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Dog Tax Current Credit Account
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,~
was held at the Office Building of said County on the 21st d~y of November, 1945.
Present: Messrs. P. H. Gentry, E. J. Ballard, T. E. Bruce, Henry Chiles, C. Pur-
cell McCue, and Wo W. Wood.
Absent: None.
Officers present: County Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, and Sheriff.
Minutes of the meeting of October 17, 1945~were read and approved.
The following resolutions regarding roads were _uannimously adopted:
(1) WHF~REAS, Nr~ J. S. Wise, representing a number of families,
appeared-before this Board and requested that Route 677, approximately
2.1 miles connecting Route 2~0 and Route 637, be' black-topped,
NOW, THEREFOHE, BE IT RESOLVE~ by the Board of County Super-
~i~ors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Virginia Department of
Highways be, and is~hereby recommended to black-top Route 677 for ap-
proximately ~ol miles if and when this can be done.
(2) BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board OF County Supervisors of Albe-
marle County, Virginia, that the State Department of Highways be, an~
is hereby requested to extend Route 744 to connect with Route 250, a
distance of approximately .5 mi., and that this also be taken int~
t~e Secondary System.
Nr. Berlin Eye,~$isSr&dt Forester, appeared and requested the Board to employ a
iForest Wardmn to work for the County and for the Virginia~Forest Service. Upon motion made
~byMr. ~cCue and seconded, by Mr. Chiles~ the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEHEAS, Mr. Berlin E~e, District Forester, representing the Virginia
Forest Service, appeared and requested the Board to employ a Forest Warden,
NOW, THEEEEOI~E, BE IT RESOLVED, bY the Board of County Supervisors
of klbemarle County, Virginia,~that the Board cooperate with'the Virginia
Forest Service in the employment of a year-long Chief Forest Warden at-the
rate of $150.00 per month on an equ~l basis, that is the Board employ the
Chief Warden for a six-~onth period an~the State Forest Service employ for
a like period of each year; 'travel expenses to be paid by the county during
one-half the year, the Forest Service to pay the travel expenses during the
other half of the yaar.
BE IT FUR. THER RESOLVED that the Board purchase a ~-ten pickup
truck or other satisfactory transportation facility at its expense, the
Forest Service to equip such truck or transportation facility with adequate
pumper, tahks and fire suppression to~ls satisfactory for fire suppression
purposes; the Forest Service to also keep the truck repaired and in
operable condition at all times.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County provide the employee herein
BE IT FUHTHER RESOLVED that this arrangement may be terminated
by either party by giving sixty days notice to the other party
vance of the end of any given year.
The following reports were. presented and ordered filed:
(a) Gounty Executive.
(b) Game Warden.
(d) University of Virginia Hospital.
(d) District Home Board.
Mr. H. G. Cockrell, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the
Department of Finance for the month of ¥~t~ober, 19%5, one-third of which to be borne by the
State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined verified, and
Mr. H. G. Cockrell, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the
Sheriff's Office for the month of ~o~eber, 1955, twO-thirds of which to be borne by the
State. Upon m~tion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and
Mr. H. G. Cockrell, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the
Commonwealth's Attorney's Office for the month of October~ 1945, one-half of which to be
borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examinted, ve~-
fied and approved.
A Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of prisoners in the County
Jail during the month of October was submitted~ Upon motion, duly made and Seconded, this
Statement was examined, verified, and ap. proved.
A Summary Statement of Prisoner days was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and
seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved.
Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, amounting to $2.75, was
presented and allowed for payment.
A Communication was received from the Compensation Board regarding Salary and
Expenses for 19%6 for the Department of Finance and for the Sheriff's Office. Upon motion,
duly made and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle~County, Virginia~ that the Salary and Expense R~quest
Forms for the calendar year 19~6, which were prepared by ~o H. G.
Cockrell, Director of Finance, for the Department of Finance and
for the Sheriff's Office be and are hereby approved.
The following resolution was ordered spread upon the minutes of this meeting:
WHEREAS, the passing of Charles Summerville Huffman, a
Deputy Sheriff of this County since November 1st, 1919, has been
learned with genuine regret, and it is desired to record this
testimonial of his workh, both as man and as officer of the County,
BE IT RESOLVED, That in the daath of Charles Summer-
ville Huff man, the State of Virginia, as well as the County of
Albemarle~ has suffered the loss of one of its most ~rustworthy,
loyal and efficient officers. As a Deputy Sheriff of
the County for a period of twenty-six years, C. S. Huffman performed
the duties of his office with great energy, ur~flinching courage
and the utmost integrity. Genial of nature, kind in di~sposition~
he Sas possessed of strong sentiments of justice, acute perceptions
of right and wrong. His high sense of honor and justice rightly
gained and held for him the esteem and respect of all citizens of
will feel'the loss of a faithful public ~ervant, a tried and loyal
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That a copy of these resolutions
be transmitted to the family of the deceased; that a copy be pre'-
sented to the Circuit Court of Albemarle County; and a copy spread
upon the minutes of this Board.
C~mmunications were received from ~. George Gilmer~ Attorney, concerning-the
erroneous assessment of certain lands in Albemarle County. Upon-motion, duly made and
seconded, the following resolution was uaanimously adopted:
~HEREAS, Mr. George Gilmer, Attorney, who has been em-
ployed to collect delinquent land taxes, has recommended that the
following parcels of land be deleted from the County's Tax Rolls
due to the fact that in his opinion the land is erroneously
Tax Year_ Nam_ e ~crea~e
1916-1945 W. H. Harris Estate 15
1943-1945 Susan M. Via 80~
1943-1945 ~. S. Dorrier 2
1916-1945 George Washington Lewis 1
19 43-1945 George Dudley 65
1943-1945 A. Cox, Tr. for V.J. Staples ~63
1916-1945 Al~xBolling ~65
Samuel Miller
White Hall
Samuel Miller
NOW, THEB&~FORE, BE IT ~ESOLVEDby the Board of County
Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that th~eparcels of
land be considered as erroneous assessment on the basis of Mr.
Gilmer's report and no further efforts be made to collect the
taxes on same ~
Upon motion made by Mr. Henry Chiles, seconded by Mr. T. E. Brae, the following
re~olution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisora of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that the County Offic~ observ~the
following holidays:
1~ New Year's Day
2. Jefferson's Birthday
3. Memorial Day
4. Fourth of July
5. Labor Day
6~ Armistice Day
7. Thanksgiving Day
8. Christmas Day
It was brought to the attention of the Board that $300.00 was appropriated for the~
Planning Commission last year but was not used and was reverted back into the General Fund
at the end of the year. Upon motion made by Mr. ~cCue and seconded by Mr. Wood, $300.00
was appropriated for the use of the Planning Commission.
The Board's attention was called to the fact that Mildred Payne, a stenographer
in the Welfare Department, was ill and would not be able to resume her duties. Upon motion,
~duly made and seconded, Mr. Cockrell was instructed to write Miss Payne and advise her that
iher salary check would be continued fora period of time.
Upon motion, made by Mr. McCue and seconded by Mr. Ballard, the rate of ~ay of
!Personal Property Assessors was raised from $0.75 per hour to $0.80 per hour.
A Communication was received from C. G. Wuthrich concerning chickens claimed to
hsve been killed by dogs. Eince the information in the letter was incomplete, the Director
~f Finance was instructed to write to Mr. Nuthrich and action was deferred until the next
The following ~..J~der~ ~ was ordered spread upon the minutes of this meeting:
OF 1945 )
It appearing to the Court from the report of the Commissioners
of the election held on the 6th day of November, 1945, that a majority
of the qualified voters voting upon the question, "Shall the County
assume the road indebtedness of Samuel Miller and Scottsvitle Dis-
tricts?" voted in favor thereof, a duplicate of which report of said
Commissioners is filed with this order, the Court doth hereby enter
of record the result of the vote upon the question aforesaid, as cer-
tified by the report of the Commissioners aforesaid, and doth order
and require the Board of County Supervisors of the County of Albemarle
to proceed at their next meeting, or as soon thereafter as practicable,
to carry out the wishes of the voters as expressed at the said election.
And the Clerk of this Court shall certify a copy of this or-
~er to the said Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County.
(signed) Lemuel F. Smith, Judge
a Copy
(signed) Eva. N'o ~Iaupin, Clerk
An offer of $50.O0~aS received from' ~r. J. C. Morris for a tract-of land in the
Ivy District. Mr. Ballard was instructed to investigate the property and to report his
findings at the next meeting of the Board.
A Communication was received from the National Bank an~ Trust Company advising
that $200,000.00 U.S. Treasury 25 Bonds, due 6/15/54-52, Bonds Nos° 30409 and 10344 @
$190~;000~O0 each with 12/15/45 and S.C.A. ha~ been added to and become subject to the
conditions of the existing Escrow Agreement between, H. G. Cockrell, the Peoples National
Bank and the National Bank and Trust Company.
Upon motion, made by Ar. Henry Chiles~ and seconded by Mr. W. Wo Wood, the followi~
resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that H. G. Cockrell, County ~ecutive and Director of
Finance, be and is hereby authorized to lease space in the County Of-
fice Building and in the Court House and to collect renta& for same.
Communication was received from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and
ordered filed.
~ Communication concerning~ Zoning was received from the County Government Clinic
and ordered filed.
The audit of the Office of the Trial Justice for the Year ending Zune 30, 1945,
was presented and ordered filed.
A Communication from the Department of Highways concerning additions and abandon-
ments to the Secondary System, was received and ordered filed.
Claims against the County amounting to~61,666.02, were presented, approved, and
a,~A&wed for payment, and charged against the following funds:
General Fund
School F~mud
Dog Fund
Crozet Fire District Fund
National Defense Training Fund
Comm. of Va. Current 'Credit Account
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
$13 ~ 103.90
46,755 ~02
466 .O8
61,666 · 02