HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA201600003 Approval - County Zoning Map Amendment 2016-09-08 chA;rINN
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road,North Wing
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596
Phone(434)296-5832 Fax(434)972-4126
September 8, 2016
Justin Shimp, P.E.
201 E. Main St.
Charlottesville, Va. 22902
RE: ZMA201600003 Out of Bounds
Dear Mr. Shimp:
On July 13, 2016 the Board of Supervisors took action on your Zoning Map Amendment
application request to reduce cash proffer amount on TMP's 06000000006500;
060L0000501900; 060L0000502000; 060L0000502100; 060L0000502200; 060L0000502300;
060L0000502400; 060L0000502500; 060L0000502600; 060L0000502700; 060L0000502800;
060L0000502900; 060L0000503000; 060L0000503100; 060L0000503200; 060L0000503300;
060L0000503400; 060L0000503500; 060L0000503600; 060L0000503700; 060L0000503800;
060L0004A00400; 060L0004A00500; 060L0004A00600 in the Jack Jouett District. The Zoning
Map Amendment permit was denied by the Board's adoption of the attached ordinance.
If you have questions regarding the above-noted action, please contact Rebecca Ragsdale at
(434) 296-5832.
David Benish
(Acting) Director of Planning
cc: Sielewicz, Joyce W Trustee ; Joyce W Sielewicz Rev Trust
P 0 Box 572
Newport, NH. 03773-0572
ZMA 2016-00003 OUT OF BOUNDS
WHEREAS,the application to amend the proffers that were approved with ZMA 2015-00005
for Tax Map and Parcel Numbers 06000-00-00-06500;060L0-00-05-01900;060L0-00-05-02000;060L0-00-
05-02100;060L0-00-05-02200;060L0-00-05-02300;060L0-0-005-02400; 060L0-00-05-02500;060L0-00-05-
02600;060L0-00-05-02700;060L0-00-05-02800; 060L0-00-05-02900; 060L0-00-05-03000; 060L0-00-05-
03100;060L0-00-05-03200;060L0-00-05-03300; 060L0-00-05-03400; 060L0-00-05-03500; 060L0-00-05-
03600; 060L0-00-05-03700;060L0-00-05-03800; 060L0-00-4A-00400; (the"Property")is identified as ZMA
2016-00003,Out of Bounds("ZMA 2016-00003"); and
WHEREAS,ZMA 2016-00003 proposes to amend Proffer#3 to reduce the amount of cash proffered
to address the impacts from the rezoning from$20,460.51 to$4,918.00 for each single family detached unit
and from$13,913.18 to$3,845.00 for each single family attached or townhouse unit; and
WHEREAS, staff recommended approval of ZMA 2016-00003 because the applicant's requested
cash proffer amounts are consistent with the County's current Capital Improvements Program(CIP),with the
Capital Needs Assessment(CNA),and with the cash proffer amounts recommended by the Fiscal Impact
Advisory Conunittee(FIAC);and
WHEREAS,on April 26,2016, after a duly noticed public hearing,the Planning Commission
recommended denial of ZMA 2016-00003.
NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of
Albemarle,Virginia,that,upon consideration of the foregoing,the staff report prepared for ZMA 2016-00003
and all of its attachments,the information presented at the public hearing,the factors articulated by the
Planning Commission in its recommendation for denial,the material and relevant factors in County Code § 18-
33.6 and Virginia Code § 15.2-2284,the Board's repeal of the Cash Proffer Policy on June 8,2016,and
because Proffer#3 was stated by the original applicant in ZMA 2012-00003 (where the per unit cash proffer
was identified as Proffer#2)and in ZMA 2015-00005 to be reasonable and to have been voluntarily made,the
Board hereby denies ZMA 2016-00003.
* * *
I,Travis O.Morris,do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true,correct copy of an Ordinance duly
adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,by a vote of six to zero, as recorded
below,at a regular meeting held on July 13,2016.
Acting lerk,Board of County Supervisors
Aye Nay
Mr.Dill Y
Ms.Mallek Y
Ms.McKeel Y
Ms.Palmer Y
Mr.Randolph Y
Mr. Sheffield Y
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (434) 296-5823 Fax (434) 972-4126
May 3, 2016
Justin Shimp, P.E.
201 E. Main St.
Charlottesville, Va. 22902
RE: ZMA201600003 Out of Bounds
Dear Mr. Shimp:
At the Albemarle County Planning Commission meeting on April 26, 2016, a motion to
recommend approval of the above-noted petition to the Board of Supervisors failed by a 7:0
vote due to the fact that the cash proffered by the applicant and accepted by the Board when
the property was originally rezoned was consistent with the cash proffer policy and was a
reasonable condition intended to address the impacts from the rezoning.
Please be advised that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will review this petition and
receive public comment at a meeting to be determined. Any new or additional information
regarding your application must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least
seven days prior to your scheduled hearing date.
If you have any questions or comments regarding the above-noted action, please do not
hesitate to contact me.
Megan Yaniglos
Principal Planner
Planning Division
cc: Sielewicz, Joyce W Trustee ; Joyce W Sielewicz Rev Trust
P 0 Box 572
Newport, NH. 03773-0572