HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-12-18 A regular meeting of the Boazd of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at'the Office. Building of said County on the 18th day of December, 1946o Prssm~t: Messrs. P. H. Gentry, E. J. Ballard, T. E. Bruce, Henry Chiles, C. cell McOue and W. W. Wood. Absent: None. Officers present: County Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, and Deputy Sheriff. Minutes of the meeting of November 20, 1946, were read and approved. Mr. H. G. Cockrell, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Department of Finance for the month of November, 19&6, one-third of which-to be borne by the Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and-ap- State. proved. Mr. H. G. Cockrell, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of E~penses of the Sheriff's Office for the month of November, 1946, two-thirds of which to be borne by the Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and ap- State. proved. ~;Ir. H. G. Cockrell, Director of Finance, submi, tted a Statement of Expenses of the Commonwealth's Attorney's Office for the month of November, 1946, one-half of w-hich to be borne by the S~ate. Upon motion, duly made andsseeonded, this statement was examined, and approved. A Statement of the Expenses incurred in the maintenance of prisoners confined in the County Jail during the month of November, 1946, was submitted. Upon motion, duly made an$ seconded, this Statement was examined, vsrified, and approved. A Summary Statement of Prisoner Days for the month of November, 1946, was submitted~ Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and 'approved. Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenb~ight, Jail Physieian, amounting to $12..2~, was pre- sented and approved for payment. The followin~ reports ~ere presented and ordered filed: (a) County Executive. (b) University of Virginia Hospital. (c) Department of Corrections. A p~tition was presented requesting that a distance of two miles on a road leading from Lindsay Road No. 6t5 to Cobham be taken into the Secondary System. Mr. Cockrell was in- structed to acknowledge receipt of the petition and to refer the matter to Mr. Ambler. Upon motion, made by Mr. Bruce and seconded by Mr. Wood, Section 13 of the e~isting contract of the Joint Health Department between the County of Albemarle, City of Charlottes- ville, and the University of Virginia, was ammended to read az fol]~ows: "That the money appropriated for the operation of the Joint Health Department shall be budgeted to one account. Said account shall be kept ~ the office and under the supervision of the Director of Finance of Albemarle County, and an allowance of $15.00 per month shall be made for such services. Said Director of Finance shall furnish the con- tracting parties to this agreement such reports and financial statements as they may require.' Communication was received from ~¢~. E. R. ~ombs, Chairman of the Compensation Board, approving the requests for salaries and expenses of the Department of Finance, Sheriffiis Office, and Commonwealth's Attorney's office for the calendar year beginning January Claim of the Virginia Conservation Commission amounting to $55.87 was presented and approved for payment. Communication from Fred C. Kimbo was received and read. Mr. Flannagan appeared as a representative of the Crozet Lions Club and requested an appropriation of $3,0OO.O0 for a Bookmobile for Albemarle County. Upon motion made by Mr. McCue and seconded by Mr. Wood, this .matter was tabled. The following Court Order. wasapproved by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Po H. Gentry, C. Eurcell NcCue, T. E. Bruce, E. J. Ballard, W. Warren Wood and Henry Chiles. Nays: None. VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ALBEmaRLE COUNTY, AT THE REGULAttTERMTHEREOF, CONTINUED AND HELD · 0 A.~. ON THE 6TH DAY OF DECEMBER, i946: AT T~ COURT HOUSE, IN SAID COUNTY, AT 9.3 O'CLOCK, , PRESENT: LENUEL F. S~ITH, Judge. IN THE ~ATTEROF AN ELECTION TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF $250,000 WAT_~SUPPLY BONDS OF THE CROZET SANITARY DISTRICT I~~ ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA. There having been filed ~ith the Clerk of this Court an affidavit of publication of the notice of thee~ection held in The Crozet Sanitary District in Albemarle County, Virginia, on the 5th day of November, 19A6, pursuant to the order of this Court heretofore duly entered °n the 19th day °f September' 1946' as welt a~ an a~fidavit °f p°s~ing °f saidl notice of election and an abstract of the votes cast thereat dut~· certified by the Com- missioners of said election; and It appearing to this Court that all of the proceedings in connection with the calling, holding and canvassing of said election were duly and properly taken in accordance with the provisions of law pertaining thereto and that the total number of votes cast for said bond issue ~as ninety-nine and the total number of votes cast against said bond issue was eleven, and a majority of the qualified voters of said The Crozet Sanitary District having voted in favor o~ said bond issue; and It further appearing to this Court that more than thirty days have now elapsed since the holding of said election and no complaint of the qualified voters of the Crozet Sanitary District having been filed with this Court, pursuant to the provisions of Section 5 of Chapter 126 of the Acts of Assembly of Virginia of 1946, in ~ny way challenging said election; IT IS, THEREFOP~, ORDERED that the B~ar~o~¢bunt~Supervisors of Albemarle County, 'Virginia, proceed at its next meeting to carry out the wishes of the voters as ex- pressed at said election held in The Crozet Sanitary District on the 5th day of November, 1946; and IT IS FURTHE~ ORDERED that the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County shall forthwith enter this order of record, and that upon the entry thereof this order shal~ be in full force and effect, and said Clerk shall thereupon file with the Clerk of the Boa~d~' B~ County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, a copy of this order, duly certified b~ him. Dated December 6~h , 19~6. A Copy Teste: Eva W. Maupin, Clerk. LEMUEL F. SMITH Judge of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia The following resolution was introduced by C. Purcell McCue, seconded~by Henry Chiles and adopted by the following vote: AYES: P.H. ~entry, C. Purcell McCue, T. E. Bruce, E. J. Ballard, W.WarrenWood and Henry Chiles. NAYS: None. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1~0,000.00) OF BONDS OF THE CROZET SANITARY DISTRICT OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, TO BE KNOWN AS ~ATER SUPPLY B~)NDS. WHEREAS, the issuance of not to exceed Two Bundred and Fifty Thousand Doltar~ i($250,0OO.00)- of bonds of The Crozet Sanitary District of the County of Albemarle for the .~ ~onstruction of a water supply system in the Crozet Sanitary District, has been approved by ~' a resolution adopted by the Board of County Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia~i on the 18th day of September, 1946, and spread in ~inute Book 3, p. 159, and approved by the voters of TheCrozet Sanitary District at an election held for that purpose on November 5th, 1946, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 126 of the Acts of Assembly of Vir- ginia of 1946. NON, THEREFORE, be it resolved by The Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County: 1. There shall be issued One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00) of serial bonds of The Crozet Sanitary District of Albemarle County, to be known as Water SupMly Bonds; that said bonds be dated the 1st day of February, 1947, and ~mbe±~yfrom one (1) to One Hundred and Fifty (150) inclusive; that they be in denominations of One Thousand Dollars!i ($1,000.00) each; that said bonds and interest thereon shall be made payable, without option of prior redemption, at the office of the Director of Finance of the County of Albemarle, in the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, as follows: $5,000.00 of said issue shall mature annually on the 1st day of February in e~ch year from 1950 to 1959, both inclusive; $10,000.OO of said issue shall mature annually on the let day of February in each year from 1960 to 196~? both inclusive: All of the said bonds shall bear interest a~ a rate not exceeding six per centum per annu~, payable semi-annually, on the 1st day of February and August in each year according to the tenor of coupons for semi-annual interest paymen~to be thereto attached, the exact rate of interest to be determined by the rate named by the bid which is accepted by TheBoard of County Supervisors of Albemarle County; 2. The said bonds and coupons thereto attached shall be substantially of the fol- lowing form and tenor;*~i/~ - FOR~ OF BOND - UNITED STATES OF ANERICA STATE OF VIRGINIA THE CROZET SANITARY DISTRICT OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY WATER SUPPLY BOND No. $1,OO0.O0 The Crozet Sanitary District of Albemarie County, Virginia, promises to pay to bearer ONE THOUSANDDOLIARS in lawful money of the United States on the render of this bond, with int~m~st at the rate of__ day of , t9__, on the sur- / _per centum per annum, payable semi- annually on the 1st day of February and August in each year, on presentation of the coupons hereto attached, both principal and interest to be payable ~at~ the office of the Director of Finance of the County of Albemarle, in the City of Charlottesville, Virginia. iI This bond is one of an issue of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.OO) issued by The Crozet Sanitary Distric~ 0'f~ Albemarle County, Virginia, for the purpose of providing a water supply for said District. This Bond is issued by The Crozet Sanitary District of Albemarle County under and - .74 by virtue of, and in full conformity with and pursuant to a resolution of The Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, adopted September 18th, 19~6, and spread in Minute Book 3, P. 159, and approved by the voters of The Crozet Sanitary District at an election held for that purpose on November 5th, 19~6, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 126 of the Acts of Assembly of Virginia ~ 1946. It is hereby certified that all of the requirements o£ law have been fully com- plied with by the proper officers in issuing this bond and that the total amount of this bond and of the issue of which it forms a part does not exceed the debt limit prescribed by the Constitution or Statutes of the State of Virginia. IN 'WITNESS WHEREOF, The Board of County Supervisors~of Albemarle County, Virginia, has caused this bond to be signed by the Chairman of said Board and the Director of Finance of the County ofAlbemarle, and countersigned by the Clerk of the said Board under the seal of said Board, and the coupons hereto attached to be signed with the lithographed facsimile signature of saidDirector of Finance, all as of the first day of February, 19~7. Chairman off. he Board of County Super- visors of Albemarle County, Virginia. C cunt er s i gned: Director of Finance of the County of Albemarle. Clerk of ~he Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia. -- FORX~ OF COUPON No.__ The Crozet Sanitary District of Albemarle County, Virginia, will pay on the day of~, 19__, to the bearer hereof, at the office of the Director of Finance of the County of Albemarle, in Charlottesville, Virginia, $ ....... , being the semi-annual installment of interest on its WATER SUPPLY BOND dated February 1st, 19~7~' and numbered Director of Finance. The blanks in the above form of bond and coupon shall be filled in with the re- spective numbers, dates and amounts as set forth and provided for in paragraph 1. of this resolution. ~ 3. That the sa~d bond shall be signed by the Chairman of The Board of County Supervisors and the Director of Finance of the County of Albemarle, countersigned by the Clerk of said Board under its seal, and th~ coupons shall be authenticated by the litho- graphed facsimile of the signature of. the Director of Finance, which is hereby declared to be in all respects the equivalent of the manual signing thereto by ~aid Director of Finance. &. That the Director of Finance of the County of Albemarle be and he is hereby authorized to prepare and dispose of the issue as a whole or in installments, at par or more, any sale to be ~atified and approved by The Board of County Supervisors. 5. That the proceeds of this entire issue of said bonds shall be used exclusively for constructing a water supply system for The Crozet Sanitary District of the County of Albemarle, and the entire proceeds of the sale of said bonds shall be placed %o the credit of the Director of Finance of the said County of Albemarle, who shall disburse the same upon proper warrants for the purposes aforesaid. 6. It is hereby determined that for a period of five years from November 5th, 19&6, said $150,OOO.00 water supply bonds shall not be included in the 18% debt limitation prescribed by Section i of said Chapter 126, but from and after said perio~ ~f five years, ....... +~ o,~ ~v~t~m of said District fails %o produce suf- ficient revenue to pay for cost of operation and administration (including interest on the bonds issued therefor~ and the cost of insurance against loss by injury to persons or property, and an annual amount to be covered into sinking fund sufficient to ~ay, at or before maturity, all bonds issued on account of said system, all such bonds outstanding shall be included in determining such limitation. ~hile the said bonds or any of them shall remain outstanding or unpaid, there shall be levied and collected from the users of water from said system a water rate suf- ficient t6 provide for the payment of the principal and interest as the same becomes due and payable; and the net revenue derived from the operation of 'said water supply system Shall be set aside to pay the interest on said bonds and to create a sinking fund to redeem principal thereof at maturity; provided, however, that any part, or all of said sinking fun~, as hereafter determined by this Board, may be applied to the purchase of any of such bonds at any time, and provided further that this Boar~ shall, i~f necessary for the payment of th, interest on such bonds, or to increase the sinking fund provided th~z~for, levy an annual tax upon all the property in The Croaet Sanitary District subject to local taxation t6 pay zuch interest and to make payments into said sinking fund. 7. This resolution shall take effect immediately. Claims against the County amounting to $160,473~95 wore presented, examined, and allowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds: General Fund School Fund Dog Fund Crozet Fire Dist. Fund Road Debt Funds: Charlottesville District Ivy District Rivanna District Samuel Mil~r District Scottsville District White Hall District $ 9,275.30 45,693.13 179.15 45.10 2,650.00 1,825.00 4,600.00 4,650.00 2,600.00 1,175.00 Commonwealth of Va. Current Credit Acct.877~l.27 $160,473.95 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. ,Chairman