HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-11-20 A regular meeting 'of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, ~irginia, was held at the Office. Building of said County on the 20th day of November, 1946. Present: ~ssrs. Po H. Gentry, E. J. Ballard, T. E. Bruce, C. Purcell ~cCue, and W. N. Nood. approved. Absent: Mr. Henry Chiles. Officers present: County Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, and Sheriff. Minutes of the meetings of October 16, 1946 and November 12, 1946, were read and Mr. Lou Haden and Capt. Blair appeared concerning fire protection for the County. Mr. G~ntry appointed Mr. Bruce and Mr. Wood to serve on a committee with Mr. Haden and Capt. Blair to investigate this matter. Mr. Berlin Eye appeared concerning the full-time employment of Mr. julian Thomas as Chief Forest Warden and presented an agreement between the State Forester and the County Board of Supervisors. Upon motion, duly made a~d seconded, the following Resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe- marle County Virginia, that the following agreement be and. is hereby approved and that Mr. Gent~be and is hereby authorized to sign this agreement on behalf of the Boardm THIS AGRE~ENT made this 20th day of November, 1946,-by and between GEORGE W. DEAN, hereinafter called State Forester, party of the first part, and the BOARD OF COUNTY SUPEHVISOHS of Albemarle County, Virginia, hereinafter called the Board, party of the second part; WHEREAS, the parties hereto have mutual]y agreed to employ on an annual fu21-time basis an employee, whose title shall be Chief Fire ~arden, ~na:wh.ose~annuaI~a~ta~y~s all be $2,148,00, subject to in- creases .in salary or emoluments from time to time as prodded under State regulations, the time of such Cheif Fire Warden to be devoted to Fire Control, Forest Management and the enforcement of Game, Inland Fish and Dog Laws in the County of Albemarle, Virginia (except at such times when training work may require him to be out of the county) under the supervision of the State Forester, or his representative, and the said Board; ~HEP~EAS, it has been mutually agreed that the said State- Forester select and employ said Chief Fire Narden subject to the consent and approval of the said Board: Now therefore, this agreement witnesseth: That the State Forester agrees to pay to said employee, as his part of the annual salary, under grade III salary classification the sum of $1,128.00, with such increase in s~!ary from time to time as is pro- vided under state salary regulations, and to make such employee eligible for or subject to such benefits provided under state regulation as compensation insurance, annual and sick leave and retirement benefits, and agrees further to issue instructions, work plan~, etc., from time to time, to said Chief Fire Warden, governing the conduct of his work on fire control and timber management activities, and to provide manual training and training in- struction from time to time for greater efficiency of said employee in the prosecution of his workp And the said State Forester further agrees to provide trans- portation for said Chief Fire Warden without Cost to said Board in the form of a one-half ton pick-up truck~ to fully equip said truck with adequate fire suppression equipment, to cover said truck with license, insurance, etc., and to defray all operating and maintenance costs and expenses thereof. The Said Board agree~to appropriate and pay, toward the snnual salary of the said Chief Fire Warden the sum of $1,020.00, pa~able in monthly installments of $85.00 by check or warrant drawn to the order of Chief Fire Warden; and it is further agreed that the said annuaI appropriation of $1,020.00 by the said Board shall be payable from the maximum amount to be accumulated under or chargeable to Albemarle County as determined by the r~te of $0.01 per acre of forest lands in said County, as provided under paragraph (f) of sec- tion 541 of the Oode of Virginia, as amended; The said Board shall issue such instructions from time to time to said Chief Fire Warden touching the enforcement in said County of Albemarle of the Game, Inland Fish and Dog Laws as in the opinion of said Board may be necessary or desirable; It is further mutually agreed between the parties hereto that this agreement may be terminated at the mnd of any fiscal year, that is June 20, by the giving by one party ~o the other of notice in writing of the desire so to do at least sixty (60) days prior toJune 30 in any year. This agreement has been executed in duplicate. In witness whereof the said State Forester has hereunto af- fixed his signature and seal and the Board of County Supervisors of Albe-~ marlo County has caused its name to be hereunto signed by P. H. Gentry, its Chairman~ and its seal to be hereunto affixed and atteste8 by June T. Via, its Secretary, ~he day and year first written above. (signed) George N. Dean (SEAL) State Forester Board of County Supervisors ef Albemarle County, (signed) By: P. H. Gentry ~ Chairman Attest: (signed) June T. Via Secretary. ~r. E. H. Bain appeared concerning bonds for the Crozet Sanitary District. Gentry appointed Nr. ~cCue and Mr. Chiles on a committee to investigate this matter and re- port back at the next meeting of the Baird, IN THE NATTEH OF DISCONTINUING A PORTION OF OLD STONY POINT ROAD FRO~ ENTRANCE OF JOHN G. YANCEY, SOUTHNARD, I~ COUNTY 0FALBENARLE. The report of B. D. Nawyer, D. B. Owen and Lamed D. Randolph, three of the Viewers heretofore appointed at the October, 1946, ~eeting of this Board to view a portion of the 01d Stony Point Road from the entrance of John G. Yancey, southware approximately ~20 feet to the property line of Montague H. ~c~urdo in the County of A~bemarle, as herein specifi- cally designated, having been heretofore filed with the Clerk of this Board, it~is ORDERED that the said report be spread upon the ~inutes and the same .is accordingly done in words and figures as follows: The undersigned, Viewers appointed by your order made on the 16th day of October, 1946, respectfully repert that after viewing the old Stony Point Road from the entrance of John G. Yancey, Southward approximately 420 feet to the property lime of Montaque H. Mc~urdo, due to this having been an old ewtablished right-away, we do not feel that the same should-~be closed as it would necessitate the construction of approximately one-hal~ of a mile of road for an outlet to the McMurdo property. Therefore, our rec- comendation is that this road for the above said distance, remain open. B. D. MA~YER D. B. O~EN L~NED D. RANDOLPH" And it appearing that the notice required by law has been given~ that the State Highway Commission has been made a party to this proceeding; that the-Viewers appointed were sworn in accordance with law; and the said John G. Yancey and ~onta~ue H. ~cMurdo, landed proprietors along the road proposed to be discontinued, having appeared at this Neeting of the Board and introduced evidence touching the said report and the propriety of discontinuing that portion of 01d Stony Point Road set forth above, and the Board being of the opinion that the said road should not be discontinued, it is ORDERED that the report of the Viewers be and the same is hereby adopted, and the road aforesaid shall not be discontiued or closed as a public road. And John G. Yancey and Virginia O. Yancey, who made application for such dis- continuance, having expressed dissatisfaction with the foregoing decision of the Board of Coumty Supervisors respecting discontinuance, and having indicated his intention to appeal from said decision, ii is ~her ordered that his said dissatisfaction and intention to appe~ made a part of this record, which is accordingly done. The following reports of viewers were ~resented and approved: TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY, ViRGINIA~ The undersigned, Viewers appointed by your order made on the 16th day of October, 1946, respectively report that on the 12th day of November, 1946, they viewed the extension of Locust Grove Avenue, North- ward approximately 0.40 mi. Ne, the undersigned, do not feel-that we are justified in re- questing the Highway Department to take over this road for maintenance due to the small number of people that would be served at this time. November 12, 1946. LARNED D. RkNDOLPH D. B. O~N B. D. MANYER TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: ~he undersigned, Viewers appointed by yo~.-.order made on the lSth day of October, 1946, respectively report ~h~.tton the 12th day of November, 1946, they viewed from a point O.lO mi. of Route 250 on Route 748 to 0.20 mi, West of Route 748. Inasmuch as this road only serves one family, we do not 2.eel that it is justifiable in having this road incorporated in the Secondary System at this time. ~ovember 12, 1946. LARNED D. RANDOLPH D. B. OWEN B. D~ MAWYER TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: ~he undersigned, Viewers appointed by your order made on the 16th day of 0ctobe~ 1946, respectively report that on the 12~h day of November, 1946, they viewed the following roads and recommend their ac- ceptance into the Secondary System of Highways, as foll~s: 1 be (1) From the boat house bn Albemarle Lake, Esst a dis- tance of 0.35 mi. to the intersection of Route 675. (2) From Route 20 East 0.30 mi. to dead end - 2aulett Development. (3) From intersection of Route 13 to 0.50 mi. West to dead end. (4) From the intersection of Route 688 near Bell's Store, North 0.55 mi. (5) From the intersection of Route 719 in Alberene to 0.35 mil East of S~ump Town. (6) From the intersection of Route 719 in Alberene South- east 0.33 mi. to intersection of Route 719. (7) From the intersection of Route 616 West 0.20 mi. to the intersection of Route 250. (8) From the old Dooms Dust Bridge East 0.80 mi. to ~he intersection of Route 6 near Tilman's Store. November 12, 1946. LARNED D. RANDOLPH D. B. OWEN B. D. ~A~_ER. The Following reports were presented and ordered filed: (a) County Executive. (b) University of Virginia Hospital. (c) District Home Board. Mr. H. G. Cockrell, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Department of Finance for the month of October, ~946, one, third of which to be borne bythe i~ State. proved. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this S~atement was examined, verified, and ap~ Mr. H. G. Cockrell, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's Office for the month of October, 1946, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State. proved. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and ap- Mr. H. G. Cockrell, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Commonwealth's Attorney's Office for the month of 0ctobe~, 1946, one-half of ~hich to be borne by the gtate. Upon motion, duly made.and seconded, this statement was examinted, veri~ lied and approved. ' ~ Statement of the Expenses incurred in the maintenance of prisoners confined in the County Jail during the month of October, 1946, was submitted. Upon $otion, duly made an~ seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. ~ Summary Statement of Prisoner Days for the month of '~tober, 1946, was submitted.i Upon motion, duly made and seconded,' this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, amounting to $3.75 was pre- sented and approved for payment. A communication was received from Mr. R. Claude Graham concerning transfers from the School Fund Surplus. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was ordered that$11,800.O0 be transferred from the School Fund Surplus to the following funds: 17A-lO2a Assistant to Superintendent 17A-220c Traveling expenses of Assistant to Superintendent 17E2-215a Repair of buildings and upkeep 'of grounds 19-300 Vocational equipment 19-403 Equipment ~or buildingE 19-60lb Alterations of old buildings $2,400.00 300.00 2,000.00 2,000.00' 600.00, 4,500.00 A communication was received from Mr. Graham stating that the School Board did not intend to use the Arrowhead School any more for public school purposes. Upon motion, made by Mr. McCue and seconded by ~r. Ballard, it was ordered that this school be sold by the School Board at public auction and that Nr. J. B. Kegley be notifed that he could get the lot as agreed, previously. .17(} A communication was received from J. Gordon Bennett, Auditor of Public Accounts, advising that the bond of the Director of Finance deficient of the minimum amount required by $24,550.95. Upon motion, duly made s~ seconded, Mr. Cockrell was instructed to advise the City Mortgage and I~surance Compan~ to his bond ~to eb~ers~.~this~amount. A communication from L. J. Roper, State Health Commissioner, was presented showing the amount Of the allotment to the County for ~h~i~ospi~alization of indigent patients for the period from July 1, 1946 to January l, 1947o A report on the Crozet Water Supplywas received from Richard Nesser, Director of Sanitary Engineering. After investigating the offer of Lynwood ?ayne to buy 15 acres of land atMechums ~iver for the sum of $1~0o00, ~. Batlard recommended that this offer be accepted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this tract of land was ordered soled to ~r. Payne. An offer was received from Mr. C. V. Giannini to buy 2 4/5 acres of land in the Scottsvill& District for $65.00. Upon motion, made by Mr~ B~d6e.?~nd~econded by Mr. Ballard, this offer was accepted. After considerable discussion, motion ~as duly made and seconded, setting the satar~ of the game warden at $35.00 per month and allowing five cents per mile for travel. Communication was received from the auditor of Public Accounts approving the aidit of the accounts and records of the Dep~rtment of Finance for the fiscal year ending Ju~e 30, 1946. A letter was received from R. G. MaGruder, M.D., recommended that Mr. T. o. Scott ~e allowed a leave of absence. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, a leave of absence of one month was approved for Mr. Scott. A request was received from ~iss Graves for a leave of absence of seven weeks. Upo~ motion, duly made amd seconded, this leave was approved. Communication was received from Fred C. Kimbo and read. Claims against the County amounting to $78,887.58, were presented, examined, and ~llowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds: General Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet Distr~ct Fire Fund White Hall Road Debt Fund Commonwealth of Va. Current Credit Account Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. $12,528.47 47~56~.98 2O5.58 64J68 400~00~ 18~123.87. $78,887.58 Chairman