HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-04-17 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
was held at the Office Building of said County on tee 17th of Aoril, 1946.
Present: Messrs. P. H. Gentry, E. J. Ballard, T. E. Bruce, Henry Chiles~ C. Pur-
cell ~cOue, and W~ W. Noodo
Absenlt: None.
Officers present: County Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, and Sheriff.
~inutes of the meeting of Narch 20, 1946 were read and approved.
The following resolution, introduced by Mr Henry hlles and seconded by Mr. C.
Purcell NcCue, was unanimously adopted:
The following resolution, adopted by the County School
Board of Albemarle County, Virginia, is hereby in all respects ap-
"Be It Resolved by the County School Board of Albemarle
County, VirginiaA as follows:
(1) It is hereby determined that it is necessary t'o pur-
chase sites and to construct and to furnish and equip one white high
school building and one negro high school building; to purchase sites
and to construct and to furnish and equip three white elementary
school buildings and five negro elementary school buildings; to pur-
chase sites and to construct and %o fu=nish;andsqUipffi=~s~hite
primary School buildings; to construct addition~ to seven existing
white'elementary school buildings and to.furnish and equip the same;
and to purchase sites and erect and equip buildings for the storage,
care and repair o~ school buses; all at the expense of s&id County.
(2) It is hereby determined that it is necessary and ex-
pedient to contract a loan on the credit of the County of Albemarle
in an amount not to exceed $2,000,000 in order to carry out the pur-
poses referred to in the foregoing paragraph, and to issue School
Bonds of Albemar!a County to evidence said loan in the amount not to
exceed ~2,000,000, pursuant to Sections 673, 2738, 2739, 2740, 27~1~
and 274!b, of the Code of Virginia, which said bonds shall bear interest
at a rate not exceeding five per centum per annum, and shall matura in
such annual, or semi-annual, installments, as may hereafter be determined
by resolution of this Board, the last installment of which shall be
payable not more than thirty years f~0m the date of such bonds, provided,
however~ that at least four per centum~ of the principal amount of said
bonds shall, beginhing not later than five years after date of issue,
be payable annually, together with all due interest. A tax sufficisnt
to pay the principal and interest of said bonds as the same mature shall
be levied upon all of the property subject to taxation by said County.
(3) A Certified copy of this resolution shall be presented by
the Clerk of this Board to the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County for approval~ after which the Clerk of this Board shall present
a certified copy of this resolution, together with evidence of the ap-
proval thereof by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County
to the Judge of the Circuit Court of Albemarle Cbunty for his approval,
and the said Judge of said Circuit Court is hereby requested, if in his
judgment he sees fit to approve this resolution, to approve the proposed
loan and bond issue, to enter his approval upon the records of the Cir-
cuit Court of Albemarle County, and to make an order requiring the Judges
of Election, on a day fixed in said order not less than thirty days fDom
the date of said order, to open a ooi1 and take the sense of the quali-
fied voters of the County of Albemarle on the question whether said
School Bonds shall be issued for the purposes stated in paragraph 1 Of
this resolution.
(4) This resolution shall take effect immediately."
2. It is hereby determined that it is necessary to purchase
sites and to construct and to furnish and equip one white high sbhool
building and one negro high school buil~ing; to p~chase sites and to
construct and to furnish and equip three white elementaryschool buildings
and five negro elementary school oumldmnos; to purchase sites and to con-
strict and to furnish and equip five white primary school buildings; to
construct additions to seven existing white elementary school buildings
and to furhish and equip the same; and to purchase sites an8 erect and
equip buildings for the storage, cede and repair of school buses; all at
the expense of said County;
to contract a loan on the credit of the County of Albemarle in an
amount not to exceed $2,000,000~ in order to carry out the purpose~
referred to in the foregoing paragraph, and to issue School Bonds of
Albemarle County to evidence said loan in the amount not to exceed
~2,000,000, pursuant to Sections 673, 273~, 2739, 2740, and 27~1b,
of the Code of ~irginia, which said bonds shall bear interest at a
rate not exceeding five per centum per annum, and shall matta~e in
such annual, or semi-annual, installments, as may hereafter be
determined by resolution of the County School Board, the last
stallment of which shall be payable not~ more than thirty years from
the date of such bonds, provided, however, that at least four per
centum of the principal amount of said bonds shall, beMinning not
later than five years after date of issue, be payable annually, to-
gether with all due interest. A Tax sufficient to pay the princiMal
and interest of said bonds as the same mature shal2 be levied uoon all
of the property subject to taxation by said County.
4. The Clerk of th~s Board is hereby authorizSd to present
to t~e Judge of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia, a
co,till'ed copy of this resolution, and the Judge of said Circuit Court
is hereby requested, if in his judgment he sees fit, to approve this
resolution and said resolution of the County School Board, ~o approve
the proposed loan and bond issue, to enter his approval upon the records
of the Circuit Court and to make an order requiring the Judges of Election,
on a day fixed in his f~d order, not less than thirty days from the date
of s&id order, to open a poll and take the sense of the qualified voters
of the County of Albemarle on the question whether the said School Bonds
shall be issued for the purposes stated in paragraph 1. of this resolution.
5. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
Mr. E. J. F. Wilson of Wiley and Wilson, appeared before the Board and presented
a revised estimate on the Crozet Water Works as requested by the Board of Supervisors at a
meeting held on February 6, 1946. Mr. Ligon, the present owner of the Crozet Water Womks,
was present and offered the water works for the sum of approximately $93,000.00. After con-
sidsrable discussion, this matter was referred back to the committee, consisting of Mr.
Chiles and Mr. 2~Cue, who will meet with Mr. Wilson, Mr. E2gon, and members of the State
Water Resource to more fully ascertain the available water supply.
The following reports were presented, approved, and ordered filed:
(a) County Executive.
(b) Game Warden.
(c) University of Virginia HOspital.
Mr. H. G. Oockrell, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the
Department of Finance for the month of March, 1946, one,third of which to be borne by the
State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and
Mr. H. G. Cockrell, Director.or.Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the
Sheriff's Office for the month of ~arch, 1946, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved.
Mr. H. G. Oockrell, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the
Commonwealth Attorney's Office for the month of March, 1946, one-half of which~to be borne
by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconde~ this Statement was examin~d~'' verified,
and approved.
A Statement of Exoenses incurred in the maintenance of prisoners confined in the
County Jail during the month of ~arch, 1946, was submitted. Upon motion, du~ made and
seconded, this s~atement was examined, verified, and approved°
A Summary Statement of Prisoner Days was submitted. Upon motion, du~y made and
seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved.
The following reports of Viewers appointed at the meeting Of March 20, 1946, were
presented and a~cep~ed:~
The undersigned, Viewers appointed by your order made on the
2Otb day of March, 1946, respectively reoort that on the ~th day of
April, 1946, they viewed the Northeast end of Wilder Drive, proposed
tob~ taken for the purpose of establishing a public road, and that
your said Viewers are of the opinion that this road should be estab-
tished from the City Limits of Charlottesvil!e~for a distance of ap-
proximately 400 feet~
The undersigned Viewers are further of the opinion that the
said road should be taken into the Secondary System of Highways and
be maintained by the Department of Highways.
..... April 9, 1946 /signed/ B. D. Mawyer
Co M. Garnett~ Jr.
Henry_ McComb Bush
The undersigned, Viewers appointed by your order made on the
20th day of March, 1946, respectively report that on the 9th day of
April, 1946, they viewed Route 744 from the end of State maintenance
to the intersection of Route 250, a distance of approximately .65 mi.,
proposed to be taken for the purpose of establishing a public road, and
that your said Viewers are of the opinion that this road should be es-
The undersigned Viewers are further of the opinion that the
said road should be taken into the Secondary System of Highways and be
~aintained by the Department of Highways.
April 9, 1946. /signed/ ~er
C. ~. Garnett~Jrv
Hsnr~ NcComb Bush
The undersigned, Viewers appointed by your order made on the 20th
day of Ma~ch, 1946, respec~ive!y report that on the 9th day of April,
1946, they went upon the lands of ~rs. Loula Yancey Durrett~ pro-
posed to be taken for the p~rpose of establishing a p~otic road, and
that your said Viewers are of the opinion that there is no necessity
to establish another public road due to the fact that a public road
already exists upon an old location.
The undersigned Viewers are further of the opinion that £~ is ih~
advisable to request the State Highway Department to take and maint~
the said road in the Secondary System of Highways.
April 9~ 1946. /signed/ B. D. ~aw~Ler
Her~.NcComb Bush
A petition was presented requesting that the old county road on Route 719 beginning
about 75 yards south of J. I. Maupin's Store and extending less than .3 o~ a mile before
intersectin~ Route 719 again, be taken into the secondary system. Upon motion, made by ~r.
Wood and seconded by Mr. McCue, the followingresolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors, of Albe-
marle County, Virginia, that the State Deoartment of Highways be and
is hereby reqo~mended to take into the Secondary System the old County
Road on Route 719 beginning about 75 yards South of J. I. Maupin's
Store and extending less than .3 of a mile before intersectinE Route
719 again.
A Statement of the Allocations of the State Highway Commission for the fiscal year
1946-19~7 was~-preSentsdT'and put aside until further reports are received.
Communication from Mr. w~. E. BufS=d was pre~ented and ordered filed.
A proposal to audit the accounts of Albemarle County for the fiscal year ending
June 30k 1946 for a stum of ~750.00 was received from T. Coleman Andrews ~ Company. Upon
motion, made by Mr. McCue and seconded by Mr. Wood, this proposal was accepted.
The following persons were appointed to serve on the Albemarle County Planning
(1) Mrs. Gordon Smith, four years.
(2) Mrs. Isabelle Nunnally~ four years.
(3) Mr. Henry Haden, Dwo years.
(4) Miss ~ary Stampe Nhite, two years.
(5) Mr. Eddie Bain, two.years.
(6) Nrs. Louise Simmons~, three years.
(7) ~r. Pierson Scott, three years.
(8~ ~rs. Elizabeth Chamberlain, one year.
(9) Er. Ed Tayloe, one year.
AUbommunication was received from the League of Virginia Counties and was referred
to the Board of Public Welfare for investigation.
Clain for ducks killed by dogs was received from Mr. Robert Scully and was rejected
since ~r. Scully had no personal property assessed.
Communication was received from the International City Managers ' Association and
was ordered filed. Communication was also received from the Lumbermens Mutual $asualty
~Company and was
Claims a~ainst the County amounting to $47,354~65 were presented, examined, and
allowed and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the
following funds:
G~neral Fund
School Fund
Dog Tax Fund
· og Tax Credit Account
NcIntire Tnust Fund
Crozet Fire District F~ud
National Defense T~aining Fund
White Hall Distr~ct Road Debt Fund
Commonwealth of Va~ Current Credit Account
$ 9,436.39
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.