~.l miles if and when this can be done. (2) BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of County Supervisors of Albe- marle County, Virginia, that the State Department of Highways be, an~ is hereby requested to extend Route 744 to connect with Route 250~ a distance of approximately .5 mi., and that this also be taken .int~ t~e Secondary System. Mr. Berlin Eye,~i.stridt Forester, appeared and requested the Board to employ a. 'crest Wardan to work for the County and for the Virginia~Forest Service. Upon motion made by Mr. McCue and seconded, by Mr. Chiles, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEHEAS, Mr. Berlin .E~e, District Forester, representing the Virginia Forest Service, appeared and requested the Beard to employ a Forest Warden, N~W, TH~OEE, BE IT RESOLVED, bY the Board of County Supervisors of ~bemarle. County, Virginia, that t~e Board cooperate With~the Virginia Forest Service in the employment of a year-long Chief Forest Warden at- the rate of $150.00 per month on an equ~l basis, that is the Board employ the Chief Warden for a six-~onth period an~the State Forest Service employ for a like period of each year; travel expenses to be paid by the county during one-half the year, the Forest Service to pay the travel expenses during the other half of the yaar. BE IT FUB. THERRESOLVED that the Board purchase a~-ton pickup truck or other satisfactory transportation facility at its expense, the Forest Service to equip such truck or transportation facility with adequate pumper, tahks and fire suppression to~ls satisfactory for fire suppression purposes; the Forest Service to also keep the truck repaired and in operable condition at all times. BE IT FURTHE5 RESOLVED that the County provide the employee herein pr6vided for w~th ~ .... ~ ~u~ .....